Nine Heavens

Chapter 1021: Sea of ​​Bone Laughter

Chapter 1021 Bone Sea Laughter

"Report! Prince Underworld, Marshal Zhongjiang is here to inspect the camp!"

Xuan Yangpeng was lying on the army couch, secretly thanking himself for being smart, when he suddenly heard the military report outside the tent, he couldn't help but feel terrified, and quickly put on the most painful posture.

On the boundless land of the southwestern border, two mighty pursuers were still rushing towards the left and right borders respectively. On the Nether Land, two seas of dust were turned up.

Two seas of dust flew far and wide.

But in the green wilderness rendered by the three bends of the sky and the moonlight, just when the remaining dust from the two seas of dust dissipated, two neighing snow-white ghost horses galloped in the opposite direction. It was the two assassins who assassinated Duyou, the Crown Prince of the Underworld, and then escaped from the barracks.

"Will! Will!"

Above the heads of the two assassins, a pitch-black ghost eagle hovered tens of thousands of feet in the sky. The dark eagle pierced through the sky with a crisp cry, and looked down to patrol the land and border states. It made a few crisp calls, intending to tell the two that the garrison was gone, and there was no further assistance.

The two assassins quickly galloped to one place. The two pure white ghost horses and the sky eagle disappeared in an instant. The two assassins took off the ghost robes around them, grabbed them into two puffs of smoke, and looked at each other haha laughing out loud.

"Haha! Third brother, what a joy, your assassin's trick will definitely cause a war in the three borders!"

Song Zhen has absorbed the powerful aura from hundreds of evil eyes. At this moment, his whole body is full of aura, his brows are like rainbows, he stands majestically on the ground, he is extremely powerful, and he takes possession of his robe and flaunts the wind. .

The wild wind is blowing, the willows lead the waves with white hair and rainbows, and the wind is blowing. She is dressed in a brocade cicada robe, surrounded by light waves, and has seventy-two fairy rings around her.

However, after more than an hour of refining the devil's eye, his cultivation level has soared to the sky, from the original thirty-six fairy rings to the terrifying state of seventy-two fairy rings.

Both myself and my brother have reached the stage of Mahayana, Liu Qianlang and Song Zhenzhen were overjoyed, if this continues, their cultivation bases will be advancing rapidly, and their future will be limitless! However, if you want not to be discovered, continue to cultivate steadily, and be able to grasp various situations in this nether world as soon as possible, that is to say, the more chaotic the three borders, the better.

After discussing with each other, the two used Marshal Sanjiang's seemingly discordant judgment to create an assassination plan.

The two sneaked into the barracks together, each took a ghost robe to cover their bodies, and turned into a ghost head. First, Liu Qianlang killed Remnant Jin, took his ghost head, and flew out of the barracks with Xuan Yangpeng. After breaking up, they quickly sneaked back.

At this time, Song Zhen deliberately harassed the marshal's tent, and then pretended to be discovered, and fled after grabbing the door. And Liu Qianlang was afraid that Song Zhen would be too much chasing after him, so he quickly rushed into the marshal's tent and dealt with countless ghost soldiers. Feeling that Song Zhen had fled far away, he immediately flew out of the gate of the barracks.

The two went in two directions, naturally hoping that the prince of the underworld, Duyou, would have suspicions about the forces in the left and right borders.

"No! Since Prince Duyou of the Underworld is the commander-in-chief of Yijiang, he will never easily come to the conclusion that the left and right Xinjiang sent people to assassinate him. Because no matter how powerful the assassin is, he will never take over the entire Zhongjiang camp.

Even if the prince of the underworld, Duyou, was stabbed to death, the news would be sent back to the underworld immediately. In that case, the two Marshals of Left and Right Xinjiang would be wanted or even killed immediately. Wouldn't it be harmful to others and yourself!

Besides, coming to the military camp to assassinate is not a wise choice. Before we entered the camp, I spied on it first. Apart from the ghost soldiers, there were mysterious camps in the north and south of the handsome camp. , there are things occupied by ghosts in the tent, it is estimated that it is the residence of the ghost witch army division.

Fortunately, in these two camps, for some reason, there was not a single evil spirit, which gave us a chance to succeed. The purpose of my doing this is not to expect Sanjiang to be able to fight, but to achieve two goals.

