Nine Dragon God Emperor

Chapter 2823: I don’t know how old I am when I’m drunk!

The moon is at the zenith.

On the top of Tiandi Mountain, in front of the Lingxiao Palace, the moonlight falls like water, intertwined with the strange divine haze, making this place look even more transcendent and extraordinary.

Everyone mingled and drank, enjoying all kinds of delicacies, rare and exotic fruits, and almost all drank too much.

The magic dragon was stumbling around while drinking, and he and the flying pig were hugging each other and calling themselves brothers.

Feizhu's face turned red and his eyes were blurred. He patted his chest and told the magic dragon that he would take him to the Hongmeng Realm to find the goddess there.

Su Chen also drank too much. He did not suppress it and deliberately wanted to get drunk and enjoy the hazy and tipsy state.

"Junior brother, if you go to Hongmeng Realm, can you take me with you?"

Shui Liuli stepped forward, her cheeks slightly red, but her eyes very bright, and she asked with a bit of expectation.

"I'm afraid not!"

Su Chen smiled bitterly.

He explained that the Sea of ​​Chaos is extremely dangerous, and even the Lord of Rules may fall into it. Crossing the Sea of ​​Chaos to the Hongmeng Realm is a journey of almost death.

Not to mention, the vast and boundless Hongmeng realm

Among them, there were so many powerful people that it was unimaginable that Su Chen could not protect himself, let alone others.

In fact, this time he only planned to leave with Feizhu, and everyone else stayed in the universe.

For them, staying in the universe to practice is the best and safest place.

After all, the way forward is clear, they only need to practice step by step, and by understanding the Great Way of Tianxin, they can enter the realm of enlightenment, prove the True Self, and build the supreme foundation.

"Senior Sister Shui, don't worry, after I have established a foothold in the Hongmeng Realm and rescued Ruowei, I will find a way to bring everyone to the Hongmeng Realm!"

Su Chen said seriously, he bluntly said that staying in the universe now is the safest for everyone.

"I understand, then I wish my junior brother a safe journey and a safe arrival in Hongmeng Realm. You must save Sister Ruowei!"

Shui Liuli smiled and raised her glass.

She sighed a little in her heart. She just came here with the help of alcohol. It seemed that she couldn't take care of Su Chen as she promised Lin Ruowei.

She doesn't want to be Su Chen either

It is indeed safest for Su Chen to go to Hongmeng Realm with his oil bottle.

She suppressed all her feelings in her heart, and at the same time secretly vowed to work hard to improve her cultivation, enter the Broken Dao Realm as soon as possible, and go to Hongmeng Realm to find Su Chen.

That night, everyone had a lot of thoughts and no sleep in their hearts.

On the second day, Su Chen entered the Lingxiao Realm.

The Lingxiao Realm is a world created by Su Yuanzong, and is now completely controlled by the ancient god Su Chen.

It was still the paradise-like village where Su Ling'er and Liu Hanyan lived.

"elder brother!"

After seeing Su Chen, Su Ling'er's eyes were full of surprise.

It has been gone for thousands of years.

If the ancient god Su Chen hadn't told Su Ling'er and Liu Hanyan that Su Chen was practicing in seclusion, they would have been unable to help but rush out of the Lingxiao Realm to find Su Chen.

Thousands of years have passed, and Su Ling'er has become more and more beautiful, with unparalleled elegance, an otherworldly temperament, and her cultivation has greatly increased, reaching the level of a quasi-emperor.

"Ling'er has become more and more beautiful! In these ten thousand years,

I have important things to do, so I didn’t come looking for you! "

Su Chen smiled and touched Su Ling'er's little head and explained.

"Yes, I understand! However, mother misses you very much. If she knows that you are coming, she will be very happy. I will take you to see her!"

Su Ling'er said excitedly.


Su Chen nodded and said, with a hint of sharpness in his eyes as he looked into the distant chaotic void. There seemed to be a mountain stretching for billions of miles, like a divine dragon.

That is exactly the body of Mr. Long.

Su Chen also had something to settle with Mr. Long.

With the protection of Ancient God Su Chen, even Elder Long didn't seem to have any ill intentions towards Liu Hanyan and Su Ling'er.

In a separate courtyard in the village, Su Chen saw Liu Hanyan.


Su Chen looked at the familiar figure in front of him, his heart was ups and downs, his eyes were full of excitement, and he called out softly.

"Chen'er, are you here?"

Liu Hanyan was shocked, turned around, and looked at Su Chen in front of him, also full of surprise.

Liu Han at this moment

Yan, she didn't deliberately practice it, but under the initiation from the ancient god Su Chen, she also had a cultivation level that was close to that of a quasi-emperor. She also had a long lifespan and could see for a long time.

Her temperament was still gentle, and her eyes looking at Su Chen were full of love.

"Mom, I'm back!"

Su Chen couldn't help but stepped forward and hugged Liu Hanyan, feeling the long-lost peace.

After a long time, Su Chen sat with Liu Hanyan and Su Ling'er, and Su Chen told them about Zhan Tian.

Su Chen thought about it again and again, and finally decided to tell Liu Hanyan about Su Yuanzong.

He felt that both Liu Hanyan and Su Ling'er had the right to know, although this result was difficult to accept.

"Chen'er, you don't have to worry about me! Fortunately, you are fine. As for your father, he has died in Xuantian Realm a long time ago. The Su Yuanzong you mentioned is just an enemy to you and me, and has nothing to do with us. what relationship!"

Liu Hanyan said softly, although his eyes were a little red, but his expression was firm.

Her attitude surprised even Su Chen.

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