Nine Dragon God Emperor

Chapter 289 The God-killing Platform!

After Li Yunfei mentioned the God-Slaying Platform and the Heavenly King Valley, everyone nodded in agreement.

Indeed, as Li Yunfei said, the God-Slaying Platform and the Heavenly King Valley are the lifeblood of the Nine Suns Divine Sect.

If Su Chen and Xiao Fan want to take revenge, they will definitely not miss these two treasures.

"Master, I am more inclined to think that they will go to the Heavenly King Valley for these two treasures! The God-Slaying Platform already has Uncle Feng Lin in charge. With his cultivation as a Martial Saint, plus many Martial Emperor elders, it is unlikely that they will go to the God-Slaying Platform.

But the Heavenly King Valley is different. Today, the Heavenly King Valley is extremely secretive, and not many people know about it. Now there is no Martial Saint in charge! So, the disciple wants to go to the Heavenly King Valley to meet that Su Chen!"

Li Yunfei said slowly, his eyes full of strong fighting spirit.

His talent is dazzling, like the sun above the nine heavens, shining on the entire East Wilderness.

Originally, the Tiandao Sect was not taken seriously by him at all. The so-called Eight Sons of the Heavenly Dao were just a joke in his eyes.

But Su Chen is not ordinary.

Being able to kill the peak Martial Emperor with the cultivation of the Martial King and compete with the Martial Saint! This kind of heaven-defying combat power is difficult to achieve even when he was in the Martial King realm, so he really wants to meet Su Chen and fight him! "You are right! The most likely place for them to go is indeed the Heavenly King Valley, but it is still a bit risky for you to go alone, let Qi Yang go with you!" Zong Lin's eyes flashed with a sharp light, and he said slowly. "Don't worry, Sect Master, I must twist Su Chen's head off!" Sun Qi Yang was overjoyed and said hurriedly. He has long wanted to avenge his shame! Even if he couldn't kill Luo Xuan, he could kill Luo Xuan's apprentice Su Chen, and he could vent his hatred. Li Yunfei frowned slightly, but he also understood that this was Zong Lin's love for him, so he let Sun Qi Yang go, so he didn't object. "Without further delay, I will go to the Heavenly King Valley now!" Li Yunfei said. He bowed to Zong Lin, then turned and left the hall, stepped into the air, and flew towards the direction of Tianwang Valley.

Behind him, Sun Qiyang naturally followed closely.

After seeing them leave, Zong Lin issued several more orders, asking the martial saints and martial emperors in the Jiuyang Divine Sect to go to the major spiritual stone mines and medicine gardens to take charge.

"Tiandao Sect, let you jump around for a few more days, and then... Tiandao Sect will no longer need to exist!"

There was murderous intent in Zong Lin's eyes, as if a strange and dark magic light flashed by.



Behind him, a mountain collapsed, and many figures panicked and fled everywhere.

And Su Chen and Zhao Xu soared into the sky!

"Hahaha... Master, it's so refreshing! With these spiritual stones, it won't be long before I can impact the realm of martial emperor!"

Zhao Xu laughed so hard that he couldn't close his mouth, and his eyes were full of extremely excited expressions.

This was the third spiritual stone mine he and Su Chen had robbed after leaving Qinglian Mountain.

Although they were all small spiritual stone mines, and there were no strong people in charge of them, there were still a lot of spiritual stones stored in them. Zhao Xu robbed millions of spiritual stones from the three spiritual stone mines.

How could he not be excited?

Although he was a Feng Shui master, he was too poor. The practice of Feng Shui masters consumed more spiritual stones than martial artists.

Although Feng Shui masters could survey mountains and rivers and find spiritual veins, the East Wasteland was barren, and the spiritual stone mines had basically been divided up by the seven major martial arts holy places.

Zhao Xu was very poor.

These days, he and Su Chen robbed the spiritual stone mines of the Nine Yang Divine Sect, which was more than what he had obtained in the past ten years. He was almost in tears.

"Master, where are we going now? Do we want to rob a few more of their spiritual stone mines?"

Zhao Xu said eagerly.

He cooperated with Su Chen, and Su Chen dealt with the strong people in the spiritual stone mines, while he used the Feng Shui formation to dig out all the spiritual stones in the spiritual stone mines, with extremely high efficiency.

He is almost addicted now.

"Robbing the spirit stone mine is boring! And haven't you noticed? During this period, the number of patrol warriors of the Nine Yang Divine Sect has increased, but the number of strong men in the spirit stone mine has not increased. Don't you think it's strange?"

Su Chen's eyes

flashed with brilliance.

"Master, do you mean... is this a trap?"

Zhao Xu's heart skipped a beat.

"I think it's very likely!"

Su Chen nodded and continued: "We have caused such great damage to the Nine Yang Divine Sect, there is no reason for them not to be furious and send strong men to encircle and suppress! So, I'm sure they are brewing some kind of conspiracy and waiting for us!"

Su Chen's eyes had a trace of wisdom.

"What should we do now? Leave directly?"

Zhao Xu said unwillingly.

"Leave directly? How is it possible! These damages alone cannot hurt the Nine Yang Divine Sect. I want to do something big!"

Su Chen's eyes showed a trace of madness.

"Master, what do you want to do?"

Zhao Xu's heart skipped a beat.

"Let's go directly to the God-Slaying Platform! The God-Slaying Platform is one of the most precious secret places of the Nine Suns Divine Sect. It is heavily guarded and has many talented disciples of the Nine Suns Divine Sect. If we can destroy the God-Slaying Platform, we will definitely be able to severely damage the Nine Suns Divine Sect!" Su Chen said slowly.

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