Nine Dragon God Emperor

Chapter 2873 Bad premonition!

"Fellow Chongyang Daoist? I wonder where the Master of Yin and Yang is?"

The Lord of Beasts' eyes flashed, and after seeing Ning Chongyang, he asked.

At the same time, he was also examining the many people from the Taoist court behind Ning Chongyang.

There are a total of 840 people behind Ning Chongyang, plus 160 people from the eight ancient cities, which is exactly 1,000 people.

These eight hundred and forty people come from various Dao sects in the Taoist court. Each one of them is extremely powerful. They are all strong men above the sixth realm, and there are many who are at the peak of the sixth realm.

However, the Lord of Ten Thousand Beasts also knows that with the power of the Taoist Court, among the six realms of powerhouses, there may be some of the most powerful ones like Netherworld Dharma King who can suppress their cultivation.

As for whether you can deceive the perception of the Chaos Secret Realm and enter the Chaos Secret Realm safely, you can only rely on your own methods.

Moreover, what makes the Lord of Beasts a little curious is that following Ning Chongyang, only the Lord of the Seven Rules is left, two less.

Among them is the ruler of yin and yang.

This made him have to be vigilant. Could it be that the Lord of Yin and Yang and the Lord of Rules were also among the eight hundred and forty people?

If the lord of yin and yang and a lord of rules enter the secret realm of chaos,

That would be a disaster for the eight ancient cities.

Although the Lord of Ten Thousand Beasts is confident of sending the Netherworld Dharma King into the secret realm of chaos, he cannot let the Lord of Rules enter it.

Can the Taoist court do it?

Just when the Lord of Ten Thousand Beasts was thinking wildly, Ning Chongyang smiled calmly and said: "Master Yin Yang is taking care of everything every day, how busy is he? There is a big event in the Tao Court. He has returned to the Tao Court. Today, I am in charge of the Tao Court!"

Ning Chongyang's words made the Lord of Beasts instinctively suspicious.

But no matter what secret techniques he used to detect, he could not find out what was wrong with these 840 people, let alone whether the Yin and Yang Master was among them.

This cast a shadow over his heart.

"In that case, I'll trouble you, fellow Taoist Chongyang fellow!"

The Lord of Beasts said calmly.

At the same time, he also secretly communicated the news and discovery to the other seven rules masters, and secretly discussed countermeasures.

Although the eight of them fight on a daily basis, facing a behemoth like Dao Ting, they must join forces to fight against the enemy, otherwise there is a risk of overthrowing.

Heard the words of the Lord of Beasts

Finally, the faces of the other seven rules masters were also a little ugly.

But they couldn't find any strange phenomena, so they could only let Ning Chongyang go.

I just hope that the Secret Realm of Chaos can truly suppress everyone's cultivation. Otherwise, once someone breaks the balance, it will definitely be a disaster for others.

"No trouble, I will open the teleportation altar now, and we will work together to send them into the secret realm of chaos!"

Ning Chongyang smiled slightly, as if he had no idea what the Lord of Beasts was worried about.

At the same time, Su Chen was also observing the people in the Taoist court in front of him.

"So strong!"

The divine radiance intertwined in Su Chen's eyes, and chaos symbols filled the air. He secretly activated the Chaos Eyes, and the results of the investigation shocked his heart.

These eight hundred and forty people are worthy of being the geniuses and monsters of the Taoist court, and their strength is extremely terrifying.

Moreover, like the eight ancient cities, Tao Ting also hides many powerful and powerful people, suppressing their cultivation and trying to enter the secret realm of chaos.

In addition, these disciples of Tao Ting are stronger than the eight ancient cities.

There are only a few monsters like Ye Feng among the eight ancient cities.

It's just a few people, but there are dozens of people in Tao Ting, who are no weaker than Ye Feng.

Among them, one person caught Su Chen's attention.

He was a handsome young man wearing a white robe, with a handsome face and a pure aura. He looked gentle and elegant, and it was easy for people to fall in love with him.

His aura didn't seem to be very strong either. It was hidden among the crowd, as if it was integrated with everyone's aura.

But Su Chen felt an extremely strong threat from him.

The white-robed young man in front of him seemed to have an immortal temperament. Every move he made was in harmony with the great path of heaven and earth. His whole body was filled with the charm of the dao, as if he was in another world, and he felt a slight sense of alienation from everyone.

His eyes were bright and dazzling, as if there were intertwined sword lights, and there seemed to be the creation of the world, the eternal and immortal brilliance shining, extremely deep, like a vast universe.

And everyone around him, no matter who they were, even those who had hidden their cultivation, looked at him with a hint of deep awe.

This person is definitely not simple!

Su Chen secretly thought in his heart, with cultivation at the peak of the Sixth Realm,

Even Night Breeze couldn't give him any sense of danger, but this young man in white robe shocked Su Chen's heart.

It can be seen that this young man in white robe is definitely not an unknown person, and his strength is extremely terrifying.

At this moment, the boy in white robe seemed to notice Su Chen's gaze, and looked at Su Chen with a hint of surprise in his eyes.

It seemed that he had not thought that Su Chen was only at the peak of the Four Realms of Breaking the Way, but for some reason, he also felt a strong threat when looking at Su Chen.

How is it possible that his cultivation in the four realms can give him such a strong sense of threat?

The boy in white robe was also extremely shocked, but on the surface he remained calm and even showed a gentle smile towards Su Chen.

Su Chen also nodded lightly, secretly thinking about his keen insight, and then looked away, no longer looking at the young man in white robe.


As Ning Chongyang activated the teleportation altar, on the Yin-Yang warship, the lights intertwined, the runes shone brightly, and a brilliant light enveloped Su Chen and the other 1,000 people.

The teleportation began.

They were about to be teleported to the Chaos Secret Realm!

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