Nine Evolutions of the True Spirit

Chapter 1334: Mu Luan follows

Those monks of various factions who besieged the Moluo army on the periphery are not fools. Seeing the tyrannical power of the seven feather fans and the almost irrespective attack of the enemy and us at the beginning, these monks will inevitably feel that this kind of domineering approach of the Nine Profound Tower disgust.

Although the presence of the imperial envoy Qiyufan used his great magical powers to inform the monks to retreat fifty miles away when he deployed the heavenly supernatural powers, in fact the maximum distance of fifty miles was only one that would not be killed by the Qiyufan fan. No matter the distance, and the time interval of notification is so short that many cultivators can escape fifty miles away under the annoyance of the Mo Luo army.

   Although the distance of fifty miles will not die, it is possible to be injured by the seven feather fan, and if there is also the Mo Luo who has also left the distance of fifty miles and survived at this time, isn't it the time to die!

On the west side of the Jiuxuan Tower, the guard formation was suddenly broken by the existence of the transcendent demon. After the Moluo army began to rush to the entry camp, the presence of the imperial envoy Qiyufan was obviously eager to destroy the Moluo army on the west side and relieve the Jiuxuan. The pressure faced by Lou began to talk about the seven feather fans falling towards the west of the Nine Profound Tower, and those monks who were fighting among the Mura Group and previously escaped from the North and the East Mura Group were opened up through the Mura without a word. The gap broke into the sect station.

  With these people taking the lead, Xiao Baiyu and the ancestor of the seven fans broke into it as an example. Many monks followed them and entered the residence of the Nine Profound Tower.

   The calamity of the Nine Profound Towers this time seems to be no longer just the Mo Luo army, but at this time of crisis, it can't happen again, and he can only knock down his teeth and swallow in his belly.

   Attached to the space passage above the Changsheng Cave sky, Qinghu nodded towards Lu Ping, and the Heaven Thief God axe slashed towards the whirlpool-like passage. Lu Ping took the opportunity to jump into the whirlpool and disappear in the blink of an eye.

   "Who would dare to break into the Longevity Cave of the Nine Profound Tower!"

As soon as Lu Ping’s feet landed, a crisp sound came from mid-air, and a huge wooden luan bird had already rushed down from the mid-air, but after seeing that the person who appeared from the spatial passage was Lu Ping, this wooden luan He immediately converged his strength during the dive.

   "Hey, why are you, why are you here again?"

   Lu Ping looked up and suddenly smiled: "It turned out to be Senior Luan Qing. Does Senior know what is happening outside of the Longevity Cave?"

While talking, Qinghu, Liu Tianyuan, and Yin Tianchu entered the longevity cave from the entrance of the space one after another. Qinghu had been there once, after all, but Liu Tianyuan and Yin Tianchu seemed a little dizzy after entering it. Such a huge cave space is just that. The two largest spatial magic weapons of the True Spirit School, the True Spirit Cave Sky and the Jade Cave Cave Sky, are also far behind.

   Then the two of them looked at the Mu Luan demon cultivator who was talking with Lu Ping, who had reached the middle stage of the law.

"Did you come in while the Nine Profound Tower resisted the disaster of the Demon? I heard from the cultivator of the Nine Profound Tower that the Nine Profound Tower was afflicted by the Demon. But I don’t think the cultivator of the Nine Profound Tower was very concerned about the disaster of the Demon I care, and I heard the news a few days ago that it is said that Jiuxuanlou's victory is just around the corner."

   Lu Ping smiled and said, "It is true, but have the generations found anything strange about it?"

Lu Ping's question caused Luan Qing to be taken aback, but another voice rang from behind him, saying: "There is indeed something weird, Brother Qing has seen people from the Nine Profound Towers patrolling the cave sky these days? "

Lu Ping turned to look, but it was Luan Xiu, another demon of the Muluan clan who was in the middle stage of the law, rushing over. Seeing that the two of Lu Ping had slightly nodded and summoned, they listened to Luan Qing's words and thought for a while, and said, "It's really not! "

   Luan Xiu nodded and said, "I have discovered some anomalies these days. I just went to the residence of the Nine Profound Tower monks in the cave and found that none of the monks who were stationed there were missing."

   "None of them are there?"

   Luan Qing said in surprise: "So the Jiuxuan Tower really has trouble?"

   The two looked at Lu Ping. Lu Ping shrugged and said, "The Nine Profound Tower was broken by the Mo Luo army. Now, the upper and lower sides of the Nine Profound Tower are probably in chaos."


The two Mu Luan almost exclaimed, "The Nine Profound Tower is the holy land of the cultivation world. It was passed down to the time when the Seventh Patriarch opened the sky. Broke the guardian formation?"

Although Lu Ping had long suspected that these sacred sects existed beyond pure sun, he was shocked by the fact that he knew the details of the Jiuxuanlou from Mu Luan's mouth, not to mention the fact that the cultivators who achieved true spirits in the Jiuxuanlou seemed to be full of shock. Never cut off, this is even more incredible!

   But this is not the time when Lu Ping asked about the news seriously. Lu Ping probably briefly explained the process of the destruction of the Jiuxuanlou Guardian Formation to the two of them, and both of them looked suspicious.

   Luan Xiu settled down and said, "What does Fellow Daoist Lu mean, is it possible that he wants to **** the eternal cave heaven?"

