Nine Heavens

Chapter 1072: Snow Cold Rescue

Chapter 1072

Liu Kingdom of Qing Dynasty, Panshui City, in the imperial garden of the imperial palace.

The Great Emperor Long Tai and eighty-five evil ghosts devoured a woman's corpse, they all patted their bellies and groaned in satisfaction.

"Hey! What a pity! Every time I enjoy delicious food, these human bones and hair are not allowed to be eaten. What is the rule of the Emperor of the Underworld?" Looking at the human bones that are not allowed to be eaten, the meat-swallowing Hades was sent into the room again by Yelu Yangze. In the air, he flew out of the palace, his eyes were full of pity, and he said while drooling.

"Haha! The meat-swallowing Hades! We can't be too extreme in enslaving the human world. In order for our big ghosts to enjoy human food forever, the emperor of the underworld thinks very long-term. No matter what, I have to leave some leftovers and bones for these graves so that they can't find me. Secret isn't it?"

The Great Emperor Dragon Tai laughed loudly when he heard this.

"Huh? Makes sense, uh, hahaha! Oh, it's so delicious. Whenever Chiyo-kun has such a good thing again, you must think of us. We will also leave you a good soul in the Nether Hell, waiting for you When will you return to Nether Hell, so we can enjoy it together! Let's go!"

The eighty-five evil spirits laughed for a while, and then disappeared with a puff of smoke. Afterwards, the Great Emperor Longtai also staggered towards Changshui Hall, the bedroom of Empress Changshui. Before entering the hall, he did not forget to spit out another mouthful of red smoke, and then all the soldiers on duty in the palace woke up instantly. up.

But there was a gap in their memory, from midnight to cock crowing, they didn't know how to pass it.

Not long after, it was broad daylight, and some servant girls in the palace went to the Imperial Garden to clean up the leftovers from the moon feast ordered by the Great Emperor Longtai last night. After looking at it, he couldn't help being shocked, seeing that the table was full of delicious food and wine, and the fairy vegetables and crispy fruits didn't even move. He was very surprised and very happy.

Because according to the rules of the palace, the delicious food left after the banquet of the royal family members is allowed to be enjoyed by the maids, female and male workers on duty in the palace. So these maids and male workers were busy, and threw half a grape seed into their mouths, but then spit them out one after another, feeling bitter and tasteless, extremely disgusted.

Besides, the Great Emperor Dragon Taigui wandered back to Empress Changshui's bedroom, as if nothing had happened, walked to the phoenix couch, lay down on his body, and fell asleep beautifully.

On the other side, when Empress Changshui saw the evil spirit coming back, she dared not open her eyes, her heart trembled and she pretended not to know, and she finally survived until dawn, without saying a word, she took Huang Qi by the hand and ordered someone to send her to Daliu Temple.

At that time, the Great Emperor Long Tai hadn't woken up yet. After he woke up early, the first thing he heard was the news that Empress Changshui had brought her home. I would rather die than see you.

From then on, the Great Emperor Long Tai returned to the palace as a completely changed person. He no longer cared about the government and spent his days drinking and drinking. The Qingliu Kingdom began an era when the emperor was in power and the state teacher exercised power.

These are old events, the Great Emperor Dragon Tai sat on the Dragon Throne, felt that the Dragon Throne was empty without the company of the former Empress Changshui, and sitting on it was cold, without feeling the respect of an emperor at all.

"Why? Why exactly? Changshui, why did you have to become a monk back then! No matter what, you should give me a reason?"

The Great Emperor Dragon Tai suddenly aged. A quarter of an hour ago, he was still in the age of a dragon and a tiger, but now he is already an old man! His face was wrinkled, his hands were thin, and he was tearing up, talking to himself non-stop.

"I should go and see her. After forty-nine days, Changshui, I will see you off!" The Great Emperor Longtai continued to rave like a dream, and then walked towards the hall.

"Ah!? Ghost!"

The singing girls in the hall suddenly saw that the Great Emperor Longtai had turned into the old man Longzhong, and they ran and screamed in fright.

"Stop! I am your Great Emperor Ryuta! You actually slandered me as an evil spirit! Well, I will show you what an evil spirit looks like!"

The evil roar of the Great Emperor Dragon came from the hall.


"My lord! My lord! Please, don't eat me, don't eat me"

Next, there were mournful howls and gnashing of teeth and bone-chewing sounds from the palace, very penetrating, and soon, the entire palace hall was filled with the smell of blood and horrific cries.

Later, the Great Emperor Dragon Tai ran out of the apse with his face covered in blood, holding a bloody woman's arm and gnawing on it.

"The Great Emperor Dragon is too crazy!"

The soldiers guarding the hall broke into the hall and were frightened out of their wits. They ran out of the hall and shouted, then quickly found some courtiers and blocked the Yizheng Hall.

The Great Emperor Long Tai didn't come out, just stayed in the Palace of Political Affairs, babbling nonsense, until midnight on the forty-ninth day, he ran out of Panshui City with disheveled hair, and he didn't know where the speed came from. He can't run as fast as a fast horse and a whip

Forty-nine days ago, Liu Qianlang followed the soldier who was rushing towards the southwest of the palace. Liu Qianlang guessed that what this person was going to do must have something to do with Nalan Langming, the prime minister of the dynasty, so he kept secretly followed.

Not long after, the soldier came to many guards at the gate of a high-walled building. He raised his hand, revealing a shining gold medal. crime!"

"There is no need to be polite, please trouble the Xuanwu prison officer to open the gate of Xuanwu prison, this special envoy is ordered by the national teacher to come to interrogate Nalan Langming!"