One is to divert their attention from us so that we can secretly investigate the situation here and practice secretly. The second is to slow down the speed of the construction of the human city. Obviously, this human city is to deal with sister Juan from outside Xinjiang. By doing this and controlling Xuanyang Peng, we can naturally slow down the construction of the human city, and even destroy the human city after we figure out the secret of the black hole flying disk. "

"Hmm! Haha, no matter how you say it, I let out a bad breath tonight, and now the annoying bone spirit circle has disappeared, so refreshing. Looking at that thing is annoying. But third brother, how come our spiritual power increases. This The bone spirit circle is gone? Could it be that this ghost knows how to bully the weak and be afraid of being tough!? Now that the bone spirit circles of Master and those fellow sufferers are still there, how can we find a way to help them get rid of it too?"

Song Zhen listened to what you said, Liu Qianlang, and expressed his approval, but he was very worried about his teacher Huanmeng Daoist and all the ghost slaves.

"When I was refining the Devil's Eye, I studied repeatedly. The Bone Soul Circle should actually be a ring of power condensed by ghost power. His power is exactly the opposite of our positive spirit power, and they counteract each other. In the past two days, we have felt that our spirit power is rapidly weakening, and the bone spirit circle has played the biggest role. In addition, the black hole flying disk will also devour our spirit power.

On the contrary, we suddenly absorbed the supreme spiritual power in the devil's eye a few hours ago, and quickly counteracted the ghost power in the bone spirit circle, so it disappeared. You should be able to feel that after the bone spirit circle disappears, we absorb the aura in the devil's eyes faster, which is why there is no bone spirit circle to continue to consume our spiritual power. "

"That is to say, if Master and the others want to get rid of the Bone Soul Circle, all they need is their spiritual power to become stronger?" Song shocked and happily accepted Liu Qianlang's words.

"That's right!" Liu Qianlang was sure.

"Haha! That's great, anyway, the devil's eyes are everywhere, wouldn't it be enough for them to refine the devil's eyes like us?"

"It's not that simple. Uncle and the others are all skinny, and their soul power has long been lost. Some of them are almost exhausted. Without a strong enough soul power, it is impossible to refine the devil's eyes. So our most important thing is to find A way to nourish their souls and improve their soul power.

There are two ways I can think of now, one is to refine their souls and inject new souls into them, so that they will have new souls in their souls, and they will naturally have new soul power, and the new soul power can also delay and prevent the old soul from dispersing the process of.

The second is to find a kind of ghost food that they can eat to nourish their soul power, just like ghost grass, it can gradually become stronger. It's a pity that neither of these two methods is feasible now. There is no star material in the heavens for soul refining, and I have studied many kinds of this kind of ghost food, but none of them work. "

"Then what should I do? Seeing Master and the others in pain makes me feel really uncomfortable!" Song Zhen's eyes were full of excitement, and when he heard Liu Qianlang's words, he was suddenly filled with disappointment.

"Fourth brother, don't be sad. Although we can't help them get rid of the bone spirit circle, we can help them relieve their pain. They can't absorb the spiritual power in the eyes of the devil, but we can, so we can inject spiritual power into them in batches. Reduce the weight of the bone spirit circle. Then slowly think of a way."

"Oh! Yes! But since we can infuse them with spiritual power, can't we completely remove the annoying thing like we do?"

"No! If it is completely removed, it must be done by their own primordial spirit. What we are doing is only treating the symptoms but not the root cause. In the end, if you want to completely remove the spirit circle of the bones, let the master and the others become stronger. Method.

And what we do is definitely not a long-term solution, because when we replenish their spiritual power, their spiritual power will continue to be consumed by the existence of the bone spirit circle every day. The massive consumption of the soul. "

"Hey! I wonder why these evil spirits are so strange! Wouldn't it be better for them to build projects for them if they had a strong soul power? Why tortured them all so weakly? , go to work again? Doesn’t this make the construction slower!”

Song Zhen thought left and right, but couldn't figure it out.

"What the fourth brother said is indeed true. This is really a bit counterintuitive. It stands to reason that those who beat the ghosts and kill the uncle and the others should have urged them to continue to speed up the project, but they gave me the feeling that the main purpose is not this , and constantly consuming the soul power of each ghost slave soldier is the main purpose!"

