Nine Astra Skies

Nine Astra Skies Chapter 60: God of War! ! !

The other side has two nine-level masters, Ye Jiabao is completely at a disadvantage!

Ye Chen is able to cope with the eighth-order peak, and if he faces the ninth-order powerhouse, his strength is still too much.

Ye Chen’s heart was anxious, and after another one or two minutes, Ye Jiabao was afraid that he would die and die for more than half.

"Chen is careful!" I saw the old man's second hammer hammer sweeping to Ye Chen, Ye Zhantian screamed anxiously, but he was too hurt, just want to struggle, his chest was stuffy, his body seemed to be broken. In general, fell to the ground.

Seeing the cow's second-chain hammer swept over, avoiding inevitable, Ye Chen Yun Xuanqi block.

A sigh of snoring, Ye Chen was hit by a hammer hammer of the second child, and flew out.

The body is scattered, the five internal organs are shocked, and it is also seriously injured. Ye Chen reluctantly stood up for the body. The mysteriousness of the second child is just as arrogant as a bull.

"Today, you, Ye Family and Son, have to die in the hands of my second child!" Niu Erhao haha ​​laughed, waved the hammer and shoved Ye Chen, and the hundreds of pounds of hammer, plus nine steps The brute force of the master is enough to make the ordinary eighth-order master into a meat!

Hey, the raccoon on the shoulder of Ye Chen, the hair is upright, staring angrily at the rushing cow, and a strong soul swept out.

Ye Chen looked at the second hammer of the cow and gradually approached. Do I have to die here?

If I die, Ye Jiabao will kill it! Never let this happen!

Ye Chen’s eyes suddenly burst into a light, and his right foot slightly retreated. He instantly entered the territory of the previous comprehension. The mysterious body in the body seemed to be dragged, causing a burst of resonance, and the nine stars of Dantian turned. Flying fast, the mysterious air among the flying knives rushed out, and between the heavens and the earth, it seems that there is left and the cow in front.

Among the five elements, wood fires, wood, fire can be more powerful! In the spirit of Ye Chen’s mind, there is a flash of light.

Among the nine stars, the wood-based cyclone runs to the main star position, and the wood-based mysterious gas continually emerges. Then, all of them are instantly transformed into the fire-based mysterious gas. This fire system is more fragrant than the former Ye Chen in the Yun family. When the fortress casts a cloud, it will be several times or even dozens of times!

Chiyun is closed!

Ye Chen screamed and slammed his palms, and the flames were raging.

The hammer hammer that the second child waved was about to reach Ye Chen. He suddenly saw the eyes of the civet cat on the shoulder of Ye Chen. The mind was taken for a moment, and the head was blank for a short time. It was just a short moment. A fiery flame came to the surface.

Not good, the cow **** is shocked, but it is too late to change.

A loud bang, a flame of heat swept across the range of a few feet, the old hammer used in the second-hand hammer was broken by his life, his palm on the palm of his hand, the strong body actually fell back to the In the air, it fell on the ground outside the seven or eight feet, and it stopped a long way before it stopped. The body was black and black, and there was a burst of smoke on the clothes, causing painful sputum and the sound was getting lighter.

what's going on! Whether it is the people of Yunjiabao or the people of Yejiabao, they are incredibly watching this scene. The second child, who is the ninth-order master, is actually shot by Ye Chen, and he can't live without seeing it.

At this time, it is difficult for everyone to describe the shock of their own heart, Ye Chen is a seventeen-year-old child!

The people of Yunjiabao are devastated. They have only two nine-level masters here. Now they are dead. The rest of Yun Yixuan may not be Ye Chen’s opponent! The ninth-order master decides the outcome, what else do they have to fight?

After a brief shock, many people in Yejiabao broke out with deafening cheers. They saw the hope of life again. The morale of the people was greatly suppressed, and the people of Yunjiabao were pressed down and occupied the upper hand.

After the red cloud was closed, between the anxious black soil, Ye Chen was standing there quietly with his eyes closed. This is the memory of the red cloud that has exhausted his whole body. The empty space of Dantian is also empty. Only the flying knife in my mind, Xuanqi is still rushing out, filling the dantian, let his injury recover at a very fast speed.

