Nine Evolutions of the True Spirit

Chapter 1420: Encounter with a demon

The treasure ship broke through the sea, and under the guidance of Liang Tianfeng, Yang Fan sailed rapidly southward on the sea.

When planning with Xuanzong and others to expel the Moluo army, the True Spirit faction was responsible for breaking the way for the Moluo army to escape at the entrance of the storm ocean. After insisting on meeting with the monks of the Tianxuanzong, the two sides A giant net will be pulled up on the vast sea area three thousand miles outside the Xuanxuanzong from north to south to drive the Mo Luo flowing in the sea area all the way to the south. Among them, the True Spirit faction will be responsible for the sea area from the storm ocean to the west for eight hundred miles. .

In order to prevent the Moluo army from jumping over this line of defense, apart from Lu Ping, Jiang Tianlin and Liang Tianfeng who led the way, the more than ten practitioners of the True Spirit Sect stayed on the treasure ship. Brother Xuanzong roughly paralleled, driving Mo Luo on the sea southward all the way.

In the treasure cabin, without encountering an enemy, Jiang Tianlin will give the treasure ship’s movement to the treasure ship’s tool Lingruyu to control, while the three of them sit in the treasure cabin at will. Jiang Tianlin will make a sacrifice to the treasure mirror. As soon as the mirror surface suddenly showed the sea area in front of the treasure ship during its journey.

"In this direction, this coral reef island three hundred miles south will be where the original desert island was. It was there that I encountered the assembled Mura army, two Asuras, if the old man was I’m afraid I’m going to lose my life if I run one step late."

Obviously, Liang Tianfeng seemed to have some lingering fears until now.

Jiang Tianlin asked Lu Ping, "Nephew Lu suspects something weird on this island?"

Lu Ping smiled and said: "I hope it's weird. We all know that Mo Luo never gathers and stays in one place for too long, unless this place has a place to attract Mo Luo. This has also formed a very popular in the cultivation world. There is a proverb, "Mora does not fall without treasures." If this place is really a gathering place for the Mura army, then this island is very worthwhile for us to explore."

Jiang Tianlin pondered for a moment, and said: "Just in case, inform everyone to return to the treasure ship, and concentrate on understanding what is strange about this island."

After that, Jiang Tianlin turned and said to the treasure cabin, "Look at whether Xuanwei has gone out to sea with him. If not, call him here."

As the only mine-seeker of the True Spirit Sect, the status of True Person Xuanwei is now rising, especially after experiencing a dispute with the ancestor of Heavenly Magic, True Person Xuanwei has received great support from the sect, but this He was also sent to Middle-earth once the treasure ship went west.

After the treasure ship docks, Zhen Xuanwei will go to Yingshan Courtyard, and then will secretly search for mineral veins in the Hebei cultivation world as a traveler, in order to expand cultivation resources and alleviate the growing cultivation of the True Spirit School Resource pressure, secondly, is to hone and perfect his mining secret skills and improve his mining level.

No matter what is on the desert island, once the True Spirit sends all the cultivators to expel the Mo Luo in the nearby waters, they will use the Xuanwei True Man to explore the island.

When the treasure ship was about two hundred miles away from the deserted island, four of the Buddhist monks who patrolled the surrounding waters had led a team to return, and the remaining six were still maintaining the line of defense, taking the opportunity to imitate the Umaru team and head north. escape.

When the Treasure Ship was only 150 miles away from the deserted island, Lu Ping seemed to feel the strangeness in the sea ahead, and stood up and walked toward the deck of the Treasure Ship.

Jiang Tianlin seemed to have some feelings too, but at this time he needed to guard the treasure cabin and control the treasure ship to prevent unpredictable danger.

The treasure ship advanced fifty miles again, and from a distance on the calm sea, he could even see the deserted island Liang Tianfeng had seen.

Lu Ping's expression was slightly solemn, and when he reached out his hand, the Nine-Dragon Bell was already in the palm of his palm, and then gently tossed it. A series of eight small bells separated from the Nine-Dragon Bell, and each of them had a small bell. Surrounded by a dragon.

The dragon-shaped sculpture ran wildly on the nine small bells, and said dissatisfiedly: "As for being so nervous, does it really need this dragon to go out?"

Lu Ping's backhand volleyed, and the dragon-shaped sculpture immediately stopped. The eight small bells gradually grew into three-foot bronze bells, and then flew to the front, back, left, and right sides of the treasure ship and above the masts. Every place was reserved for the Nine Dragon Bell. Hanging eight bronze bells on the hooks, leaving only the bronze bell where the dragon-shaped sculpture is still suspended in front of Lu Ping.

The treasure ship breaks through the waves extremely fast, and you can feel the strong sea breeze standing on the bow, but the eight hanging bronze bells are still in the sea breeze.

The treasure ship is still fifty miles away from the desert island. The various prohibited runes on the treasure ship’s hull are lit up one by one, and then with a buzzing sound, the entire treasure ship is immediately enveloped by the guardian array, and the atmosphere above the treasure ship suddenly becomes tense. The True Spirit Sect disciples on the treasure ship perform their duties and prepare to respond.

At this moment, Lu Ping smiled at the dragon-shaped sculpture and said, "Let you watch a big scene!"


Before the dragon-shaped sculpture could react, he saw that Lu Ping had a drumstick in his hand. It was also a magic weapon.

