Nine Evolutions of the True Spirit

Chapter 1351: Advance by leaps and bounds

First! Good Mid-Autumn Festival everyone!


The five great cultivators present belonged to four sects, but three of them all had deep feuds with Lu Ping. This also made Lu Ping secretly slander himself. His ability to pull hatred seems to be getting better, but he is also more vigilant in his heart. I have offended these people and they can be said to be extraordinary existences in the cultivation world. As my reputation and status rise, my every move will surely get more and more people’s attention, and then I think about acting secretly like before. It's getting harder and harder. m.

However, the development of the True Spirit School also inevitably requires Lu Ping to stand more and more in front of the stage, and at this time, the dark arrow from behind cannot help Lu Ping distracted by not playing twelve points.

As soon as Taixuanzong’s ancestors without quitting had spoken, the great monk surnamed Gu of the Five Elements Sect had already followed up with a solemn expression, saying: "Daoist Lingxu is right? The two descendants of this sect fell down. If the hand of this person is really this person, the old man will definitely want him to survive without death!"

The old ancestor Lingxu looked the same, saying: "No, this person is also a figure in the cultivation world now. The old man will definitely not be mistaken, but the old man met him a few days ago when Lu Tianping was facing him. Walking deep into the Taoist altar site, it’s hard to tell if you are not there now!"

The ancestor Shouheng pondered for a moment, and said: "It should be there. This person should be like the other three generations. This time he entered the Taoist altar mainly to prepare for the late stage of the Dharma stage. At this time, he should go to the area close to the Taoist world. Find a place to practice."

The great monk surnamed Gu waved his hand and said, "What are you waiting for? The shortcut to the area of ​​the white marble futon I am looking for is to cross the ruins of the Taoist altar. I will search for the person's whereabouts along the way, but there is discovery. Get it!"

The great monk surnamed Gu couldn’t help remembering the experience of Lu Ping successfully escaping under the siege of him and another great monk. The tyrannical impact has made the great monk surnamed Gu feel extremely jealous when facing him alone. , Even after he made the statement of joining the siege, no one showed a different face.

The five people just took a short rest here and then left, and the direction they left was exactly the direction Lu Ping pointed out by the ancestor Lingxu.

They waited until the five people left the distance beyond Lu Ping’s divine consciousness perception. After another hour or two, Lu Ping cautiously revealed his figure, and then quickly ran to the vicinity of the pit that everyone had dug before. past.

This time, Lu Ping had learned well, standing on the edge of the earth pit, showing that he was covering the area of ​​thirty feet with a cloud sail, and then he only exuded the breath of the dragon’s law, and then cooperated with the divine mind to capture before. That one reminds Lu Ping's idea of ​​cultivating Sanguang Shenshui.

The whole Taoist world is still filled with chaotic "buzzing" sounds one after another, but it is still impossible to hear a clear word from these noisy sounds. However, Lu Ping's spirit still captures that from these upset noises. A voice sounded a little louder, and the subtle differences in this voice were quickly recognized by Lu Ping as the thoughts of the Taoist Taoist.

Lu Ping stretched out his hand to a place three feet away from one side of the earth pit, and a piece of earth and rock exploded. A stone with the same texture as the piece of Qingyin gravel that Lu Ping had obtained earlier floated from the exploded earth and rock. With a look of joy, he stretched out his hand, and another piece of gravel with a chime sound fell into his hand, and this was still a piece of gravel that recorded the thoughts of the Taoist Taoist, and it was just enough to give the ancestor Longhuai an explanation.

However, thinking of suppressing and erasing the Taoist thoughts in this piece of rubble, Lu Ping was a little confused.

Before Lu Ping was able to erase Taoist Cicada’s thoughts, he relied on the three-light divine water that was trained by the Faxiang of Dragon and Taoist thoughts. However, at this time, he was facing Taoist’s thoughts. Are the previous methods effective and effective? Not to mention, it was really difficult for Lu Ping to deal with the thoughts retained by the Taoist people with the means of the Taoist people.

Lu Ping sighed vigorously, and secretly said: I will inherit the inheritance of the colorful forbidden charms and the three drawing methods. I will inherit the Longteng Xinghe Art. The cohesion of the Three Lights of Divine Water will also be inherited, and it will remain in the stone. After all, the idea of ​​‘’s no longer belongs to the Seventh Ancestor of Kaitian, so at least the disciples’ erasure of it would be considered disrespectful to you!

Lu Ping’s divine consciousness once again separated with the Faxiang, the Biphosphorous Soul Fire had already burned and jumped in the dragon’s Faxiang’s mouth, and the Three Lights of Divine Water had also condensed in the Faxiang’s body, waiting for the last minute means to be used to consume the rubble. Contained Taoist thoughts.

However, just when Lu Ping's various methods were applied to this piece of rubble, the Taoist thoughts contained in the divine stone suddenly disappeared inexplicably!

This feeling was like Lu Ping's full-strength punch hitting the empty space, which made him feel uncomfortable!

