Nine Dragon God Emperor

Chapter 2828 Chaos beast!

The central sea eye is vast and boundless.

Su Chen quickly approached the central sea eye and could feel the huge waves all around, the chaotic storm tearing everything apart, and the extremely terrifying aura fluctuations.

He activated the Tao of Chaos to the extreme. Above his head, the three-color Tao Seed bloomed with gleaming light, and scattered strands of chaotic light, enveloping Su Chen's entire body.

His whole figure seemed to be integrated with the Chaos Sea, and he looked for gaps and flew towards the central sea eye with the ups and downs of the Chaos Storm.

Su Chen could feel that the terrifying power of the Chaos Storm was enough to tear everything apart.

If Su Chen hadn't comprehended the principles of chaos, other strong men in the Tao-breaking realm would have been torn apart by the storm of chaos and turned into powder before they even entered the central sea eye.

This is a restricted area for living beings, and it is difficult for anyone except the supremely powerful to set foot in it.

Su Chen also felt extremely emotional in his heart. For countless epochs in the universe, so many extremely talented and powerful people have stepped into the sea of ​​chaos, looking for

The legendary world of Hongmeng is like a mirror, with not a single trace found.

Not to mention the Hongmeng Realm, they can't even get close to the central sea eye.

Because they are cultivating the Dao of the Empty Self, which is deficient and lacks strength, and it is difficult to comprehend the Dao of Chaos. They cannot find the Central Eye of the Sea, so they can only waste time.

Speaking of which, Su Chen is considered a lucky man.

"The ninth-level chaotic sea alone is so vast and boundless. How vast and terrifying must the ninth-level chaotic sea be? The power of the ancient God Emperor is really unimaginable!"

Su Chen was filled with admiration and expectation.

He was full of longing for the ancient God Emperor in Hongmeng Realm, and looked forward to one day being able to reach the top and touch the eternal and immortal realm.

Soon, Su Chen came to the central sea eye.

In front of you is a huge chaotic vortex, with a bright light in the center. The water waves are flowing, as bright as a mirror, and there is a mysterious power of rules entangled in it.

, making Su Chen feel a palpitating and terrifying aura.

Even though he had understood the principles of chaos, he still felt his scalp numb and a great terror coming from deep within his heart.


Su Chen gritted his teeth, and his whole body was like a chaotic light, instantly submerged into the chaotic whirlpool.

He had no choice but to enter this vortex of chaos and attack towards the eighth level of the sea of ​​chaos.

Although there will be dangers, although this is a restricted area for living beings, with only chaotic and disordered Dao fragments and chaotic storms, it is also the hope of leaving the Sea of ​​Chaos.


Su Chen felt as if there were billions of thunders exploding in his ears, and a dazzling light bloomed in front of his eyes.

Immediately afterwards, there seemed to be endless streams of light flickering all around, and time seemed to be frozen in an instant.

Su Chen entered a mysterious and unpredictable place.

There was silence.

It was difficult for Su Chen to see the scene around him, so he could only work hard to activate the Chaos Principle to the extreme, cover his whole body, and swim towards the unknown place along the torrent.

I don't know how long it took, but the scene in front of Su Chen gradually became clearer.


It was as if the void was torn apart, lightning tore through the chaos, and Su Chen's figure emerged in the vast Yang.

"Is this the eighth level of the Sea of ​​Chaos?"

There was a hint of surprise in Su Chen's eyes.

He saw that there was a chaotic sun all around, but at this moment it was extremely calm and blue. There seemed to be strands of light falling from the sky, shining in the sun, with sparkling waves and bright golden clouds.

Here, it seems that it is not as dry and chaotic as the ninth sea area, but there seems to be a faint trace of life born.

"It is indeed the eighth sea area! However, although the Chaos Sea is very calm, it may be more dangerous than the ninth sea area. There may be powerful creatures gestating here!"

Flying Pig popped its head out from Su Chen's sleeves, looked around, and then warned.


As soon as Feizhu finished speaking, the sea area in front of him suddenly exploded with huge waves and a huge black tentacle.

, exuding a cold aura, suddenly shot down towards Su Chen.

"Are there really chaotic creatures?"

Su Chen's expression changed slightly, a cold light flashed in his eyes, and he instantly rose into the air, avoiding the black tentacle.


Black tentacles, tens of thousands of feet long, fell into Wangyang, triggering a huge wave.

But at the same time, more and more black tentacles rushed out from Wang Yang, intertwining with each other, like a big black net, coming towards Su Chen.

The behemoth under Wang Yang gradually revealed the tip of the iceberg.

It was a huge squid beast with overwhelming arrogance and terrifying aura. Its eyes were like a blood moon, full of cruel and cold killing intent.

This is a genuine chaotic beast!

"Evil beast, seeking death!"

Su Chen's eyes flashed with murderous intent, a bright light bloomed in his palm, and the Junlin Sword emerged.

He raised his sword across the sky, and the blazing sword light was covered with a chaotic luster. It was extremely sharp and slashed towards the black tentacle net!

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