Nine Evolutions of the True Spirit

Chapter 1384: Force resistance to pure Yang

The Yan Jiuxiao people have not yet arrived, but the rolling divine power has already shocked Tiancheng ancestors and the others. Lu Ping stepped forward and stood in front of the crowd, looking at the Yan Jiuxiao pure sun divine power as if nothing.

"Good skill, no wonder some people call Xiaoyou Lu the first of the three generations in the cultivation world, and he really lives up to his reputation!"

Lu Ping suddenly smiled: "The predecessors are supernatural, and the younger generations are hard to come by, just in case!"

A meteor suddenly pierced the sky from the deeper part of Chikiri Island, and smashed straight towards the landing plane.

Lu Ping's face changed slightly, and he turned to say something to the ancestor Tiancheng and the others who were dozens of feet away behind him. The ancestor Tiancheng looked hesitant, but was grabbed by the ancestor Tianqin on the side and turned to take the others. All the way back to the depths of the burning place, he disappeared in a moment.

Just as the ancestor Tianqin and the others left, the meteor in the air suddenly fell. In the midst of a loud noise, the pure sun in front of Lu Ping was distracted and finally showed a fierce smile, and then he was caught by the falling meteor. The forceful shock wave caused by it was smashed to pieces.

Just like a meteor falling on the ground will cause groundwater to gush out, this time what is gushing out from below the ground is an endless sea of ​​magma!

A huge fire-luan roamed around the whole body with the warm and pure Yang Qi flying up and down in the sea of ​​fire, and this boundless sea of ​​fire also undulated up and down, and immediately following this valley, a huge fire wave surged towards Lu Ping's location tumbled forward.

After the ancestor Tianqin and others retired, although Lu Ping breathed a sigh of relief, seeing this valley being stirred by Yan Jiuxiao with such a huge momentum to deal with him, Lu Ping also laughed dumbly, quite flattered!

Naturally, this time was not the time to lament these, this thought just passed away in a flash in his mind.

Seeing the boundless sea of ​​flames roaring towards Lu Ping from all directions, he saw that the hot ground beneath Lu Ping's feet suddenly evaporated a thick white mist, followed by the white mist becoming thinner and thinner, but a weird "gurgling" came from under his feet. "Beep" the sound of water surge.

Lu Ping's figure immediately rose, but he saw that a pool of water had formed under his feet at some point. As his figure rose, the surface of the water continued to rise and the area continued to expand, and it soon came with the flow. The waves of fire and flames collide together!

Amid the crackling roar, a large circle of white mist rose from the place where it touched. In this dry and hot environment, there was a hint of humidity for no reason, but it made people feel more depressed.

The flame waves of the sea of ​​fire came from all around to Luping, while the water pool under Lu Ping's feet expanded from the center to the surroundings. At the moment of contact between the two sides, the impact of the sea of ​​fire took the upper hand, and suddenly expanded the water. Bo compressed towards the center of the center.

However, at this moment, Qingyun prospered behind Lu Ping, and a long roar came from Qingyun. Lu Ping’s Faxiang Jiaolong hovered above Lu Ping’s head under Qingyun’s support, rounding a circle, under his feet. The pool of water expanded in a circle, and the Faxiang Jiaolong circled 18 circles around Lu Ping’s head. The area of ​​the water pool not only pushed the sea of ​​fire and flames backwards to the place where the two met before, it even surged on the surface of the water. Towards the surrounding fire waves, the posture of counterattack was extremely strong.

If someone could venture to fly over the valley of flames where the two battled at this time, they would be able to clearly see that the valley at this time had been divided into two distinct parts.

Most of the valley is occupied by the orange-red magma fire sea, and close to the east side of the valley, there is a blue lake with steaming steam. It is still strong under the magma fire sea and competes with the magma fire sea for the valley. Possession.

That's right, it is indeed a contention, rather than being completely suppressed by the sea of ​​fire. Above the valley of flames, you can clearly see the contact between the two sides ebb and flow. The sea of ​​flames is surging up with tongues of fire, but the lake is also surging. Water waves.

Every water wave and fire tongue contains the true essence of the driver. Every collision between the two parties is actually a direct confrontation between the two. Therefore, every water wave and fire tongue impact will blow up the landslide. With a cracking momentum, the entire valley was filled with turbulent white mist, and even the original red mist was polluted by white water vapor. After layers of fire waves were cooled by the lake water, they turned into gray rocks blocking the water. expansion.