Lu Ping was astonished, and then suddenly remembered something. The divine and Dharma elements instantly returned to his physical body. Only then did he discover that he didn’t know when there was a very familiar idea in Lu Ping’s core space, and this was exactly what Lu Ping was taught before. The Taoist Taoist thought of Shenshui Cohesion Method.

Lu Ping was still hesitant in his heart, could it be because all the gravel stones that contained the Taoist thoughts would not have any obstacles in front of the land plane where he cultivated the Longteng Galaxy?

If this is true, doesn't it mean that as long as Lu Ping concentrates on collecting the jingyin divine stone with Taoist thoughts in this world of Taoism, he can get the mantra inheritance left by Taoist Taoist as he pleases?

This speculation really moved Lu Ping's heart. Although Lu Ping felt that this time might be due to luck or other reasons, once this idea took root in Lu Ping's mind, it would be difficult for Lu Ping to discard it.

Maybe it's time to find some more Qingyin gravel that retains the Taoist's thoughts, in case it's really the case!

This thought rolled over and over in Lu Ping's mind, but it was finally suppressed by Lu Ping. At this time, there were already five great monks looking for revenge in the entire Taoist world. He didn't think he had one enemy five. Strength, it's better to avoid these people at this time.

The most urgent task is to seize the special environment of the Taoist world to fully improve the cultivation level. Lu Ping is sealed with a water vein, with the adjustment of the exquisite wine cauldron, which can be turned into a continuous flow of pure water aura. There is not much dependence on the richness of the spiritual energy in the world.

However, the physical and spiritual dual coercion brought by this small thousand world is a rare opportunity for Lu Ping now. However, the coercion facing Lu Ping's position now helps Lu Ping. It's not too big, Lu Ping still needs to go deep into the world of Taoism, and it is better to practice near the site of Taoism.

Lu Ping thought for a while, but turned back to the direction where the five great cultivators had left before, chasing after them and hung far behind them.

These five people are obviously going to find themselves, I'm afraid they didn't even think that they were behind them.

Two hours later, Lu Ping once again returned to the place where the first Qingyin divine stone was suppressed. Obviously someone had come here to survey before, but they finally found nothing, and the five great monks did not find themselves here, this Most of the time I went to look for other white marble futons.

Although Lu Ping really wanted to know what the Five Elements Sect was for looking for these white jade futons, it was obvious that the five great monks joined forces now, and Lu Ping had to suppress this idea.

This place had been checked by the monks of the Five Elements Sect. Lu Ping expected that they would not come back in a short time, so he used the lotus formation and hanging cloud canvas to set down a retreat practice area of ​​nearly one mile in radius.

In this area, any disturbances will be noticed by Lu Ping in advance, and although Lu Ping made it clear to inform everyone in this area that he was designated as his own sphere of influence, but others did not know how many people in it were. , So naturally, he didn't dare to act rashly, and even if an accident happened, Lu Ping had enough time to respond.

Lu Ping, who was ready to retreat, had just summoned Linglong Wine Ting, but a smirk suddenly appeared on his face: he almost forgot, since the Five Elements Sect and other four and five great monks have joined forces to find someone to find someone. Qiu, why don't you let this news out so everyone knows?

This idea is really good. It’s better to also poke out the collection of white marble futons by the Five Elements Sect at the expense of a one-time spirit treasure. Thinking about this is enough to attract the attention of interested people. Although I don’t know why the Five Elements Sect collects white marble futons, But other people may not be ignorant, otherwise the Five Elements Sect would not act so secretly.

Just do it if you think about it, anyway, the five big monks don't know who leaked these secrets, so let them be suspicious at that time!

Lu Ping took out all the paper cranes, sound transmission talisman, sound transmission magic sword and other things he was carrying on his there were about 30 or 40 pieces, and then all the news was printed on it. , And then, like a celestial lady scattered flowers, released it aimlessly in all directions in the world of Taoism in one breath.

It doesn’t matter who gets these things by then. The important thing is that once the news spreads, the five great monks will be guarded and hostile by everyone, let alone whether the collection of white marble futons by the Five Elements Sect can continue. It's not easy to provoke the anger of the people, and become a rat crossing the street that everyone shouts and beats, but they are the ones who are unlucky.

As for the Qingyin gravel, it still depends on chance. Although Lu Ping is able to suppress the Seven Patriarch's thoughts in the gravel with the help of the magic of the dragon, he can even wipe out the thoughts in it with all his strength.

But the key to the problem is how to find these scattered rubble, and this ultimately depends on chance!

If the Faxiang of the Dragon was reminded by the seven ancestor mantras that suddenly emerged during the cultivation process, especially the reminder from Taoist Taoist, perhaps Lu Ping might still find the approximate location of the gravel with the sound of the sound of the mantra.

But if he didn't capture a clear idea in the following practice, Lu Ping would naturally have nothing to do. He can't dig three feet in this world of Taoism to find it!

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