Nine Evolutions of the True Spirit

Chapter 1339: 2The Land of the River

This morning, I took a train back to my hometown and took a day to walk the relatives of both sides. This is a courtesy that must be taken before the Mid-Autumn Festival. Then I will return to the city tomorrow afternoon to prepare for the Mid-Autumn Festival. I have already told my daughter-in-law what will happen next Monday to the end of the month. No matter what, concentrate on the code word burst, all the way to the end of the month, this time, if you lose the chain before the end of the month, then curse the next book on the street, and the chapters published by the next chapter will be the same. Become a model of two thousand nine, three thousand nine, and four thousand nine!


The Land of Two Rivers refers to the area between the Yulan River and the upper reaches of the Qingming River. It is said that after the Taoist and Pengdao people fought all the way and fell into this world, after the formation of the source of the Qingming River and the Yulan River, Hu Dao Ren, Yuan Dao Ren, Lu Dao Ren, Gui Dao Ren, and Cicada Dao Ren came to meet with the two Taoists one after another. The seven eventually opened up the Seven Ancestor Taoist altar in the land of these two rivers, preaching **. m.

After receiving the summons jointly issued by ten Chunyang, the real spirit faction began to prepare to leave in the station. Among them, Lu Ping, Yin Tianchu, Tiancheng ancestor, Liu Tianyuan, and Leidi, as well as those who were qualified to enter the three secret realms The five alchemy monks and the ancestor Jiang Tianlin rushed to the land of Lianghe, while the other true spirit sect monks rushed back to Beihai under the leadership of the ancestors of Tianshan and the ancestors of Tianqin.

Nearly a hundred people of the True Spirit Sect will naturally not return to Beihai through the Yingshan Immortal Courtyard. Not to mention that such a big fanfare will be discovered by the cultivation world. The True Spirit Sect’s ultra-long-distance teleportation array in Yingshan Immortal Courtyard will be discovered every time by this small teleportation array. It takes a top-grade spirit stone to transmit only a few people, and this price is enough to hurt the real spirit sect.

This time the True Spirit Sect was going east first, and then returned to the East China Sea using the ultra-long-distance teleportation array of the Tianyue Sect and the Xiaoyao Sect, and then returned to the North Sea from the East China Sea.

All other things are easy to say, the corresponding affairs in the station were quickly cleaned up, but at the end Lu Ping pulled out the small water vein from the Qingming River, it was difficult.

Lu Ping has Chunyang Lingbao in his hands. The ancestors of the True Spirit Sect are naturally aware of it, but at this time, the ancestors of Tianlin and others have not been shocked by the earth-shattering work that Lu Ping made in the East China Sea and Zhongtu. It's a major event, and several ancestors are now looking at the water vein in the resident, and they are all embarrassed.

"How can this water vein be equivalent to a small spirit vein, right?"

"Small spirit veins? Water veins are not simply used as spirit veins. If this water vein is implanted in a river, the effect on the river is at least the effect of a medium-sized spirit vein."

"Do you mean to find a way to bring this water vein back to the North Sea?"

"In Middle-earth, there are only two major water veins of Magnolia River and Qingming River running through the entire Middle-earth world. After a small part of the water veins and branches are intercepted, they can be continuously replenished and restored. Other rivers usually contain water veins. Which one can be intercepted, once the entire river is intercepted, it will be abolished, and it will be angry and angry at that time!"

"There are many rivers on the various islands of the North Sea, but none of them can give birth to water veins. Back then, there was a legend on Feiling Island. There was a water vein, and how many spiritual grass gardens the Feiling School planted along that river. What is more important is that the water vein can coexist with the spirit vein and complement each other, and there are many benefits!"

Everyone finally looked at Lu Ping, and Jiang Tianlin asked, "Boy, is there a way to bring this branch to Beihai without knowing it?"

Lu Ping said: "Of course there is a way. It is only a cut of Pure Yang Lingbao. The disciple still has an exquisite wine cauldron on his body. It is completely possible to intercept this water vein and bring it back to the North Sea without losing any of it."

The ancestor Jiang Tianlin said with joy: "That's good!"


Lu Ping hurriedly added: "To completely separate this branch from the Qingming River water vein, the movement will not be small when the time comes. The Nine Profound Tower and the Chongtian Pavilion will definitely notice the changes in the Qingming River water vein, and that's it for the Chongtian Pavilion. After all, it’s far away. If it’s blocked by the Nine Profound Tower, it will be a small matter if the water veins are not available. If it exposes the pure Yang Lingbao in the hands of the disciple, it will be very bad!"

Lingbao Scissors have a major relationship with each other. Once the news on Lu Ping is leaked, not only the Five Elements Sect and the Nine Profound Towers, but also all the Six Great Sacred Grounds and even the powers of the Monster Race will be seized. Today's heel is a complete water-changing charm made by Taoist Cicada himself. Even if this heaven-opening thing is not comparable to the six great artifacts, it is also a first-class treasure in this world.

The value of Chunyang Lingbao is naturally unquestionable. Jiang Tianlin looked at the deep well under his feet with a bit of a pity. The branch that Lu Ping pulled out eventually converged into this deep well through the underground channel, and finally transformed into richness. The spirit qi of spit out from the wellhead, although it is not as good as a complete medium-sized spirit vein, the function of the water vein is more than just transforming the spirit energy.

"If this is the case, then forget it. In any case, this water vein should not expose the existence of Pure Yang Lingbao!"

Although ancestor Jiang Tianlin was a bit pity, he still said categorically, and the other ancestors also nodded with regret.

Lu Ping suddenly thought of something at this moment and asked, "Uncle, are you still carrying Yingxu Baojing?"

Jiang Tianlin was stunned for a moment, and said, "This is carried on my body, why?"

