Nine Dragon God Emperor

Chapter 2905 Sword cuts the Lord of Beasts!

The raging sword light turned the valley into a vast expanse of white, and the chaos and mist boiled, making the entire place blurry.

That kind of majestic and immortal power made the Lord of All Poisons, the Lord of Annihilation and others couldn't help but change their expressions.

"This kid actually mastered the Dao-Slaying Technique? What a terrifying swordsmanship talent!"

The Lord of Annihilation said with some surprise.

"The Tao-killing Technique? That unknown sword technique was actually successfully practiced by him? This guy has such strong fighting power. Could it be that he can really kill the Lord of Beasts today?"

The divine light in the Lord of Poison's eyes changed, with some shock and disbelief, but also some hesitation.

He was hesitating whether to take action or not!

Su Chen's combat power was so strong that even the Lord of Poisons felt an extremely powerful threat.

This is of course because this place is a secret realm of chaos, and Su Chen practices the avenue of chaos, which can absorb the power of chaos, empower himself, and increase his combat power.


It's because Su Chen has a treasure of rules in his hand. Although it has not yet been completely revived, when he uses the Dao Slashing Technique, he can burst out with extremely terrifying combat power, tearing apart everything and making it difficult for people to compete.

More importantly, Su Chen himself is too evil!

In the eyes of the Lord of Rules, a mere Dao King of the Sixth Realm is no different from an ant, but now this ant has the combat power to threaten the Lord of Rules.

"This child's talent is so evil. If I devour his blood sacrifice, maybe I can take my Ten Thousand Poisons Way a step further?"

Divine light surged in the eyes of the Lord of All Poisons, and a blazing light flashed out.

He has his eyes on Su Chen!


The Lord of Beasts was extremely embarrassed and rushed out from the surging sword light.

There were scars all over his body, especially between his eyebrows, which seemed to have been pierced by a sword light, making him look very miserable and extremely pale.

It was very ugly, and the breath was a little sluggish.

The injuries on his body are nothing, but the injuries to his soul are the most serious. This incarnation of his originally only had a trace of soul power, but now there are cracks in that trace of soul power, and he is almost completely destroyed. Fall apart.

The Dao-Slaying Technique is too evil. The Conferring God Style is actually a sword that seals the soul and traps the enemy. However, in Su Chen's hands, it explodes with extremely terrifying power, just like a sword that slays gods, making it difficult for people to contend.


Su Chen's tongue exploded with thunder, and he shouted suddenly, and his whole body merged with the Junlin Sword. The human sword merged into one, turning into a blazing sword light, and struck down towards the Lord of Beasts.

He has no intention of giving the Lord of Beasts any chance to breathe!

Heaven-cutting style, killing without equal.

At this moment, Su Chen burned part of the chaotic energy, causing his whole person's aura to surge, and the Junlin Sword devoured everything.

It's almost a complete recovery.

This made the sword dazzling and terrifying, causing the face of the Lord of Beasts to change greatly.

Without any hesitation, he instantly used a small round turtle-patterned shield, which spun and surged in the void, blocking him in front of him.

The best Taoist weapon, Black Turtle Shield!

The reason why I did not bring the Treasure of Rules into the Secret Realm of Chaos is because the power of the Rules is suppressed. In the Secret Realm of Chaos, even the Treasure of Rules can only emit as much power as the best Taoist weapons.

This black turtle shield was made by him from the turtle shell of the King of Fierce Beasts, and its defensive power was extremely terrifying.

After sacrificing the Black Turtle Shield, the Lord of Ten Thousand Beasts still felt a strong threat. He pushed the Ten Thousand Beasts Realm to the extreme, and the surging Taoist Divine Light bloomed, giving birth to a statue in the Ten Thousand Beasts Realm. The ferocious beast with a terrifying aura was charging towards Su Chen at the same time, trying to stop one or two of them.


Finally, he unleashed the supreme power of the Ten Thousand Beasts Killing Fist, and with one punch, he suppressed the world, like a sacred mountain in the starry sky, vast and incomparable.


The turbulent sword light fell, and the Junlin Sword struck directly on the black turtle shield, making a violent roar, and the breath was extremely terrifying.

The Black Turtle Shield burst out with bright light, and there were mysterious runes flowing on it. It tried its best to resist, but in the end it was still unable to withstand the edge of the Junlin Sword.

A crisp sound was heard, and the Black Turtle Shield was cut in half by Su Chen's sword and completely exploded.

The sword light continued unabated, killing the ferocious beasts in the realm of beasts.

Wherever it passed, the ferocious beasts were torn apart.

And around Su Chen, in the Chaos Realm, raging chaotic flames were ignited, burning the torn beasts into ashes.

In the end, Su Chen's sword directly collided with the fist seal of the Lord of Beasts!

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