The special envoy of the state division seems to have a higher official position than the Xuanwu prison officer, so he can issue orders condescendingly.

"This? According to Daliu's law, no one will be allowed to meet with a prisoner who has been sentenced to death until Zhanri. Now that Nalan Langming has already sentenced him, what else does the special envoy want to ask?"

"Huh? The things the national teacher wants to ask are all confidential and important matters in the court. Do you want to hear it too?"

Hearing this, the special envoy of the national division, the general, stared at the group of kneeling guards like ice picks, especially the Xuanwu prison officer.

"No, no! You talk too much, the special envoy of the national teacher please!"


Prison officer Xuanwu felt the cold gaze coming, and the back of his neck felt cold. He hurriedly held the key, and personally opened the heavy iron lock of the huge stone gate for the special envoy of the national division. Then the engine was turned off, and the gate of Xuanwu Prison opened with a bang. All the guards lowered their heads, waiting for the special envoy of the state division to enter, and then slammed the door shut before they dared to raise their heads.

As soon as Liu Qianlang heard that Nalan Langming was indeed imprisoned here, he naturally quickly followed the special envoy of the state division into the Xuanwu Prison.

"Dang! Dang!"

The inside of the prison was pitch black, except for a torch hanging on the corner of the wall a few feet apart, burning with a roar. The special envoy of the state division was wearing heavy armored military boots, walking in the space where the prisons were on the left and right, his feet felt like smashing iron. The horrifying voice made one's heart chill.

"Hey! Hee hee! Haha! Someone is going to die again, hehe"

In the dark corner of the prison, a prisoner let out a strange laugh.

"It's better to die, it's better to die, it's better than staying in this Xuanwu Prison, being beaten by these evil spirits every day, and the national teacher comes to drink blood every now and then."

Another voice, babbling, said like a ghost crying. However, with normal eyesight, Liu Qianlang couldn't see any prisoner in the prison.

However, Liu Qianlang wasn't interested either, because his goal was only Nalan Langming, so he let those ghostly whimpers, and didn't want to cause extra problems.

"Oh! Nalan Langming, I didn't expect you to live so healthy. You are worthy of being a generation of all-round talents in civil and military affairs. I still remember that ten years ago, you also put on armor and fought with this general on the battlefield! At that time, this general really Doubt how can there be such a miraculous person like you in this world? Your writing can reach the sky, and your martial arts can shine! It’s a pity! Today, you are reduced to a prisoner!”

Liu Qianlang suddenly heard the special envoy of the National Teacher standing in front of a prison door, and said with emotion.

"Haha, since you're here, let's move around, why bother to have such a conversation?"

Nalan Langming stood proudly in a white onyx death row uniform, blood-stained all over his body. Obviously he had been beaten a lot, but he smiled without any fear.

"Do you know that this general was ordered to kill you?" the special envoy of the National Division asked.

"Haha, Truth is already a prisoner on death row, yet there is even a special envoy from the National Teacher who came here, not to silence him as soon as possible, so why should he come and release Truth?" Nalan Yangming laughed.

"Well! That's true. This general asks you, if only one of you and I lived in the Great Liu Dynasty, who would be more meaningful to Jiangshan Sheji?" The special envoy of the State Division nodded, did not refute, but changed the subject.

"General Xuehan has done his best! Galloping on the battlefield, he has made great military exploits for the Great Liu Kingdom. If you compare martial arts, Nalan Langming is not as good as it is. Stronger than the general!"

Nalan Langming didn't know what the other party meant by this question, but he still evaluated himself and the special envoy of the national division very objectively.

"Xuehan admires you. The Prime Minister knows that I am the special envoy of the treacherous minister and national teacher of the current court, and he still speaks so justly. It's really magnanimous. It's just that the Prime Minister is too self-effacing. No matter whether it is civil or military, you have made three parts of the country. How can you do that?" I, Xuehan, is comparable to a Wufu Ono! This is the gold medal for the entry and exit of the national teacher, please protect my Daliu Jiangshan, the Prime Minister of the country! Xuehan go!"



Xue Han, the special envoy of the National Teacher, suddenly drew out his waist knife, cut off the chain of the prison door and the shackles on Nalan Langming's body, and then cut off his own head with the knife. I saw his head rolled to the ground. And his body was still standing upright, with the other hand holding the national teacher's entry and exit gold medal, waiting for Nalan Langming to receive it.

Nalan Langming really didn't expect this sudden change, he thought that the other party came to kill him, but he didn't expect that the special envoy of the national teacher who was hated by thousands of people would do so.

Nalan Langming instantly understood a lot of things, why many courtiers and generals who were murdered by the national teacher would come back from the dead, or their family members escaped the catastrophe, and then fled to the wilderness incognito to survive.

Nalan Langming received the entry and exit gold medal, but Xuehan still did not fall.

"Brother Xuehan! With your gold medal, Nalan Langming can only escape from the palace for the time being, and he can only return to the imperial court if he is wronged in the future. I know you still have respected parents, don't worry, from now on They are my parents, Nalan Langming!"

"Thank you Prime Minister!"

As soon as Nalan Langming finished speaking, the body of Xue Han, the special envoy of the national teacher, fell to the ground with a thud, and the head in the distance finally let out a sound of gratitude.

Next, Nalan Langming pressed Xuehan's head back onto his body, sewed the head up with the equipment necessary for a soldier on Xuehan's body, put it in the body bag on Xuehan's body, and carried it on his shoulders. Started walking outside Xuanwu Prison.

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