Nine Heavens

Chapter 1009 Listening to Ghost Sound Waves

Chapter One Thousand and Nine

While the two were whizzing and galloping, the five-dimensional balance circle on Song Zhen's chest was trembling slightly, emitting strange and magical ghost sound waves from faint five-color circles frequently. Each corner of the five-dimensional balance circle emits such a strange sound wave, which is colored, and the color is very light. If you don't sense it carefully, you can't see it at all, like slight ripples in a lake.

The ghost sound wave mysteriously floats from Song Zhen's chest to all sides of the Netherworld floating in the space. It seems to be very slow, but it is faster than the speed of the two of them, and the trajectory of the ghost sound wave is very magical, isn't it? Straight, not curved, straight or curved, or somewhere in between. It's always very weird, and I can't explain it clearly.

In fact, it's not just the ghost sound wave's flight trajectory, even Liu Qianlang and Song Zhen are flying in this weird way, but they don't know it.

From a distance, the trails of light left behind them are like twisted ladders, fluttering and fluttering non-stop. They moved left and right, and then moved forward in a strange way, gradually drifting away.

Lou Qianlang and Song Zhen roared and flew all the way, slashing wildly all the way, the third, fourth and fifth Soul Prison, both of them saw it, besides slaughtering the evil spirits there, a third, fourth and fifth soul prison No one in the Fifth World was seen either.

These three spaces in the entire Nether Mansion were hacked by the two, so that smoke billowed, black hair flew wildly, bones filled the sky, and the vision was blurred for a while.

After a while of galloping and slashing, the two sat in the courtyard of the Nether Palace where the Fifth Human Soul Prison was located, watching the scene of the Fifth Human Nether Palace Hall being razed to the ground and turned into a huge purple hole in the sky. A moment of annoyance.

They tossed and tossed for a while, they were really exhausted, one sat cross-legged on the blood unicorn, the other hung on the chaotic cauldron, gasping for breath, slowly adjusting their breath.

After more than an hour, when the vision in the space gradually became clear, those women with long black hair and men turned into skulls flew to the sky and thousands of feet away again, and the Nether Palace floating in the air was in the sight of the two. Although it disappeared, a huge pentahedron appeared, with a huge hole on each face, in five colors of red, green, blue, yellow, and purple.

Each hole is as if in front of your eyes, the inside is infinitely deep and mysterious, the red hole is like blood, the green hole is like jade, the blue hole is like spring, the yellow hole is like gold, and the purple hole is mysterious.

"What is this thing? It's like an alchemy furnace, no! It's like a lantern!" Song Zhen said after resting enough, stroking the golden giant horn of his beloved blood unicorn.

Liu Qianlang's gaze was also constantly examining the huge strange things in front of him, especially the five holes full of infinite temptation, but no matter how curious he was, Liu Qianlang finally did not lose his mind, and he was still thinking about saving his sister Liu Juan. .

So he looked at Song Zhen and said, "Leave him alone, let's get out of here and find my sister!"

"Third brother, listen! What ghost's voice is it?" Song Zhen didn't answer Liu Qianlang after hearing the words, but focused on searching for the source of a strange voice.



The sound was extremely weak, like the sound of heaven, like the slight touch of beautiful jade, it sounded inexplicably in the ears, very pleasant. Song Zhen heard it, and Liu Qianlang also heard it at this time.

Then the eyes of the two showed unspeakable astonishment, their eyes widened, and their eyes fell on the huge pentahedron high in the sky.

On each of the five faces, figures of Liu Qianlang and Song Zhen appeared. And Song Zhen on every face is also above the blood unicorn, just sitting or standing is different. Liu Qianlang also stepped on the Chaos Cauldron, his white hair fluttering after recovering his body.

Moreover, Liu Qianlang and Song Zhen on the five faces were talking and laughing, and the process they experienced on each face was going on at the same time like a movie.

After the two slaughtered all the evil spirits, and implanted the sensory system of the ghost form and magic skill into the soul sea, they no longer need the ghost body to feel the five-dimensional time and space around them. His own body can do it, so both of them recovered their bodies.

