This place of fire and poison can be regarded as a dangerous place for the monks of Faxiang. It is not that the monks can not use their cultivation bases to break through, but this place of fire and poison is for the monks to protect the body of the body. Continuous consumption made it impossible for the monks to penetrate into this poisonous land. m.

These dilemmas were completely unfounded for Lu Ping. The fire poison that others feared as a tiger was a rare tonic in Lu Ping's eyes. For Lu Ping, this place of fire and poison was naturally just like walking on the ground.

Although the Lieyou Dark Flame is a high-grade heaven and earth spiritual fire on the ground, it is also a universal spiritual fire for alchemy and refining. What kind of elixir and magic weapon are made, and after the finished product is produced, it will inevitably carry extremely poisonous, and this kind of poison often does not affect the original effect of the pill or magic weapon.

Especially when refining alchemy, the originally refined heat-clearing and detoxifying pill, but after refining with this dark flame, the so-called pill can still have the effect of clearing heat and detoxifying, and is not affected by the strong dark flame at all. The monk often clears away heat and detoxifies, but at the same time he has another kind of poison. There is really nothing between the two, which is really strange.

Of course, if the alchemist concentrates on refining poison pills, using this dark flame will naturally be even more powerful!

Despite this, this Lieying Dark Flame has been sought after by many alchemists and refiners, but it is not easy for this spirit fire to be subdued, but now it has encountered a nemesis like Lu Ping, and it is easy to take this Suppressed by a spiritual fire.

Lu Ping has the poisonous fire of the black prison in his hands. After several mutations in Lu Ping's hands, although it is only a strange fire of heaven and earth, the quality is even higher than this dark flame. Therefore, this spirit fire is also tasteless in Lu Ping's hands, but this is the case. Spirit fire is rare, and it would be a pity to feed Qi-Cun Spirit Flame, so he looked at Tianqin and Tianlian for inquiries.

Tianqin did her part and said, "This thing is of great use in the Dange, and Master Nephew Lu naturally understands it better. If you don't need it, let me take it back to the Dange!"


Although Tianlian is a junior, when Tianjiang's ancestor's life is about to end, the Refining Hall is actually presided over by Tianlian. In this case, Tianlian's identity is not in Tianqin, the principal of the alchemy pavilion. Below, naturally would not watch this spiritual fire with a lot of miracles be snatched by the pill pavilion.

"If this spirit fire is used for refining tools, especially for refining some killing treasures, but it can add such a surprise, I think it is more appropriate to stay in the refining hall!"

The two of them were in a dispute, so they had to look at Lu Ping’s opinion. Lu Ping was not good at favoring one another, and simply pushed the matter on the ancestor Tiancheng, saying: "This place of fire and poison was discovered by Uncle Tiancheng after all, and this thing belongs naturally. You should also have the final say, Master Uncle!"

Lu Ping handed the dark flames into the hands of the ancestor Tiancheng, and brought Luan Yu and Lu Qin'er with him. Only the ancestor Tiancheng widened his eyes and glared at Lu Ping's back. However, both sides were Tianlian and Tianqin. He stared closely at him, he couldn't leave even if he wanted to.

Lu Ping took Luan Yu and Lu Qin'er to the depths of the burning place, but saw that Luan Yu and Lu Qin'er had solemn faces, but their eyes were flowing with each other, and he couldn't help but smile: "You two are just flirting with each other. We also need to look at the place. This place is full of dangers. Don't be too slack!"

Luan Yu immediately flushed and opened his mouth to explain, but when Lu Qin'er listened to Lu Qin'er, he said, "Brother don't want to make fun. We have some new discoveries, but we can't be sure, so I hesitate to share it with you." Say!"


Lu Ping's expression was also a solemn expression, and said, "Why didn't you tell me what you found?"

Luan Yu looked at Lu Qin'er, and said, "A mysterious feeling. After entering the central area of ​​Chiwu Island, he was aware of it. However, the central area of ​​Chiwu Island was already in danger, and it was not at that time. I didn't care, but as I got deeper into Chikiri Island, this feeling seemed to get stronger."

Lu Ping frowned slightly and said, "Do you both have this feeling?"

Seeing the two nodding their heads, Lu Ping asked again: "Maybe you can perceive the direction of this magical induction?"

Lu Qin'er said softly: "Because of the peculiar induction, it seems to come from all directions, and there is no positioning at all. This has always been thought to be an illusion, or that it is caused by the special environment in the central area of ​​Chiwu Island. I haven't talked about it with my brother!"

"Then why are you convinced now?"

Luan Yu pointed to the direction where the three of them were walking, and said: "After entering the land of fire and poison, this kind of induction has become stronger. Although there is still no definite direction, this feeling can not be wrong."

Lu Ping nodded his head and was about to say something, but heard footsteps coming from behind him. The ancestor Tiancheng and the four others had already chased him up. The ancestor Tiancheng gave Lu Ping an angry look, and Lu Ping had to laugh.

However, seeing the satisfied look of Tianqin and Tianlian, it is obvious that the ancestor Tiancheng has thought of a compromise method, and can't help but sigh that Jiang is still hot!

"How about it, have you noticed anything?" Tian Yong asked, opening his mouth.


