Nine Dragon God Emperor

Chapter 271 The mysterious ancient sacred mountain!

According to legend, the nine-tailed fox has nine lives.

The nine-tailed sky fox is an ancient divine beast with mysterious power. Each tail represents a life.

Su Chen didn't expect that Xiaobai actually saved Shen Qianxun.

He was filled with gratitude.

" not dead?"

Shen Qianxun's eyes slowly opened, and his big, smart eyes were full of confusion.

Her heart veins had been destroyed before, and the vitality in her body collapsed. Even she herself felt the threat of death, and even fell into a coma.

But he didn't expect that he would come alive at this moment!

Moreover, all the destructive aura in her body dissipated, the sun-shooting arrow also completely disappeared, and her injuries were completely healed.

"Of course you're not dead, it was Xiaobai who saved you!"

Su Chen smiled slightly and told Shen Qianxun the whole story.

"The ancient mythical beast Nine-tailed Fox? Xiaobai, thank you!"

Shen Qianxun broke away from Su Chen's arms, his face turned a little red. When he saw Xiaobai in Su Chen's arms, he felt love for him and held the little boy close to him.

Bai hugged her and said softly.

Xiaobai opened his eyes and glanced at Shen Qianxun. His furry tail brushed against Shen Qianxun's face. He lay in Shen Qianxun's arms very comfortably and continued to sleep soundly.

"It seems to like me very much?"

Shen Qianxun said with some surprise.

"It must have something to do with your physique!"

Su Chen smiled slightly.

Shen Qianxun's physique is very special, containing a strange aura of destiny, as if he is the bloodline of some earth-shattering big shot. If the power of the bloodline is completely evolved, he will become the legendary divine body of destiny!

The nine-tailed sky fox is also familiar with the power of fate. He must have sensed the aura of fate in Shen Qianxun's body, so he is so dependent on her.

"Qianxun, thank you! However, you must not be stupid in the future. If you die here, how will I explain to Uncle Linglong?"

Su Chen said seriously.

"I...I didn't think that much! You saved me before, and now I save you again, so we're even!"

Shen Qianxun's

His face turned slightly red and he said softly.

She didn't know why, but when she saw Sun Qiyang trying to kill Su Chen with his sun-shooting arrow, she rushed forward regardless of her own safety.

She always felt that there was a very familiar feeling on Su Chen's body.

It's like they've known each other for a long time.

"Hey, Master, this mountain is amazing, it actually has the aura of Shinto in it!"

At this moment, a surprised voice sounded in Su Chen's mind.

It's the dragon.

"Shinto aura?"

Su Chen's eyes flashed.

According to legend, the ancient sacred mountain was transformed from the death of an ancient god in ancient times. However, no one has discovered anything for countless years.

"That's right! This ancient sacred mountain originally looked very ordinary, but just after the catastrophe, some kind of seal seemed to be broken on the ancient sacred mountain, and a trace of the divine aura was revealed. Master, this ancient sacred mountain has a big secret!"

Demonic Dragon said extremely excitedly.

"Really? I want to see what secrets this ancient sacred mountain has!"

Su Chen's heart stirred, and he instantly activated the God of Deception.



In his eyes, there were bright golden clouds blooming, mysterious runes intertwined, and the ancient sacred mountain in front of him seemed to be a little different.

Su Chen saw that under the hard rocks of the ancient sacred mountain, there were mysterious and unpredictable sealing powers, and there was a faint golden light blooming among them.

Indeed, as the demon dragon said, just after Luo Xuan's tribulation passed through the ancient sacred mountain, the power of the tribulation seemed to have opened some kind of gap, and a kind of divine power bloomed in it.

"This ancient sacred mountain is not simple. Could it be that an ancient god is really sitting here?"

Su Chen was shocked.

Although he had been to the ancient mysterious realm in his previous life, he did not find any abnormalities in the ancient mysterious realm.

Unexpectedly, Luo Xuan would change like this after going through the tribulation here.

After Su Chen told Shen Qianxun about the changes in the ancient sacred mountain, Shen Qianxun was also shaken all over, with shock in his eyes.

"Shall we go take a look?"

Shen Qianxun asked curiously.


Su Chen nodded.

Together with Shen Qianxun, he headed towards

The ancient sacred mountain flew away.

Under the search of Po Luo Shen Tong, they found the place where the Shinto aura was leaking halfway up the mountain.

It was a huge crater, as if it had been blown out by thunder. There were subtle thunder intertwining at the bottom, and faint runes emerged.

Those runes are ancient and mysterious. Although they are a bit dim, they seem to contain some kind of truth of heaven and earth. One glance at them will make people feel refreshed.


Su Chen's eyes flashed and he punched directly.

Those runes were hit by Su Chen's punch, but not even a ripple appeared, and they remained motionless.

"With my current strength, can't I even shake these runes?"

Su Chen was shocked.

This may really be a relic left by an ancient god.

If that's the case, then they've really made a lot of money!


At this moment, Su Chen's heart moved.

The Qiankun Cauldron in his body seemed to be aware of the divine aura emanating from the runes in front of him, and it began to buzz and tremble, blooming with brilliant divine light!

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