Quietly, in Dantian, as if something was crashing, Ye Chen was still immersed in a realm of selflessness.

A raccoon is generally lying on the shoulders of Ye Chen, and it seems to have sensed some kind of change in Ye Chen.

The screams were heard all the time. After the murder of the second son of the cow, the Yunjiabao lost their fighting spirit and was killed under the encirclement of the Yejiabao people. Yun Yixuan looked at Ye Chen in the scorched earth with fear, and there was a chill in his heart. How long ago, Ye Chen’s strength actually increased so quickly that even the second child was killed on the spot! Ye Chen also had a childish face, but in his eyes it was more terrifying than death.

Seventeen years old, defeating the early nine-order powerhouse, my God!

"Yejiabao actually has such characters, and I am going to die in Yunjiabao!" Yunyi Xuanxin is ashamed. He has forgotten to chase and kill Ye Jiabao. He saw Ye Chen, who still has no movement, and he suddenly reacted. This Ye Chen killed the second child of the cow. It must have been seriously injured. At this time, he will not kill him. When will he wait? Yun Yixuan’s heart raised the last hope, and the body slammed up and waved his right hand to Ye Chen. The strength of the Scorpio hand quickly condensed to the right hand.

Yun Yixuan is getting closer and closer, but Ye Chen has no movement at all.

"Chen is careful!"

"Chen Er!"

"Ye Chenge!"

Everyone wants to go back and rescue Ye Chen, but it is too late, and the speed of the ninth-order masters is what they can catch up!

Seeing that Ye Chen is about to be shackled, Ye Zhanlong and others are rushing, they have just produced a glimmer of hope, but the development of things has pushed them into the abyss of despair.

This kid is seriously injured, Yun Yi Xuan mouth corner reveals a hint of laughter, even if your genius is extraordinary, still die in the hands of my Yun Yixuan! Seeing that he was going to succeed, he saw Ye Chen’s eyes suddenly open, and there was a flash of light in his eyes. His heart was like a monster, and it seemed to be very difficult to breathe. .

The barrier of the seventh-order peak, after experiencing the first battle, was broken, and Ye Chen’s mysteriousness was even stronger than the previous peak, and it condensed the body of the eighth-order master, Ye Chen. The deep mystery of the body, which made him condense the body of the body, is not inferior to the ninth-order master.

Seeing that Yun Yixuan is close at hand, Ye Chen sideways to avoid it, and all the body's mysterious gas is condensed in the right hand, according to a flaw in Yunyi Xuantian's hand, a punch.

Yun Yixuan’s air machine seems to have been towed, and the body involuntarily rushed forward. The scorpio’s hand fell into the air, and then wanted to return to the hand to block the attack of Ye Chen, but it was too late, and a bang, Ye Chen’s fist slammed On the chest of Yun Yixuan, there was an astonishing explosion. Yun Yixuan’s body was smashed by hard suffocation, the chest collapsed, the ribs broke, and the kite that broke the line generally flew out. The injury is not as heavy as the second child.

The development of the situation, beyond the expectations of everyone, Ye Chenyi boxing Feiyun Yixuan, still more than enough, outstanding.

A group of people from Yejiabao saw this situation, and all of them were full of enthusiasm and blood.

"God of War!"

"God of War!"

Ye Jiabao has another nine-level **** of war! Seventeen-year-old nine-level **** of war!

The people on the walls of the city burst into shouts. They looked at Ye Chen’s eyes and were filled with incomparable reverence. At this time, Ye Chen was already a well-deserved **** of war in their hearts!

Those who live in Yunjiabao have lost their souls. Their two ninth-order masters are already dead. Yechen kills the power of Yun Yixuan’s fist, and they completely lose their resistance. The rest of them They dared to resist, turned around and fled, and under the chase of the Ye family, they were either fussed or shackled.

Ye Chen looked around and there was a lot of casualties among the people. Ye Jiabao was already a mess. But these people looked at him with a warm, excited mood. They know that from today, they will not Live in the shadow of Yunjiabao, because they have another **** of war against the family!

~~ Tomorrow, there will be more outbreaks on Sunday, please support us a lot.


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