However, this place is only Chiwu Island after all, a dense area of ​​volcanic communities, a paradise for practitioners with fire attributes. Lu Ping’s counterattack seems to be strong, but in fact he has to use offense instead of defense. In the confrontation between the two sides, Lu Ping has actually fallen. Downwind.

However, even this was enough for Yan Jiuxiao to be frightened, even though he had already regarded this Lu Tianping high enough, and even treated it as another Xiao Baiyu, but the current situation was unexpected.

That Xiao Baiyu was able to kill Lu Taiqing back then was enough to shock the world, but it was also a trick. In Yan Jiuxiao's original view, even if this Lu Tianping could compete with him by one or two, there was no room for tricks in a face-to-face encounter. It was not bad for Lu Tianping to escape at most.

What's more, it is now in this Chiwu Island. The Huluan clan in the volcanic community has all the geographical advantages. On the contrary, it is a total disadvantage for this Lu Tianping. Under such circumstances, Yan Jiuxiao thinks that he will kill this by taking advantage of the situation. The rising star may not be impossible!

The reason why he learned that a True Spirit cultivator had sneaked into the central area of ​​Chikiri Island, and that the person must be Lu Tianping, was actually this idea.

Although Yan Jiuxiao didn't have a long time to advance to Pure Sun, he was also extremely arrogant. He was far better than Lu Taiqing hundreds of years ago in terms of geographical altruism, but what happened in reality was really hard for him to accept. , Lu Tianping was still able to defend his position under his frenzied offensive even though he was at a disadvantage; and he had the advantage of his cultivation base and geographical position, in the end it seemed to have the upper hand, but he couldn’t feel it. Lu Ping's undercurrent hidden under a lake!

How could this be the case, could it be that Lu Tianping was stronger than Xiao Baiyu of the year!

Luan's method of cruising in the sea of ​​fire draws her neck high, her two wings flap one after another in the sea of ​​fire, and each fan gets one, the magma fire sea rises one foot, the two wings fan nine times, and the nine-foot flame tongue completely presses into Lu Ping’s blue water. The waves and the thick fog rose again, and the water waves under Lu Ping's feet began to shrink again, and the shrinking speed was extremely fast, as if Lu Tianping persisted until now and suddenly collapsed.

In fact, at this time, Lu Ping, who was standing above the lake, seemed to be at a loss, and Fa Xiang Qingyun behind him was also rapidly converging.

However, Yan Jiuxiao's snorting came from the sea of ​​flames, and he seemed extremely annoyed. He saw Lu Ping's body above the lake suddenly shattered and collapsed, turning into a pool of running water splashing into the pool of water below his feet, and a long laugh came from the valley. From the place of fire and poison, the only outlet came: "The Huoluan patriarch is truly superb. Lu Tianping is not an opponent. He must ask for advice someday!"

The magma fire wave seemed to follow the mood of Yan Jiuxiao at this time and swallowed that pool of lake water with a roar, and the entire valley suddenly became a veritable magma lake!

The Luan bird, which looked like an elf in the fire, rose to the sky, but was swept by a crimson cloud and mist wrapped around him, and then fell into the edge of the valley and disappeared behind an old man in red.

The old man's face looked a bit volatile when he saw Lu Ping disappeared, but in the end he gave a long sigh, and his face quickly returned to calm.

A few rays of light fell from behind the old man. At first, one person called "grandfather", while the others saluted: "I have seen the patriarch!"

The current monk is Yan Coffin. After seeing that the valley in front of him has completely turned into a magma lake, Yan Coffin’s face flashed with excitement, and said excitedly: "My grandfather, but turned that Lu Tianping into a magma lake. ash?"

Yan Coffin didn't look at his grandfather's not very pretty face at this time, but he listened to the magma lake that filled the entire valley in front of him and said excitedly: "What the sword fairy of Beihai, a shabby household from a remote village is also trying to occupy this place. The title of the first person in three generations!"

"Exactly!" Several Huoluan monks who came with the flame coffin shouted.

The flame coffin became more and more proud: "There is also the True Spirit Sect, who actually wants to be promoted to the large sect and ascend to the sky. This time the fall of Lu Tianping is the best. Without this Lu Tianping, this True Spirit Sect is in the grandfather. Naturally, they are also native chickens in front of them. They just need to smash their treasure ship. Which other force in the North Sea dares to fight against my Huluan clan?"

