Nine Dragon God Emperor

Chapter 219 Luoshen Peak, Yun Zhuantian

Luoshen Peak.

The mountain peaks are beautiful and lush.

There are also waterfalls and springs, spiritual animals and birds, and ancient vines and precious medicines can be seen everywhere. In the divine light of the steaming spiritual mist, they look extremely ethereal and peaceful.

Luo Xuan took Su Chen to a bamboo forest on the mountainside.

Passing through the bamboo forest, you can see a waterfall falling from the top of the mountain, creating white waves.

In front of the waterfall, there is a bamboo house courtyard.

Because there is only one person in Luoshen Peak, Luo Xuan, there is only one other courtyard in the entire Luoshen Peak. It is backed by waterfalls and bamboo forest, facing the boundless sea of ​​clouds, and the scenery is extremely beautiful.

"Su Chen, Tiandao Sect adheres to the Tao of Wuwei, so accepting disciples all depends on fate. I, the Tiandao Sect, have the fewest disciples among the seven holy places! Plus you and me, there are only two people in Luoshen Peak. The east courtyard of this Bamboo Tower is for It’s the teacher’s residence, so you can live in the west courtyard!”

Luo Xuan smiled slightly.


Su Chen nodded.

He was slightly excited. In his previous life, he lived in the West Courtyard and spent several years of peaceful and warm time here.

"Your cultivation level has reached Wu Zunjiu.

At the peak level, you are about to break through to the King of Martial Arts. However, before you condense the martial soul, your master will give you a technique. This will maximize your potential and allow you to condense the soul of the seventh level or above! "

Luo Xuan said slowly.

This is why the Seven Martial Arts Holy Lands only accept disciples below the Martial King level.

After condensing the soul of martial arts, the path of martial arts has been determined. If you want to change the martial arts at this time, it will not be that easy.

Therefore, the true disciples of the Seven Martial Arts Holy Lands have all cultivated the real magical secrets before the Martial King Realm, and can condense the soul of the seventh level or above.

Because if the martial soul can be condensed into the seventh level, there is hope for a martial saint.

If one can condense the eighth-level soul, it is possible to break through to the Half-Step Martial Emperor.

And if the ninth grade soul is condensed, then it is the talent of the Martial Emperor.

Therefore, among the seven martial arts holy places, those who can condense the ninth-grade soul are the true genius disciples and will be fully cultivated by the sect.

However, there are very few ninth-grade souls among the seven martial arts holy places.

In the past hundred years, I have never heard of anyone condensing a ninth-grade soul.


Light flashed in Luo Xuan's palm, and a golden treasure box emerged, shining with bright divine light, and there was an inexplicable pressure permeating it.

"This is?"

Su Chen was shocked.

He already guessed what it was.

"I have discussed it with the headmaster brother. You are extremely talented physically and you seem to have the blood of a true dragon. So we have thought about it and found that this technique is the most suitable for you! However, this is the incomparable technique of our Tiandao Sect. Except for the founder of the sect, no one can comprehend the divine power!"

Luo Xuan said slowly.

"However, it is very possible for you to comprehend this supreme magical skill! If you can comprehend it, it will be a good thing for you and Tiandao Sect!"

Luo Xuan looked at Su Chen with a hint of expectation.

Then, she waved her sleeves, and the golden treasure box was opened.


hold head high!

Brilliant divine light spurted out from it, and accompanied by an ancient and mysterious dragon roar, a golden dragon seemed to emerge.

, exuding terrifying coercion.

Even Su Chen and Luo Xuan were shocked when they saw the golden dragon, and their eyes showed an extremely solemn look.

"Sure enough, it's the Yunzhuan Heavenly Book...the Nine Dragons War Technique?!"

Su Chen was shocked.

He did not expect that Luo Xuan would directly give him the Yunzhuan Book of Heaven.

You know, in the previous life, when Tiandao Sect was about to be destroyed, Luo Xuan gave him these treasures.

The supreme magical power and secret method are recorded in the Yunzhuan Book.

Once the news of the Yunzhuan Heavenly Book is leaked, not to mention the entire Eastern Wasteland, even Emperor Wu will be moved and come to snatch it in person.

"Is this the Yunzhuan Heavenly Book? Master, I'm afraid the Yunzhuan Heavenly Book is not that easy to comprehend, right?"

Su Chen's thoughts turned, but his face showed an extremely shocked look.

"You actually know the Yunzhuan Book of Heaven?"

Luo Xuan was a little surprised, but still said: "Yes, the Yunzhuan Heavenly Book is not that easy to comprehend. It requires great opportunities, great fortune, great perseverance and great wisdom. This Yunzhuan Heavenly Book has been tried by many people in the Tiandao Sect for countless years.

Tried and failed!

I brought it to you because I think you have hope, but I’m not sure! Are you willing to give it a try? "

"I do!"

Su Chen nodded.

There was a hint of expectation in his eyes.

In his previous life, the reason why he became the invincible Nine Dragons Martial Emperor was inseparable from the Yunzhuan Heavenly Book.

Su Chen understood the Nine-Dragon War Heaven Technique from it, and after being baptized by the Yunzhuan Heavenly Book, he was completely reborn, possessing supreme cultivation qualifications.

Although he is now practicing the Nine Dragons War Technique, after comprehending the Yunzhuan Heavenly Book, that kind of baptism is still the supreme blessing.

"Okay! Then you give it a try. If you can understand the Yunzhuan Heavenly Book, it will be a great thing! If you can't understand it, my teacher may choose another method for you!"

Luo Xuan nodded and handed the golden treasure box to Su Chen.

Su Chen brought the Yunzhuan Tianshu to the west courtyard of the Bamboo Tower. Looking at the scenes in his memory, Su Chen also had mixed feelings.

He suppressed his thoughts and went directly to the quiet room to retreat, preparing to study the Yunzhuan Book!

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