"Third brother, are we awake? Or are we dreaming?" Song Zhen saw five of himself and five third brothers in the distance, pinched his mouth hard and asked, grinning from the pain.

"Don't panic, hold your breath, of course we are awake! That must be a hallucination, don't talk, listen carefully to the voice just now!" Liu Qianlang signaled Song Zhen not to speak for now.

Hearing this, Song Zhen nodded, then twitched his black and white eyebrows and listened carefully. After a while, the two heard a faint sound wave again. Liu Qianlang urged the psychic ear, calmly, followed the direction of the sound wave, followed the reverse direction, and quickly found the source of the sound.

The five-dimensional balance circle on Song Zhen's chest was trembling slightly. Although the amplitude was extremely small, it still did not escape Liu Qianlang's psychic green diamond fairy eyes.

Liu Qianlang listened very carefully to the faint five-color rippling sound waves. Liu Qianlang was very surprised, such a weak sound wave, but the ghost power contained in it was extremely powerful.

I can distinguish ghost sound waves by myself, but they are divided into many types because of different frequencies. Now there are two kinds of sound waves, one is the illusory sound wave, which makes the two of them feel dizzy. And the other is the sound wave calling for help, which should spread the call for help to the depths of the nether hell.

Liu Qianlang's mind suddenly brightened, and he suddenly understood the reason why he and Song Zhen didn't see the second to fifth human souls. It must be the strange alarm sound from the five-dimensional balance circle, which made himself and Song Zhen fail.

Seeing the third brother Liu Qianlang staring at the five-dimensional balance circle on his chest, contemplating it all the time, Song Zhen listened intently, and sensed that the original voice came from the five-dimensional balance circle on his chest. Suddenly awakened, he grabbed the five-dimensional balance ring in his hand, trying to stop its vibration and sound.

However, the movement was too violent, not only did not stop the sound of the five-dimensional balance circle, but also amplified its sound.


After a crisp sound, Liu Qianlang and Song Zhen saw a strange pentahedron with five holes in the air, which suddenly covered them, and then the two fell into an extremely huge tunnel in the blink of an eye, and their figures couldn't help but move. There was a wild spin.

"Ha ha."


Outside the tunnel, the laughing voices of the five Liu Qianlang and the five Song Zhen could be heard, while inside the tunnel, the five-dimensional balance circle on Song Zhen's chest was still ringing clearly, and the sound was sweet and long.

Inside the tunnel, mysterious and beautiful clouds of five colors of red, green, blue, yellow, and purple are flying around. The two of them, one sitting cross-legged on the blood unicorn, and the other standing on the chaotic cauldron, gradually calmed down as the five-color clouds swirled for a while, and the sound outside the tunnel became a distant sound of heaven.

"Third brother, are we inside or outside?"

Song Zhen struggled for a while, and after stabilizing his figure, he was almost confused, if he said that he was in the tunnel, but there were five of him outside. If he said he was outside the tunnel, but he was clearly talking to his third brother Song Zhen inside the tunnel, he was so anxious that he wanted to cry.

"It's inside, and it's also outside!" Liu Qianlang put away the Chaos Cauldron and Nine Heavens Immortal Fate Sword, sat cross-legged across from Song Zhen, and said calmly.

"What is this?" Song Zhen was puzzled.

"Our real body is here, and what is outside is our phantom body. We appear in this inexplicable space now. It seems that it will take a lot of time to save sister Juan, so I put my soul thoughts and your soul thoughts in a hurry No matter how they appeared, I hope that each of our five phantoms, with our obsession to support Sister Juan, can help her."

"Oh! No wonder I can't figure out whether I'm inside or outside. It turns out that they also have my soul. However, third brother and the others will definitely go to Sister Juan? What if they don't go? Just go , They are not phantoms created by ourselves, will they help Sister Juan?"

Song Zhen always felt that using the phantom to help Liu Juan was somewhat uncertain.

