Nine Heavens

Chapter 1019 The first batch of people

Chapter One Thousand and Nineteen The First Batch of People

Looking at the tents of white bones all over the ghost slave beach, Xuan Yangpeng didn't know which two belonged to Liu Qianlang and Song Zhen, but he didn't find anything unusual. On the contrary, the ghost night was very quiet. Jing was very satisfied, and then rode back slowly.

"Since you're here, why rush to go back?"

Suddenly, tens of thousands of feet away from the bone tide sea, there came a faint but very clear voice, and it was the authentic pronunciation of skeleton script.

Xuan Yangpeng was stunned.

On the bone tide coast, under the dim moonlight, there are pale bones and countless flashing evil eyes everywhere, but there is no figure.

The dark horse lightly hoofed, and in a moment shot to the seaside of Gu Chao Hai who was making the sound.

On a huge and pale rock, there stands a figure with flying white hair, it is a troublesome ghost slave! ? Xuan Yangpeng instantly raised his vigilance.

"Don't worry, the head of the Langyuan Sect in Cangshan Mountain, Langyuan Hunzun, doesn't want to kill you yet, so you killed them?"

Liu Qianlang smiled slightly, reported his family background, and at the same time asked about what Xuan Yangpeng thought he was doing flawlessly.

"Hmph! Don't be so smart, are you sure you can kill me?" Xuan Yangpeng's heart trembled, unexpectedly the other party dared to talk about the military camp at night.


Liu Qianlang was holding a ghost cloth package in his hand, looking at the far depths of the vast bone tide sea, and said confidently.

Hearing this, Xuan Yangpeng looked at the bone spirit circle under Liu Qianlang's feet, he didn't know how to get rid of it, it was gone.

surprise! Xuan Yangpeng was silent for a while.

"Are you waiting for me on purpose?" Xuan Yangpeng asked.

"Yes, I know that you will come out after you kill them, because you are worried about us. I am waiting for you, because I want to make a deal with you?" Liu Qianlang still looked away. Xuan Yangpeng was very upset when he saw it.

"Hmph! Haha! Just because you are a ghost slave is worthy of negotiating a deal with me? If the general hadn't been delayed by something today, do you know what the general will do first when he comes back?"

Xuan Yangpeng laughed coldly.

"I know, in addition to working all day, the bone spirit circle, and the soul-drawing whip constantly consume the soul power of this ghost monk. There are also three soul-drawings at midnight! Once at night, once at midnight, and once before morning watch."

Liu Qianlang explained in detail.

"Oh! Now that you know, then you should stay in the bone room and not come out. Maybe you can escape this kind of suffering! Because the general is very happy tonight, and he is planning not to give orders tonight, so just pass by. But you are so stupid Come to me in person, you won’t even be able to do it if I don’t!”

Xuan Yangpeng's pitch-black ghost claws touched the soul-splitting knife.

"Think about it, if you do it, I may not be the one who dies. Besides, my death will not do you any good. On the contrary, if I live, I will make you happier and happier!"


Liu Qianlang threw the ghost package in his hand at Xuan Yangpeng.

Open it, Xuan Yangpeng saw it, his whole body was shocked, he almost fell off the ghost horse.

Inside the package was a ghost head, which was sealed with ghost energy, so the ghost head did not turn into smoke and dissipate. It is the ghost head of the four ghosts on the left and right of the prince of the underworld alone, the left general has broken tendons and stripped bones, and the right general has plowed marrow and plowed blood.

"You are so bold, you dare to kill the general guarding the Prince of the Underworld Duyou!?"

Xuan Yangpeng's hand touching the Soul Separating Knife at his waist stopped suddenly, and he pinched his head with a broken tendon. Seeing a puff of ghost smoke drifting away, he said with a bit of panic in his voice.

"Now you believe you can't kill me?" Liu Qianlang said indifferently.

"Is this what you said made me happy? Are you not afraid that I will tell Prince Duyou about this?"

Xuan Yangpeng asked coldly.

"You know if you're happy, you dare not tell Prince Duyou about this matter. Look at this, it's called a video stone." Liu Qianlang replied confidently.

Then Shu Xiu floated towards a pure white and crystal white jade several tens of feet away from the sea of ​​bone tide. Then I saw a screen appearing on the gray-white ocean waves, and the screen played the whole process of Xuan Yangpeng killing more than six thousand ghosts like a movie. And Liu Qianlang was hiding in the dark corner of the military tent.