The flame coffin became more excited as he spoke. He didn’t see the ugly face of the grandfather in front of him at all. He still dreamed: “At that time, I will just take the opportunity to occupy this Chiwu Island and open up a second dojo for my clan, and then get The treasures left by the Taoist people on Chikiri Island have laid the foundation for the eternal life of their clan. In the future, they will be with the blue sea spirit snake and the peacock royal family. The grandfather will also turn his body into a true spirit to travel outside the sky and achieve the seventh ancestor of the sky. Ordinary existence..."


Yan Jiuxiao's stern shout made Yan Coffin panic at first, followed by a moment of stun. He didn't know why Yan Jiuxiao was so angry, but Yan Jiuxiao's patriarch had accumulated power for many years, and the Huoluan monk behind him remained silent.

Yan Jiuxiao often sighed, suppressing the irritation provoked by his grandchildren again, and then slowly said: "Then Lu Tianping has not fallen, he retreats, um, he ran away!"


Not only the Flame Coffin, but the other Huolun Clan cultivators also had their faces full of stunned expressions, but no one dared to think that the Flame Coffin would let out an exclamation in front of Yan Jiuxiao.

This Yan coffin was also a bit careful. This time he finally remembered his words and expressions. Seeing that Yan Jiuxiao's face was gloomy when he saw his exclamation just now, he quickly changed his words: "This guy is quick to see the opportunity. I am afraid that he has seen his grandfather's power. This guy retreats without a fight!"

Everyone behind him agreed again, but after hearing Yan Jiuxiao sighed, he said, "Although this person is not an opponent of the old man, he also has the strength to retreat without a fight? You are underestimating him!"

Yan Jiuxiao turned around and looked at the unbelievable Yan coffin with a hint of disappointment at this moment. The disappointment in her heart became a little bit heavier. He slowly said, "Coffin, if you see Lu Tianping in the future, you must not take it with him. Once the conflict is over, even if you are also in the late stage of the Faxiang, you have to get three points in everything, hey, Beihai is going to have a Xiao Baiyu!"

Having said that, a flame of fire gathered in the magma lake in front of him, Yan Jiuxiao stepped on his foot and turned around to leave, and at the same time continued to exhort: "Tell the people of the island, don’t get too much entanglement with the various factions in the North Sea, Taoist Luan. The old man in the legacy has found the exact point, and he must try his best to obtain the remains of the Taoist Luan before the various factions in the North Sea, and return all of them to the East China Sea after the incident is completed!"

The light of Yan Jiuxiao had risen, but the flame coffin and a few Huolun tribe monks at their feet not only failed to keep up, but looked like a bereaved concubine.

Yan Jiuxiao's heart sank, with an ominous premonition in his heart, and said angrily: "What happened?"

You look at me and I see you, but no one dared to say anything. In the end, the flame coffin said with a mournful face: "Grandfather, the monks of the tribe outside the island are probably already fighting with the various factions in the North Sea!"

"What? What's going on, who gave the order, is it the provocation of the various factions in the North Sea?"

Yan Ling's heart was burning, and Yan Ling's eyes saw his grandfather's anger, and he dared to say more. Yan Ling's anger suddenly became angry: "Quickly tell, what is going on?"

Yan Ling's eyes couldn't hide, so he whispered: "The grandfather fought against that Lu Tianping before, and the grandson is expected to win the grandfather..."

Speaking of this, Yan Lingting secretly raised his eyes and glanced at his grandfather, but saw that Yan Jiuxiao's body was spreading like a raging fire, but a pair of eyes stared at him, but the cold light flashed, and there was a thump in his heart, and cold sweat suddenly appeared on his forehead. But he didn't dare to stop and said, he had to bite the bullet and said: "At this time, there was news from outside the island that the True Spirit faction suddenly increased its troops, and another monk in the middle stage of the Dharma and brought three monks from the early stage of the Dharma to come for reinforcements. , Grandson felt that grandfather had already taken action against that Lu Tianping anyway, and a battle with the True Spirit faction was inevitable, so he sent a teleportation talisman to let Grandpa Fifth send someone to block the True Spirit faction monk. The grandson had already received the news before he came. The four practitioners of the True Spirit Sect died, one was seriously injured and the other slightly injured. They were later picked up by the treasure ship. Now Grandfather Five and others have already fought against the True Spirit Sect...."