"It will definitely. Although the third brother is not sure how our phantoms appeared, but I can be sure of one thing. Our five phantoms are definitely not caused by the five-dimensional balance ring on your chest. He can send out the most The phantom sound makes us confused and dizzy, but it has absolutely no ability to create phantom bodies.

I don't know if you smelled a strange fragrance before entering this tunnel, which is completely opposite to the filthy and unpleasant smell in the whole space. I guess our phantom may have something to do with the scent. "

"Smell? Hiss? Hey? It really seems to be a ghost! Just in a hurry, my mind was confused for a while, I can't be sure, is it a hallucination! In this ghost place, there is no smell other than filth and stench. I guess it's us hallucinations."

"Yes, I'm the same as you. I'm not sure. Forget it, since something like this happened. Let's deal with the situation at hand.

Even if they don't help Sister Juan, the Heavenly Wolf Cult in the distance is growing stronger, as well as her younger sister Shifeng, as well as Nine Dragons in the Western Regions and the Dragon Wife who was born in Nine Blood Sea Profound Girls will find a way to help her. In the previous sealed suicide note, I mentioned in it that the nine dragon wives should pay attention to sister Juan's situation.

The nine dragon sisters originally came from the Nether Hell, and later entered the Blood Moon Nether Blood Sea through inexplicable channels. Although they have been transformed into human bodies in the mortal world by Sister Juan, they still have the ghost powers. And there is no problem in sneaking into the world of yin and yang.

The tunnel we are currently in, if it is expected to be correct, should be connected to the interior of the Nether Hell, which is the entrance from the Southwest Yin-Yang Realm to the inner border of the Nether Hell. For the sake of safety, we are all transformed into ghost bodies now, and you have also taken the blood unicorn, so we don't want to reveal any other characteristics other than the ghost body.

I feel more and more that there are many mysteries in this five-dimensional balance circle. Just during the time we are in the tunnel, the fourth brother studies it carefully and finds a way to combine it with the astrological ruler, Qishangquan, and Chaos Luoxiang Wuji Combining disks, if the connection between them can be established, and the fourth brother can divination clearly in this nether hell like the world, then we don't have any worries! "

"Okay! What the third brother said is exactly what I thought, and I will start to study it now." After Song Zhen finished speaking, he immediately calmed down, put the five-dimensional balance circle in his palm, and let him bathe in the light of his spiritual consciousness. Among them, extremely detailed analysis.

Seeing Liu Qianlang, he smiled and nodded. He has experienced life and death many times, and he has developed an extremely calm and calm character. Even at this moment, he is still calm and composed. He took out the copy of the Youlan fairy scroll "Broken Universe" of the same size copied from the junior sister's fairy scroll, and pressed it between his palms, closed his eyes and concentrated, and used his powerful spiritual consciousness to enter the realm of study.

Outside the tunnel, when the huge pentahedron in the air pressed against Liu Qianlang and Send Zhen, it suddenly shrank and disappeared out of thin air in the courtyard where the Nether Mansion was located. The five Liu Qianlang and Song Zhen also two A pair, hand in hand, flew towards an inexplicable direction, and soon disappeared into the world of the black-haired Baiguhe.


"Ha ha!"

"Shouhun Liyou Netherworld is destroyed, we are free!"

At the same time, in the vortex of women formed by countless black-haired women and the vortex of men transformed into countless white skulls, bursts of strange laughter came out, and then those vortexes and vortexes dissipated suddenly, and the sky filled with The black-haired woman and the man were swimming in all directions like fish.

Not long after, the black-haired Baigu River in the Southwest Yin-Yang Realm disappeared, and the Netherworld Palace disappeared, and the sky was full of reddish colors, no longer green.

Looking around, tens of thousands of feet away, the lonely black and white Nether Bridge is still there. On the inner bank of the Nether Bridge grows a strange Nether tree that is over a hundred feet tall. Xia Liufei, the red everywhere in the space is caused by the shimmering colors of these red flowers.

No one knows the name of this Nether Tree, but its flowers are indeed beautiful, small flowers, like drops of blood, like countless red plums, very beautiful, very sad, exuding a faint fragrance.

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