Nine Evolutions of the True Spirit

Chapter 1368: The Ambition of the True Spirit School (continued)

When Lu Ping saw Chen Lian again, the treasure ship was officially on trial. m.

When this behemoth, one hundred and fifty-six feet long and several dozen feet wide, sailed out from behind the back mountain of Tianling Mountain, the entire True Spirit Sect was plunged into a huge shock!

When Lu Ping discovered the sinking place of the Fei Ling Sect treasure ship in the deep seas outside the cold Iceland, the practitioners of the True Spirit Sect expended a lot of energy to secretly transport the wreck of the treasure ship into the forbidden area behind the Tianling Mountain.

In order to keep it confidential, not only the Beihai factions did not know the news, but also among the True Spirit faction, in addition to the Dharma monks, there are only a few people such as the Refining Tool Hall, the Talisman Pavilion, and the True Spirit faction’s formation masters. Treasure ship knows this news.

The vast majority of the True Spirit cultivators and even the various factions in the North Sea were still calculating after Jiang Tianlin advanced the Dharma Stage. It will take at least several decades for the True Spirit to build a brand new treasure ship and promote it to a large sect. , How could it be expected that the True Spirit Sect had drove such a behemoth out of the forbidden area behind the Tianling Mountain in such an incredible way!

The entire True Spirit Sect was unbelievable after learning of the news, and then rushed to the back mountain to watch the trial sailing of the treasure ship, and then the entire True Spirit Sect monk was in the forging period, hemolysis period, or even just learned. The disciples in the blood refining period who controlled the magic weapon to fly were all caught in madness. Behind these disciples, they dragged a variety of escape lights and flew up and down the slowly moving treasure ship.

Many disciples even fell into the sea when they were enjoying the dance. That was when the disciples in the blood refining stage were flying away. They didn't even notice that the mana in the body was exhausted. They had to fall into the sea to cause the true spirits to watch the treasure ship trial. The monk laughed.

The trial voyage of the True Spirit Sect’s treasure ship caused the entire True Spirit Sect to fall into a carnival. It seems that this time the voyage of the True Spirit Sect’s treasure ship is completely a formal mission to Middle-earth.

The news of the Zhenling Sect’s sudden trial of the treasure ship this time is like a boulder thrown into a pond. The artistic conception caused is not a wave of ripples, but an uproar and a huge wave, and the scope of the impact is not only limited to a corner of the North Sea cultivation world. .

How could the True Spiritual Sect suddenly have a treasure ship, this is impossible!

The original True Spirit faction had risen fast enough, but the North Sea factions have never found any signs of the True Spirit faction building a treasure ship.

The construction of the treasure ship was originally a huge project, and it was a heavy burden. From the perspective of the North Sea factions, the True Spirit faction has risen so rapidly. Given the barrenness of the North Sea practice world, most of the True Spirit faction’s resources have been used. It's only in the practice of the disciples under the sect, where there is still enough energy to build the treasure ship.

And even if the True Spirit Sect is now qualified to be promoted to a large-scale sect, and from now on, it is impossible to succeed in building the treasure ship without decades of effort. This is still in the case of no twists and turns in the construction of the treasure ship.

It is important to know that the process of building a treasure ship is not all smooth sailing. It involves many secrets about refining weapons, formations, talismans, spiritual veins, and caves. As a sect that has never experienced a large sect, how can we guarantee it? It will not be affected during the construction of the treasure ship.

What is even more unexpected is that as an overseas sect that has just reached the threshold of the advanced large-scale sect, usually in order to save training resources and shorten the promotion time, the first treasure ship built is usually a small treasure ship of about 100 meters, and then follow the sect. With the improvement of strength, the treasure ship was expanded to a medium-sized treasure ship of 145 feet.

The True Spirit Sect this time sailed directly from the back mountain of Tianling Mountain, but it was a medium-sized treasure ship measuring 150 and 60 feet, even among the medium-sized treasure ships, it was considered to be a huge one. This is only those with deep overseas heritage. It is possible to build a treasure ship that is only possible by the large sect of the sect.

The bigger the treasure ship, the stronger and the stronger it is. In the overseas practice world, it also means that the strength of the school is stronger.

The true spirit faction has a big conspirator!

Originally because of Jiang Tianlin's advanced stage, he was already a turbulent North Sea practice world. When the True Spirit Sect treasure ship suddenly tried sailing, many sects had even fallen into despair.

The rise of the True Spirit faction is unstoppable!

On the deck of the treasure ship, the aging ancestor of Tianjiang looked at the back hill of Tianling Mountain, which is getting smaller and smaller in the distance, as well as the radiant treasure ship deliberately rendered with magical escape by the cheering monks of the True Spirit. Laughed and shouted: "The old man's wish has been fulfilled, and the old man's wish has been fulfilled, although he died without regret, although he died without regret!"

Chen Lian had been cheering along with the trial voyage of the treasure ship, but at this time, the ancestor of Tianjiang was about to end his life, and the related affairs on the treasure ship had already been handed over to Chen Lian.

Lu Ping approached Chen Lian directly after meeting the ancestor Tianjiang and instructing his disciples to take care of the elderly.

"You came to see the Kowloon Bell on the Avenue, right?"