Yan Ling's words hadn't been finished yet, a cold wind had already fanned his face, Yan Ling's subconsciously wanted to dodge, but where did he hide so much!

With a crisp "pop", the slap of the furious Yan Jiuxiao was actually slapped on the face of the stunned Yan Jiuxiao.

"Success is not enough to fail! Something that will make me go wrong!"

Yan Jiuxiao's light flickered, and people had once again turned into meteors and moved in the direction they had come before, but the angry voice remained, saying: "What are you still doing? You guys go outside the island to support the youngest five, the coffin, Get out of here!"

Several Huoluan monks hurriedly set up the escape light and left. The flame coffin, which was originally slapped by Yan Jiuxiao's slap, was agitated. The ambiguity before on his face suddenly changed with a hint of joy, and a magma flame was hurriedly turned into a light. Followed behind Yan Jiuxiao.

Lu Ping retreated all the way back to the center of the poisonous land. He saw the anxious expressions of the ancestor Tianqin and others wandering there. Lu Ping was overjoyed when he returned, and the ancestor Tiancheng asked anxiously: "How is it? No injuries, right?"

Lu Ping smiled and shook his head. Everyone's faces flashed with surprise. After all, the sound of shaking the mountains in the valley before was really anxious, but after seeing Lu Ping retreating, everyone was surprised and marveled at Lu Ping. What kind of situation has the cultivation base reached at this time?

Only Lu Qin'er "chuckled" heartlessly and said, "I knew that my brother was fine, and my brother was the best!"

The ancestor Tianqin was the most calm. From the shock that he was still immersed in the contending between Lu Ping and the monk Chunyang, the ancestor Tiancheng snatched a jade slip and threw it to Lu Ping, saying: "The news just came from the school, the Huo Luan clan shot. I ambushed the monk of the same faction who came for reinforcements, Junior Brother Tiansen, and fell! Uncle Xiang Lou was seriously injured and dying to protect the disciples of the sect. Xuan'er and Tianxuan also received some minor injuries, but they were not too serious, and the treasure ship rushed to take care of him. After that, the two sides have gone to war!"


Lu Ping didn't believe his ears at all, and asked again: "Uncle Tiansen, have you fallen?"

A trace of grief flashed in the eyes of the ancestor Tianqin, but she still tried her best to restrain it, saying: "Yes, Junior Brother Tiansen is to protect Senior Nephew Tianxuan, only..., the accompanying twenty disciples of the forging alchemy period. Six or seven died too!"


Lu Ping’s aura around him could no longer be gathered, and the two ancestors Tiancheng and Tianqin around him were caught off guard and couldn’t resist the aura that escaped under Lu Ping’s one by one involuntarily stepped back. The horror in my heart was deeper, and only then did I deeply feel where Lu Ping's confidence to compete with Yan Jiuxiao came from!

"What a Huluan clan, what a Yan Jiuxiao, hum, haha!"

Lu Ping laughed back in anger, and the aura all over his body radiated outwards one after another like waves.

The ancestor of Tianqin tried his best to restrain the depression brought by the angry Lu Ping, and calmly said: "Senior Nephew Lu is calm. For the sake of this plan, I need to open the central area of ​​Chiwu Island as soon as possible to help. You are well-deserved by this faction. The first combat force, we need to return to meet the Huoluan clan as soon as possible!"

The words of the ancestor Tianqin quickly made Lu Ping realize that it is not the time to be angry, and the majestic aura suddenly calmed down. Everyone breathed a sigh of relief, only to realize that the back was already dripping with cold sweat. Even the ancestor Tiancheng looked at Lu Ping with a hint of awe. Just now, under Lu Ping's momentum and pressure, he gave everyone a feeling no less than the previous encounter with Yan Jiuxiao.

The ancestor Tianqin was anxious seeing Lu Ping calm down but still standing there still, and said anxiously, "Nephew Lu,..."

Lu Ping suddenly raised his head to look at the crowd, and said, "The two uncles will lead people to help the faction, and the disciples will stay here!"

The ancestor Tiancheng suddenly said anxiously: "How can this be done? Without your own strength, the loss is not small!"

Lu Ping interrupted the ancestor Tiancheng, saying: "Uncle Master doesn't need to say anything. The disciples stay here to entangle the flames of the Nine Heavens. Without the constraints of the pure sun, the two big monks of the Huolun clan are paying back in Beihai. Can't afford to roll over any big waves!"

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