Nine Heavens

Chapter 1077 Water Ling Phoenix Tomb

Chapter 1077: Water Lingfeng Tomb

Yelu Yangze was sleeping soundly, looking very relaxed in his sealed pavilion.

Liu Qianlang briefly glanced at the furnishings in the house, and then transformed into a ray of light into Yelu Yangze's mind world. But this time, Liu Qianlang wasn't as dazed as he and Xiao Hong Dian'er broke into Yuelan's memory, and had more or less experience.

Liu Qianlang quickly found Yelu Yangze's soul gate, but he didn't fly in casually right away. Instead, he circled around the soul gate, let go of his consciousness, and carefully analyzed Yelu Yangze's everything from childhood to adulthood. Memory, searching bit by bit.

This process was quite long, and it took Liu Qianlang about two hours to finally show joy on his face, and then summoned a magic sound shadow stone in the black jade skull, and copied the memory of Yelu Yangze that he wanted.

In the southwest of Panshui City, there is a high and steep mountain peak, surrounded by mountains and rivers, it is a place surrounded by mountains and rivers. This place is called Fengxian Mountain, which was chosen by Empress Changshui herself during her lifetime. The reason is that every mountain peak here has a very peculiar shape, no matter how big or small it is, it looks like a phoenix, but the posture is different.

Especially when the sun is setting, all the rivers and lakes under the peaks are filled with sparkling sunset sparks, and it is like a wonderful scene where thousands of phoenixes are reborn from the ashes. At that time, Empress Changshui traveled from Daliu Temple by accident. She found this place and liked it very much. Call it a day, as your resting place after death.

When this water mausoleum was chosen to be built, both civil and military officials in the Manchu dynasty opposed it, because the Queen of Changshui was a phoenix body, and choosing a place surrounded by large water rings was by no means a place where phoenix birds could fly freely. Everyone knows that phoenix birds live in mountains and forests and do not like water. There is also a saying "a phoenix falling into water is not as good as a chicken".

If Changshui Empress Chang'an is here, it will definitely be detrimental to the imperial harem and even the women in the world. The unknown harem will naturally endanger the Changxing fortune of the Liu Kingdom of the Qing Dynasty. Therefore, Queen Changshui did not fulfill her wish at that time.

However, one day, the Great Emperor Longtai suddenly had a strange dream, dreaming that the Queen of Changshui suddenly flew out of a mountain and lake, turned into a fiery red phoenix, covered in flames, screamed miserably, and shouted: "Your Majesty, save me! I am originally born in water. If I leave the water, I will burn, and if there is water, I will live. Knock me into the water quickly, or I will perish!"

The Great Emperor Dragon was so overwhelmed that he cried in his dream and was about to jump on him to help the Empress Changshui, but he woke up suddenly. He was terrified all night and couldn't sleep anymore. The next day, he issued an imperial edict to start building the water mausoleum regardless of the opposition of the world. Since construction can only be started from the westward red sun to sunset every day, and construction cannot be done in the long winter, the entire Shuiling took three hundred years to complete.

The water mausoleum floats in the heart of Fengxian Mountain, and the branch mountain is built in the air. The whole water mausoleum is also in the shape of a huge fiery red phoenix. The body of the tomb is a lifelike red phoenix. Thousands of miles away, under the setting sun, a fire phoenix reborn from ashes in Fengxian Mountain can be seen reborn in nirvana, which is shocking and magical.

The day when the Shuiling Phoenix Tomb was completed was when the Empress Changshui sat down, and when the Great Emperor Dragon Tai went mad.

Opposite Fengxian Mountain, thousands of miles away is Crouching Tiger Mountain. On the top of Crouching Tiger Mountain, there is a ruined temple that existed in unknown years and months. Although it has been through countless years of hurricanes and the mountain is bare, it is the only one that does not fall. There are rumors in the world that there are ghosts in this temple, and it is so tall and high in the sky, so it is named Tianhun Temple.

Tianhun Peak, the crouching tiger mountain peak where Tianhun Temple is located, is higher than ten thousand Renren, and the sky is dangerous and difficult to climb, so almost no one comes to this temple to offer incense and worship Buddha, because ordinary people simply cannot go up. In their impression, the Tianhun Temple exists like a heavenly palace, which is beyond reach, and they never know what the inside of the Tianhun Temple looks like.

