Nine Evolutions of the True Spirit

Chapter 1347: Repressive ideas

It's a bit late, it's a bit late, this chapter is the fourth one, dizzy, thank you everyone for your monthly pass support today, thanks!


Lu Ping's heart was stunned. Those who were able to perform the flying technique in this world of the altar were at least the existence of a great monk, and the strength of the coming person was probably higher than that of the great monk in front of him. m.

Lu Ping immediately interrupted his cultivation, and Linglong wine cauldron retracted into Lu Ping's golden house. The rich water spirit essence was quickly absorbed by Lu Ping's body because it lost its source, and the last slight aura fluctuations around Lu Ping's body disappeared.

When the light fell, a great monk walked out of the light, and the previous monk hurriedly stepped forward, seeming to be quite respectful to the visitors.

Lu Ping was taken aback when he saw that person. He knew this person, and he had also fought against him. It was on the Qingming River that he had joined forces with an emissary of the Five Elements Sect and a spiritual fan monk to intercept Lu Ping’s surname. Great monk, Lu Ping remembered that the emissary in this man's hand should be a yellow mountain-shaped spiritual treasure.

At that time, the two of them joined forces and seriously injured Lu Ping, but the two of them were not pleased. The Lingbao in the hands of the great monk of the imperial fan was cut into torn pieces by Lu Ping with Lingbao scissors.

However, judging from the fights at the time, although the Five Elements Sect's cultivator surnamed Gu is good, he is not so clever, but this person can be regarded as a blockbuster in the battle of the Jiuxuanlou, if Lu Ping remembers it well. If this is the case, this person will eventually be ranked ninth in the post-Faxiang military merit list.

Because this person had some hatreds with Lu Ping and he was a monk of the Five Elements Sect, Lu Ping inevitably paid more attention to him, but because of this, Lu Ping was somewhat disagreed with the military merit list in the later period of Fa Xiang, in Lu Ping’s opinion. , People with cultivation skills like the surname Gu can occupy the top ten high positions, is it possible that the great cultivators in the late stage of the law are no one?

Lu Ping dare not say that it is because he is too strong. He has not been so arrogant. He also knows that there are still many extremely powerful characters among the great monks in the late stage of the law. It is not because he has defeated him. Several great monks thought that all great monks were nothing but this.

But now when Lu Ping perceives the breath of the great monk's body, his heart is shocked. This person's current strength is beyond Lu Ping's expectation. Nowhere is this the one who ambushed Lu Ping in the first place. On the contrary, the great monk who was almost injured by Lu Ping, with his current cultivation level, Lu Ping could not escape the joint interception between him and the other great monk when he was on the Qingming River.

It was absolutely impossible for this person to hide his strength at the beginning, so there is only one possibility. Within a short period of time after the Battle of Luoxin Mountain, the strength of this person's cultivation has increased unexpectedly, and the evidence is that this person's body is around. The surging and overbearing aura made Lu Ping's divine mind, who was afraid of being discovered and dared not to step forward, could feel the violent and uncontrollable aura fluctuations far away.

Obviously, this was because his strength suddenly increased, and his True Essence and Divine Sense had not been able to achieve effective coordination and control, making the aura around him still unable to converge.

Because Lu Ping’s spiritual thoughts did not dare to escape and approach, it was impossible to find out what the two were discussing, but the great monk surnamed Gu of the Five Elements Sect seemed to have been ordering something to another great monk, and the other great monk. The monk kept nodding his head with a respectful expression on his face.

In the end, the great monk surnamed Gu waved his hand, and the light under his feet rose, as if he was telling him to go with him, but the great monk looked back and looked very hesitant, obviously because of that one. It's because of the gravel that hit the sound into the soil.

It's just that the great monk obviously didn't want the monk surnamed Zonggu of the Five Elements in front of him to know the existence of the Qingyin gravel, but he didn't want to leave this divine stone behind, so his expression seemed extremely tangled.

The monk surnamed Gu obviously did not know the reason, and when he saw the great monk hesitating, he immediately reprimanded a few words, and finally the great monk had no choice but to reluctantly set up his escape, and flew away behind the monk surnamed Gu staggeringly.

Lu Ping felt that a wave of joy swirled from the bottom of his heart until it emerged from the tip of his hair. This kind of luck was really good!

Lu Ping did not leave immediately. Instead, he estimated that the two great monks had flew far enough away. It was expected that their spirits could no longer cover the place where the great monk practiced before, so Lu Ping quickly moved towards that place. A Qingyin divine stone that was smashed into the ground flew away.

Even though Lu Ping was delighted at this time, he still didn't dare to be careless in his heart. During the fast marching process, he tried his best to converge the aura of his body, and at the same time use a cloud sail to transform auspicious clouds to cover his figure, so that even if someone is watching in the dark, he cannot know Lu Ping True face.

Lu Ping came to the cultivating place of the previous monk and stretched out his hand towards the ground. The irregular stone he had smashed into the ground flew upside down and was grabbed by Lu Ping.


As soon as Lu Ping's palm touched the stone, a vague but extremely strange sound penetrated into Lu Ping's spiritual thoughts, and Lu Ping's figure couldn't help but shake for a while.

