Nine Evolutions of the True Spirit

Chapter 1354: Miserable overhaul

Ashamed, Shuiqiu is working **** codewords. Today's three shifts cannot be determined. This is the first shift. M.


In addition to Lu Ping's account of this incident to several monks in the sect with the secret sect Fulu, the other is that his close friends Xie Tianyang, Sang Yu and others have not specifically issued Fulu notices. For one thing, the five may not rush. To trouble them, Lu Ping really didn't want too many people to know that it was the secret union of the five people he discovered.

However, Lu Ping didn't know that the thirty or forty transmission talisman he had circulated indiscriminately caused an uproar in the Taoist world.

There are only one hundred and fifty monks in the Taoist world. Among them, there are only fifty major monks in the late stage of the Buddhist monks. The five major monks working together to seek revenge for them do not need to explain more than Lu Ping, even if someone suspects whether someone secretly spreads rumors. Yes, but most of the people who are lucky enough to be informed by Lu Ping Fuluo would rather believe it.

Even some monks who have nothing to do with these sects have to call friends in the world of Taoism, and temporarily gather a loose alliance just in case, and this also allows the five great monks to join forces in the Tao. It spreads more and more widely among the world

In fact, just as Lu Ping was sending out the talisman for transmission, the five people had just used the spiritual treasure again on the other side of the Taoist altar ruins from Lu Ping, and they harvested again in the surprised eyes of the great monk surnamed Gu. A white marble futon.

"It's already the fourth seat. Just find another one and you're done."

The ancestor Yuntian of Liuyun Pavilion finally couldn't help but ask: "Shou Heng Dao Fellows, what is the use of your school to collect these white marble futons?"

The ancestor Shouheng looked a little troubled, and the ancestor Yuntian immediately slapped haha ​​upon seeing this, and said: "I have no intention of exploring the secrets of the inheritance of the noble school. If you feel embarrassed, don't say it!"

The ancestor of Shouheng was about to thank the ancestor Yuntian for his consideration, but the brother Gu, who was on the side, was obviously a little excited because he was about to finish. He said: "In fact, it's not a secret thing, and it's nothing to say. "

The ancestor of Conservation seemed to want to stop loudly, but after thinking about it, he didn’t open his mouth. The great monk surnamed Gu had already said on the side: “Although the six holy places have not been recognized, the pure sun monks of the six holy places have inherited from Kaitian. The Dao of the period has never been cut off. The cultivation world has long speculated that it is because the six holy places have mastered what can enhance the monks to survive the third thunder catastrophe, so that they can continuously guarantee the number of pure sun monks in each generation of monks. "

Looking at the ancestor Yuntian and the three people, Brother Gu smiled proudly, and said: "You guessed it right. Although this method is not as magical as you imagined, there are such tricky methods in the six holy places. "

The ancestor Lingxu swallowed and pointed to the white marble futon in the hands of the Great Brother Zhigu, and said: "Then, this white marble futon..."

"Hey, not bad!"

Brother Gu smiled triumphantly: "This white jade futon is a part of the inheritance method controlled by this school, and this method is only available to my Five Elements School. If it is replaced by another school, it will be the original method. Tell them that it is impossible to succeed."

"Why, why?"

The ancestor Lingxu looked at Monk Gu with straight eyes and asked.

"Hahahaha, because Qiankun Baoding!"

Brother Gu laughed and said, "This method can only be done by Qiankun Baoding!"

Although the three great monks such as Ling Xu had already guessed the result, they were still discouraged when they really knew the reason, and at the same time they had an expression of sudden realization.

Qiankun Baoding, no wonder!

But at this time, Brother Gu looked more and more complacent, and then said: "Do you know the origin of these white marble futons?"

Taixuanzong’s ancestors without rings moved in his heart and said, "Could it be that the origin of these white marble futons is related to the Qiankun Baoding, no, it has something to do with the Taoist ape?"

Brother Gu glanced at the Wujie ancestor, nodded and smiled: "That's right, the cultivation world says that the formation is passed down to the Taoist Taoist together, but the Seventh Kaitian Ancestor may not know the inheritance of other formations. Perhaps they are not as proficient as the Taoist Taoist, but the spirit-inducing formation left by the Taoist Ape is clearly different from the formation inheritance system of the cultivation world. This is also the white jade futon that has appeared in the cultivation world long ago, but it does not. It's because any master of formation can imitate it."

Everyone suddenly realized that the ancestor of Wujie looked at the triumphant appearance of Dao Dao Gu, and his heart moved, with a smile on his face, and said: "So, I am waiting here to congratulate Daoist Gu and Dao Heng, I am afraid. Soon after I got out of the Taoist world, I will soon hear the news of the two advanced pure Yangs!"

An expression of silence flashed across the face of the ancestor Shou Shouheng, but he soon hid it, saying: "Zai Xia's cultivation base is not as good as Senior Brother Gu, and he is not qualified to accept this inheritance."

