Nine Dragon God Emperor

Chapter 2910 The Lord of Annihilation takes action!

In the Chaos Secret Realm, the sky and the earth changed color, and the wind and clouds surged.

Qi Yuan stepped into the air, his hair and beard were all white, his clothes fluttered, and the chaotic mist filled his body. The chaotic power around him gathered on his palm, condensing into a blazing thunder, exuding an extremely violent and terrifying aura.

Seeing this scene, Su Chen's eyes showed a trace of shock and disbelief.

Because he could feel that Qi Yuan's cultivation was only at the peak of the seventh realm, but the chaotic thunder gathered in his palm actually contained a terrifying pressure, comparable to the power of rules.

How is this possible?

It's like a strong man at the peak of the seventh realm can burst out a full-strength attack comparable to the Lord of Rules.

This even broke Su Chen's cognition.

"Chaos, containing everything, devouring all living things in the world! Chaos is one of the supreme ways, containing the prototype of rules, and is also the easiest way to break through to the realm of rules! If the Chaos Principle can be fully comprehended, it can even be used to induce the power of rules and suppress everything! Although you have a good talent, your control of the Chaos Principle is a mess, watch out!" Qi Yuan glanced at Su Chen and said slowly. Boom! As soon as he finished speaking, the blazing lightning in his palm illuminated the world, emitting a very terrifying aura fluctuation. The surging Chaos Lightning, as if to create the world, suppressed the heavens and the earth, and suppressed the Lord of All Beasts and the Lord of All Poisons with a terrifying momentum that dominated the universe. This blow made Su Chen's eyes widen, full of disbelief. The cultivation at the peak of the Seventh Realm actually burst out with a force comparable to the Lord of Rules. That vast Chaos Avenue has surpassed the limitations of the Avenue Law and has become a part of the rules. It will evolve the heavens and return all things to chaos.

He never thought that the Chaos Avenue would have such a magical effect. Compared with Qi Yuan, Su Chen's control of the Chaos Avenue is simply crude and not worth mentioning.

And this attack made the Lord of Ten Thousand Poisons and the Lord of Ten Thousand Beasts change their faces. Their eyes were full of extreme fear and disbelief.

This attack made them feel the threat of death!


The Lord of Ten Thousand Poisons pushed the Ten Thousand Poison King Snake Staff to the extreme, and the Lord of Ten Thousand Beasts also sacrificed a strange token, which burst into a blazing and dazzling light. There was a punch of dominance in the universe transformed by the phantom of Ten Thousand Beasts, attacking Qi Yuan.

The token sealed the power of his full-strength attack, which was his life-saving thing. Even if it was suppressed in the Chaos Secret Realm, the power was still extremely terrifying.

Facing such a terrible blow from Qi Yuan, he did not hesitate at all and directly activated this life-saving item.

But even so, the Lord of Ten Thousand Poisons and the Lord of Ten Thousand Beasts still felt a strong murderous intent, their hair stood on end, and they retreated violently without any sense of security.


The unparalleled chaotic lightning raged, as if it contained endless fist marks, and it was vaguely as if a giant who created the world emerged to support this world and recreate the world.

He punched out, and the Ten Thousand Poison King Snake Staff, which was fully activated by the Lord of Ten Thousand Poisons, trembled violently and flew out in an instant.

The chaotic lightning swept in like a sun, instantly tearing apart the extremely terrible blow of the Lord of Ten Thousand Beasts.

The terrible thunder, containing the breath of annihilation, swept towards the two of them, making them extremely terrified, and a trace of despair appeared in their eyes.

They had never thought that Qi Yuan was so terrible!

Even in the Chaos Secret Realm, their cultivation was suppressed, but Qi Yuan could still easily crush them with a casual blow.

Is this the gap between them and Qi Yuan?


But at this moment, a figure came across the sky, as if teleporting, and appeared in front of the Lord of Ten Thousand Beasts and the Lord of Ten Thousand Poisons.

Her clothes fluttered, her temperament was extraordinary, her eyes

were cold and bright, and she slapped her palm lightly, and a black lotus blossomed in her palm, and the crystal petals flew towards Qi Yuan.

It was the Lord of Nirvana!


In the palm of the Lord of Nirvana, the power of Nirvana rose, and the mysterious black lotus of Nirvana contained the great way of Nirvana, as if to completely annihilate everything, and contained a supreme rule of breath, grand and immortal.

She and Qi Yuan collided fiercely, and the world roared, the void in all directions trembled at the same time, and endless lightning exploded.

Although the Lord of Nirvana turned pale, a trace of blood flowed from the corner of his mouth, and the whole person took a few steps back involuntarily.

But she still blocked Qi Yuan's attack!

"Xiaoying, what do you mean?"

Qi Yuan sighed softly, his eyes fell on the Lord of Nirvana, and he seemed to have some complicated meanings, and said softly.

"Senior Qi, these two people can't die yet! Please spare them!"

The Lord of Nirvana bowed to Qi Yuan.

There was a trace of pleading on her cold face, and she was very respectful to Qi Yuan, and there was a trace of admiration in her eyes.

This made Su Chen's heart move. The Lord of Nirvana and Qi Yuan were actually old friends?

The Lord of Ten Thousand Beasts and the Lord of Ten Thousand Poisons were relieved, and their eyes showed

He looked extremely frightened and even smiled bitterly. They had overestimated their capabilities before and actually wanted to challenge Qi Yuan.

If it weren't for the Lord of Nirvana, I'm afraid the two of them would really die here today.

At the same time, they were extremely shocked. Among the eight ancient cities, the most mysterious and invisible Lord of Nirvana was actually so powerful?

Qi Yuan took a deep look at the Lord of Annihilation and said slowly: "Okay, for your sake, I will spare their lives today! However, this little guy is a member of my Chaos Dao Sect. If you do it again in the future, If you dare to embarrass him, don’t blame me for being rude!”

"Senior Qi, don't worry, I will warn them!"

The Lord of Annihilation said seriously.

"Okay! Let's go!"

Qi Yuan glanced at Su Chen lightly, then rose into the air and moved away!


Su Chen felt a little regretful in his heart. If the Lord of Nirvana hadn't stopped him, the Lord of All Poisons and the Lord of All Beasts might have died in Qi Yuan's hands. That would have saved him a lot of trouble. Now it seems that he still wants to do it himself. Find a way to kill the Lord of All Poisons and the Lord of All Beasts.

After hearing Qi Yuan's words, Su Chen naturally followed him obediently, jumped into the void, and left the valley under the unwilling and angry gazes of the Lord of All Beasts and the Lord of All Poisons.

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