Nine Dragon God Emperor

Chapter 2858 Ten Thousand Beasts Treasure Pavilion!

The Ten Thousand Beasts Treasure Pavilion.

This is a huge building complex that looks like a huge ferocious beast, exuding an extremely ferocious aura.

This is a forbidden area of ​​the city lord's palace, and no one is allowed to enter without permission.

When Su Chen came to the Ten Thousand Beasts Treasure Pavilion, he could feel two obscure and unfathomable auras. They were the guardians hiding in the dark, which made Su Chen feel extremely dangerous.

That is at least a strong person at the seventh level or above, and is very likely to be the protector and Dharma king of the legendary Lord of Beasts.


At this moment, a beast roar like thunder sounded, shaking the void in all directions, making Su Chen feel severe pain in his eardrums.

A pair of eyes without any emotion opened, and fell on Su Chen's body like a blood moon. Su Chen shuddered and felt as if his whole body was frozen.

At this time, he discovered that it turned out to be a huge black snake, with a body like a mountain, coiled around the Treasure Pavilion, and the door of the Treasure Pavilion seemed to be its head.

"This Ten Thousand Beasts Treasure Pavilion is actually here

Inside the body of a giant snake? "

Su Chen couldn't help but take a breath of cold air, his eyes full of shock.

Being watched by the giant black snake, he felt his scalp numb and quickly took out the Token of Ten Thousand Beasts.

"My Excellency, Su Chen, under the orders of the Lord of the City, came to the Ten Thousand Beasts Treasure Pavilion to select Taoist techniques and Taoist elixirs!"

He lowered his head slightly.

"Come in, remember, you can only move on the first floor. If you try to break in, you will definitely die!"

An old voice sounded.

The pair of bloody eyes looked at Su Chen for a while, then slowly closed them, and the feeling of extreme danger disappeared.

Ten realms!

Su Chen's heart trembled, and he could immediately feel that the black giant snake was definitely the king of ferocious beasts comparable to the ten realms.

Who would have thought that the Lord of Beasts would actually surrender the King of Ferocious Beasts?

However, what made Su Chen a little confused was that the old voice came from the Ten Thousand Beasts Treasure Pavilion, not from the King of Ferocious Beasts. Could there be a guardian here?

Su Chen thought secretly in his heart, but on the surface he didn't

With a lively expression, he stepped into the black door and entered the mouth of the black giant snake.


He passed through a wave-like barrier, and his eyes suddenly became brighter.

An old man in black robes appeared in front of Su Chen, holding a cane. His face was wrinkled, and his body was filled with old age, as if he was going to die of old age at any time. A faint light flickered in his turbid eyes.

But for some reason, when Su Chen saw this old man in black robes, he couldn't tell that his cultivation level was just like a mortal, without any fluctuation in his cultivation level.

"Senior, on the order of the Lord of the City, I am here to obtain Taoist magic and Taoist elixirs!"

Su Chen bowed and said.

"I understand! I, Hei Yan, you are now in the belly of the Black Sky Black Snake, and your every move is under its surveillance. Don't act rashly, do you understand?"

The old man in black robe said slowly.

"Yes, thank you senior!"

Su Chen's heart moved and he nodded quickly.

For some reason, he felt a hint of concern in the voice of the old man in black robe.

Could it be

Is it his delusion?

"The ones collected on this level are all Taoist techniques and Tao elixirs below seventh grade. You have one day to choose slowly!"

Heiyan said slowly.


Su Chen bowed to Hei Yan and walked forward.

There are many bookshelves in front of you, with many jade slips placed on them. The jade slips are shining brightly, with strange forbidden barriers and various mysterious phenomena.

On some jade slips, there are real dragons entrenched, some show the scene of red birds burning the sky, there are also beasts galloping and roaring, there are also sword lights rising, and the river of knives evolves all things...

Those are all mysterious visions of Taoism, showing that these Taoisms are extremely extraordinary things.

The ten realms of Taoism correspond to the tenth level of Taoism. Taoism is the manifestation and application of Taoism, which allows Taoists to exert more powerful combat power.

Strictly speaking, Su Chen only had one Taoist technique, and that was the Dao-killing Technique.

In addition, the Chaos Dao Sutra can be regarded as a kind of Dao Sutra, and its grade is not low, at least it is a Dao Sutra of seventh grade or above.

The Dao Sutra of Chaos is enough for Su Chen to cultivate to the seventh realm or above

, or even a higher realm.

However, in Taoism, there is only the first form of Dao Killing Technique, so Su Chen's methods are still much weak.

There were thousands of Taoist techniques in front of him, which dazzled Su Chen.

This Lord of Beasts was really stingy. He was only willing to give Su Chen one Taoist technique, which made Su Chen curse in his heart.

Su Chen turned around and found that although there were many Taoist skills, most of them were about the original Taoist skills of ferocious beasts, which Su Chen was not very interested in, and the level was not high.

There are only a dozen or so real seventh-grade Taoist techniques.

Su Chen focused all his attention on these dozen or so seventh-grade Taoist techniques.

"The first Heaven-Slaying Style of the Dao-Zhan Jue contains the power of years, but it is difficult to achieve, and it focuses on speed and momentum. If I am blocked by others, I will have no means of counterattack. If I can cultivate a skill that traps people, Swordsmanship may be combined with the Heaven-Destroying Style to unleash even greater combat power!”

Su Chen thought secretly in his heart.

His eyes fell on the three Taoist arts.

Xuantian Forbidden Divine Sword!

The secret of boundless mountains and seas!

Great Brahma Sword Sutra!

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