Nine Evolutions of the True Spirit

Chapter 1392: Fight again

It was calculated by this old guy!

At this time, Lu Ping could not care to search for treasures again. Once the magma lake above his head poured down, even if Lu Ping had the power of self-preservation in the magma lake, it would be difficult to guarantee that the ancestors and grandchildren of Yan Jiuxiao would be ambushing and sneak attack!

The arc top of the cave sky shattered more and more. As long as the Yan Jiuxiao shattered the cave sky space in one place, the magma lake was enough to completely destroy the entire cave sky. At this time, the cave sky did not know how many waves of magma fire fell, the entire cave sky The temperature rises sharply. m.

Lu Ping’s face looked very ugly at this time. The thin water long flowing sword was already badly injured when it stirred the magma lake to open the channel. At this time, if Lu Ping uses the previous method again, the spirit of the two one-knock spirit treasures is very likely to be lost. With this annihilation, even Lingbao's body will be damaged.

Lu Ping stretched out his hand and pressed it on the spine of Li Ping's sword, and the sword light was peeled from the sword of the true spirit sword. Whenever the sword light was peeled off, it would turn into a petite dragon and surround Lu Ping's body. Flying.

The blue and purple light of Lu Ping's palm on the spine of the sword radiated, and a series of nine sword shadows peeled from the body of the true spirit sword, and these nine sword shadows one after another after leaving the body of the true spirit sword. The sword light began to split again, and then the sword lights turned into short water dragons. In the end, a total of 129,600 water dragons formed a huge ball of light in the center of Lu Ping, surrounding Lu Ping. The airtight.

At this time, the body of the True Spirit Sword in Lu Ping's hand looked dimmed a lot, and Qi Ling Li Li looked a lot illusory, as if a gust of wind would blow it away completely.

Lu Ping stood in the ball of light, with the sword of the true spirit hung over his head, and with a flick of his finger, a drop of water suddenly flew from the tip of his finger. The moment the drop of water touched the light and shadow of the dragon, it merged into it. In the ball of light formed by hundreds of sword light dragons, a layer of light blue water curtain was suddenly rippling from the place where the water drops merged, and spreading towards the entire ball of light.

The spiritual water that Lu Ping condensed has the characteristics of Xuanyuan heavy water, and it can evolve into a lake with just one drop. At this time, the light curtain evolved by this drop of three-light divine water just made the sword light dragon like a fish in water, and Lu Ping opened up the sky. The special swordsmanship supernatural power formed by the combination of swordsmanship and water-seepage sword arts has taken a step up!

Lu Ping raised his head and glanced at the dome of Dongtian, which had been shattered for the most part in the air, and then suddenly stopped under his feet. The pattern of a lotus flower flickered, and the water ball of Lu Ping roaming around the sword light dragon turned into a huge upside-down wave. , Rushed into the sinking magma lake above the cave sky.

On the edge of the crater, a pale-faced flame coffin stood behind Yan Jiuxiao, staring at the magma lake that had become a huge funnel at this time, and said with a hint of excitement: "Master grandfather, this Once, Lu Tianping might be in a disaster!"

Yan Jiuxiao's gaze never left the magma lake that was sinking fast, but he said: "Not necessarily. It is not easy for Lu Tianping to burn him to death by relying on this magma lake, but this magma lake should be able to bring him. Come and weaken enough, and then take the opportunity to kill him. If this person is alive, it will be a disaster to the clan after all. It is the existence of Xiao Baiyu who can compare with the original among the three generations of cultivators!"

Yan Jiuxiao inadvertently wiped a glance at Yan's coffin, and said, "You should leave first. Then there can be no big battle, it's not something you can participate in!"

After being seriously injured, the pale paper-faced flame coffin suddenly flushed, but it looked extremely sick, but he finally set up a reluctance to flee toward the periphery of the volcano!

Yan Jiuxiao glanced at the back of Yan's coffin, sighed slightly, and was attracted by the rumbling sound from the depths of the sinking magma in front of him.

Yan Jiuxiao's expression changed. The Second Tribulations Spirit Treasure Fire Spirit Orb was already suspended above the volcano's crater, ready to go. The air around Yan Jiuxiao's body was evaporating because of the heat released by the movement of his true essence, and the surrounding fire spirits were rich The qi converged toward Yan Jiuxiao's body and even faintly condensed behind him into a huge image of a fire-luan with a long screaming neck.

At this moment, a fire wave tens of feet high suddenly exploded in the magma lake. A huge sphere wrapped in white mist rushed out of the exploded fire wave, and at the same time, it hovered over the crater. The fire spirit beads suddenly communicated with the magma lake in the crater. The 18 magma fire chains centered on the fire spirit beads of the Second Tribulation Lingbao, forming a huge flame cage, which took the giant white that just washed out of the magma The fog ball was sealed in the cage.

The flame cage, one of the supreme magical powers inherited by the Huoluan clan!

At this time, it is displayed in the hands of Yan Jiuxiao, and with the help of the power of the magma lake, its power is not known how many times stronger than the flame coffin!

At this time, the white mist around the giant ball that rushed out of the magma lake gradually dissipated, and what was exposed was a huge water ball cruising with countless sword light dragons!

Sanguangshen fruit is amazing!

