Just after the various factions of the North Sea appeared on the battlefield of the Nine Profound Towers, the ancestor Tiancheng was attacked and killed immediately. In any case, this could not make the three second-generation monks of the True Spirit faction be suspicious, let alone the sneak attack. It seems a bit strange to see Tiancheng ancestor as an assaulter for no reason. M.u.)

The ancestor Tianqin turned to the ancestor of Tianshan Mountain and asked, "Does the school have any news about how Wang Xuanqing advanced to the late stage of Dharma?"

The ancestor of the Tianshan Mountains shook his head and said: "It is really weird at this time. It seems that the disciples under the Canghai Sect don’t know that they already have a large monk from the late stage of the Dharma, but this Wang Xuanqing was hit by the 6th nephew in the first place. It is the Three Spirits and Five Elements Pill that restores the original injury and all things may raise the cultivation base to such a high level in one fell swoop!"

"At this time, it must be related to the Taixuanzong, but since the battle of the resident Dangri, this Wang Xuanqing has never appeared again. It seems that the Taixuanzong people are also a little secretive about the existence of Wang Xuanqing."

The three ancestors couldn’t figure out the reason for this, and they simply changed the subject. Tianqin ancestor looked towards a training room deep in the resident, where there was a hot fire hovering in the sky, and they have been practicing for ten days. Different kinds of pill incense wafted throughout the room.

The ancestor of Tianqin was also a master of alchemy, but because these three spirit fire source pills appeared for the first time in the cultivation world, she couldn't guess what the six-levels were doing in the cultivation world.

"This kid vowed to say that the three-spirit fire source pill is no more than three to five times. Now it has been ten days. How can there be no news? Could it be that he is hiding inside and refining other pill?"

Compared with the ancestor Tianqin, the ancestor Tiancheng was a little bit more nervous, saying: "It's not that these three spirit fire source pills are more difficult to refine, after all, no one in the cultivation world has ever practiced this kind of pill."

The ancestor Tiancheng said strangely: "But ten days have passed. I originally thought that the 6th division nephew might be dragged down a lot in the mid-Phase Facts score list, but now he still ranks in the top five."


This time it was the turn of these ancestors of Tianqin and Tiancheng, who had been hunting Mo Luo outside, were surprised. The two came to the jade stele to look through the mid-term battle list, but saw that ten days had passed. The score of the 6 draw is still 178 points, but the position of the ranking has naturally been surpassed, but it is still ranked fourth.

But this is what is strange. The five people who have passed the 6 level are not the monks who have been closely following the 6 level in everyone’s imagination, such as Yuwen Feixiang, who was only two points behind and passed the 6 level. At the same time, the score of 176 points was not moving, but the ranking slipped to fifth place. .

And Xie Tianyang, who was ranked third before, had the same merit points, but at this time, he was only able to rank thirteenth with a score of 151, and he slipped farther.

Fan Mingjie, who was originally ranked fourth, has returned to the second place at this time. The score of merit has reached 187 points. Obviously, Ziyang Palace will stick to the Yamaguchi resident during this period to resist the Mo Luo army led by the three heavenly demons. The impact of Fan Mingjie’s military exploits also increased substantially.

But Nan Gong Xiaojian, the southern pavilion owner of the Sky Tower, followed closely behind with 183 points at this time, rising from the previous fifth all the way to the third place.

Qin Wuliang, who was originally ranked sixth, is said to have also killed an Asura with the help of the Crystal Palace monk. After that, he surrounded the Mo Luo team on a large scale in the buffer zone several times, and his points rose all the way and overwhelmed the crowd with one hundred and ninety-nine. Fifteen points of exploits occupy the list.

Tianxuanzong’s Cao Jianping rose to sixth place, and only one blood asura was left behind Yuwen Feixiang’s merit points.

After Cao Jianping, Yuwenke ranked seventh, Huo Wuliang of the Five Elements Sect ranked eighth, Qingguang Zhang Zhifei of Lingyun Valley ranked ninth, and Wei Zhen of the Nine Profound Tower finally reached the top ten by himself.

Today, among the top ten in the mid-term battle list, the six sacred sites each occupy one, but the Yuwen family of the world's first family has two people on the list at one fell swoop, the veteran big sect Tianxuanzong's Xidi Chuan, plus a Beihai evildoer.

Yin Tianchu took a look at Xie Tianyang and Su Jin in Ziyang Palace. He knows both of them. He has also paid attention to their rankings before, but their scores have not increased in the past ten days. In addition to Xie Tianyang slipping to the thirteenth, Su Jin slipped to the 20th place.

However, compared to Su Jin, Yin Tianchu noticed the name of a monk from the Yuwen family again. This person was called Yuwen Jinglei. He was ranked eighteenth before, and now he has risen to fourteenth.

It is said that the thunder magic powers of the Yuwen family have incomparable damage to Mo Luo. At this time, it seems that they are really well-deserved. Just look at the top ten in the battle list. They can occupy two places, and the top 15 occupy three places. , You can know the great role of Yuwen Family in the Great Tribulation of Mo Luo.

