Nine Dragon God Emperor

Chapter 2902 Furious!

Su Chen had only tried to ask, but he never thought that he would actually get the whereabouts of the Rule God Fruit from Zhu Jiuyin.

As long as he found the Rule God Fruit, he would cleanse his soul and erase the Rule Soul Seal, and he would never be controlled by the Lord of All Beasts again.

This finally relieved Su Chen's worries.

"I can help you suppress the Rule Soul Seal temporarily for three days. I hope you can find the Rule God Fruit and cleanse your soul within three days! As for those people outside, I'm afraid you will have to deal with them by yourself!"

Zhu Jiuyin looked at Su Chen in front of him and said slowly.

Then, he stretched out his dragon claws and pointed at Su Chen.


On the dragon claws, mysterious runes intertwined, and a group of bright light instantly sank into Su Chen's body and entered Su Chen's sea of ​​consciousness.

The Rule Soul Seal that was originally imprinted on Su Chen's Yuanshen seemed to have sensed the danger and bloomed with a bloody light, as if some kind of power wanted to revive.


Accompanied by a dragon roar

, Zhu Jiuyin's voice was like thunder, and his words were followed by the law, which contained a mysterious and terrible power.

The bright rune light actually formed a mysterious seal in an instant, covering the rule soul seal.

In the rule soul seal, blood light was diffused, and the rule divine light bloomed, as if unwilling to be sealed, but in the bright rune light, a small candle dragon flew out, directly shattered the blood light, and destroyed the rule divine light.

Then, the rule soul seal was completely covered by a rune and sealed.

In an instant, Su Chen also felt unprecedented relief.

"Thank you, senior! Don't worry, senior, although the strength of those people outside is strong, I am not without means to deal with them. If I can't even deal with them, how can I seize the Chaos Orb?"

Su Chen thanked Zhu Jiuyin, his eyes full of confidence.

"Very good! The little Candle Dragon is handed over to you. I hope you can treat it well!" Zhu Jiuyin's eyes showed a trace of relief and reluctance. He glanced at the Candle Dragon Egg, and then the light around him dimmed quickly, and soon disappeared in front of Su Chen. Su Chen's eyes were bright and bright, with a strong fighting spirit, and he went out of the Black Dragon Palace. He knew that what he was going to face next must be a fierce battle! "Lord of the Beasts, I will give you a surprise!" Su Chen whispered to himself. ... Outside the Black Dragon Palace, the Lord of the Beasts had a sullen face, and his eyes were filled with cold murderous intent. Just after Su Chen entered the Black Dragon Palace, he activated the Rule Soul Seal, wanting to monitor Su Chen's every move in the Black Dragon Palace, but he didn't expect that the Rule Soul Seal was suppressed by a vast power. He had no way to activate the Rule Soul Seal. He felt something was wrong at that time. Could it be that there was really something terrible in the Black Dragon Palace?

He was extremely irritated, and felt that Su Chen was about to get out of control.

This made him murderous, and he even decided that when Su Chen left the Black Dragon Palace, he would immediately activate the Rule Soul Seal to wipe out Su Chen's intelligence and turn Su Chen into his puppet.

But just now, he suddenly lost the sense of the Rule Soul Seal.

This made him shocked and angry.

How is this possible?

The Rule Soul Seal is the mark left by the Lord of Ten Thousand Beasts at the expense of the essence of his soul. Even if he is also the Lord of Rules, it is difficult to erase it.

How did Su Chen do it?

Could it be that there is some kind of existence in the Black Dragon Palace that helped Su Chen erase the Rule Soul Seal?

The Lord of Ten Thousand Beasts had an ugly face, and his eyes were filled with cold murderous intent. He wanted to take action immediately and cut Su Chen into pieces.

"Fellow Daoist Wanshou, what happened?"

The Lord of Ten Thousand Poisons had a gleam in his eyes, and he felt the Lord of Ten Thousand Beasts' killing intent and asked.


The Lord of Ten Thousand Beasts shook his head.

He didn't want to tell anyone about the Rule Soul Seal.

But he had already decided that as long as Su Chen left the Black Dragon Palace, he would immediately take action and completely suppress Su Chen.

This boy was beyond his control!


At this moment, a figure flew out of the Black Dragon Palace.

It was Su Chen!

After seeing Su Chen, the Lord of Ten Thousand Poisons and the Lord of Nirvana and others couldn't help but brighten their eyes and showed a hint of expectation.

They really wanted to know what kind of treasures Su Chen got in the Black Dragon Palace?

"Su Chen, what treasures did you get in the Black Dragon Palace? Who did you meet? Hand them all over!"

The Lord of Ten Thousand Beasts had an extremely cold look in his eyes, staring at Su Chen and said coldly.

He was almost unable to suppress the anger and murderous intent in his heart.

"My Lord, there are no treasures or opportunities in the Black Dragon Palace. I got nothing. I'm sorry to disappoint you all!" Su Chen said calmly. "Nothing? Then give us your soul. I want to search your soul!" The Lord of All Beasts laughed angrily. A cold light surged in his eyes. He suddenly reached out and grabbed Su Chen!

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