Of course, not everyone can't go to the Tianhun Temple. There are more than a hundred people outside the Tianhun Temple.

In the cool wind in front of the temple, two majestic men in bronze armor stood on the edge of the cliff. The two looked at each other for a long time, and then nodded deeply while making eye contact. Both of them were very excited, because they were going to do an unbelievable thing that Queen Changshui explained before her death.

In fact, this matter has been planned in the minds of the two of them for decades, and everything is ready, just waiting for the completion of Fengxian Shanshui Mausoleum. Now that the water mausoleum has been completed, it is time to complete this task.

It is early morning and when the sun is setting, it is the time when the Queen of Changshui enters the Tibetan water spirit. It was still a long time, and both of them were silent while looking at the Phoenix Tomb of Fengxian Mountain and Water Mausoleum thousands of miles away with their hearts full of horses.

Behind them, more than a hundred courtiers sat cross-legged in front of the Tianhun Temple. They were the courtiers who were murdered by the father-in-law and the real man in the Xuanwu Prison that Liu Qianlang rescued. Now they put on new court clothes, their hair was tied up, and their faces were washed clean. Although they were still very thin, their eyes were full of hope.

But they really couldn't understand that the majestic Emperor Long Tai was the real culprit for the murder of countless courtiers in the Liu Kingdom of the Qing Dynasty, and the real father-in-law was just his tool. Such a contrast made them suddenly feel like a child, naive and ignorant.

They looked at the two people on the edge of the Cangya with admiring eyes, one was Nalan Langming, the Minister of Culture of the Liu Kingdom of the Qing Dynasty, and the other was the border guard general Duo Luofeng. In fact, there is another person they are grateful for, and that is the white-haired Liu Qianlang.

As civil and military officials of the dynasty, what they hope for is not only their own rebirth, but also the safety of their families, and the peace of the country and the people of the Liu Kingdom of the Qing Dynasty. Is such a requirement high? In fact, it is not high, but at this moment they are looking at the vast and misty sky surrounded by Crouching Tiger Mountain, and they feel uneasy.

"Nalan Langming has heard what the marshal said until today, and he knows that the sudden loss of time and space that has happened in the palace for many years is actually true. The truth is that I have personally experienced it. Once when I entered the palace to work on a full moon night, I suddenly felt I couldn't move anymore, and I didn't have consciousness. When I woke up again, the cock was crowing. I couldn't understand the truth. I didn't know what I was doing before the cock crowed. The memory turned out to be blank!

It is only now that I understand why the legendary Empress Changshui became a monk for no reason. I can't imagine that such a strange thing happened. But Marshal, is the Great Emperor Long Tai a human or a ghost? "

On the edge of the cliff, Nalan Langming looked at Shuiling thousands of miles away, and was terrified when he heard what Duo Luofeng said not long ago. Finally, he realized that Duo Luofeng had told himself to make a lot of preparations over the years, and he wanted to help him kill a Man, the most hateful person in Qingliu Kingdom.

Nalan Langming thought about it countless times, including the entire courtiers, but he really didn't expect that the person Duo Luofeng wanted to kill was the Great Emperor Longtai, and it was ordered by Empress Changshui.

"It is a human and a ghost. My sister, Queen Changshui, said that this is called ghost reincarnation! The Great Emperor Ryuta is a mortal body in the world, but there are also evil spirits that control him in his body. The two live together. If you want to kill the Great Emperor It is very easy for Long Tai's physical body, but it is not easy to kill the evil spirits in the body of the Great Emperor Long Tai.

Sister, for three hundred years, the Qingdeng Ancient Buddha has only thought about one thing, and that is to find a way to kill this evil spirit. Now I finally found it, which is the method I told you. "

Duo Luofeng looked back at the Tianhun Temple, and then said: "For more than three hundred years, it's hard to imagine that my sister would repent and recite the Buddha in Daliu Temple during the day, and come to this Tianhun Temple at night to practice the art of killing ghosts. How difficult it is.

