Nine Heavens Divine Dragon Art

Chapter 2269: Power homology

"The third boy, this is the place, and the place where Master Yunyun asked for help is here." One of them said.

"Yes, it's here. I really don't understand. How powerful is the Grand Master Yun Yun, he has no way, what can we do?" another person said.

"Second child, don't be verbose again, if Master Yunyun is heard, we will not feel better." The boss said.

"Yes, brother, can you talk nonsense and forget the last thing?" the third said.

"Yes, second son, your talent is the best of our three brothers, but one thing, you can’t control your mouth. If it’s not the case, you will definitely be able to take care of it with adults, maybe "You can now become the overlord of the universe." The boss said, he hated the fact that iron is not steel. "Don't talk about this, let's see, where is the Grand Master Yunyun?"

"It's true that a cosmic overlord, who arrested a cultivator in the realm of a monarch, was still asking for help, and was also drunk." The second child was still chattering, and he was very dissatisfied with his mouth. He was very dissatisfied. Although he knew that he said so, It may cause the displeasure of Da Yun Yun, but he still can't help saying that.

The conversation of the three people was heard by Yang Hongwu. The three people were amazing enough. The second man, indeed, is the strongest. The Avenue of the Universe has been perfected, and the closest to the cosmic overlord, as long as the chance is one When you arrive, you can directly impact the universe overlord.

I have to admit that this guy is very talented.

If this guy breaks through to cosmic overlord at this time, Le Zi is really big.

Send him into the formation, if this guy, get the cosmic avenue of the resurrection strongman, it may really impact the realm of the universe overlord, which is not what Yang Hongwu wants to see, but if he is not sent to enter In the formation, he had to deal with him himself, and he had to pay a considerable price. This is where Yang Hongwu struggled.

However, in any case, send them in first, send two in, and the other one can deal with it.

The battle between the Great Desperate Winner and the Resurrection Powerhouse is coming to an end, and he need not worry too much.

Now, the Great Destiny of Destruction is indeed the upper hand. The resurrection strong is almost the end of the crossbow, but even so, there is no sign of retreat from the resurrection strong.

That means fighting hard and dying together, which is a good thing for Yang Hongwu and a great good thing.

As for these three brothers, it’s enough to send the boss and the youngest in. If that resurrection strongman blew himself up and died together, the impact of the powerful force will certainly not make them feel good. When the time comes, they will be seriously injured, and this The best talent and the most powerful second child, not to send him into the formation, is that Yang Hongwu does not want to give him a chance to break through. After all, he has reached the limit of the half-step universe overlord, and he may break through at any time. Under such a life-and-death situation, it is the easiest to break the limit and understand the universe, so Yang Hongwu will not give him such an opportunity.

"In the breath, there is a rebirth strongman." The moment when Yang Hongwu opened the crack in the formation, the boss felt the breath.

"Go, let's go in."

The three nodded, and Qi Qi walked toward the formation arranged by Yang Hongwu.

The boss and the youngest entered the formation smoothly, but the second was blocked by Yang Hongwu's formation.

"No, here is the formation. The boss and the third are in. I'm trapped outside, **** it." At this time, the second child was blocked out, and his face changed. Since there is a formation here, it means the enemy It has been calculated for a long time, and he does not understand why the boss and the youngest can go in, only to block himself out?

Wouldn’t it be better to let the three of us enter the formation together?

Can't figure it out.

However, he was very clear that the boss and the third entered it, and it must be very dangerous. You must know that there is also a resurrection strongman. Moreover, Dayun Yunzun is also trapped in the formation, otherwise, He certainly won't call for help.

If you want to break the formation, as long as the formation is broken, then all problems will be solved. Even if Da Yunyun is invincible, can you always find a way to escape?

He is very clear about the strength of Da Yun Zun. He is extremely powerful and can cut off other people's luck. This is a very powerful method.

"Break me!" He roared, his hands clenched into fists, and in this blow, he used all his strength, and he wanted to break the formation in the shortest time.

However, he bombarded the formation with two fists, and there appeared nine golden dragons, which actually swallowed his power directly.

His attack did not pose any threat to this formation, but instead provided energy to this formation, which made him completely ignorant.

"What kind of ghost formation is this?" Directly engulfing the power of the formation-breakers to enhance the power of the formation. Such a formation is too amazing and too powerful. He has never seen it at all. Such strong men are trapped in formation.

Nowadays, there is no way to do this.

In fact, what he didn’t know is that this formation can devour some power to increase the strength of the formation, but not all forces can be swallowed up with impunity. Only some special powers can be easily swallowed. The avenue of cultivation of this second son and the cosmic avenue of the resurrection strongman who is the eye of the formation can be said to be the same as this formation. Therefore, this formation can only devour the cultivation so easily Change, his power.

This point, even Yang Hongwu did not expect.

This is also fortunate that Yang Hongwu did not put him in, otherwise, he could devour the formation of this formation, the cosmic avenue of the resurrection strongman, once he realizes the power of this, this guy can directly Break the current bottleneck and enter the level of cosmic overlords. When the time comes, your formation will be broken and you will create an enemy at the level of cosmic overlords.

"Very good, it is indeed a rescuer moved by Da Yun Zun, hum, but it's a pity that this formation is born to be your nemesis." At this time, Yang Hongwu appeared. Things in the formation, Yang Hongwu doesn’t have to worry anymore. Although sooner or later, Mianyun Dazun will win, but it will take a little time, and this period of time is enough to clean up the guy in front of him.

"Is it really you?" The youngest man was very surprised when he saw the appearance of Yang Hongwu, but it was reasonable, "What the **** are you?"

"Who am I? This is not important. What is important is that today, you will all die here. Even killing the Great Venerable, I will also let him be the soul of death in my hands." .

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