Nine Evolutions of the True Spirit

Chapter 1314: Tianxuan Jianping

Dizzy, I made a big mistake. The chief progeny of the Crystal Palace is Qin Shijun, not Qin Wuliang. It is easy to write, thank you everyone for reminding me. m(Please use the pinyin domain name of this site to visit us. Friends reminded that there will be a Mid-Autumn Festival bi-monthly ticket event this month. This makes Sleeping Autumn a bit tangled. Everyone can vote for themselves. If you are willing to wait until Mid-Autumn Festival to vote for a bi-monthly ticket, Anyway, thanks everyone for your support!


After all, this Moluo team was just attracted by the Taixuanzong to consume the strength of the Tianxuanzong cultivator in this secret resident. It had been killed a lot in the melee before. At this time, the Tianxuanzong vacated his hands. A team of Mo Luo can no longer be able to churn any waves, and it is all turned into the merit points in the hands of the monks.

"Are you Lu Tianping?"

A tall, murderous and hostile female cultivator came to Lu Ping's face, looked up and down her eyes, and then said: "You are very strong, but now my battle points have exceeded is you!"


At this time, Lu Ping noticed that there was also a jade psychic monument standing in the secret residence of the Heavenly Profound Sect in the valley. At this time, Lu Ping’s combat merits had reached 189 points on the mid-Faxiang military merit list. , But the ranking slipped from fourth to fifth, and it was Tianxuanzong's chief protagonist Cao Jianping who surpassed him, who was now ranked fourth with 193 points.

Qin Shijun is still ranked first. At this time, his combat achievements have reached 214 points. Nangong Xiaojian has surpassed Fan Mingjie and ranked second with 205 points. Fan Mingjie ranked third with a full 200 points.

The rankings after Lu Ping have changed again. Yuwen Feixiang’s points remain unchanged. At this time, he has fallen to seventh place. Huo Wuliang has caught up from eighth. Yuwenke is only behind Yuwen Feixiang by three points, but Lu Ping goes further. Later, he saw Xie Tianyang's merit points rise again, but still ranked thirteenth, but as long as the points increase, it means that Xie Tianyang's injury is no longer harmful, which is good news for Lu Ping.

In addition, Lu Ping saw Sang Yu's name in the fifteenth place, and he has already caught up. After all, he is the most outstanding traveler in the world in the Royal Beast Spirit Sect. How could his strength be worse than others.

"How about it, are you interested in a match?"

The female cultivator was so hostile all over her body that she did seem to be full of fighting spirit, but it was more like looking for someone to vent!

Lu Ping gave her a sideways look and said, "Are you Cao Jianping?"

The female cultivator snorted coldly, with a hint of arrogance in her tone, and said, "Yes!"

Lu Ping inadvertently flicked his right hand, and a sword light swept past Cao Jianping's side with lightning speed. Cao Jianping was taken aback. She retreated several feet in a row and shouted, "What are you doing?"

Lu Ping glanced to her side and back, shrugged, and said, "I'm in front of you now!"

Cao Jianping showed a suspicious look on her face, and suddenly turned her head to look in the direction of the sword light that Lu Ping had previously cut out. She saw Xiahou Wushang looking at the disintegrating Jade Shura in front of him with a gloomy expression. At the back of that Jade Shura, a wound apparently shattered Jade Shura's core space.

On the psychic jade stele, Lu Ping’s combat scores suddenly moved, rising from 189 points to 199 points in one fell swoop. The ranking also jumped one place forward, pressing Cao Jianping, who had just risen to fourth place. Back to fifth place.


An anger suddenly rose on Cao Jianping's face, and she said loudly: "You are picking up other people's advantages, shameless!"

Having said that, Cao Jianping knew the sword light that Lu Ping had just made a sudden shot. If he changed it to him, he would not even be able to hide it. Although his face was angry, his heart was jealous.

Lu Ping smiled and did not respond. Then Cao Jianping saw that Lu Ping was so tired and lazy, and there was a deep anger in it. However, after all, he knew that Lu Ping was the key to the victory of Tianxuanzong in this battle of the valley, so he snorted coldly and stepped down. His escape flashed, but he was looking for the evil spirits in the valley that had not yet been cleared and suppressed.

However, when he was in the air, Cao Jianping's escape stopped. I don't know when there was a red hydrangea in his hand. It was also a treasure of a catastrophe. The hydrangea flew out of his hand, and a scarred blood shura suddenly burst into the brain.

Where Xue Xiuluo did not want, Yin Tianchu stepped out of the void, staring at Cao Jianping in front of him. This blood Shura was obviously Yin Tianchu’s prey. It had been hit hard by him before, and only the last one was left. One blow, I didn't want to but was intercepted by Cao Jianping midway.

Cao Jianping made a provocative look at Yin Tianchu, and the light under her feet disappeared in a flash. At the same time, Yin Tianchu's figure also disappeared into the void again.

Seeing Xiahou Wushang coming over, Lu Ping smiled at him: "Brother Xiahou, I robbed you of your military exploits, no wonder, no wonder!"

Xiahou Wushang smiled bitterly, waved his hand, and said: "Don't talk about that, it's just that Sister Sister has a simple heart, and she only knows how to practice and is unreasonable to the world. Before that, she encountered Sixth Junior Brother's betrayal of the sect. Please don't blame Brother Lu!"

Previously, Lu Ping’s attack was actually a sneak attack, but Cao Jianping was able to retreat a few feet away. Even if Lu Ping really made a sneak attack on Cao Jianping, that sword might not be able to do his best. This Cao Jianping could be listed in the Sky Profound Sect. In the first biography, even the characters such as Xiahou Wushang were suppressed by her, and the reputation was worthless.

