Nine Flames Sovereign

Chapter 681: Flowing Flame Dragon Guard VS King Kong Demon Slash

The Golden Swastika Slash is actually only a near-medium, middle-lower Heaven-rank top martial skill.

However, with Shengyuan, that power is greatly different.

The Golden Light Swastika Slash, which incorporates a part of the Saint Yuan, has already surpassed the heavenly ranks, and even the Heavenly Fire Fighting Fist that incorporates the Holy Flame of the Extreme Day is not as good.

The **** flashed in the sky, and quickly slashed towards Han Feng like a sharp blade.

"Sky Fire Fighting Punch!!"

Han Feng threw a punch again, and the milky white flame giant fist turned into a flame vortex in the sky.

But when the **** slash fell, it only took a few seconds to pass through the flame vortex, smashing the flame vortex away.

In the same way, the **** slash was not only reduced a lot, but the energy was even more solid.

"Fusion-Cangyan Extermination Slash!!"

"Fusion-Purple Wing Aurora!!"

Even if the **** was weakened a lot, Han Feng didn't dare to be careless, and the two heavenly martial arts quickly displayed.

Pale flames slashed and countless purple rays spurted away.

Incorporating the sacred flames of the day, the two martial arts are very close to the top level of the best martial arts.

But this is the case, the **** slash was still not defeated, and the **** slash that had been reduced several times suddenly fell on Han Feng's abdomen.


Han Feng's entire body was cut and flew out and fell heavily to the ground.

The abdomen of the Skyfire armor opened several cracks with a soft sound.

After a roll, Han Feng steadily got up and landed on the ground.

With the protection of the Skyfire armor, the **** slash, whose power was reduced several times, did not harm Han Feng.

Han Feng took a deep breath: "I have to take the bleeding and drink the white dragon knife."

Han Feng's inherited martial skill level has now risen sharply, and the power he exploded is getting closer and closer to the **** white dragon knife's **** white dragon mie.

Today's Twelfth Stage Mid-Level Realm of Skyfire Fighting Fist is integrated into the Extreme Day Sacred Flame, and its power is about the same as the **** white dragon killing.

On that day, the Fire Fighting Fist reached the twelfth stage of the late stage. After being integrated into the Extreme Day Sacred Flame, its power was comparable to that of the Blood Drinking White Dragon.

On the same day, the Fire Fighting Fist reached its twelfth peak state. After being integrated into the Extreme Day Sacred Flame, its power will surpass the Blood Drinking White Dragon.

In general, Han Feng nowadays, even if he took out the Blood Drink White Dragon Knife, his overall strength was limited. This was because of the huge increase in Han Feng's overall strength.


Seeing the blood-drinking white dragon knife in Han Feng's hand, Song Xin's eyes burst into strong greed.

Licking his lips, Song Xin hotly said: "Top-notch spiritual weapons, these spiritual weapons in your hands are really a waste. If they are used by this leader, their power is definitely not comparable to you."

"If you are willing to hand over the best spirit weapon in your hand, this leader is willing to let you go."

Han Feng mocked: "Old guy, don't treat me as a three-year-old kid. If you want to get the magic weapon in my hand, let's dream."

Song Xin's face suddenly became gloomy: "The arrogant boy, by chance, escaped his life. I really think he has the ability to compete with this leader."

"Seal the magic golden light chain!!"

Hundreds of golden chains burst out, and the tip of the chains shone with sharp golden light.

Countless golden chains flew into the sky, and immediately fell from the sky like flying swords.

The chain flew down quickly in the air, causing friction with the air, making a whirring sound.

"Blood Drink Bailong Mie!!"

Facing the magical golden chain of light, which is close to the upper level of the heavenly martial arts, it is still integrated with the martial arts of Shengyuan, Han Feng immediately broke out the most powerful move of the **** white dragon knife.

The white dragon roared out, blasted in the air, turning into dense blades like a strong wind.

Rumble! !

Countless blades madly tore the golden light chain, the explosion of energy, and the clang of the chain were endless.

"Huh?" Seeing Han Feng still resisting the blow, Song Xin couldn't bear it anymore.

No matter how strong Han Feng's overall combat power is, he himself is only a nine-star rank, and his half-sage failed to win the match with a few moves, which is simply an insult to the half-sage.

The powerhouses in the distance were even more horrified. Semi-Holy, in the surroundings of the Holy Spirit City and among the three empires, they have a high status. In the case that the strong in Sanctuary are not easy to take action, Semi-Holy is the top The presence.

With the addition of the three empires in the Holy Spirit City and its surroundings, there are only a dozen semi-sages, nearly twenty.

Song Xin is a semi-sage, with a very high status and a great reputation.

Numerous strong men would never have imagined that this inexplicable young genius of unknown origin had actually competed with the semi-sage strong man to such a degree.

Song Xin had a grim expression: "Junior, you **** it!!"

"King Kong Devil Slash!!"

At this moment, Song Xin finally really used the final hole card.

King Kong Demon Slash, that is the top heavenly martial arts, integrated into the holy yuan, the power has touched the edge of the lowest level of low-grade inferior sanctuary, and there is probably half of the inferior sanctuary's power!

And even if Han Feng broke out of the **** white dragon, he couldn't compare with the low-grade and low-grade sacred knowledge, or even far from it.

The gap between Sanctuary's unique learning and heavenly martial skills is like an abyss.

In Han Feng's current situation, unless it is his cultivation base, or his soaring cultivation base reaches the twelve-star peak of the heavenly rank, the power of the Aurora Cangyan in his body is greatly increased, and at the same time, the sky-fire fighting fist also reaches the state of the twelve-level peak.

At that time, when the powerfully increased Aurora Cangyan merged into the Skyfire Fighting Fist, and then displayed it with the twelve-star peak cultivation base of the heavenly rank, it might have a power comparable to the inferior sanctuary's peerless knowledge.

And now, his own cultivation base is only nine stars of the heavenly rank, and it is only in the mid-twelve-star stage after the cultivation base has skyrocketed. The distance of might is too far.


Accompanied by Song Xin's roar, a phantom of the King Kong God of War appeared behind Song Xin, and the King Kong War God was holding a golden sword with golden light in his hands, majestic and majestic.


Song Xin screamed again, his right arm suddenly swung down, and the golden light giant sword in the hands of the King Kong War God Void behind him suddenly cut down.

At this moment even in the space under the suppression of the Holy Spirit barrier, the space seemed to be torn apart.

This sword, with the power of destroying the world, the golden light rushed out, slashing to Han Feng fiercely.

The strong in the distance, even if the distance is a little far away, feels that he will be cut to ashes at any time as if he is under the golden giant sword.

Many strong people look at each other in shock, this is the power of the semi-holy strong? It's horrible. They are so far away. What about the people who face the semi-sage?

"Flowing Flame Dragon Cover!!"

Han Feng's eyes flickered, and this moment was the time to test the power of Sanctuary's unique learning.

With a soft drink, the flame dragon roared out immediately, countless fire dragons roared up to the sky, and then each other's dragon heads gathered high in the sky, and the dragon tails swung their tails underneath. Han Feng was covered inside.


Boom boom boom! !

The golden light giant sword slashed on the fire dragon cover, and a burst of golden light storm and flame storm suddenly erupted.

The storm surged towards the surroundings, the face of the strong man in the distance changed drastically, and Cang Pan quickly retreated again.

These storms swept over thousands of meters and nearly 10,000 meters in the blink of an eye.


The second one is delivered! ! Seeking flowers! !

Thank you "6535881" for your great reward! (^o^)/

The third one should be around six in the afternoon. 

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