Nine Heavens

Chapter 1039 Big Ghost Clan

The first thousand and thirty-nine chapters of the big ghost family

The Nether Hell, the wild and barren land at the intersection of the southwest and the middle border, the vast Sea of ​​Bone Tide, the raging waves are raging, but there is no sound.

In the vast gray-white waves and mist of the bone tide sea, in the depths far away from the bone tide coast, a pitch-black disc with a diameter of more than a hundred feet floats in the void, like two plates buckled together, in the gray-white sea. Very abrupt in the sea.

The pitch-black disc was slowly rotating, making a rustling sound, which could only be heard nearby. This sound could not be heard on the coast thousands of miles away, and the existence of the pitch-black disc could not be seen.

However, on the second night when the underworld prince Duyou was killed by the red light ghost and witch, at midnight, there were three figures standing on the bone tide coast. A dark and tall one, with the golden dragon robe of the Nether Emperor shining outside him. The other two were much shorter, both dressed in gray royal robes.

These three are the Emperor of Hades who returned from participating in the Blood Flower Festival in the lonely land of Zhongjiang, where the prince of the underworld is alone, the King of Hades and the King of Hades.

"Through the vicissitudes of time, this sea of ​​life is filled with bones of the first batch of human beings, and it has been countless years since I fell into my Nether Hell. I think back then that the battle between the gods and countless evil gods, that is, the first batch of humans was really tragic. A group of human beings are too powerful. In less than ten million years, they can compete with the primitive gods and immortals!"

Hades Huang recalled that he and his father Mie Zhou participated in the battle of the gods before the mutation, and he still has lingering fears, looking at the infinitely vast sea of ​​bone tide, filled with emotion.

"No matter how powerful the first group of people were, they were eventually wiped out by you incomparably powerful primitive gods. In the end, His Majesty became the master of this nether hell, and obtained the God of Darkness in the black hole flying disk on the bank of the Enlightenment Star River in our dark energy country." After being able, the power is unprecedented, even the Primordial God Venerable will give you three points!"

Xiangpo Hades has always been wondering why the emperor of the underworld always cares so much about a heavenly descent to the sea. He obviously didn't go on the way back to the underworld, but he had to take a big detour and run here to have a look.

While guessing in my heart, I complimented him.

"Hey! If all of them are wiped out, I will be able to meditate.

This is not the case, indeed after the last massacre of the first humans, the first humans were almost wiped out. However, there is still a recalcitrant force that cannot be killed at all, and is finally sealed in the Eight Demon Realms. This is the strongest group.

In addition, there are three parts of remnant forces, some of them escaped to the present human world, hid in the second batch of human beings created by Empress Nuwa later, and lived together with each other. The second part is forever suppressed at the bottom of the Nether Hell. The third part is the weirdest part. It was sent somewhere outside the chaotic universe by Empress Nuwa. She would rather die than tell.

For countless years, what I am most worried about is that the first batch of human beings who were sent away by the empress Nuwa still don't know where they went. If at any time, they break back into the chaotic universe, their power is estimated to be even stronger, and it will inevitably be another cosmic war, but it is hard to say who will win and who will lose in the end!

When you dark energy country suddenly appeared in this nether hell, we were here to suppress and seal the first group of people from the heavens who fell here. We thought you were the first group of humans who came back, but it turns out that you are not, your clansmen Blood is divided into five colors of red, green, blue and yellow, and the blood of the first batch of humans is white.

So at the beginning, we made things difficult for you, and we didn't relieve each other until we confirmed that you had nothing to do with the first group of people.

Later, inexplicably affected by the divine and dark energy in your Qiling star and black hole flying disk, our heavenly ten thousand immortals have supernatural powers, and our big ghost clan was born. "

The ghost moon was in the sky, and the sea breeze tore the robes of Hades and the two kings of Hades. They kept shaking them. They talked a lot with each other, and then went to the depths of Nether Hell, each of them controlled the bone dragon and continued to fly.

Hades lifted the shore and took a look, thinking that the Bone Tide Sea has remained the same as before, without any change, and left with great confidence, but this is not the case, for example, he did not see the black flying saucer floating in the waves.

There are not only people in this dark flying saucer, but five people.

