Nine Dragon God Emperor

Chapter 2855 Identity exposed!

"Su Chen, you are very good! Come with me, I have something to ask you!" The Lord of Ten Thousand Beasts said lightly. After that, he did not wait for Su Chen to respond, and directly waved his sleeves. A vast rule of divine light enveloped Su Chen, and the two disappeared in front of everyone at the same time. "Su Chen was taken away by the Lord of the City?" "Hiss... Su Chen has been favored by the Lord of the City. This is a step to heaven!" "That may not be the case. Maybe the Lord of the City wants to punish him?" Everyone looked at each other, and they were relieved until the pressure disappeared, and began to discuss. They were all very curious about what the Lord of Ten Thousand Beasts was going to do by taking Su Chen away. Some were envious, and some were also sneering. "Humph! What do you know? Have you heard of the name Su Chen before? With such a sensation, I can guarantee that he is a spy from other ancient cities. The Lord of the City will definitely clean up the door and tear him into pieces!" Gu Changgeng sneered. His words made everyone slightly stunned, a little surprised, but thinking about it carefully, it is not unreasonable.

The name Su Chen is too unfamiliar, they have never heard of it before, but with such a monstrous talent, it is impossible for him to be unknown.

It is very likely that he is not from the Ancient City of Ten Thousand Beasts!

"Is he a spy from other ancient cities? If so, then this person is probably dead!"

Someone sighed softly, a little regretful.

"Is this Su Chen a spy from other ancient cities?"

Ma Risheng was also a little surprised.

He had a good impression of Su Chen, after all, it was Su Chen who helped him win the bet, otherwise, he might not have won Gu Changgeng.

Gu Changgeng is the son of the Netherworld Dharma King after all, who knows if there is any back-up plan, if he loses the bet, then Ma Risheng will really become Gu Changgeng's slave.

At that time, it will be more painful than death.

"Su Chen, I hope you can be safe!"

Ma Risheng thought secretly in his heart.

After all, it was a matter of the Lord of Ten Thousand Beasts, so he could not intervene at all. He could only silently wish Su Chen nothing would happen.

In a chaotic space, ancient monuments stood between heaven and earth, exuding an ancient and vast atmosphere.

There were nine ancient monuments in total, with Tao rhyme interweaving and runes rising, but if you looked closely, they seemed a bit illusory, and you couldn't really see the contents on the monuments.

When Su Chen's figure appeared in this space, his eyes immediately showed an extremely vigilant look.

Su Chen also felt a little regretful in his heart, as he seemed to have made a big splash this time.

He never thought that he would be targeted by the Lord of Ten Thousand Beasts.

"Boy, you are not from the Ancient City of Ten Thousand Beasts, right?"

The figure of the Lord of Ten Thousand Beasts appeared in front of Su Chen, and his first sentence was like thunder, which shook Su Chen's heart.


The Lord of Ten Thousand Beasts reached out and grabbed, and the identity plate on Su Chen flew directly into the hands of the Lord of Ten Thousand Beasts.

"It's a good idea to be able to break my rules and leave your mark! But unfortunately, you are still too immature. The beastmaster is my man. If you kill him, how should I deal with you?" The Lord of Ten Thousand Beasts looked at Su Chen with a smile. His expression was indifferent. He floated in the chaotic space, wearing animal skins, with a wild aura, and looked unfathomable. Especially the pair of dark golden eyes, like the eyes of a fierce beast, which made people shudder at a glance and tremble in their hearts. Su Chen's face was slightly pale. He didn't expect that his identity was still discovered. His forged identity card could deceive the guards, but it couldn't deceive the Lord of Ten Thousand Beasts! This is a genuine Lord of Rules, with unfathomable strength, which is not something Su Chen can contend with at this moment. "Meet the great Lord of Ten Thousand Beasts. I am Su Chen, a hunter in the Chaos Sea. If it weren't for the Taoist Beast Tamer forcing me, I wouldn't have killed him. I was also trying to protect myself..."

Su Chen took a deep breath and said with a wry smile.

He told the story in detail, except for hiding his identity.

He said that he was a hunter. Hunters are people who enter the Chaos Sea to hunt beasts, but they are not certified by the eight ancient cities. Although they are extremely rare, they exist and are difficult to verify.

This set of rhetoric is very convincing.

Su Chen complained in his heart.

He never thought that the Taoist Beast Tamer would be the Lord of Ten Thousand Beasts.

This time he was self-defeating.

At the same time, he was a little nervous and was ready to fight to the death, ready to activate the King's Sword at any time.

Because he didn't think the Lord of Ten Thousand Beasts would believe him. In order to verify, the Lord of Ten Thousand Beasts would most likely search his soul.

This was something Su Chen would never accept!

The fact that he came from the ninth level of the Chaos Sea must not be known.

"So that's it! If it's really as you said, then the beastmaster's death is indeed not a pity!" The Lord of Ten Thousand Beasts nodded, his expression extremely calm. This made Su Chen a little surprised. How could the Lord of Ten Thousand Beasts believe his words so easily?

"Su Chen, I didn't expect that among the hunters, there would be a peerless genius like you. Even my disciple Ye Feng was overpowered by you. Very good! Do one thing for me. Let the past be forgotten, I can grant you the status of the Ancient City of Ten Thousand Beasts, and even accept you as my disciple, what do you think?"

The Lord of Beasts looked at Su Chen in front of him and said slowly.

"What's up?"

Su Chen was stunned for a moment and asked.

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