The dragon-shaped sculpture was horrified, and said: "What are you going to do, that is the drumstick, not the bell hammer, hey hey!"

Lu Ping struck a Nine Dragon Bell with the drumstick in his hand, and the other eight bronze bells on the treasure ship responded one after another as if they were alive, so the nine bells on the treasure ship rang in succession.

Huh! Huh! Huh! ...

Nine bells sounded one after another, the calm sea in front of the treasure ship suddenly became turbulent, and then a scream of bone damage came from under the distant sea one after another, countless Mo Luo bursting out of the water, in the avenue Jiulong the agitation of the bells Xia suddenly went mad, scurrying around the sea like a headless fly, and the entire sea suddenly tumbling up, countless huge waves and undercurrents raged in the sea area fifty miles ahead, and many of them even started to be in the chaos. Kill each other.

"Mo Luo army is trying to ambush me in this sea area?"

Liang Tianfeng did not know when he came to Lu Ping's back, and was surprised by the spectacle of demons dancing in front of him.

If the treasure ship really sailed into the area ambushed by the Moluo army at this time, and a sudden disaster occurred, even if the true spirits could protect the treasure ship from loss, I am afraid that it would suffer a lot of losses.

"It's just some miscellaneous fish. The real killer of Mo Luo cannot be greatly affected by the Nine Dragon Bell. Those high-level Mo Luo that has not appeared up to now are really likely to cause damage to the treasure ship. The Nine Dragon Bell can only make Mo Luo's This time the ambush has completely failed, and what is left is the hard bones. Let's prepare for an uphill battle, this desert island is really weird!"

"However, this Nine Dragon Bell's chaotic hammer may be enough for this group of Mo Luo to bear. It seems that all the big Mo Luo below the Blood Mo Luo is in chaos, and the little Mo Luo is missing, I am afraid that it has been wiped out under the sea. Come on, this is much more powerful than the Canghai Bell of Senior Xianglou."

Lu Ping shook his head and said with a solemn expression: "The power of the nine bronze bells of Jiulong Clock is almost the same as that of the Canghai Clock. After all, the Jiulong Clock is not a real treasure, but these nine bells can be used together. The scope of the magical powers is far beyond the Canghai Bell, so there will be such a scene in front of you. If the Canghai Bell is within a certain range, I am afraid that the bell will ring, I am afraid that even the Great Devil will be able to kill half of it. ."

The four Buddhist monks who returned to the treasure ship were the four mid-phase Buddhist monks, Tianfeng, Tiancheng, Tianshan, and Tianyuan. They were ready for battle without Lu Ping's words.

Just when Lu Ping's voice fell, a loud roar suddenly came from the desert island fifty miles away. The sound was rolling, and even the clouds floating in the sky were affected, and they were suddenly shattered by the impact.

The scene that had fallen into chaos on the sea suddenly stagnated, and the roar seemed to have magical powers, and suddenly healed the pain caused by the damage caused by the Nine Dragon Bell to the Mo Luo army.

A group of black clouds rose from the deserted island and rolled towards the direction of the treasure ship.

Lu Ping said in shock: "This is troublesome, there is a demon on this desert island!"

The appearance of the demon not only surprised Lu Ping, but also caused the Zhenling faction to fall into a panic.

Although Jiang Tianlin was sitting in the treasure cabin, the situation in the waters around the treasure ship was clearly displayed on the Yingxu treasure mirror.

"Do you want to retreat first?"

Jiang Tianlin is still calm, even if a demon appears, he can completely resist it with the power of the treasure ship, and he can retreat safely no matter how badly it is. At this time, the True Spirit faction does not have to fall into a deadly battle because of blocking the entrance of the storm ocean as before. .

Although once the True Spirit Sect retreats, this time the Four Sects' plans to drive the Sea Moluo will most likely fail, but the appearance of the Heavenly Demon is clearly beyond everyone's expectations, and no one will blame the True Spirit Sect for this.

Lu Ping's eyes shone, staring at the dark mist of the heavenly demon getting closer and closer in the distance, gritted his teeth, and said: "Don't worry, if you just fight without a fight like this, wouldn't the Chinese factions look down on my Beihai sect? , Masters, uncles and uncles are guarding the treasure disciples first go to this demon for a while."

Liang Tianfeng said: "Are you sure? It's not the time to be brave, or we will retreat first and inform the Tianxuanzong of the situation here. Since the pure sun ancestors of Xuanzong and Tianyuezong came to respond that day, I can wait. Temporarily stabilize the line of defense to prevent Mo Luo from fleeing north."

Lu Ping pointed to the deserted island in the distance, and said, "Uncle, that deserted island is not only the gathering place of Mo Luo, but also the existence of Heavenly Demons. What do you think there will be on this island? The earth, let alone the demon? If you wait for the seven fans and the full moon to come, the treasures on the island may fall into the hands of the faction. If you want wealth and danger, the disciple should try it anyway."

Liang Tianfeng still needs to be persuaded, and Lu Ping smiled and said: "Uncle Master can rest assured that even if the disciple is not the opponent of this demon, he can safely retreat, but there are still two Asuras around the body of the demon.

Jiang Tianlin said at this time: "Also, once you are in danger, return to the treasure ship as soon as possible. When the time comes, you and I will join forces to make the treasure ship solid, and even the demon can't help it."


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