These five people are Song Zhen, Daoist Huanmeng, Liu Qianlang, and Princess Anxiang and Xiao Xing'er who Liu Qianlang rescued for a day and a night.

Princess Anxiang has been in a coma since her soul power was exhausted. Liu Qianlang injected an equivalent amount of soul power into her, but the effect was not very obvious, but her pale face turned a little bloody.

"Who are you? Why are you saving us?"

Because Xiao Xing'er has been taking care of Princess Anxiang, she has never seen or heard of the three people in front of her. Now that Princess Anxiang is finally calm, she asked cautiously.

"He is a good person, just like you, so I will save you."

Liu Qianlang smiled slightly, seeing that Xiao Xing'er looked very similar to her adoptive daughter Die'er, she liked it very much and said with a smile.

"I know, you are not with the ghost clan, you must be from the fourth or fifth world of the five worlds. Xiao Xing'er, thank you for saving Sister Anxiang!"

Xiao Xing'er heard the words and saw that the three of them were very kind, folded her hands together and bowed her head in thanks. Putting your hands together and bowing your head is the most respectful etiquette for people in the dark energy country.

"Hehe, Xiao Xing'er, you don't need to be polite, why are you so sure that we are people from the fourth world or the fifth world?"

Liu Qianlang heard that the other party seemed to know the five people very well, and asked with a smile.

"Oh, I heard from those evil spirits that it seems that the people in the first and second worlds are the most ordinary people, only some monks, and more monks have appeared since the third world, and the third world is mostly earth. In the Nine Realms of Immortals, most of the Earth Immortals above the Seventh Realm and the Middle Immortals of the Fourth to Sixth Realm are in the Second Realm, while most of the monks in the First Human Realm are only the Earth Immortals of the First to Third Realm.

Judging by your strength, you were able to rescue us in front of the red light ghost and witch. Naturally, your strength is not low, so I guess you are either a mid-level monk Yunxian in the fourth world, or a high-level monk Tianxian in the fifth world. "

Little Xing'er has emerald green eyes, arched eyebrows, eyes that are naturally smiling, and said as she smoothed her gray hair at the temples with her slender hands.

"Little Xing'er, Yunxian and Tianxian are not in the heavenly realm, how could they come to the fourth and fifth worlds? This is quite strange."

Song Zhen twisted his black and white eyebrows, looked at Xiao Xing'er's innocent and cute look and asked.

"Well, I'm not sure about that. That's all I know. When Sister Anxiang wakes up, you can ask her. Sister Anxiang is very smart. She can guess many things without leaving home."

Xiao Xing'er thought for a while, shook her head and said nothing, then sat on the side of the bed where Liu Qianlang had transformed into Princess Anxiang, took care of Princess Anxiang carefully, and ignored the three of them.

Seeing that Princess Anxiang was very delicate and weak, if she didn't think of a way to heal her, she might not last long, so Liu Qianlang, Song Zhen and Master Hunmeng sat down at a jade table in the distance, so as not to disturb Anxiang's rest .

The three of them were speechless for a while, feeling very depressed about what had happened in the past few days.

That day, the three of them carried the aircraft and happily flew to Liu Juan's camp in the mountains. When the pitch-black aircraft stopped on a mountain, the three of them walked hand in hand to Liu Juan, who was watching.

No, Liu Qianlang's phantom body and Song Zhen's phantom body flew out from behind Liu Juan, and she opened her mouth to scold the three of them as evil ghosts who have come to deceive Liu Juan, and the black aircraft is the proof.

And Liu Juan has long regarded the phantom bodies of Liu Qianlang and Song Zhen beside her as her own younger brother and righteous brother, but the real younger brother and Song Zhen are from the enemy's camp, and they can control the black flying that is unique to evil spirits. Therefore, it is believed that the three people are fake, and they are illusions and deception tricks of ghosts.

So, Liu Juan took a closer look, waved the emerald green flag with the word Juan in her hand, and immediately an army of countless souls from the sky and the earth rushed towards the three of them. Seeing this situation, Liu Qianlang can't fight against his sister's army.

The three had no choice but to flee back to the aircraft, and were chased all the way to the current Bone Tide Sea.

