Nine Heavens

Chapter 1029 Strange things happen again and again

The first thousand and twenty-nine chapters repeatedly strange things

"The past of the Dark-seeking Ghost King seems to be very sad? If one day, the dark-seeking friend needs my help to complete your mission, please don't hesitate. Maybe Liu Qianlang can do something for you?"

When Liu Qianlang saw the dark-seeking ghost king saying that his companions were eating each other, a string of green tears dripped from his emerald eyes, but his face was already calm, and his tone of voice was still stubborn and stable.

This string of emerald tears made Liu Qianlang realize that the other party may have misunderstood many things, such as not wanting to be so cruel on the surface.

"Friend, take care!"

The dark-seeking ghost king gave Liu Qianlang a meaningful look, and then flew away. His figure was slender and free and easy, just like a handsome young man, leaving a gray-white rainbow behind him that Liu Qianlang admired.

The gray-white light rainbow is like a shooting star, and at the end of the shooting star, the dark-seeking ghost king slowly disappears into the dark flowing clouds in the dark sky.


Liu Qianlang and the dark ghost king called each other friends, and they both held great weight in each other's hearts. Liu Qianlang said to himself this word that contained infinite deep meaning.

Why does he call himself the Dark Ghost King, and what is his mission? What is he looking for? A friend, is it the end of the past relationship, or the expectation for the future? Liu Qianlang stared at the beautiful gray-white rainbow in the darkness, and suddenly felt that he had never understood this former Yinying King.

Long after the gray-white rainbow in his sight had disappeared, Liu Qianlang still had the unusually calm and resolute face of the Dark-seeking Ghost King just now, especially those deep emerald green eyes.



There was a roar in Liu Qianlang's ears that seemed to convey a very long distance, and then he saw a huge red and red star suddenly appearing on the pitch-black sky that he didn't know how high or how far away. Because of its red light, he Countless pitch-black stars around are also clearly visible, and covered with a layer of red color.

Then this huge red star exploded, and then the stars around it exploded one after another, and soon there formed an explosion vortex, and the vortex continued to expand, like blazing red volcanic magma spurting and gathering there.

Then I saw countless bright red fireballs, fire, thunder and lightning continuously shooting out from the center of the vortex, flying to all directions of the vortex, turning into meteors flying all over the sky, and fire dragons.

Thriller! shock!

Liu Qianlang looked at it in shock. He never thought that the stars in the dark sky world would explode. This was the first time he saw the stars exploding. Watch, until all is dark again there.

"Beep! Beep!"

When the strange celestial phenomenon in the distant space passed, Liu Qianlang suddenly felt the cool air flowing from the palm of his hand into his arm, and then he remembered the dark energy stone in his hand that had been shrunk by an inch, and then controlled the Nine Heavens Immortal Fate Sword towards Fly to the realm of the sky.

While galloping, suddenly a pitch-black goshawk flew from nowhere in the dark sky and landed on his shoulder, making a naive cry.


Liu Qianlang looked sideways and saw the black goshawk with red mouth, red eyes, red crown and red claws on the shoulders, thought that Qiqi had found it, and couldn't help shouting in surprise.

Unexpectedly, when the goshawk heard Liu Qianlang's words, it was startled, and quickly fluttered its wings and flew away, and suddenly became huge, with its wings soaring far and wide, it flew towards the endless depths of darkness.

It turned out it wasn't Qiqi, Liu Qianlangkong was overjoyed, but thinking about it, Qiqi obviously let himself stay with his beloved wife Shui'er, and he had repeatedly confessed that he was not allowed to leave Xingzhou, how could he come here?

But how could this goshawk look the same as Qiqi? Could it be that Liu Qianlang laughed at himself, and found that he was a little nervous, thinking everything together.

After his mentor Jietong taught him the skills, he strayed into Qiongshan, and met Qiqi by chance. At that time, Ssangyong was fighting against Ssangyong, Qiqi was his lover, fighting Ssangyong to death. Could it be said that Qiqi is a creature of the dark sky world, accidentally broke into the world of tomorrow, and was hunted down by the twin dragons of the world of tomorrow, is it possible?

Regarding this matter, it seems that we need to go back and ask Qiqi where it came from. Maybe it has something to do with this dark sky. Eagle, I thought of these things that I thought were absurd

Between the countless cylindrical buildings of the black hole flying disk.

Song Zhen and his teacher Huanmeng were flying non-stop. This time, Song Zhen revisited his old place, eloquently and eloquently explaining to his teacher. At this moment, he was taking his teacher to the first place where he and his third brother Liu Qianlang had been. A cylindrical building gallops by. He wanted his mentor to experience the shock of countless icicles and corpses.

Not long after, the two rushed in.

"Master, look, it's really strange if you say it. Where did these icicles come from? How could these corpses be in the icicles? There are even our disciples from the Xuanling Sect in there?"

The two walked between the countless floating icicles, full of questions and sadness. After all, there were many disciples of the old sect who remembered their smiles and smiles. Daoist Huanmeng also chanted for them according to the gift of the Dharma body from the mountain gate.

But Song Zhen felt uncomfortable, but he never liked this set. He was still thinking in his heart when his master was saving the souls of the dead: "My good master, isn't your old man also a ghost body? You are pitiful enough, still thinking It’s about giving others a break.”

Then his eyes fell on a large piece of pure white ice about ten feet high on the ground below, and he remembered what the third brother Liu Qianlang said that he made icicles for himself. The black and white eyebrows twitched involuntarily, and laughed at himself: "Oh! It seems that what the third brother said is true, this time I am ashamed."