Lu Ping faced the depths of Huo Poison, which had faded a lot, but still couldn't reach the distance, and said: "There should be a fire more than a hundred meters ahead, but I don't know if it is a spiritual fire or a strange fire!"

The ancestor Tiancheng was shocked and said, "What are you waiting for? Let's take a look and talk about it!"

Lu Ping said "not in a hurry", and then explained the induction that Luan Yu and Lu Qin'er had just noticed. The ancestor Tiancheng didn't believe it, and said: "This central area of ​​Chiwu Island is surrounded by dangers. All kinds of external influences have gone, and it is because of the sense that there is no direction, perhaps because of the special environment in this Red Kiri Island, after all, both of them are monks of the demon luan."

It was said that both of them were Luan monks, Lu Ping's heart moved. When he looked at the ancestor Tianqin, he really found that the ancestor Tianqin was also thoughtful, so he asked: "Uncle Master, have you found anything?"

The ancestor Tianqin hesitated for a moment, and opened her palms, and the relic of the open heaven that was suspected of Taoist Luan Lingyu appeared in her palm.

The ancestor of Tianqin transported the true essence silently, and this feather feather suddenly shed a colorful light. Luan Yu and Lu Qin'er both looked excited and said: "This kind of induction seems to have increased!"

The ancestor Tiancheng disapproved and said: "Of course it has been strengthened. Perhaps your mysterious feeling originally came from this Lingyu. After all, Master Lu said, this object is a relic of the Kaitian, the things on Taoist Luan, you are originally The top demon race of the Luan clan naturally has a natural response to this thing."

The words of the ancestor Tiancheng are very reasonable, but I heard the ancestor Tianqin said: "It may also be because this feather has enhanced their sensing ability. There is really something in the central area of ​​Chiwu Island that causes them to sense. maybe!"

Lu Ping's heart moved and said, "Has Uncle Master also found out?"

The ancestor Tianqin hesitated for a moment, and said: "It's not too sure, but the kind of induction they said seems to be able to feel through this feather."

Lu Ping nodded and said, "Then it should be because of the bloodline. Brother Luan and Qin'er are both the bloodline of the top-ranked monster race. Dao Luan's direct descendants. The uncle's cultivation is also Luan bloodline, but they are obviously inferior to these ancient legends. Bloodline, but through this feather feather, it can make up for the lack of blood. For the same reason, the monks of the Huluan clan are also the top-ranked Luan bloodline. They must also have this kind of peculiar induction in the central area. I am afraid it is also a hundred of them. For more than a few years, they have never determined the reason for exploring Chiwu Island, and even they have discovered some secrets in Chiwu Island, which finally led to this time the Huluan clan invaded Chiwu Island on a large scale."

"What's the secret?"

Everyone had their own speculations in their hearts, but they did not declare them. The mysterious induction of Taoist Luan's feathers and blood, the massive invasion of the Huoluan clan, all these seem to reveal the hidden mystery of Chiwu Island, but even more It is fascinating.

Lu Ping suddenly opened his mouth to break everyone’s reverie, and said: "The Huolun clan has only been convinced of things through more than a hundred years of exploration. I waited only a day to figure it out, but it was too eager. I want to do it urgently. Knowing exactly what secrets are hidden in Chiwu Island, it is necessary to land on the Huolun clan."

Tianqin ancestor frowned slightly, and said: "Now the Huoluan clan has not torn the skin with the faction. If they are given a handle, the Huoluan clan has a reason to take action. The pure sun power of Yan Jiuxiao is not easy to resist. This faction is now being promoted to the stall of a large-scale sect, but it is not a good thing!"

Lu Ping disagrees with what the ancestor Tianqin said, and said: "The entire Beihai will inevitably be the sphere of influence of this faction in the future. If there are big secrets hidden in this Chiwu Island, this faction will have no reason to stand on the sidelines, otherwise it will end up in the future. How does a reputation for bullying and fearing hardship dominate the Beihai practice world!"

The ancestor Tiancheng saw that the two were about to quarrel quickly said: "Let's take the fire in front of you first!"

The two did not want to have too many disputes on this point, and in the future, whenever they fought with the Huolun clan, Shiyou ** would have to fight involuntarily, and Lu Ping's views were only more radical.

The seven people went all the way and quickly collected the fire that Lu Ping found, but it was just a strange fire, and Lu Ping casually threw it into the Qibao Thunder Gourd.

After passing through the land of poisonous fire, everyone found three fire seeds again, two of which were heaven and earth spirit fires, one low-grade earth-level, and one middle-level mysterious, all of which were swallowed by Lu Ping casually fed by the seven-inch spiritual flame. Let the second-generation monks of the True Spirit School who have always been careful to manage the sect really feel bad.

Although the remaining fire seed is also a kind of strange fire of heaven and earth, but its rank is too low, Qibao Thunder Gourd is not attractive at all, and finally collected by Tianyong, it seems to be used to cultivate a mysterious magical power.

Obviously, this land of fire and poison has not been explored before. This time it was swept by everyone. The biggest gain was not the few heaven and earth spiritual fires in Lu Ping's hands, but the various fires collected by Tian Lian in this dangerous land. Property of precious spiritual material. (:)

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