Finally, when Xuanyang Pengfei left the barracks, Liu Qianlang flew here.

"I think you, Xuan Yangpeng, are a smart ghost and know what to do. I'm just a ghost slave. If you don't tell me what I do, no one will pay attention to me. But what you do, the prince of the underworld, if Duyou I know, then you will be miserable. So I said to make a deal with you, to help you."

Liu Qianlang's calm expression was full of self-confidence, white hair fluttering in the air, and a brocade robe outside his body, fluttering in the wind, tall and straight and heroic.

"Crack! Crack!"

Xuan Yangpeng gritted his teeth in resentment, and looked up at the human monk in front of him in disbelief. He was a majestic ghost, a supervising general who bullied people all day long, and was bullied one day!

Shame! torment!

"What deal? Let's talk about it!"

Xuan Yangpeng thought for a while, watched Liu Qianlang put away the audio-visual stone, and finally softened.

"It's very simple, you just need to answer a few questions from me. Today's mutilated head is just a gift. If you want me to help you with something in the future, just promise to answer my questions, and I can make a deal with you. Of course, if you deceive me, you will end up in the same end as Canjin."

"It's that simple?"

"Yes, it's as simple as that!"

"Okay, but I can only answer one question for you with my weak head, and I will only answer one question for you every time I need your help in the future! This is my bottom line. Otherwise, even though Xuan Yangpeng is dead Don't be afraid!"

"Well! Yes!"

"Just ask?"

"The origin of Bone Tide Sea." Liu Qianlang opened his mouth and asked without any hesitation.

"Okay, I can tell you this. The Sea of ​​Bone Tide was originally called the Sea of ​​Devils. There are three things in the sea, namely the bones of the devil, the eyes of the devil, and the tears of the devil.

The sea water in this bone tide sea is the devil's tears, the white bones that keep washing up on the shore are the devil's bones, and these round pebbles are the devil's eyes.

According to the legend of our ghost clan, this sea of ​​demons seems to be in the heaven. It was originally a pure sea area called the sea of ​​life source. It is one of the eight seas of life in the heaven and the only water source in the world. When the ancient gods created humans, they successively created two batches of humans. When the first batch of countless humans were created and Nu Wa injected their souls into them, they discovered a fatal problem.

That is because these people injected too many souls, they were too powerful, and they were very adaptable to the chaotic environment at that time, and they could evolve rapidly, and their strength seemed to surpass that of the gods.

Immediately, the gods of the heavens were terrified, and they tried their best to prevent their abilities from continuing to evolve, but there was no way. In the end, it was decided to eliminate the first batch of human races, but Empress Nuwa was kind by nature, and she would not agree with anything.

After appeasing the first batch of human races, Empress Nuwa quickly went to find the primordial universe of the chaotic universe, hoping to find a way to change it. This journey lasted for hundreds of millions of years.

During this period, the first batch of human races evolved crazily, and their strength has gradually occupied half of the heavens. And the power is still spreading, constantly hurting the interests of the Chaos Gods. The first batch of human races are called the Chaos Gods.

The conflict between the two sides became more and more intense, and finally countless battles took place in the hundreds of millions of years after Nuwa's return. In each battle, the bodies of the first batch of people killed were thrown into this sea of ​​life.

After the last battle of the gods, almost all the forces of the first batch of human races were finally killed, and the remaining parts were driven to an area called the Eight Demons and Eight Realms after God Pangu opened the sky. up!

Hundreds of millions of years of war between the gods, all the dead bodies of the first batch of humans were thrown into the sea, and the accumulation of infinite years is like this. Later, after Pangu opened the sky, Nuwa didn't come back. However, the first group of people already only have bones in this sea of ​​life sources. Only a few people fled to the earth under the heaven where Pan Gu opened the sky in the first group.

Empress Nuwa was distraught, and she cried bitterly for hundreds of millions of years facing the source of life. She collected her crying tears and decided to create a human again under the opposition of all the gods. The souls of the next three grades, and very few souls of the lower souls were injected into the second batch of human races.

The second batch of humans were very weak, and even the initial strength was not as strong as the beasts and spirits created at the same time on the earth. Nuwa was very happy to see them, and vowed to take good care of them forever. And shed the tears she cried in the face of the first batch of human races to the world, forming oceans and oceans, rushing rivers, scattered lakes, lakes, mountains and waterfalls, as the water of life for the second batch of human races.