But fortunately, Lu Ping’s divine consciousness was strong enough, and he soon awoke from the strange divine consciousness impact. When he looked at the stone in his hand, it was just a piece of ordinary gravel, and he didn’t see any peculiarities at all. Place.

Lu Ping didn't have time to look closely at the stones in his hand, and turned to go deep in the direction of the Taoist altar site again. This time he went deep for fifteen miles in a single breath, and it was only because of the continuous consumption of the true essence in his body that he temporarily slowed his pace.

The location of the great monk before was about ten miles away from where Lu Ping descended. This time, Lu Ping went further for fifteen miles. At this time, his position was probably in the late stage of the Fa Xiang area, the place where the great monk ranked about 20. Within the ring area.

Lu Ping converged the auspicious clouds, but stomped under his feet, circles of white light spread from the inside to the outside, but Lu Ping's body gradually became blurred until it disappeared, and the fuzzy lotus pattern flashed on the ground. After a while, there was no trace.

At this time, Lu Ping was carefully looking at the broken stone in his hand. There was really no abnormality on the surface of the ordinary stone. However, at this time, it has been confirmed that this stone is the legendary Qingyin Divine Stone Broken. There is no doubt that Lu Ping’s divine mind can already perceive a vigorous mind in this rock, but this mind is sealed and blocked by a stronger horizontal force, making Lu Ping feel it. This idea is always a vague sound.

But even so, Lu Ping was able to confirm his identity through this vague thought. This piece of gravel with chime sound should be the one after the fragmentation of the seven pieces of chime sound divine stone under the seat of Taoist Cicada.

Lu Ping’s judgment comes from the tone and intonation of this vague idea in the process of narration. This is also a common way of judging the “identity” of the Qingyin gravel that Lu Ping learned from Lin Yu’s ancestors. method.

Seven ancestors ** is the real way to speak. Sometimes it is not only that the one or two mantras they tell can give people the effect of divine enlightenment, but also that the tone of voice when they speak can also give the monks a great drink. Prestige, and the two complement each other more powerfully, this is where the real wonder of the Qingyin Divine Stone lies.

Although the content expressed by the mind is sealed in the Qingyin gravel, it cannot conceal the tone and tone of the mind. Although these things have no substantive content and can no longer have the power to drink, they are used by the monks to judge the broken stones. The basis of stone "identity".

Based on this, Lu Ping judged that this piece of rubble should come from the records of Taoist Cicada!

Lu Ping was somewhat disappointed in his heart. Taoist Cicada’s stone was obviously of little use to Lu Ping, who was practicing Jiao Taoist’s directing exercises, but it was a piece of gravel with chime sound. If Lu Ping could suppress the Taoist Cicada hidden in it. A thought can at least give the mantra content recorded in it to useful people in the sect. Although it lacks the power of the tone and intonation, it can get one or a few mantras from the Seventh Patriarch, which is also the great spirit of the true spirit school. Fortunately.

Of course, if Lu Ping can forcibly erase this thought after suppressing the will of the seven ancestors of the patron saint stone, then Lu Ping can still take this gravel out of the world of Taoism, but it can only be used to cast the Canghai Bell. The Qingyin divine stone that the ancestor Long Huai asked for could only record the thoughts of the Taoist people, but I don’t know if there is no idea of ​​the Taoist people in the divine stone, what use is it for the ancestor Long Huai to come to this stone.

Lu Ping held the sacred stone in his hand, and the rich true essence permeated into the stone along with his tyrannical spiritual thoughts. Lu Ping felt a sharp cry like an awl penetrated his spiritual thoughts, even if there was Biphos. The soul fire and the guarding of the cloud sail also made Lu Ping feel a pin-piercing At the same time, the Zhenyuan that penetrated the stone seemed to encounter a tough wall, Lu Ping's Zhenyuan Trying to break through the obstacles of the wall, the Zhen Yuan was bounced back when it hit the wall, but it blocked the continuous input of Lu Ping's Zhen Yuan.

Just when the screaming and the obstruction of the true essence happened at the same time and passed into the heart core space, the dragon's Faxiang seemed to have felt something in an instant, suddenly raised his head and let out a roar, the sound of the dragon's chanting in the dark. Through the Qingyin gravel in his hand, Lu Ping seemed to feel that the will of the Taoist Cicada in the stone had such an inconspicuous retreat in an instant.

If Lu Ping’s divine consciousness cultivation is not enough, I’m afraid it’s not easy to discover this change. Lu Ping’s heart moved, and a purple-gold cloud rose behind him. The Faxiang of Dragon protruded a giant claw from the cloud and pressed it against the gravel. , And at the same time a roar of dragons roared, Lu Ping felt that a solid idea as solid as a wall among the rubble suddenly collapsed, Lu Ping’s true essence and spirit came in, and this way originated from the Taoist cicada. Has been suppressed.

Then a clear voice of questioning came into Lu Ping's ears from the gravel. Lu Ping's expression was startled, and the whole person was plunged into bewilderment. Then his eyes gradually became clearer from the previous turbidity, he clapped his legs and smiled, saying: "Wonderful! Wonderful! Wonderful! The Colorful Forbidden Symbols can be drawn like this!"

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