Then I tried my best to recall what I had done at that time. After some recollections, I was really stunned to recall the general plot of making icicles twice when my mind was confused. His eyes suddenly lit up, and he walked towards the corner where he was digging out ice, stepping on the blood unicorn.

Before Song Zhenren arrived, he suddenly shot a jet of black astrological ruler light rainbow, splitting towards that corner.


A sound of hitting metal, like an ancient bell, was long and distant, and immediately floated in the huge cylindrical building, echoing for a long time.

In the melodious voice, Song was shocked and delighted to find that with his blow just now, a huge cave with a diameter of more than a hundred feet appeared in his sight. The white light in the cave was shining, and the deeper it went, the brighter it was. It was extremely dazzling and could not be seen. the end. In the tunnel, there is actually a small black hole flying disk with a diameter of several tens of feet.

The reason why I was able to scratch out the ice here was because the huge icicle building was extremely cold, while the tunnel was abnormally warm and humid, so the warm wind had been thrown in by myself, and it immediately melted into clouds and then turned into ice.

Song Zhen was overjoyed, and quickly took out the Chaos Luoxiang Promise Disk and the Five-Dimensional Balance Circle, and carefully analyzed it.

At the exit of this tunnel, the Chaos Elephant Promise Disk and the five-dimensional balance circle were very excited, and the Chaos Elephant Promise Disk's heaven and earth were shining with strange white and black. And the Taiji pattern in the center of the five-dimensional balance circle keeps flipping, and the bright red corner points to this tunnel, making an inexplicable sound of excitement.

Song Zhen couldn't help being elated. Although he didn't know where the tunnel led to, he was absolutely certain that the five-dimensional balance ring he was wearing must be related to the small black hole flying disk in the tunnel.

This discovery was so great that Song Zhen couldn't wait to turn around and tell his mentor, but what surprised Song Zhen was that his mentor was squatting on the Xuanyu Rainbow holding an icicle and crying loudly.

"This? Master! You, old man, are too emotional. Although it is sad for you fellow disciples to leave, it has been many years since you left. Just keep talking about it. Don't feel too bad!"

Song Zhen was very happy to see the way his master was crying, so he didn't have the mood to say it, so he flew forward to persuade him.

"Huh? Zhen'er, you're not dead!"

Real Huan Meng, who was crying bitterly, suddenly heard Song Zhen's words, raised his head suddenly, looked at Song Zhen in surprise, murmured, and didn't say anything for a long time, but finally said something that made Song Zhen inexplicable.

"Master, am I not doing well? How could I die?"

Song Zhen was really surprised when he heard the master's words. Seeing the tearful appearance of the master, he said quickly.

"But this?"

Daoist Huanmeng pointed to the icicle he was holding just now, still looking very surprised.

Hearing this, Song Zhen followed his mentor's line of sight, and when he saw the dead body in the icicle, he almost flew up in surprise, only to see that the dead body was himself, standing upside down in the icicle.

Song Zhen's scalp felt numb for a moment, thinking of the third brother Liu Qianlang saying that he made an icicle for himself, and then he got into it, and then covered himself in it. And as I recalled just now, it seems that such a thing really happened.

Not far away, the huge block of ice underground is proof.

"Who am I? Who is he?"

The situation in front of him made Song Zhen go crazy again. Not long ago, seeing the phantom standing with Sister Juan outside the city was enough to irritate people. Could this be the same? Or did I really bury myself in ice, and now I am a soul.

Song Zhen asked himself.

Since Master Huanmeng is a soul body, he cannot feel the existence of the entity. Looking at Song Zhen inside the icicle and Song Zhen outside the icicle, the only thing that can be distinguished is the blood unicorn. But Song Zhen inside the icicle is very difficult to explain. Because even if it was Song Zhen's phantom inside, how did this phantom get in?

Just when Huanmeng Zhenren and Song Zhen were anxious, Song Zhen suddenly heard the voice of the master coming from outside the huge cylindrical building: "Zhen'er, come and save the teacher?"

And the teacher Huanmeng Daoist is by his side, Huanmeng Daoist was furious when he heard the words, and immediately roared: "Bold monster, what kind of ghost is causing trouble, dare to pretend to be the master of this peak!?"

Before the real Huanmeng's voice fell, he had already controlled Xuanyu Rainbow, and chased towards the source of the sound with a whistling roar. Song Zhen took a look, scolded himself in the icicle, and then hurriedly chased after the master.

The master was as fast as lightning in front of him, and shot into a huge cylindrical building in front of him with a few flickers. Song Zhen's heart skipped a beat again, thinking that he must never see himself again, his scalp numb, his hair stood up unconsciously, and he was completely unwilling to enter that cylindrical building again.

However, the teacher was inside, and he couldn't ignore the safety of the teacher, so he bit the bullet and let out a roar, and shot in too.

"Haha! I finally waited for you as a teacher!"

As soon as Song Zhen flew into the huge cylindrical building, among the countless floating icicles in his sight, an icicle immediately flew towards him. There was indeed a teacher with his head upside down in the icicle, his eyebrows and beard were moving. The mentor who came in before him is gone, only the Xuanyu rainbow of the mentor is shining with seven colors in the space.


Song Zhen didn't pay attention to the fantasy real person in the icicle, but looked around for the figure of the former mentor, but no matter how much he shouted, he didn't see the mentor appearing again.

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