Nine Evolutions of the True Spirit

Chapter 1365: Pure Sun 1 hit

It is the time of a stick of incense. Three hours have passed since the world of Taoism was closed. The ancestor of Tiancheng has not returned until now. Either he encountered an enemy or triggered the thunder robbery. At this time, he is passing the first A thunder robbery.

Lu Ping turned around and said, "Uncle, disciple, let's go and pick it up!"

Jiang Tianlin stopped him and said, "I'll go, your current cultivation is already at the peak of the middle stage of the law, if it triggers Lei Jie, it won't be good!"

When the two were arguing, Yin Tianchu suddenly heard news, saying, "Master Tiancheng is back, but things seem to be bad!"

The two were startled and each became vigilant. Jiang Tianlin handed the Chunyang Lingbao to Lu Ping, and at the same time instructed Liu Tianyuan and Leidi to protect the four blacksmith cultivators to retreat.

Lu Ping was also unambiguous. Although Chunyang Lingbao couldn't show up yet, if he really came to the point of life and death, he couldn't take care of these scruples.

When the two of them were ready, they set off to meet them. They walked a few miles away, only to discover that the ancestor Tiancheng seemed to be walking in a different direction than the one agreed upon before. Instead, they looked a little different, and seemed to be deliberately trying to lead someone out of the way. The gathering place of True Spirit School is general.

The two of them sank in their hearts, but they still chased after the ancestor Tiancheng left, and saw that Yin Tianchu had already accepted the ancestor Tiancheng. At this time, ancestor Tiancheng's body was full of pure sun, and it was obvious that he had already passed the first time. A thunder tribulation is now the cultivation base of the middle stage of the law.

Seeing Lu Ping and Jiang Tianlin coming to meet him, the ancestor Tiancheng shouted: "Go, leave me alone, behind you are the people of the Five Elements Sect!"

Lu Ping and Jiang Tianlin not only did not turn around, but accelerated their speed to the ancestor Tiancheng, preparing to retreat with him. Both Lu Ping and Jiang Tianlin could see that the ancestor Tiancheng had gone through a thunder catastrophe a little hurriedly, even though they were crossing the road. After the catastrophe, pure Yang Qi was infused, and there was Tianhua Dew to nourish the wounded body of Cross Tribulation, but his injuries were still extremely serious. After Crossing Tribulation, he was chased and killed by the Five Elements Sect. At this time, the pure Yang Qi was probably not complete. Refining.

People of the Five Elements Sect, Lu Ping and Jiang Tianlin really don't care if they chase a few great monks. As long as they are not surrounded by the Five Elements Sect monks, waiting for two or three major monks may not be able to send True Spirits.

Seeing that Lu Ping and Jiang Tianlin continued to come to meet him, the ancestor Tiancheng looked a little anxious, but without waiting for him to explain more, Lu Ping and Jiang Tianlin had already reached him.

The ancestor Tiancheng said: "Followed by a great cultivator of the Five Elements Sect and two cultivators in the middle stage of the law, they were not eager to chase after being discovered by the old man. They were fishing and looking for you. The old man has deliberately found out. If you lead them, how come you still have to catch up."

Lu Ping raised his brows, and said, "There are only one major monk and two middle-stage monks?"

Tiancheng ancestor said: "I can only find these three people!"

The words of the ancestor Tiancheng made Lu Ping and Jiang Tianlin frown, and they heard an angry laugh from the sky, saying: "Okay, okay, okay! What a true spirit school, what a Lu Tianping, even the original. The great monks of Zong dared to start, really **** it!"

Lu Ping's expression suddenly changed, and the strong pure Yang Qi suddenly exploded over everyone's heads, and even the thunderous tribulation Qi carried in the clouds was pushed away by the skyrocketing pure Yang Qi.

"It's a monk of Chunyang, the ancestor of the Five Elements Sect, Mu Lingzi!"

"Haha, you actually know the old man, no matter what, let you be a ghost today!"