When Lu Ping hit the magma lake frontally, the Sanguang Shenshui had a strong resistance to high-temperature burning, and it could continuously generate water flow to offset the consumption of the Sanguang Shenshui by the magma lake fire veins.

Because the thin water long flowing sword had been severely injured before, Lu Ping naturally would not be willing to use the Lingbao in his hand to resist the burning of the magma fire veins. As a last resort, Lu Ping could only use his own magical powers to resist the erosion of the magma lake.

However, this method consumes a huge amount of Lu Ping’s true essence, even with the assistance of the Sanguang Divine Water and the water-seepage sword art of the Open Heaven Swordsmanship, facing the magma lake formed by condensing the entire Chiwu Island fire veins. Burning, Lu Ping could also feel as if there was an additional funnel in his body, and the condensed true essence was quickly lost from his body.

Yan Jiuxiao's calculations were good. Lu Ping was indeed weakened, but what he didn't expect was that Lu Ping was only consumed by the true essence in his body. The magma fire vein did not really cause damage to Lu Ping, and Lu Ping was the least afraid of being consumed. It's true yuan!

However, Yan Jiuxiao's momentum has been stored for a long time, and the flame cage has already taken the lead. Lu Ping fell into the calculations of Yan Jiuxiao the moment he just rushed out of the magma lake.

The 18 fire chains shrank rapidly, and the huge fire veins aura gathered along the 18 fire chains towards the fire spirit orbs among them. With a loud bang, the entire flame cage was attracted by Yan Jiuxiao's life spirit fire. Burn!

Yan Jiuxiao's life spirit fire is not as condensed as Lu Ping's Sanguang Divine Water, but at this time it has absolute advantages in time and place. Yan Jiuxiao doesn't mind fighting Lu Ping one time!

However, the relaxed color on Yan Jiuxiao's face was already frozen on his face before the flame engulfed the cage, a pure and strong pure Yang Qi suddenly soared, Yan Jiuxiao seemed to have thought of something in an instant. , Just showed a look of surprise on his face, two blade lights burst out of the flames suddenly, followed by two blade lights close to the center, "Boom! Boom!" With two beeps, the two chains of fire have been destroyed. shear.

The two fire chains were cut, and the flame cage of Yan Jiuxiao suddenly revealed a flaw. The flame spirit orb was spinning in the air, trying to repair the broken flame cage. However, the competition between the masters was only a moment, and Lu Ping would naturally not. Let this opportunity to escape from your hands!

A torrent was driven by countless sword light dragons and broke out of the broken cage. Countless sword light dragons were annihilated by the fire spirit orb, but there were more sword light dragons. The other fire chains that tried to re-enclose the flame cage opened up, and the torrent of Sanguang Divine Water also blocked the burning of Yan Jiuxiao’s life spirit. A lotus rose slowly from the torrent, and Lu Ping hung his eyes on the lotus. Looking coldly at Yan Jiuxiao, who looked a little surprised.

But at this time, Yan Jiuxiao's attention was more focused on the purple-gold scissors that Lu Ping held in his hand. His eyes flashed with shock and greed, and he said bitterly, "Pure Yang, Chun Yang. Lingbao!"

Lu Ping snorted coldly. This time he was forced to expose the spirit treasure after Yan Jiuxiao's calculations. At this time, the whole body was filled with murderous air. With the current strength of the True Spirit faction, he possessed a piece of pure spirit. The price Yang Lingbao had to pay was obviously unbearable. Lu Ping had only one way to go if the secret of Chun Yang Lingbao was not revealed!


Pure Yang Lingbao opened above Lu Ping's head, and the direction of the blade pointed towards Yan Jiuxiao!

Yan Jiuxiao was flustered, but his mind was really not slow. While retracting the Fire Spirit Orb, a burning cloud rose behind him, and said in a loud voice: "This is the severance of the Lingbao, and the town sent Lingbao from the North League has actually arrived at yours. In your hands, the Northern Alliance Hanye must have died in your hands, and the Five Elements Sect’s plan to steal the Qingming River’s veins must have been destroyed by, you, can it be that Day Luo The various factions under the Heart Mountain were forced by the Pure Sun Thunder Tribulation, and that Thunder Tribulation was called by this Lingbao Interruption!"

Na Yan Jiuxiao is worthy of being Huolun's patriarch, and the moment Lu Ping revealed the severance of pure Yang, he had already made all the speculations clear.

The Yan Jiuxiao defense immediately grabbed Lu Ping’s weakness, and said proudly, “Lu Tianping, you are so bold. If the old man reveals these things, you know that your True Spirit faction is about to die!”

But the more this Yan Jiuxiao was, the more murderous Lu Ping was, and the mantis wielded a pair of swords on Lu Ping's shoulders and shouted: "Kill! Kill! Kill him!"

The scissors closed abruptly in the air, Yan Jiuxiao was a pure-yang monk after all, and tried his best to break free from the **** of being stared at by the pure-yang Lingbao. His figure flashed through two blade lights that cut through the void, and a volcano behind him Suddenly, Chunyang Lingbao cut a huge gap.

With a loud bang, the lava that was suppressed by the volcano immediately found its vent, and it erupted completely in the midst of the shaking of the ground, and the sky was covered by dense volcanic ash for half a day!

Lu Ping was already holding the sword of the true spirit, and said coldly: "You know too much!"

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