Nine Dragon God Emperor

Chapter 2887 Chaos Dao Realm, Six Realm Dao King!

hold head high!

The ancient dragon roar resounded throughout the ancient world of chaos.

The Chaos Dragon Spirit has entered Su Chen's Ancient Chaos World. A vast dragon power swept across the ancient Chaos World, exuding a grand and immortal aura fluctuation.

But at this moment, a violent wave trembled, and mysterious threads shot out from the Chaos Dragon Spirit, penetrating the surrounding void, and emitted an extremely terrifying devouring power, trying to devour Chaos. The power of the ancient world.

"not good!"

Su Chen's expression changed. He felt this chaotic dragon spirit. Although his head was cut off and only his instincts were left, this instinct was very strong. At this moment, he felt the chaotic aura of the same sect. He wanted to devour Su Chen's ancient world of chaos to complete himself.

Once the ancient world of chaos is swallowed by the dragon spirit, maybe the dragon spirit can grow a new head and even give birth to spiritual intelligence.

More importantly, Su Chen's foundation will be completely destroyed and destroyed.

This is something Su Chen will never allow.

"If you want to devour my ancient world of chaos, it depends on whether you have the appetite!"

Su Chen's eyes flashed with cold light, and he suddenly shouted loudly.


In the ancient world of chaos, the fire of chaos burned fiercely,

Containing a terrifying aura that swallows all the origins, it envelopes the Chaos Dragon Spirit and wants to refine it.

At the same time, Su Chen activated the Junlin Sword, and the blazing sword light seemed to have completely revived, splitting into billions of sword energies, and used the Supreme Sword Technique to continuously slash towards the dragon spirit.

More importantly, in the center of the ancient world of chaos, that dazzling Dao fruit, like the scorching sun, emitted vast divine light of the Dao, surrounded by three-color divine light. The three origins of Tianxin, Chaos and Samsara were captured. Su Chen pushed it to the extreme.

The three-color divine light penetrated through and instantly left several big holes in Long Ling's body.

The shattered dragon spirit fragments were transformed into the purest source of Taoism and integrated into the ancient world of chaos, making the ancient world of chaos seem to be a little more spiritual.

After all, the Chaos Dragon Spirit only had its instincts. If it were a complete Chaos Dragon Spirit, it would be difficult for Su Chen to compete with it, and it might even destroy the Ancient Chaos World.

However, after his head was cut off, only the instinctive Chaos Dragon Spirit was left, which was no match for Su Chen's many methods, and it was even more difficult to compete with the suppressive power of the Ancient Chaos World.

Under Su Chen's many methods, the chaotic dragon spirit was chopped into pieces and turned into countless pieces. Although accompanied by the surging dragon roar, it seemed that

He wanted to break through the ancient world of chaos, but was blocked by the raging fire of chaos, and was constantly being refined.

In this way, the Chaos Dragon Spirit was shattered by Su Chen and turned into countless fragments, and began to slowly merge with Su Chen's ancient world of chaos!

Originally, Su Chen's cultivation had reached the peak of the Five Realms of Dao Fruit, but at this moment, as the Chaos Dragon Spirit was refined, Su Chen's Ancient Chaos World also underwent some mysterious changes. It seemed that the void was being refined into reality. The originally illusory ancient world of chaos became more and more solid, manifested around Su Chen, and spread in all directions.

Wisps of mysterious runes and seals began to intertwine and form, like mysterious avenue marks, appearing between heaven and earth, looking ancient and mysterious.

That's the realm!

The chaotic realm belonging to Su Chen is slowly condensing and taking shape, appearing between heaven and earth.

Su Chen's cultivation level is constantly rising towards the Sixth Realm Dao King!

Tao Wang, the king of Tao.

Once you break through to this realm, you can control all the power of a Dao and form your own Dao domain. In the Dao domain, you can follow the rules and even create the world with a single thought. Your power is extremely terrifying.

The Six Realm Dao King is also a watershed, representing the great success of the Dao, or even the perfection of the Dao, and the ability to create one's own

own way!

This step is extremely critical.

The stronger the condensed Dao Domain, the stronger the future potential will be.

The Dao domain that an ordinary Dao King of the Six Realms condensed in the beginning was only a vast area. This was because he was suppressed by the Hongmeng Realm, and it was not that easy to refine the void into reality.

But the real genius monster, when he was a Dao King of the Six Realms, could condense tens of thousands of feet, or even a hundred thousand feet of Dao realm, and his strength was extremely terrifying.

At this moment, Su Chen, just as the Dao Domain had just manifested, it had already covered a land tens of thousands of feet in radius, and was still spreading in all directions, constantly eating away at the power of the ancient world of chaos, leaving a mark that belonged to Su Chen. , and shows no signs of stopping.

Once this transformation is completed, it is hard to imagine how powerful Su Chen's realm will be!

Just as Su Chen continued to refine the Chaos Dragon Spirit and attack the Sixth Realm Dao King, two figures moved in from the mysterious Chaos Valley.

The leader was an old man wearing a black Taoist robe with white beard and hair. He had a formidable face, sharp eyes, and an extremely terrifying aura fluctuation all over his body.

Next to him was a young man in Taoist robes, his eyes full of respect at this moment.

"Report to the Third Elder

, this is what Senior Brother Wang discovered, the treasure land that gave birth to Chaos Dragon Blood, could this happen? Where are Senior Brother Wang and the others? "

The young man in Taoist robes looked at the empty chaotic valley in front of him, his face suddenly changed, and his eyes were full of disbelief.

And when he saw those terrifying evil spirits in the abyss in front of him, he couldn't help but feel his scalp numb, and said with some trembling: "Could it be...did they die in the hands of the evil spirits? But it's impossible. Senior Brother Wang has many methods. , no fear of evil spirits!”

"Dare to kill my Xuanhuang Dao Sect disciple? You are seeking death!"

Murderous intent flashed in the eyes of the old man in Taoist robes. He saw the traces of the battle in the valley. Murderous intent surged in his eyes, and he understood that those disciples were probably in danger.

Someone actually broke into this place and killed the disciples of Xuanhuang Dao Sect.


The old man in Taoist robes waved his sleeves, and a bright light suddenly enveloped the valley. The scene in front of him became blurred, and time seemed to be retraced. It kept going backwards, and the previous scene emerged.

Taoism, time travel!

In that blur of time, the figure of Senior Brother Wang emerged, as well as the man who was fighting fiercely with Senior Brother Wang and finally killed Senior Brother Wang.

The face is very clear.

It's Su Chen!

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