As for rescuing Princess Anxiang, it was because Liu Qianlang knew that Princess Anxiang was Xunan's older sister, and wanted to ask her many things, so during the three days when the evil spirits beat the Human Blood Flower Festival, they kept looking for her. I wanted to meet her, but I didn't dare to rush into her bedroom, for fear that she would yell out in fright, which would attract the attention of the evil spirits instead.

Because now all the evil spirits, including the underworld prince Duyou and the red light ghost witch, should think that he, Song Zhen and Uncle Huanmeng also died in the marching camp on the bone tide coast.

In such a situation, if I don't expose myself, it will be very beneficial for me to do many things. Therefore, Liu Qianlang is not fully sure, and has never had further contact with Princess Anxiang, and has been waiting for her to leave the barracks.

Later, at the end of the Shengren Blood Flower Festival, I finally saw her and the servant girl Xiao Xing'er walking towards the black hole flying disk, so she followed, and condensed part of the energy of the dark sky to cover the outside body, and entered the black hole flying disk with them

"Third brother! What should we do now? Sister Juan doesn't want us anymore. Look at her, she believes in those two fake things! Our real body has become evil spirits! This is too annoying!

You say, third brother! what is going on? A touch of our own spiritual consciousness is sealed in their bodies, why don't we listen to the call of our original soul now? "

When Song Zhen thought of being beaten by Liu Juan's soul army a few days ago, he was so angry that his black and white eyebrows twisted into a ball, and he said angrily.


Picking up a fairy fruit that Liu Qianlang collected inside the Moyu Skull, he took a hard bite.

"Those two phantom bodies are no longer our consciousness. Our phantom bodies are controlled by evil spirits, including the phantom body you saw in No. 1 time and space. And this manipulator is the red light ghost witch. This red Light Ghost Witch is indeed difficult to deal with, and extremely clever, to think of using such a method to deal with Sister Juan is really clever!

There are these two phantoms beside Sister Juan. Sister Juan is very dangerous. Fortunately, there are 21 Chaos Elves. When we escaped back, the Chaos Elves recognized us. I told them through sound transmission with my heart, always pay attention to Juan Sister's safety! Twenty-one Chaos Elves live in Sister Juan's body, and they have no chance to do anything. "

Liu Qianlang followed Song Zhen's words with a serious expression on his face, and said not completely confidently, because the red light ghost witch is really unpredictable. I don't know if the twenty-one Chaos Elf can be his opponent.

"No, didn't you inquire about that red light ghost witch and was burned to death? Twenty-one Chaos elves found out that they are not our bodies. Why didn't you tell Sister Juan or just kill them."

Song Zhen asked immediately.

"What kind of character is the Red Light Ghost Witch? How can she not detect a mere fire and wait to be burned to death!? I suspect that she set the fire herself. The purpose is to fake her death and try to cover up something.

You said that at Sister Juan's place, it wasn't that the twenty-one Chaos Elves didn't want to tell Sister Juan, it was because they couldn't prove that the two phantoms were fake, so it was even worse if they told them. The best choice is for the twenty-one Chaos Elves to carefully protect Sister Juan.

Also, as you said, it is impossible to have twenty-one chaotic elves kill our phantom body. The twenty-one chaotic elves are single-strand soul gods, so it is no problem to assassinate the main body, but they are phantoms. The body is like nothingness to them, and there is no way to talk about how to get rid of it.

If we want to get rid of them, we must find an opportunity to do it ourselves, and we must not let Sister Juan know, and then we will quietly return to her side when we have the opportunity, and then fight against the enemy together. "

"Looking at the current situation, you really have to get rid of your two phantom bodies as soon as possible. Besides the two, you left five pairs of phantom bodies. Except for the two you saw here, you don't know whether the others have been destroyed or not. Being controlled by the red light ghost witch is a potential danger, and we must find and remove it as soon as possible."

Daoist Huanmeng, who had been silent all this time, pondered for a long time, and said very worriedly.

"Okay! What Master Huanmeng said is very true. After we rescue Princess Anxiang, Song Zhen and I will resolve this matter as soon as possible."

Liu Qianlang agreed, and Song Zhen also nodded, deeply agreeing.

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