Chen Lian is very clear about Lu Ping’s intentions. Although the trial of the treasure ship of the True Spirit School is a major event, but the North Sea Sword Fairy has never seen anything. Back then, Lu Dajianxian witnessed how the six treasure ships were demonstrating. Luo Dajun rampaged and smashed.

Not to mention that the treasure ship of the True Spirit School is a medium-sized treasure ship. It is also the large treasure ship of the Crystal Palace. It was also fortunate to board the ship during the war to feast your eyes on the ship, but at most it was only a look on the deck, the inside of the treasure ship. Naturally, outsiders are not allowed to enter.

But even if Lu Ping was able to enter the treasure ship of the True Spirit School, he still didn't know anything about the contents, and at most he would just look at something new.

After Lu Ping returned to Beihai, he sorted out the mantras about the tiger Taoists and gave them to Chen Lian. Chen Lian was naturally a treasure, especially the content of the refining tools, which made Chen Lian's repeated speculations.

The so-called Dao Jiulong Bell is actually the Canghai Bell. This time the Qingyin gravel brought back from the Taoist world by the True Spirits is enough to make eight Canghai Bells, and Lu Ping privately asked Chen Lian to make another one for him. It was the broken stone with a dragon-shaped relief that Lu Ping brought back from the world of Taoism, and this clock was called the "Nine-Dragon Bell of the Avenue" by Lu Ping.

Unlike the eight sea bells made by the Zhenling School, the Jiulong Clock made by Lu Ping has nine dragon-shaped reliefs on the surface of the bell. The most important thing is that it has one of the bells. A natural spirit, and this head spirit calls himself "Dragon"!

Lu Ping naturally despised the dragon-shaped relief of this stinky fart, and even dared to call himself a "dragon" just like this. At best, it was just an evolution of Taoist Taoist's mantra, and even Tao Taoist himself honestly called it a "dragon". "Jiao", how dare it call itself "Dragon"!

The dragon-shaped relief naturally knows that its own confidence is insufficient, but in this practice world, no one except Lu Ping seems to be able to break through its tricks, and the dragon-shaped relief naturally enjoys this stalwart title with peace of mind.

Of course, even though this Dao Nine Dragon Clock is refined according to the method of Canghai Bell, there are still many differences in it. In order to create its own hiding place, the dragon-shaped relief naturally does not dare to retain the slightest bit of it. Whether it is power or Other magical functions, compared to other Canghai clocks, are not a little bit stronger.

And because of the dragon-shaped relief, there is still some mysterious connection between the Nine Dragon Bell and the other eight Canghai Bells. Once the Nine Dragon Bell and the Eight Canghai Bells are put together, they can still be under the main array of the Nine Dragon Bell. Form a powerful and powerful array.

"Well, is the refining process going smoothly?" Lu Ping asked with a smile.

Chen Liandao: "This is really not an easy task. Although the refining of the Nine Dragon Bell is complicated, I can barely control it with my current refining technique, but there is still a tool spirit hidden in this magic weapon. It is not easy to injure it. Moreover, such a method of refining has never been touched before. Wherever there is a weapon spirit without thunder tribulation, the high quality of the Nine Dragon Bell will be able to withstand thunder tribulation in the future. , After undergoing thunder tribulation, will a spirit be born again, and how should the two get along?"

The conversation between the two of them had reached a refining room specially opened above the treasure ship. Chen Lian's words were heard by the dragon-shaped relief on a three-foot-high ancient bronze bell in the middle of the refining room.

The nine dragon-shaped reliefs on the bronze bell are swimming at the same time, which looks weird. However, there seems to be a mysterious connection between the nine reliefs. One of the reliefs suddenly said: "Thunder disaster is naturally to be suffered. , Otherwise, how can I achieve the spirit treasure, but the spirit of the device will not appear, the power of thunder will be directed at me, and the air of pure sun will also be absorbed by me."

Chen Lian said in a puzzled way: "This is completely different from what I have underneath!"

The dragon-shaped relief "chicks" and said: "I told you earlier that I am not a relief, it is a demon, a spirit demon! Like the monks of your human and demon tribes, I want Growing up also has to overcome thunder and robbery, how can you guys can't turn around!"

Chen Lian looked at Lu Ping, and Lu Ping smiled bitterly: "Let's call it a'monster' for the time being!"

Chen Lianzi would not entangle him more on this matter, pointing to Nine Dragon Clock and said, "I have already printed the nine treasures on this clock, except for the'dragon' inside. This Nine Dragon Bell is already regarded as an authentic top-notch spiritual weapon, the only difference is your true essence pregnancy that can slowly increase the power of this magic weapon."

Lu Ping stretched out his hand, and the three-foot giant clock shrank to the size of a bell and fell into Lu Ping's hand. With a flick of his finger, the sound of "Zheng Zheng" was clear and pleasant.

"By the way, now that the treasure ship is on trial, your business is almost finished. Now your cultivation base has been stuck at the pinnacle of Dan for many years, where do you plan to go to retreat this time to break through the condensed state?"


This time the injury is not light. Sleeping in autumn is to hang a bottle during the day and try to code words at night, but it is still unhealthy and difficult!

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