The Yingxu Treasure Mirror itself is an extremely powerful magic weapon, but it itself is also a magic weapon of the cave that condenses the eight spatial treasures, and it is a magic weapon of the cave that is specially used to establish the Lingcao Garden. This is in the entire True Spirit School. It is also one of the best in existence, and the Jade Cave Cave Sky is also inferior. Only the True Spirit Cave Heaven, which is the place where the True Spirit School is fundamentally inherited, can stabilize this magic treasure.

It is precisely because of this that the Yingxu treasure mirror was confiscated by the ancestor of the sky shortly after being taken back by the ancestor Jiang Tianlin. Although such a treasure is extremely powerful, it is still a magical treasure in the sky, and it is inherited from another place. Ground, the background of the entire school will increase by one point, and the strength of the entire school will also increase by one point.

However, this time because of the strong rise of the True Spirit Sect in the First World War, the trip to the three secret realms will inevitably bring a large amount of training resources to the True Spirit Sect. Some of the training resources will inevitably use space magic weapons to maintain some special effects. Therefore, the ancestor of the sky elephant sent Jiang Tianlin, who had just become a great monk, to Middle-earth to respond with the Yingxu Treasure Mirror.

Lu Ping heard that the ancestor Jiang Tianlin really brought the Yingxu Treasure Mirror, and smiled: "Couldn't Uncle Master forget how we got this magic treasure in the cave?"

Jiang Tianlin smiled and said: "This is naturally not forgotten. When I got this magic treasure in the cave, it was in a lake. The magic treasure is hidden ingeniously. The entire lake is the mirror surface of the treasure mirror, and it is also the entrance to the entire cave, hey, You mean..."

Lu Ping smiled and said: "That's right, this Yingxu Treasure Mirror's cave sky is designed extremely ingeniously. Its cave sky space can be perfectly integrated with this world. This is our opportunity!"

Jiang Tianlin clapped his hands and laughed and said, "It is true. You only need to integrate the treasure mirror into the Qingming River water, and incorporate the connection between this branch and the water vein into the cave sky space, and then cut it off to break the water vein. The momentum is reduced to a minimum."

The ancestor Tiancheng was the most anxious. Hearing that the two had a solution, he immediately said, "What are you waiting for? Now cut it!"

"Not urgent!"

Jiang Tianlin waved his hand and said: "Although Yingxu Dongtian can reduce the momentum of cutting the water veins to a minimum, it still has fluctuations in the water veins. Even if the location of the Nine Profound Tower cannot be determined, it can still find the approximate direction. I won’t find it here. What's more, this is our resident. Naturally, the suspicion is the greatest. I think we should wait until this time the Seventh Ancestor Taoist altar is completed before doing it. Even if the Ninth Profound Building finds this place, we have enough reasons. Get rid of suspicion."

Everyone backfilled the deep well, hidden the branch of the water vein in the underground channel, and started to split up. However, when everyone was about to set off for the land of the two rivers, there was a light on the horizon.

Both Lu Ping and Jiang Tianlin's expressions were shocked. A dignified look flashed across Jiang Tianlin's face, but Lu Ping smiled with joy and said, "Senior Lin, you are here!"

The visitor was naturally the ancestor Lin Yu. The ancestor Jiang Tianlin did not know the origins of the True Spirit School and the ancestor Lin Yu, so it was inevitable that he was a little nervous when he saw a pure Yang monk suddenly arrive, but after Lu Ping introduced it, Jiang Tianlin was naturally happy. , Being able to associate with a pure-yang monk is of great benefit to the true spirit school today, not to mention that the ancestor Lin Yu obviously has a special affection for the true spirit school.

The ancestor Lin Yu looked at the ancestor Jiang Tianlin and exclaimed: "It seems that the promotion of the noble sect to a large sect is just around the corner!"

Jiang Tianlin smiled and said, "If seniors are free at that time, please seniors to be able to appreciate the gifts!"

The ancestor Lin Yu smiled and said, "It's easy to talk about it!"

Seeing the real spirit cultivators busy in the resident, the ancestor Lin Yu asked: "You are going back to Beihai? Xiaoyou Lu, you guys are going to the land of the two rivers, right? I heard that this time your real spirits are dispatched. The limelight is not small, have you ever brought the magic treasure of the cave? There are many good things produced in the three secret Some treasures of heaven and earth are not easy to preserve, if there is no magic treasure of the cave, transplant it in time , I am afraid you will be abandoned before you return to Beihai!"

Lu Ping smiled and said, "Senior can rest assured that this time Uncle Jiang did not wait to retreat to consolidate his cultivation after going through the thunder tribulation, and came to China Earth to respond for this."

The ancestor Lin Yu smiled and said, "That's just right, it just happens that the old man is going to the land of Heyuan too, we are going all the way!"

Jiang Tianlin and others naturally had no objection. After bidding farewell to Tianqin and others, the ancestor Jiang Tianlin and the ancestor Tiancheng led Lu Ping, Yin Tianchu, Liu Tianyuan, Leidi, and the five alchemy monks all the way to the land of the two rivers.

The ancestor Lin Yu, the pure-yang monk, and the two brothers Qin Yu and Qin Gang, said that he would use two followers, and by the way, the two brothers were naturally tight with joy.

Everyone flew all the way, Lu Ping was very bored, so he asked the ancestor Lin Yu about the specific process of the final battle of the Nine Profound Tower, especially after the appearance of the two Ultra-Order Mo Luo. At that time, Lu Ping had already Taking advantage of the chaos to sneak into the longevity cave and looting, naturally I don’t know how the war went, especially since the original thirteen pure Yangs who wanted to be sent by various factions later became ten. It’s impossible for the three who are missing to be lost. Up?

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