Lu Ping heard the words: "Senior Sister Cao is the first descendant of your school, and the strength is really well-deserved, but what's the matter with the sixth junior brother of your school?"

Xia Hou Wushang sighed and said, "It is also the shame of this school to speak of it. The Sixth Junior Brother has worshipped this school since he was a child, and his aptitude and comprehension are both superior in this school, and he is the youngest member of the school's directing monks. , And Senior Sister Cao are also childhood sweethearts, but did not expect this time not only to expose this valley station to Taixuanzong, but also to open the guard disciples of the valley before the arrival of Taixuanzong, and attracted Mo Luo to make the martial sect into chaos, making Tai Xuanzong took the opportunity to take control of the resident guardian formation and transformed it into a trapped formation that blocked the valley."

"Oh, this one, um, he has escaped with Tai Xuanzong now?"

Xiahou Wushang shook his head and said, "No, I was killed by Senior Sister Cao herself."

A weird look flashed across Lu Ping's face, and he stopped asking more with a "Well", Xia Hou Wushang obviously didn't want to say more.

Lu Ping was led by Xiahou Wushang to visit Qingli ancestors. Qingli ancestors saw Lu Ping come over. He suddenly laughed and said, "Little friend Lu, I haven’t seen you for decades. Xuanzong thanked you all!"

Lu Ping hurriedly resigned: "The predecessors are overwhelmed, and the juniors are just in time for the meeting. Moreover, Xiahou brother had helped the faction guard the station before, and Tai Xuanzong also had enmity with the juniors. Lu Ping would not stand idly by anyway."

Lu Ping could see that the ancestor Qingli's expression was very bad at this time. Obviously, he had faced the attack of Han Wuya and Yu Xiula before, even if he had the Second Tribulations Lingbao Dingling Bottle in his hand, he was afraid that he would suffer serious injuries.

Lu Ping paused, and then said: "This time the juniors got news from Senior Lin Yu, knowing that your faction is going to counterattack the Mo Luo army in the siege, so the juniors and Junior Brother Yin rushed to help, and there will be more from this faction later. Several Buddhist monks came to do their best. If the seniors send them, just give them orders."

The ancestor Qingli was overjoyed when he heard the words, and said, "Is Daoist Lin Yu already here, but it is an unexpected joy to be able to get Lu Xiaoyou's help. The noble faction is so helpful, and Tianxuanzong is five times sensitive!"

During the conversation between the two parties, a ray of light fell from outside the valley. It was the second great monk who appeared in the former Tianxuanzong resident. This person had always used mystery to hide his cultivation as a monk in the middle stage of the law. Only when Han Wuya and Wang Xuanqing couldn't help but attacked the ancestor Qingli, then they suddenly made a move and almost hit him badly.

"Master Wuliu, come here, let me introduce you a rising star, this is the little friend Lu Tianping of the Beihai True Spirit School!"

Qingli’s ancestor personally introduced Lu Ping, apparently attaching great importance to Lu Ping, and at the same time he said to Lu Ping: “Lu Xiaoyou, this is Wuliu, the second-generation monk of this school. He has just passed the second thunder disaster not long after this time. It's a bit of a heartbreak, otherwise Tai Xuanzong's raid this time is probably going to be much more serious!"

The ancestor Wuliu was a clear-faced middle-aged man with a few strands of jet black beard on his lower jaw. The two had met each other. The ancestor Wuliu was obviously very kind to Lu Ping.

"Then Tai Xuanzong has retreated?"

Old Ancestor Wuliu nodded and said: "Retired, but the great cultivator Wang Xuanqing from Beihai who fought with his disciple is not very strong, but he reveals a lot of weirdness all over his body. Xiaoyou Lu is from Beihai, but he knows that Wang Xuanqing's Is it detailed?"

Lu Ping knew that Xiahou Wushang must have told the elders of the same school in the last battle of the resident, so he was not surprised that Wuliu ancestor knew the identity of Wang Xuanqing.

Hearing what Wuliu ancestor said, Lu Ping was also about to ask the two ancestors about this, so he told the two of Wang Xuanqing’s details, and finally said: "This Wang Xuanqing is supposed to be by the younger generation. He has severely damaged the source, unless he can get the legendary Three Spirits and Five Elements Pill, he will definitely be healed. Moreover, this person may not necessarily have good aptitude, let alone take his own cultivation base in just over a hundred years. It has been promoted from the early stage to the late stage!"

Lu Ping paused, and then said: "The younger generation has little knowledge. I really don't know the reason for this. I wonder if the two seniors understand the reason for this?"

Patriarch Wuliu and Patriarch Qingli looked at each other, and Patriarch Wuliu thought: "It took more than a hundred years to promote the cultivation of a monk from the early stage of the Dharma stage to the late stage of the Dharma stage. This is not the case. It can’t be done, it’s just that the training resources consumed in this part seem to be more or less worth the loss. It’s just that this person has been severely injured by Lu Xiaoyou and his origin can make his cultivation soar, which is a bit weird!"

Lu Ping tentatively asked: "Is it related to Taixuanzong? With the understanding of the younger generations about the Azure Sea Sect, don’t say whether they can refine the legendary Three Spirits and Five Elements Pill. The huge amount of cultivation resources consumed by the monks who have been promoted to the late stage of the law is probably not something that the Azure Sea Sect can easily do."

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