Yin Tianchu looked down again and found that he was ranked 46th on the military merit list. He also advanced one place with 101 points, but the difference with those on the list actually widened.

Not only Yin Tianchu, but Tiancheng ancestors and others have also seen the problem from this list.

"That's not right. Except for the 6th division nephew who is doing alchemy in retreat, how come the merit points of Xie Tianyang, Yuwen Feixiang, Su Jin and others have not risen by one point?"

Today, most of the mid-term lists of the Dhamma are composed of three generations of monks from the various factions of the human race. These people are all the objects of attention of each faction, and the names of Tiancheng, Tianshan ancestors, etc. have already been given to these people. It is familiar.

The ancestor of Tianqin said: "Except for the 6 nephews, Xie Tianyang, Yuwen Feixiang, and Su Jin all stopped their combat gains after the Yuwen family, Ziyang Palace, and the Mo Luo army. If individuals have not left their respective residences afterwards, then it is only possible that they have been injured to varying degrees during the war, and now they are recovering from their injuries in the residences, so they will not be able to participate in the war."

After all, the Three Spirit Fire Source Pill is the legendary pill. Although 6 Ping still has six leaves that have spawned to the lower rank of the heavens as spares, but 6 Ping still dare not take the slightest care, put all his heart and energy in the refining. Make the Three Spirit Fire Source Pill.

Nachuan Ding, Silver Torino Spirit Flame, Amethyst Royal Jelly, Spirit Fire Forging and Melting Purification Technique, Explosive Spirit Art using the best spirit stone as the medium, and unparalleled spiritual cultivation, all of these are concentrated by 6 levels. The pill furnace has been successfully turned on in just three days at 6 levels, and the three Three Spirit Fire Source Pills are perfect.

However, for these three spirit pills, the price of 6 leveling was not small. Just in the stage of pill condensation, to prevent the emergence of waste pills, 6 leveling exploded nearly 20 best spirit stones in succession, although there are now 20 best spirit stones. For 6 levels, it's just a feather in the nines, but for the middle-stage cultivators of the True Spirit School, these twenty best spirit stones are almost equivalent to the martial arts subsidy for their two years of cultivation.

In addition, there is a half bottle of amethyst royal jelly. With the cultivation of the amethyst queen bee in the middle of the stage, the quality of the royal jelly brewed has been improved again and again, but the output is getting lower and lower. The more precious crystal royal jelly.

With the improvement of 6-ping alchemy, unless necessary, he has rarely used amethyst royal jelly in the process of alchemy, but for the success of refining Sanling Fire Source Pill this time, 6-ping directly poured half a bottle of royal jelly into it. In the pill furnace.

However, after 6 Ping succeeded in refining these three fire source pills, if 6 Ping were to re-open the furnace for refining, even if it was to refine other xìg water source pills and wood source pills, he was confident that he could reduce the consumption to lowest.

But this time, using the unique spirit grass between heaven and earth to refine the pill that only exists in the legend, this also makes the alchemy of 6 levels a full-scale sublimation.

This kind of insight, similar to the "epiphany" in cultivation, made 6 Ping urgently need to be completely stabilized. Therefore, 6 Ping urgently needs to reopen the furnace to refine the pill, and it is still necessary to refine the rare pill that is unique in the practice world.

It took 6 Ping only one day to restore the true essence and prepare new alchemy materials. This time he was going to refine the Bailian Rongshen Pill. The main medicine used was the 9,000-year-old one that 6 Ping has been cherishing until now. White jade lotus root.

After several considerations, 6 Ping finally decided to train this 9,000-year-old white jade lotus root into an elixir that can strengthen the body.

Although this white jade lotus root is also the ultimate spiritual material for refining the external avatar, if it can really achieve the external avatar, its strength is much stronger than the 6 Xiaoping refined by the 8,000-year-old blue willow tree.

But in the 6 level, although the external avatar is powerful, it is ultimately something outside of the body~www.wuxiaspot.com~ If the white lotus rongshen pill is used to increase the strength of the physical body, it may not be as good as an external avatar for the monks in a short time. The promotion is quick, but in the long run, the benefits of 6-levels are not all that little bit.

The Bailian Rongshen Pill is actually a kind of pill that is specially used to refine the lotus root to strengthen the flesh. The quality of this pill depends entirely on the grade of the white lotus root as the main medicine.

A White Lotus Body Pill refined from a three-hundred-year-old white lotus root has little effect on the strengthening of the monk’s body, but if it is replaced with a three-thousand-year-old white lotus root, then the refined White Lotus Body Pill will be enough for one. The great monks in the late stage of the Dharma stage fought a battle to destroy the faction.

And if it were replaced with the nine-thousand-year-old white jade lotus root in his hand with 6 pings, even he himself didn't know what kind of existence he would provoke if the news was leaked. At least, Monk Chunyang would be a pot of porridge, right?

Six Ping’s heart beat fiercely twice. This baby was obtained from the 6 Ping when he was in the hemolysis period. With the growth of the 6 Ping repair base and the increase in experience, the more it made 6 Ping know its value. Where it is, the more so that 6 Ping carefully concealed its existence.

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