Nine Dragon God Emperor

Chapter 2884 Evil Spirit King, life and death crisis!

Where the chaotic dragon's blood spurted out, the sun was shining brightly, and the golden glow seemed to be surrounded by a flame.

Even evil spirits dare not come close.

There are no evil spirits in that place, and it is a forbidden area for all evil spirits.

At this moment, that place became Su Chen's only chance of survival. Only by entering there could he avoid the evil spirit's attack.


Su Chen's speed was extremely fast, like lightning. At the same time, chaotic light bloomed all over his body. He activated the Chaos Principle to the extreme and quickly approached the place.

Behind him, the fire of chaos left by Su Chen, although extremely powerful, burned out several evil spirits, but it could not stop the evil spirits for long. After only burning several evil spirits, the evil spirits broke through the sea of ​​fire. , chasing Su Chen crazily.

At this moment, the delicious breath of blood on Su Chen made all the evil spirits go crazy.

"not good!"

Su Chen's eyes were extremely solemn, and he could feel that the evil spirit was extremely fast, even much faster than him, causing the distance between him and the evil spirit to be quickly shortened.

At this moment, he is far away from the chaos

It will take some time for the Chaos Dragon Blood to reach its position. If the evil spirit catches up with him and falls into the evil spirit's siege, Su Chen will definitely die.

"Junlin Sword, go!"

Su Chen suddenly shouted loudly, and the Junlin Sword appeared. He used the three-color Tao Seed to pour all the Tao power into the Junlin Sword, making the Junlin Sword bloom with dazzling light.

The vast sword light surged in the void.

Su Chen pushed the power of the Junlin Sword to the extreme, and performed the third form of the Dao Killing Technique, the Conferring God Form.

The Conferring God Style is a killing sword technique aimed at the soul, and its power is unparalleled.

The Junlin Sword is a treasure of rules. With the blessing of the Junlin Sword, the power of the Conferred God Style explodes to the extreme, turning into a turbulent sword light field that instantly cuts off the world and envelopes many evil spirits.



The sword light fell, and all eternity was empty.

Under the Junlin Sword, the evil spirit melted quickly like ice and snow meeting the sun.

With one sword strike, hundreds of evil spirits were killed.

The terrifying realm of swordsmanship shrouded all directions, forming a barrier.

Blocked the evil spirit.

Seeing this scene, Su Chen couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

He speeded up and quickly approached the Chaos Dragon Blood.


But at this moment, an extremely terrifying sound wave, like the roar of the king of ferocious beasts, resounded in all directions, extremely terrifying.

Su Chen felt his whole body trembling, his face turned pale, and a great fear came over him, covering his whole body.

He couldn't help but look behind him, and he found that among the surging evil spirits, there was a huge evil spirit that was over a thousand feet tall. Its body was almost solid, and it emerged from among the many evil spirits.

The dry claws, like ghost claws, were suddenly torn apart.


The sword energy barrier that Junlin Sword finally built was torn apart.

The evil spirit's eyes were extremely red, full of bloodthirsty and cruelty, and it stared at Su Chen.

"not good!"

Su Chen's expression changed drastically, and his heart jumped violently.

Even from a distance, he could feel the terrifying aura of that evil spirit, which was definitely not something he could contend with at this moment.

Evil Spirit King!

This is definitely an evil spirit king. He seems to have quite a lot of intelligence and is extremely powerful.

The Evil Spirit King slapped the Junlin Sword away, and then quickly chased Su Chen.

At this moment, Su Chen broke out in cold sweat.

The power of the evil spirit king in front of him was absolutely terrifying, and it gave Su Chen the feeling that it was not much weaker than the Netherworld Dharma King.

This is definitely a terrifying existence comparable to the King of Ferocious Beasts, and its strength is likely to reach the tenth level.

The Tenth Realm Daoist Master is said to be sweeping across all sides. Even among Taoist sects, he is a strong man at the elder level. His strength is extremely terrifying. He can easily crush Su Chen to death, which is definitely not something Su Chen can compete with.

Su Chen gritted his teeth suddenly, and a strange flame burst out from the three-color Taoist seeds, burning fiercely.

That was the original power of Tao Seed. Su Chen directly burned the original power of Tao Seed at this moment, blessing himself, causing his speed to double in an instant.

Like a bolt of chaotic lightning, he quickly approached the Chaos Dragon Blood, but the Evil Spirit King behind him was chasing after him, faster than Su Chen.

Get closer to Su Chen faster.

Su Chen could even feel the cold breath, the terrifying evil spirit belonging to death, which made Su Chen's soul tremble.


When the fiery aura enveloped Su Chen's body, Su Chen's eyes revealed a hint of surprise as he arrived in front of the Chaos Dragon Blood.

A blood-colored vortex appeared in front, with majestic aura spurting out, and golden chaotic dragon blood, like a swimming golden dragon, constantly emerging from it.

Survival from desperate situation!

Su Chen didn't hesitate at all, and instantly rushed into the bloody whirlpool.

At this moment, the Evil Spirit King also chased after him.

The dry claws seemed to tear through the void in an instant. Even though it was covered with golden flames, the Evil Spirit King still slapped Su Chen hard on the back.


Su Chen's whole body trembled violently, as if struck by lightning, his body seemed to be about to burst into pieces, a mouthful of blood suddenly spurted out from his mouth, and his whole body was directly submerged into the bloody vortex, and the world was spinning in front of his eyes.

He lost consciousness!

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