Nine Dragon God Emperor

Chapter 2821 Changes in the divine world, old friends reunited!

In the black light group, there is a figure with white beard and hair. He looks like an immortal and quite extraordinary.

There were also many cracks on the figure, but there were far fewer cracks than Lin Ruowei, and it also looked much more solid.

That figure is none other than God Emperor Taishi!

The Taishi God Emperor was also a mentor and friend to Su Chen. His death for Su Chen was an eternal regret in Su Chen's heart.

As a Tianxin Dao beast, Feizhu can also control the power of Heavenly Dao, and told Su Chen that after entering the realm of enlightenment, if the true spirit has not been completely wiped out, it can also be collected.

The true spirit of Emperor Taishi was collected by Feizhu and handed over to Su Chen.

"After finding the Six Paths of Reincarnation Pond, Ruowei and Senior Taishi can be revived!"

Su Chen's eyes were full of excitement, and he also treasured the true spirit of the Emperor Taishi with great care.

"Ten thousand years have passed. I wonder what is going on in the God Realm now? Presumably, there shouldn't be any big changes. After all this is resolved, it's time for me to leave the universe and go to Hongmeng Realm!"

Su Chen's eyes were deep and mysterious, as if he could see through infinite time and space at a glance and projected it onto the sky above Tiandi Mountain.

During these ten thousand years, although Su Chen mainly focused on searching

Although he collected Lin Ruowei's true spirit fragments, he did not relax his cultivation. Although ten thousand years was not long, it also allowed Su Chen to stabilize his cultivation in the Tao-breaking realm.

Moreover, all the fortunes and opportunities left by Su Yuanzong to Su Chen were completely refined by Su Chen.

Today, Su Chen's body is immortal, his soul is clear, and he has condensed an immortal Tao seed. His whole person stands in the clear time, as if he is transcending all things, and has an immortal Tao charm.

Although he has just stepped into the Broken Dao Realm, he already has a somewhat invincible aura. Even the Extreme Dao Emperor's soldiers may not be able to hurt him at all.

"It's time to go back!"

Su Chen took a step forward, turned into a rainbow, and disappeared under the starry sky.

The next moment, Su Chen's figure appeared on the top of Tiandi Mountain, in front of Lingxiao Palace.

"My dear, are you back?"

Ancient God Su Chen felt something in his heart and walked out of Lingxiao Palace.

At this moment, Ancient God Su Chen looked more and more divine. The whole body was intertwined with bright lights and filled with golden clouds, like gold cast, exuding a grand Taoist charm.

At the same time, Ancient God Su Chen's body was intertwined with countless powers of faith, and those powers of faith even turned into a golden ring behind him.

"The Avenue of Faith

, the state of enlightenment? It seems that you have also gained something, and it seems to be a promising path to transcendence! "

Su Chen's eyes flashed with a hint of surprise.

He saw the current state of the ancient god Su Chen. Not only had he entered the realm of enlightenment, but more importantly, he had attained the realm of faith.

Moreover, this path seems extremely feasible.

Although the Great Way of Faith also has shortcomings, in the faith of all living beings, the shortcomings are gradually made up, and perfection is possible.

When the Dao of Faith is completely completed, Ancient God Su Chen can also transcend and enter the realm of breaking the Dao.

It’s just that this road is difficult. After all, who can unify the two worlds of gods and demons, and let all the gods and demons, all the spirits in the world, sincerely believe and be grateful, and contribute the power of faith?

It was also because Su Chen succeeded in fighting the sky, killing the culprit behind the way of heaven, reestablishing the way of heaven, reversing the destruction of the heavens and the universe, and successfully saving hundreds of millions of living beings that he was able to gain the faith of all living beings.

However, Su Chen does not need these powers of faith, as they have all been integrated into the body of the ancient god Su Chen.

"My dear, the Dao of Faith is mysterious and unfathomable. It seems not to be restricted by the Sea of ​​Chaos. If it can be completely perfected, it may be integrated into your Taoism!"

Ancient God Su Chen said.

his heart

Zhong was also looking forward to it. After all, he was Su Chen's clone, and he and Su Chen were one and the same. If he could perfect the cultivation of the Dao of Faith and integrate it into Su Chen's Tao, then Su Chen would be able to master one of the four Dao. force.

That kind of background is probably even more outrageous!

"This process will probably take a long time. Even if all sentient beings in the universe provide the power of faith, it is not easy to complete the path of faith and achieve complete perfection.

But this is a possibility. Next, I will go to Hongmeng Realm. I am afraid that you will be in charge of the heavens and the universe! "

Su Chen's eyes were shining brightly as he looked at Ancient God Su Chen and said.


Ancient God Su Chen smiled.

Soon, Li Qinghe, Shui Liuli, Zhang Guifan, Dugujue, Gongshu Qi, Ancestor Xuanyuan and Ancestor Taiyuan also noticed Su Chen's aura, and also rushed to the Lingxiao Palace.

Seeing Su Chen again, they were all extremely excited.

Over thousands of years, their cultivation levels have grown to varying degrees.

After all, they are the type of people who are closest to Su Chen. Not only have they become the masters of the day, they are blessed by the fate of heaven, and they can also be blessed by the origin of heaven.

Nowadays, their cultivation levels have almost reached

When you reach the realm of the Nine Tribulations Quasi-Emperor, you are only one step away from enlightenment.

However, they were very cautious about the realm of enlightenment and did not choose to break through. Instead, they waited for Su Chen to return to answer their questions and illuminate the next path.

"Master, I miss you so much! I heard that the culprit of Heavenly Dao was killed by you. Why don't you let me take over Heavenly Dao and become the new Heavenly Dao in the universe?"

The demon dragon licked his face and ran up to Su Chen with a flattering smile.

He also broke through to the Nine Tribulations Quasi-Emperor, and was very embarrassed at this moment. After all, he was the mount of the Emperor of Heaven. With Su Chen's rise from the Xuantian Realm, he considered himself one of the most important people in Su Chen's heart.

"Become a new way of heaven? Aren't you afraid of being slaughtered by those who come after you? Practice well, that's the right way!"

Su Chen pulled the demon dragon aside, his eyes filled with disgust.

However, his eyes fell on the two stunning figures behind the demon dragon, revealing a strange color.

The two people in front of them are both extremely beautiful and have stunning looks. The woman in the red dress is holy and noble, and the woman in the white dress is naturally charming and charming.

Su Chen felt a familiar aura from their bodies.

"Are you...the demon emperor and the nine-tailed fox?"

Su Chen asked in surprise.

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