The clouds in the midair shook and condensed rapidly, and a huge palm gradually formed, and then whizzed down toward the top of everyone's heads.

Lu Ping exclaimed: "You hurry up, he is here for me!"

When Lu Ping was surrounded by Great Monk Gu and four other great monks in the world of Taoism, he severely wounded the great monk Gu, the first candidate of the Five Elements Sect of the Line of Pure Yang, with just one face during the process of highlighting the encirclement.

Although his cultivation level can still be restored afterwards, the original hope of advanced Pure Yang has been dashed. What's more, Lu Ping also took away the cold white futon that the people of the Five Elements Sect had finally collected, and even made the other of the Five Elements Sect hopeful of advanced pure. The great monk of Yang was also severely affected. No wonder the pure Yang monk of the Five Elements Sect was so anxious that he wanted to kill Lu Ping himself.

Jiang Tianlin was holding the "wood" of the one-hundred catastrophe spirit treasure, standing beside Lu Ping, and said, "It's too late to leave at this time. It's not so easy to hide from the chase of the ancestor Chunyang, so it's better to let it go!"

It was obviously not the time to hesitate. Lu Ping saw that Jiang Tianlin had made up his mind to fight against the Pure Yang monk of the Five Elements Sect. He stopped talking no more. He stamped his feet, and the white feather lotus flower array bloomed under the feet of the two of them. Auspicious clouds rose up around the two of them, but Lu Ping had already taken out Hanging Yunfan at some point.

The two people joined forces only in an instant, and the huge palm in the air had already pressed down towards the two with the momentum of a mountain whistling and a tsunami.

But before this huge palm arrived, a force of divine consciousness that was as powerful as a roar of a thousand woods had already been suppressed first. Mu Lingzi obviously wanted to fight quickly. Before his magical powers came, he intended to do so. Lu Ping and Jiang Tianlin were first suppressed with majestic spiritual thoughts.

However, this was originally only an advance tentative attack by Mu Lingzi, but unexpectedly, Lu Ping and Jiang Tianlin were specifically waiting for this pure-yang monk's spiritual impact at this Both Lu Ping and Jiang Tianlin knew it. , If you try to bridge the gap between the strengths of the two sides in front of a pure Yang monk, then making a fuss about the opponent's spiritual impact becomes the only way to save yourself.

Lu Ping's and Jiang Tianlin's divine consciousness merged into one. They were not working together to resist the opponent's pure-yang divine consciousness, but instead were going upstream and competing with each other for the first opportunity.

Lu Ping could feel the ridicule of the other party for an instant. He obviously thought that the two of them were working as a car on the man's arm. However, at this moment, Lu Ping's spirit suddenly condensed into a dragon, shaking his head and wagging his tail towards Mu Lingzi and evolved into Wanmu. The bleak spirit rushed up.

Divine Mind Appears!

Mu Lingzi, who didn't know where his true body was hidden, screamed strangely, apparently surprised by Lu Ping's tyrannical spirituality cultivation.

However, Lu Ping’s methods don’t stop there. Jiang Tianlin’s spiritual cultivation is not weak. Although he is not as good as Lu Ping’s, he condenses into a ten thousand wooden barrier behind Lu Ping, which is firmly guarded by Lu Ping. Retreat.

The dragons transformed by the divine mind roared in the mid-air with five elements, and a group of green flames that could only appear in the perception of divine mind suddenly ejected from the dragon’s mouth, igniting half of the void above the two of them, on top of the two of them. A flame barrier was formed above it.

There was a painful grunt, and Mu Lingzi cried out strangely: "Bilin Soul Fire!"

The tone appeared greatly jealous, and the pure Yang divine consciousness converged, but the giant cloud hand was already whizzing down.

The fight between the two parties seemed complicated, but everything happened between lightning and stone fire. The moment Lu Ping and Jiang Tianlin defeated the other's spirit impact, the huge palms had already landed on the tops of their heads.

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