The ancestor of Shouheng saw that Brother Gu Tan Xing Zhengnong, for fear that he would tell other secrets of the Five Elements Sect. Although these things cannot be implemented without the Universe Baoding Ding, it is not good to let outsiders know too much, so he said: "Daoist Lingxu, didn't you hear that you found a great monk of Qi Xiazong, this Qi Xiazong has always opposed Lingwuzong in the Hebei cultivation world, but this is the opportunity I'm waiting for!"

Since Lingwu Sect fell a great monk and several Dharma monks in Yingyu Marsh more than a hundred years ago, his vitality has been greatly injured. The plan to promote to a large sect has encountered great setbacks. Fortunately, the Lingwu Sect has a good background, and then again. With the assistance of Emperor Xuanzong and the Five Elements Sect, they quickly recovered their vitality. The ancestors of Lingxu quickly advanced to the late stage of Dharma Phase, and Lingwuzong regained its power as a quasi-large sect.

However, in recent years, in order to prevent Lingwuzong from entering the large sects, the big and small sects in Hebei's cultivation world have secretly formed alliances and constantly opposed Lingwuzong openly and secretly.

This Qi Xiazong is the leading sect among these secretly allied big and small sects, and the great monk Xia Mengfu is the only great monk of Qi Xiazong.

Sure enough, the ancestor Lingxu stood up immediately after hearing the words of the ancestor Conservation, and said: "I almost forgot the big event. Xia Mengfu also found the old man at the time, don't take the opportunity to escape!"

The ancestor Shouheng smiled and said: "It's okay. At that time, Daoist Lingxu had already shown weakness and avoided. This person has never spotted the four of me and others. He wanted to come to Xia Mengfu to find a place to practice and would not walk away easily. I waited. Go around in the distance and surround him from different directions. It will be too late when he finds us!"

The ancestor Lingxu flushed, coughed, and said, "Dashan, what should I do? This time, seeing where this old thing is running, I must make this life impossible!"

Under the five-person raid, the ancestor Xia Mengfu, even though he was also a great monk in the late stage of the Dharma Stage, was eventually captured alive after being severely wounded, and was subsequently shattered by the old ancestor Lingxu with a grinning palm.

Even though the five of them are all used to seeing the thousand-year old demon who are used to killing and killing, it is inevitable that they will be a little unsure when they see the same level of cultivator end up in such an end.

"Wipe his mind!"

The ancestor of Shouheng turned around and walked out. The ancestor Lingxu had gritted his teeth and patted the head of ancestor Xia Mengfu, but suddenly he heard the ancestor of Shouheng exclaimed in a low voice, saying: "No Okay, someone is coming!"

The ancestor Lingxu panicked, but still shook the captured man's spirit with a palm, and the great monk Xia Mengfu, who was full of resentment, suddenly became demented.


The dignified five great monks left quickly like a bereavement dog.

And the five people who thought they were doing something ignorant didn’t know that just an hour later, a great monk from the Hebei cultivation world was there with his roots to destroy his cultivation base, but the great monk of Qi Xiazong who had become stupid. Several Buddhist monks gathered together because of Lu Ping's transmission of talisman.

"The old man was late. I thought that Daoyou Xia, as a great monk, should be the safest among us, so the old man first notified several fellow daoists, but the old man never expected..."

A middle-stage elder with a hideous look suddenly stood up and said, "Senior, are they really five of them?"

The great monk calmed down and said: "It should be right. In fact, the old man did not find out their identity. At that time, he just touched those people and left in a but they did. It is undoubtedly five people. Imagine that in the past few years, more than a dozen sects of our Hebei cultivation world have joined forces to fight against the Lingwu Sect. Xia Daoyou and the old man are the leaders. If you say that the person who hates Xia Daoyou and the old man the most is not the Lingwuzong, the message is sent. Fulu said that among the five people is the Lingxu husband of the Lingwu Sect, so it is not wrong. They really dare to do such things in this world of Taoism that are both angry with people and gods!"

In the end, this great monk was already full of anger, and a great monk finally ended up with such a foolish look, at least Qi Xiazong will definitely decline in the future.

The old man with a grim face before said even more: "Despicable, Five Elements Sect, Taixuan Sect, Feiyun Pavilion, which one is not a famous sect in the cultivation world, even if the Lingwu Sect is a quasi-large sect, I did not expect to act like this. The next work, no, I'm waiting to get to know all the monks in the altar world as soon as possible. If you join hands, I don't believe that the five of them can turn the sky!"

The old man’s indignant words immediately made several cultivators in Hebei yelled out loudly. The great cultivator who brought back Xia Mengfu groaned and said, “That’s all, we are not the opponents of those five people, but the old man intercepted them. Obviously someone was deliberately divulging this matter in that interrogation talisman, so the interrogation talisman sent by this person cannot be the only one. At this time, many people in the Taoist world have already known about this, and what we are going to do , Is to bring Fellow Dao Xia, to prove to everyone that the words on this talisman are absolutely true."

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