Before Lu Ping could answer, Luan Qing on the side continued: "If a few fellow daoists make this idea, I would advise you to give up. Even if the cultivator of the Nine Profound Tower is not in the cave, you just need to try to **** it. It will be discovered by the Nine Profound Tower. The Longevity Cave is one of the most important inheritance sites of the Nine Profound Tower. What's more, we have been planted with divine consciousness forbidden. Life and death are between the nine Profound Tower. So you If you want to get the idea of ​​Dongtian here, unless you kill all of us."

Luan Xiu sighed, and said: "This is also the reason why the Nine Profound Tower safely evacuated all the monks stationed in Dong Tian to resist Mo Luo's attack. In order to save my life, I had to stop all those who tried to **** the longevity Dong Tian, ​​Lu Xiaoyou. , You should just retreat, we understand your kindness, please forgive us for nothing we can do!"

   Lu Ping was a little funny and said, "Who said we are going to grab the eternal cave sky?"

This time not only Luan Qing and Luan Xiu breathed a sigh of relief, but Yin Tianchu and others were also a little surprised, but think about it, once they start to **** the eternal cave sky, they will definitely be noticed by the Ninth Profound Tower monks, let alone whether they can Successfully robbed, even if it succeeded, the True Spirit faction would not have the strength to keep this magic weapon in the cave.

"Then you came in this time to pick the spirit grass in the cave? This is not good. If you pick some spirit grass sparsely, it will be fine, but once you pick a large scale, you will inevitably be in the Nine Profound Tower. People have discovered that we will be the one who is unlucky at that time, and this space channel opened by the ancestor of the sky thief may not be able to be kept."

   Lu Ping smiled and said, "What if the restraint in your divine mind can't be activated?"


   Luan Xiu and Luan Qing were surprised at first, followed by a joy. Luan Xiu stepped forward and said in a condensed voice: "Can Lu Daoyou resolve the prohibition in our spiritual thoughts?"

   Luan Qing also gritted his teeth at this time: "If Fellow Lu Dao can really resolve the prohibition in our divine minds, even if we help a few to rob the eternal cave heaven, we will not hesitate!"

   Lu Ping saw that a few people were about to misunderstand, he waved his hand quickly, and said, "There is no way to dissolve the divine consciousness restriction under the Nine Profound Tower."

   Seeing that Luan Qing and Luan Xiu were disappointed, they quickly explained: "I'm talking about concealment below, which can prevent the Jiuxuan Tower from launching the ban on divine consciousness, but the restriction in your divine mind cannot be resolved below."

   Luan Xiu's expression changed slightly, and he looked at Lu Ping with a trace of inquiry, and said, "You mean let us go with you?"

   Lu Ping was taken aback, and then he remembered that he seemed to have overlooked a very important question, how can these Mu Luan Demon Xiu believe that Lu Ping will not imprison them again like the Jiu Xuan Tower.

   Just as Lu Ping was thinking about how to gain the trust of these Mu Luan, Luan Xiu suddenly smiled and said, "Okay, let's go with you!"

   It was Lu Ping’s turn to be a little surprised, but at this time Luan Qing said: "Wait a minute, let me try Lu Daoyou's secret technique first to see if it can really cover up the prohibition in my divine mind."

   Lu Ping smiled slightly when he heard the words, flipped the palm of his right hand, and the poisonous fire of the black prison jumped over the palm of his palm.

Lu Ping pointed out, a black spark jumped out from the poisonous fire in the black prison, and fell in front of Luan Qing under Lu Ping's guidance, saying: "Senior only needs to refine this spark to use it. To cover the prohibition in the divine mind."

This is a set of secret techniques that Lu Ping obtained through the inheritance of the Lu family poison refining and one of the several mediums required to perform this set of secret techniques is Hei Hell Poison fire.

   Luan Qing looked at the sparks floating in front of him, with a slightly surprised expression, and said, "This is the poisonous fire of the black prison?"

   Lu Ping looked calm and nodded, "Exactly!"

Luan Qing looked at Lu Ping, and then at the flame. Finally, he gritted his teeth and took it into his palm. A cloud of turquoise true essence surged in his palm, and after a while, the spark was refined. Disappeared in the palm of the hand.

   Luan Xiu looked at Luan Qing nervously, and saw that he suddenly opened his eyes and smiled, and said: "It really can cover the prohibition of divine consciousness!"

   Lu Ping wondered: "Why do you believe us so easily? Are you afraid that we will imprison you again like the Nine Profound Tower?"

Luan Qing smiled bitterly: "If I walk with you, there is at least hope of escape. Staying here is no hope of escape. Why can't we take a gamble? Even if we lose, it can be worse than our current situation. ?"

   Lu Ping nodded, and said to Yin Tianchu and others behind him: "There is not much time, try to empty this cave sky as much as possible!"

   Luan Xiu looked at Lu Ping and said, "Well, let's call the clansmen. No one is more familiar with this cave than us. As several important places, this cave will not be easy to find without our leadership!"

   Liu Tianyuan whispered to Lu Ping: "Really don't grab this magic treasure from the cave, such a huge spiritual grass garden is a pity!"

   Lu Ping smiled slightly and said, "Although this spiritual grass garden is important, it is more important that these ten wooden luans!"

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