Nine Dragon God Emperor

Chapter 624 Emperor Wu attacks and kills!

In the valley.

Su Chen didn't know what was happening in the outside world. All his attention was on the history of civilization.

That page of the history of civilization was crystal clear, shining brightly in his soul sea of ​​consciousness. He slowly refined it and finally turned it into a dazzling robe, which he wore on his soul.

In Su Chen's soul sea of ​​consciousness, the Tenth Heaven Palace was like the residence of the Emperor of Heaven, magnificent and mysterious.

And Su Chen's martial arts soul, sitting cross-legged in the Tenth Heaven Palace, wearing the history of civilization, the aura around him became more mysterious and ethereal, with a sense of eternal immortality.

Behind him, there seemed to be the chanting of ancient ancestors, the vision of the strongest human conquering the heavens, and the magnificent aura of the immortal human civilization.

Su Chen's soul seemed to be nourished by the history of civilization all the time, becoming stronger and stronger.

"The History of Civilization has merged with my soul. Have I been recognized by the History of Civilization?"

Su Chen slowly opened his eyes, his eyes full of shock and excitement.

This is the legendary supreme treasure of the human race, carrying the great fortune and supreme will of the human race.

Although this is only a page of the History of Civilization and is not complete, it is still a supreme treasure, more powerful than many artifacts.

Su Chen's soul merged with a page of the History of Civilization, and the History of Civilization turned into a robe, like a piece of armor for Su Chen's soul.

Su Chen could feel that his soul was now extremely powerful. With the protection of the History of Civilization, even a martial emperor who was good at soul attacking methods could not hurt his soul at all.

However, Su Chen had only initially refined the History of Civilization, a treasure of the human race. If he wanted to refine it thoroughly, he needed to continuously improve his cultivation.

"Huh? With the protection of the History of Civilization, my soul can actually activate a little bit of the power of the Sword of Desolation?"

Su Chen's eyes showed a hint of surprise.

The Sword of Desolation is a peerless weapon, full of murderous aura and boundless terror.

Just releasing the Sword of Desolation is enough to severely injure or even kill the Martial Emperor!

This is the treasure Su Chen got in Broken Sword Mountain, but he can't use it at all with his cultivation.

But Su Chen found that he could

use the power of the History of Civilization to activate the Sword of Desolation and burst out with a strike.

"Even the power of a strike is enough to kill the Martial Emperor!"

Su Chen thought secretly.

With the protection of the History of Civilization, his soul activated the Sword of Desolation, and he didn't worry about being backfired by the Sword of Desolation, which just became a powerful trump card for him.

"Since I have been recognized by the History of Civilization, I, Su Chen, will definitely follow the will of the ancestors of the human race, sweep away the gods and demons, and rectify the world!"

Su Chen said slowly to himself.

It was like making some kind of promise, and it was like warning himself.


There seemed to be thunder between heaven and earth.

The blazing divine light fell, and the vast power of heaven and earth surged, constantly pouring into Su Chen's body, the Dao rhyme intertwined, and Su Chen's breath became more and more mysterious.

However, Su Chen found that the wordless jade disk in front of him was dim, as if it had lost all its power and became very ordinary, just like an ordinary mountain wall.

"This wordless jade disk is the treasure of Xiantian Daoyuan. If they knew that I became like this, I'm afraid..."

Su Chen's eyes flashed, and he felt a little guilty.

Although the history of civilization recognized him and merged with his Yuanshen, this is the treasure of Xiantian Daoyuan after all.

"Ling'er, has she left? Her Daozi Ceremony should be about to start, right? I hope I didn't delay too much time!"

Su Chen found that Su Ling'er was not in the valley and had left here, and said to himself.

He got up and walked out of the valley.

After leaving the forbidden area, Su Chen's eyes flashed with cold light, and he immediately felt a dangerous atmosphere.

In front of him, a thin old man appeared, his eyes were extremely turbid, but his body exuded extremely dangerous fluctuations, and the cold aura locked Su Chen.

"Who are you?"

A trace of vigilance appeared in Su Chen's eyes.

"Su Chen, I advise you to surrender! Otherwise, you will suffer a little!"

The old man raised his head, his eyes were extremely blood red, full of cruel murderous intent.

It was a martial emperor!

"Something is wrong!"

Su Chen frowned, revealing an extremely solemn look.

It was not because of the martial emperor in front of him, but because Su Chen felt that the entire Xiantian Daoyuan was shrouded in a solemn atmosphere, with a terrifying aura of impending storms.

More importantly, Su Chen sensed a trace of the power of evil demons.

Evil demons from outside the domain?

There would be evil demons from outside the domain in the Xiantian Daoyuan? !

"Eh? You are really alert! Elder Qin cherishes your talent. If you follow me obediently, I will spare your life and let you reunite with your sister. How about that?"

The old man said with a slight exclamation, a hint of surprise in his eyes, and said with a smile.

Su Chen's perception was extremely sharp, and he discovered something wrong with Xiantian Daoyuan in an instant.

However, he did not think that Su Chen had the power to compete with him. He was just a martial saint like an ant. Even if his talent was strong, he could be suppressed with a flip of his hand.

"My sister?! What did you do to my Ling'er?!"

Su Chen's whole body was shaken, and an evil aura like a mountain of corpses and a sea of ​​blood instantly appeared in his eyes. Cold light surged, and murderous intent was extremely strong.

Something happened to Linger!

Su Chen's heart instantly ignited with overwhelming anger!

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