The heavenly gods were very dissatisfied with Nuwa's re-creation of human beings. Among them, Pangu was one of them. Out of anger, he chopped the sea down with an axe, because the bodies of the first batch of humans deposited in the sea were so heavy that they sank directly to the bottom of the sea. Our psychic space is what you call the netherworld. This is the origin of the bone tide sea. "

While thinking in his mind, Xuan Yangpeng explained the reasons for the formation of the sea of ​​bone tides, naturally some important things were omitted.

"Hmph! It seems that Xuan Yangpeng is unwilling to make a long-term deal with me. For the first time in a deal, my head gave the general such a big gift and such honesty. Unexpectedly, what I got in exchange was your nonsense that avoided the important and ignored the trivial! In this case , the deal between you and me is over, but I can't guarantee that everything in this magic sound and shadow stone will not be seen by the prince of the underworld! Farewell!"

Liu Qianlang let out a cold snort, and walked towards the bone tent at Guinu Beach.

When Liu Qianlang heard Xuan Yangpeng talking about the first batch of human races, he was very surprised, and quickly understood the reason why Empress Nuwa did not dare to inject all of the eighty-one souls of the human race into the sea of ​​human souls after refining them. And immediately thought of the process of killing himself and the eight heavens, demons, eight realms, and eight omens and eight directions of immortal formations.

Secretly sighed, wasn't he fighting the first batch of people created by Empress Nuwa? From this point of view, the problem seems extremely complicated. Were the first batch of people good or bad? They are called the evil gods of the heavens, and the demons and ghosts they slaughtered from themselves are indeed not kind, but there are also loyal people like the demon Xiehong.

However, Empress Nuwa tried her best to protect the first group of people. With her kind heart, it is impossible to protect some evil existences? The more Liu Qianlang thought about it, the more complicated the problem became, and he couldn't make sense of it. However, it was obvious that Xuan Yangpeng hadn't said much about it, so he sneered and said to each other.

"What you said is true. There are some things that the general did not tell you, but it is definitely not a dishonest transaction with you. It is really about my ghost clan not passing on the secrets. I can only say this. I hope you and I will continue to take care of it! "

When Liu Qianlang had gone a long way, Xuan Yangpeng shouted, no matter what, he didn't want Liu Qianlang to spread the news of his slaughter of ghost soldiers in the headquarters to Duyou, the prince of the underworld.

"Okay! If that's the case, this is the first time we're dealing with each other, so I shouldn't be too difficult for you! If you need help, come to me!"

In the night wind, Liu Qianlang's crisp voice echoed.

Xuan Yangpeng heard the words, felt a little more at ease, looked at the sky, the night was still very long, then rode his horse to the camp, neither fast nor slow, Ren Mingma ran on his own. And I kept thinking about it in my mind, when I met Duyou, the prince of the underworld tomorrow, I pretended that I just knew the lines that I should say about the death of the general with weak muscles.

In fact, the ghost slave who claimed to be the head of the sect was right, the death of the disabled muscle was extremely pleasant to him. But it is really hateful to have such a ghost slave manipulating him, how to get rid of him?

These two questions have been wandering in Xuan Yangpeng's mind, thinking carefully, especially becoming more and more interested in Liu Qianlang, a ghost slave. It seems that these two ghost slaves are not just dead and detained in inner Xinjiang, they What do you want to do? Could it be that a ghost slave also wants to be an official in the underworld? This is too dreamy!

Xuan Yangpeng thought about it for a while, his head was a little big, so he simply didn't want to think about it, Xin Dao had a chance to go to the twenty-four yin and yang circles to look through the yin and yang life and death books, and he would know their origins.


Xuan Yangpeng tossed about most of the night, he was a little tired, the night wind blew, the air-conditioning hit, he took a breath, then quickened the pace of the horse, and planned to go back to sleep beautifully, and happily see the three of them tomorrow The bitter face of the undead general.

"Boom! Boom!"

At this moment, Xuan Yangpeng was thousands of feet away from the barracks, and suddenly saw a dark horse with an inexplicable ghost bowing on it, flying out from the barracks gate, shaking his head and flying towards the right side of the barracks, neighing Ben. And there was also a burst of dust behind, chasing dozens of horses, roaring and chasing after them, like a shadow, raising dust all over the sky

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