Nine Dragon God Emperor

Chapter 2860 He comes from the universe!

Su Chen felt as if there were turbulent waves in his heart. He was so shocked that even the Lord of Beasts couldn't tell that he came from the ninth level of the chaotic sea. How could this black flame be able to break through it in one fell swoop?

Is it possible that this black flame is stronger than the Lord of Beasts?


Although Hei Yan's cultivation level was unfathomable and Su Chen couldn't see it, he clearly felt that he should still be within the realm of the great avenue and had not broken through to the Lord of Rules.

His cultivation level is not as good as that of the Lord of Beasts, but he has revealed Su Chen's origin. Could it be that this old guy is deceiving him?

Su Chen's thoughts were swirling in his mind, but on the surface he remained calm. He slowly turned around, smiled calmly at Hei Yan and said, "Hei Lao is joking, in the ninth level of the chaotic sea, it is difficult for all the Lords of Rules to find it. Mi Di, how did I come from there?”

"You don't have to be nervous! Although this is the belly of the Black Sky Black Snake, it is shrouded by my Dao domain. No one will eavesdrop on our conversation, not even the Lord of Beasts can do it!"

Hei Yan's eyes were cloudy and deep, and he smiled calmly.

"What does Mr. Hei mean by this?"

Su Chenyi

He always pretended to be confused.

"Little guy, you are really cautious! Don't worry, the reason why I know you come from the ninth level of chaotic sea is because you and I are from the same place, and I also come from the universe!"

Hei Yan said slowly, with a trace of nostalgia in his eyes.

Su Chen's eyes suddenly became bright and sharp. He pondered for a moment and said, "Hei Lao, you said you come from the universe? What evidence is there?"

"It's very simple. You should recognize this thing, right?"

Hei Yan chuckled, and then a light flashed in his palm, and a black mountain peak appeared. It looked small and exquisite, exuding a simple and vast aura, which was extremely mysterious.

This black mountain peak seems to have been refined into a treasure, but it still cannot hide the grand and mysterious aura of heaven within it.

It is the unique breath coming from the heavens and the universe!

"Senior, are you really from the universe?"

Seeing this black mountain peak, Su Chen couldn't bear it anymore, his eyes were full of excitement.

He didn't at all

I thought that in this ancient city of beasts, I would meet old friends from all over the universe.

"That's right, I come from the Universe of All Heavens. In the Universe of All Heavens, I have the title of Black Emperor. I attained enlightenment in the Age of Mythology. At the end of the war between gods and demons, I left the Universe of All Heavens and explored the Sea of ​​Chaos to find the way to Hong Kong. The road to the Mongolian border!

However, what I practiced was not the true Tao. The illusory Tao made it impossible for me to escape the confinement of the ninth level of the chaotic sea. Later, by chance, I encountered the corpse of the King of Ferocious Beasts and refined it. The Dao elixir of the King of Fierce Beasts complemented his own Dao principles and allowed him to embark on the path to the true self.

After I truly transcended and broke through to the four realms, it took me tens of millions of years to find the Eye of the Sea and leave the ninth level of the chaotic sea..."

Hei Yan sighed softly.

He recounted his experience.

After hearing the words "Black Emperor", Su Chen couldn't help but feel a shock all over, and a turmoil arose in his heart.

The black flame in front of me is actually the Black Emperor?

The Black Emperor is definitely one of the most dazzling existences in the universe.

, even after countless epochs, there are still legends left.

According to legend, the Black Emperor was one of the most powerful men in the mythical age. After experiencing the war between gods and demons, he once wanted to create a new order in the heavens and the universe, established the ancient kingdom of God, and even protected the human race.

Although he was a powerful innate god and demon, he had a compassionate heart and could not bear the raging killings and chaos in the world, so he used his great supernatural powers to suppress many gods and demons, and created a period of peace in the later period of the mythical age.

But the ancient divine kingdom he founded soon fell apart. It is said that the Black Emperor also fell and was killed by the innate gods and demons, and the universe fell into chaos again.

The Black Emperor cultivates the path of darkness. Many people in the demon world regard the Black Emperor as the ancestor of the demon world. They even want to unify the divine world and re-establish the ancient divine kingdom.

Su Chen didn't expect that such a legendary figure would not die, but would be met in the Ancient City of Ten Thousand Beasts?

Su Chen eagerly wanted to know what the Black Emperor had experienced.

Following Black Emperor's narration, Su Chen understood

Come here, it turns out that after the Black Emperor left the ninth level of chaotic sea, he encountered a fatal catastrophe in the eighth level of chaotic sea, and even almost died. Later, he slept for countless years before gradually recovering from his injuries, and his cultivation level continued to improve. promote.

But the eighth-level chaotic sea area is too dangerous. There is the King of Ferocious Beasts blocking the way, countless chaotic beasts are fighting endlessly, and there are also terrible chaos storms. The Black Emperor cannot leave the eighth-level chaotic sea area and go to Hongmeng Realm.

Until the Lord of the Eight Rules came to the Sea of ​​Chaos, especially the Lord of Ten Thousand Beasts, who practiced the Rules of Ten Thousand Beasts, and was able to restrain countless ferocious beasts in the Sea of ​​Chaos, and even be able to control ferocious beasts for his own use.

By chance, the Black Emperor was valued by the Lord of Beasts and was able to follow the Lord of Beasts. At his peak, he even half-stepped into the realm of rules. He was almost the strongest combat force under the Lord of Beasts and was deeply loved by the Lord of Beasts. The trust of the Lord of Beasts.

"Beyond ten realms, half-step rule? Hiss...Senior Black Emperor, since you are so powerful, why didn't you leave the Sea of ​​Chaos and go to Hongmeng Realm?"

Su Chen asked with some confusion.

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