Liu Qianlang looked around the vast land of Bingjiang, his eyes were deep, and he looked towards the direction of the distant bone tide sea, his soul was flying, and he was struggling with more and more things he couldn't figure out.

"Third brother, is it true what Xuan Yangpeng said about the first batch of people?"

Song Zhen asked suddenly.

"He didn't have to, and he didn't dare to lie to me. Empress Nuwa once created human beings twice. This is true. Moreover, in the legendary battle between the gods of chaos, the gods of good and evil, the evil gods are the first batch of humans.

In other words, the battle of the gods in the chaotic universe is actually a battle between humans and gods. I don't doubt this, but I'm not sure how evil the first group of people were. It is probably not as simple as Xuan Yangpeng mentioned that they have touched the interests of the original gods. "

"Think about how ignorant we were in the past. Living in a corner of the world, standing on a cliff, we thought we saw the whole world, but now it seems that there are too many mysteries of the universe that we don't know."

The two brothers chatted for a long time in the boundless wilderness, and felt that the lonely marching camp of the prince of the underworld should be stabilized, so they used the concealment method of the ghost hell that they had just learned, and covered their bodies with a layer of ghost green color. , and then activate the method of restraining interest.

Liu Qianlang was holding the Xianyuan sword, and Song Zhen was standing on the blood unicorn, and flew towards the ghost slave beach strangely, looking at the two from a distance, they were just two light green clouds that can be seen everywhere in the dark space .

Ghost slave beach.

The night wind was flowing, and countless bone spirit circle tents swayed under the ghostly green clouds in the sky, making creaking sounds. Mixed with extremely sad whimpers or sobs.

"Cough! Brother Fanmeng, when my third world is about to die, I can still feel the freedom of a day without being whipped by the whip of the soul. I am satisfied! I know that the two new fellow sufferers have a very close relationship with you." They are the same, and their cultivation base is unfathomable, so they must find a way to save these brothers and sisters from this terrible prison!

I believe they will do it, although I have no chance to see it, but Liao Mang will pray for you forever! I'm leaving, fantasy brothers take care! Take care everyone! When those two fellow sufferers come back, I will also say take care of the old man! "

It was another night when there was a ghost slave who was about to die, but the old man in the third world did not choose to disappear silently. He walked up to the bone tent of Daoist Huanmeng and said these words, which caused a burst of weeping in the surrounding area. Then he gathered his last soul power and walked towards Gu Chaohai step by step.

There is no figure seeing him off behind, but there are extremely sad cries and joy. The cries are mixed with the creaking and swaying sound of the bone tent in the night wind, and the ghost ducks in the sky are circling, waiting for the old man in the third world to fall down. He rushed forward and pecked at his remnant soul.


However, these ghost ducks miscalculated, and their previous experience was useless, so they whimpered and continued to follow him.

The old man in the third world kept shaking in the wind, but he never fell down. He stared at Gu Chaohai with his unruly eyes, recalling the dignity that Yangshi should have as the head of a great sect of cultivating immortals. Now that he is going to be dizzy, but he can't lose the dignity of a monk.

Even if their souls are scattered, they must be scattered in the sea of ​​demons that they admire. Every bone in the sea of ​​demons is the bones of fighters. It is said that they have fought against evil spirits before. Infinite power of hope, wake them up again, and kill all evil ghosts!

"Ha ha ha ha"

He finally moved to the seaside of the Devil's Sea. For countless years, he was the first ghost slave to walk into the Devil's Sea. He laughed loudly as he walked into the depths of the gray-white Bone Tide Sea.

The waves are churning, the sea wind is swirling, but there is no sound. Only the laughter of this old man in the third world shook mountains and seas, and even the ghost soldiers guarding layers of guards outside the camp of Prince Underworld, who was hundreds of thousands of feet away, heard it. They didn't know this The laughter came from Gu Chaohai, but this laughter made them extremely panicked, and immediately a ghost soldier flew into the camp to report.

This laughter was also heard by Liu Qianlang and Song Zhen, who were flying in the Nether Sky, but instead of being afraid, the two of them were extremely excited, because this laughter is so powerful, and it can only be achieved by the unique spiritual power of human monks , the voice is full of resentment and domineering grandeur of fighting.

As the two listened, their blood boiled with passion and their spiritual power surged, instantly giving birth to a kind of heroic courage to dominate the Netherland.

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