Nine Dragon God Emperor

Chapter 2891 The power of the Tao-killing Technique!

The Xuanhuang God-Destroying Sword is the natal Taoist weapon of the third elder. There is no doubt that it is a top-grade Taoist weapon, and to some extent, its power is more terrifying than the top-grade Taoist tools, and it contains extremely terrifying natal Taoist skills. .

If it weren't for the powerful rule suppression in the Chaos Secret Realm, even the Nine Realm Daoist would surely die as soon as the Xuanhuang God-Destroying Sword was released.

But even so, the Xuanhuang God-Destroying Sword is still terrifying enough.

"You little beast, go to hell!"

The third elder's eyes were filled with murderous intent, and in the round of divine sun behind him, the black-yellow divine sword burst out with dazzling light. In an instant, it turned into a stream of light and shot towards Su Chen.

"not good!"

Su Chen's expression changed, feeling that fatal crisis approaching.

He pushed the Chaos Realm to the extreme, and the power of Chaos distorted the void, forming barriers that blocked the Xuanhuang God-Destroying Sword.


However, the million-foot-long chaotic realm was still unable to stop the Xuanhuang God-Destroying Sword. The dark golden sword light tore through everything, and the twisted chaos barrier was constantly penetrated. In an instant, mysterious

The Huang Mie Shen Dao arrived in front of Su Chen.


Su Chen's tongue was filled with thunder and he suddenly shouted loudly.

He was holding the Junlin Sword, and the vast divine power in his body was poured into the Junlin Sword, causing the Junlin Sword to shine with dazzling light.

He used the Junlin Sword to perform Dao Dao Cutting Technique, and suddenly slashed forward!


The Junlin Sword seemed to have completely revived. Mysterious runes were intertwined, the power of Tao was rising, and the violent sword energy spread across the void, making Su Chen's whole body merge with the sword light.

Under that sharp sword light, the entire world seemed to be cut in half, with an unparalleled sharpness.

Sky-cutting style!


The Junlin Sword and the Xuanhuang God-Destroying Sword collided instantly.

Sparks shot out and divine light exploded.

It was like thunder roaring, shaking the void in all directions.

Su Chen felt his arm go numb, and the Junlin Sword almost flew out of his hand. The Xuanhuang God-Destroying Sword was blocked by the Junlin Sword, and showed no intention of retreating. In an instant, it turned into streams of light, and in an instant, thousands of swords were slashed out. Hundreds of knives were coming towards Su Chen from all directions.



Chen felt that fatal crisis, but his whole body became calmer and calmer. His eyes were extremely sharp. He clenched the Junlin Sword tightly and used the Dao Slashing Technique to the extreme. The sharp sword light continued to interact with the Xuanhuang God-Destroying Sword. collision.

The terrifying fluctuations swept across, making the chaotic mist in all directions seem to be torn apart, and an extremely mysterious and terrifying scene appeared.

But seeing this scene in the eyes of the third elder, his face changed drastically, and his eyes were full of disbelief.

"How can this be?!"

His eyes were full of horror.

The Xuanhuang God-Destroying Sword is his natal Taoist weapon. Its power is unparalleled. Once it explodes, even if it is suppressed by the Chaos Secret Realm, he is confident that it can kill any powerful Taoist Emperor in the Seventh Realm!

But facing Su Chen, it failed.

Su Chen was only a six-level Dao King, but he blocked the Xuanhuang God-Destroying Sword.

"Could the sword in his hand be...a top-grade Taoist weapon? But it's impossible. Even a top-grade Taoist weapon can't stop the Xuanhuang God-Destroying Sword! Could it be...a treasure of rules?"

The third elder is all over his body

The huge earthquake seemed to have thought of something, and there was an extremely greedy look in his eyes.

The best Taoist weapon can never stop his Xuanhuang God-Destroying Sword.

Only the legendary treasure of rules can do this!

Even though it was difficult for him to imagine where Su Chen got the treasure of rules, with his vicious eyes, he quickly saw that the Junlin Sword was unusual.

This is definitely not a Taoist weapon, but a treasure of rules.

Su Chen was in charge of the Treasure of Rules, and unleashed the supreme power of the Tao-Slashing Technique, which blocked the Xuanhuang God-Destroying Sword.

"If I can get this treasure of rules, as long as I understand the power of the rules, I will definitely be able to take that step and break through to the realm of rules!"

The third elder was extremely greedy and set his sights on Su Chen's Junlin Sword.


Without the slightest hesitation, he pushed the power of his soul to the extreme and used the divine sword. The black-yellow divine-destroying sword shined brightly, and the sharp sword light kept falling towards Su Chen.

"Apotheosis style!"

Su Chen suddenly shouted loudly, his eyes filled with murderous intent.

He burned the essence and blood in his body, a wisp of purple

The golden air flow poured into the Junlin Sword, causing the Junlin Sword to shine brightly.

It was a wisp of the original power of Hongmeng Purple Qi, which was enough to briefly revive Junlin Sword.

Su Chen used the Junlin Sword to perform the Tao-killing Technique, activating the most powerful Conferring God Style. In an instant, billions of sword lights spurted out from the Junlin Sword, each with the intention of sealing the soul and killing the soul. Supreme power.


In an instant, billions of sword lights roared into the sky and fell with great force towards the Xuanhuang Divine Sword and the three elders.

"What?!" The third elder's face changed drastically, and his eyes were full of horror and disbelief.

At this moment, Junlin Sword actually revived.

But Su Chen was not as good as a Dao King in the Sixth Realm, so how could he revive a treasure of rules?


The turbulent sword light fell, tearing apart the Xuanhuang God-Destroying Sword. The mysterious power of the rules revived, and the Junlin Sword slashed on the Xuanhuang God-Destroying Sword, making the Xuanhuang God-Destroying Sword become much darker and terrifying. The sword light continued to shroud the three elders, forming a killing field!

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