Nine Dragon God Emperor

Chapter 2915 Hongmeng Vision, Movements from All Sides!

Hongmeng Realm.

This is the source of all heavens and worlds and the center of billions of worlds.

Hundreds of millions of races and countless creatures have been born here, many splendid civilizations have evolved, and there are countless peerless experts who have moved mountains and reclaimed seas, and reversed the yin and yang.

The mountains here are towering into the clouds, stretching for tens of millions of miles. Mountains that are millions of feet or even billions of feet high can be seen everywhere.

The entire Hongmeng world is filled with a purple light, which is dazzling and looks grand and immortal.

The aura in the Hongmeng world is not an ordinary aura. It is called innate aura. It is born innately. If you can get great opportunities and good fortune, you can even encounter the Hongmeng aura.

Hongmeng spiritual energy is energy that only the strong in the Rules realm are qualified to refine and absorb. It can give birth to the power of rules and is the origin of the Hongmeng realm.

On this day, in the sky above Hongmeng Realm, purple clouds intertwined and shone brightly, as if there was a purple sun floating in the sky.

The vast purple sun covers the earth for billions of miles, and the huge waves sweep into the sky, sweeping through all the worlds.

The elephant shocked many people.

Especially in the purple sun, it seems that a purple-golden sun rises, shining for eternity, eternal and immortal.

"What's going on? The Hongmeng Sea has appeared. Could it be that someone has been recognized by the origin of Hongmeng?"

"You mean, someone has broken through to the realm of domination? This should be impossible, and even in the realm of domination, it is impossible to have such a grand vision!"

"Look, look, what kind of existence is that purple-gold sun? Why haven't you heard of a purple-gold sun appearing in the Hongmeng Origin Sea?"

"Something must have happened! Report it to the Lords of the court as soon as possible!"

"Enter the vision of this place into the mirror stone and send it back to the Demon Court!"


In Hongmeng Realm, many strong men were flying in the air, looking at the turbulent purple sun above the nine heavens, with extremely dignified and shocked expressions in their eyes.

They talked among themselves, but they didn't know why this vision occurred.

Although he broke through the realm of domination and initially came into contact with Hongmeng Ben,

Source, there will also be visions of heaven and earth, but they are far less grand than they are today.

They all guessed that something big must have happened in the Hongmeng world.

The far north.

A vast ice field, the land is vast, the sky and the earth are vast.

In the center of the endless ice field, there is a holy mountain covered with ice and snow, hundreds of millions of feet high, towering into the endless starry sky.

At this moment, on the top of the holy mountain, a figure dressed in white and extremely elegant opened his eyes.

Her eyes seemed to be changing with the stars and the passage of time, and contained a mysterious and immortal aura.

"The Hongmeng Origin Sea is rioting, and the Hongmeng Ziyang appears. Is there someone who took that step, or is there a peerless evildoer who inherited the fate of Hongmeng? Interesting!"

A cold voice sounded, as if it contained some mysterious rhythm.

She thought for a moment, and then a cold voice sounded: "Send the order, search for the source of the vision, monitor the movements of the major heavens, and by the way... pay attention to what happened in the Dao Sect Heavenly Court recently!"

Behind her, a black shadow emerged from the void

Emerged from it, exuding extremely terrifying aura fluctuations, but at this moment, he bowed respectfully towards her and said: "I obey the order of the empress!"

After saying that, the black shadow instantly submerged into the void and disappeared without a trace.

The East China Sea is full of sunshine.

An old man, wearing a raincoat, was sitting cross-legged on a small boat, holding a fishing rod, fishing in the East China Sea.

What is extremely strange is that the sea area that used to have huge waves and numerous ferocious beasts, and even the Lord of the Rules did not dare to set foot on it easily, is now calm and clear as blue.


Soon, waves appeared. The old man swung his fishing rod, and the waves exploded, and a huge creature emerged.

It was a snow-white real dragon with seven dragon claws and dazzling dragon scales all over its body. It looked very scary. It was struggling hard at the moment, but no matter what, it couldn't break free from the fishing rod.

A pair of smart eyes looked at the old man, full of pleading.

"Silver Dragon King? You are a glutton. I should have taken you back to make soup, but today I am in a good mood.

Spare the life of you evil beast! "

The old man in the raincoat chuckled lightly, then waved his sleeves and put the snow-white seven-clawed dragon into the sea.

And if others heard the name of the Silver Dragon King, they would probably be horrified.

This is an extremely terrifying existence. It is said that it has reached the end of the realm of rules and can break through to the realm of dominance at any time.

But today, he was fished away casually.

"Thank you, Heavenly Lord!"

The white seven-clawed true dragon fell into the sea, and vaguely seemed to transform into a middle-aged man in white. He bowed deeply to the old man in coir raincoat and then submerged into the deep sea.

He was frightened and might not dare to come out again in a short time.

"Has Hongmeng Ziyang appeared? It's interesting. I wonder which Taoist friend took that step? But it seems more like the legendary physique has appeared, Hongmeng Chaos Body?"

The eyes of the old man in coir raincoat were turbid and deep, but at this moment, there was a faint divine light flowing around him, and he was looking at an extremely distant place.

That seems to be where the gate of Chaos Dao Sect is located.

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