Fortunately, Huangtian paid off, and her sister, Queen Changshui, finally succeeded. Once this ghost is eliminated, the evil ghost in the real father-in-law's body is not difficult. From then on, the days when the two evil spirits controlled the Liu Dynasty of the Qing Dynasty came to an end! "

"Now, where is the Great Emperor Longtai? I heard that since he rushed out of the palace insanely, he has never been seen again. Today, the Empress Changshui is buried, will he appear?" Nalan Langming was very worried. Said.

"Today, whether he appears or not is not the key. The most important thing is the midnight after July 49th. But don't worry, the relationship between the Great Emperor Long Tai's body and soul and his sister, Queen Changshui is true. He'll come. We'll just go as planned."

Duo Luofeng has bright eyes and is very confident.

Nalan Langming nodded slightly, and asked after a while: "I have a question about the truth. If I ask it, I am afraid that I will insult the Queen of Changshui and the Changwang Huang Qi, and I am afraid that the Marshal will be unhappy, but if I don't ask, I will be very puzzled!"

"You want to ask whether His Highness the Changwang is a human or a ghost? This commander can tell you clearly that the Changwang is not only a human body, but also the soul of the reincarnation is the soul of a pure Poro. Your doubts, my sister, Queen Changshui, naturally There will be more, so I have already received the advice of an inexplicable expert, the Prime Minister can rest assured!"

Duo Luofeng had already guessed what Nalan Langming was going to ask from Nalan Langming's eyes, and explained it directly.

"This is really great. King Jing Longjing is in poor health and was born with ailments. It's not because of his country's relatives. I'm afraid he is not a long-lived king. Since His Royal Highness the Changwang is fine, the fortune of the Liu Kingdom of the Qing Dynasty will last forever. " Nalan Langming was very happy when he heard that.

"Oh! I hope so!"

Duo Luofeng listened to Nalan Langming's words, but did not show a happy expression, but made Nalan Langming sigh very puzzled.

"Why did the marshal sigh?" Nalan Langming asked suspiciously.

"Things in the world are unpredictable. If everything in the world goes as we expect, who can say for sure what will happen in the future? We only have blessings!" Duo Luofeng said a little old-fashioned.

"Oh! That's not what the marshal said! The marshal in my impression is always planning thousands of miles, penetrating the past and present, and it's the first time I've heard the marshal say such blank words!" Nalan Langming was a little surprised.

"It's about time, let's go into the temple and take another look at the Ghost Slayer Sword! Now is the critical moment, there must be no accidents, we must protect the Ghost Slayer Sword no matter what, until after July 49th!"

Duo Luofeng laughed at himself, and did not answer Nalan Langming, but said.

"What the marshal said is the same as the truth, please, Marshal!"

"The country please!"

Duo Luofeng and Nalan Langming politely responded to more than a hundred courtiers who said hello, and then walked into the Tianhun Temple hand in hand.

The furnishings in the Tianhun Temple are very simple. There are only two things in the space of several tens of feet. One is a statue of a jade girl wearing a fairy robe, which is located in the center of the space, and the other is a bright red lingerie floating in front of her. snake sword.

The statue of the jade girl has a handsome face, calm eyes, and a cold and arrogant expression, and her eyes just fall on the bloody red snake sword.

The reason why this sword is called Coiled Snake is that the blade is twisted like two red snakes twisted, and the sword light is like a snake core, forked up and down, moving the sword in the air, like two snakes looking out to ask the way, hence the name Coiled Snake Sword .

This sword is the ghost-slaying sword that Duo Luofeng said, and it is also the weapon of the ghost-killing technique that Empress Changshui has been practicing for three hundred years. In the past three hundred years, Empress Changshui has sneaked back to the palace more than once to kill the great emperor Ryuta, so as to prevent him and those evil spirits from unknown sources from harming human beings.

However, what made her embarrassed was that she didn't know how to kill these evil spirits, so she thought and searched day and night, and finally discovered the secret that if she killed evil spirits, she had to kill their hearts of life and souls of life. This is what Empress Changshui figured out when she hid in the dark during a ghost banquet in the palace and saw two evil spirits fighting each other, one killing the other.

Since then, Empress Changshui has been looking for a weapon that can kill the evil spirit's heart and soul at the same time, perhaps it was arranged freely in the dark. The Queen of Changshui later found the Snake Sword in this Tianhun Temple

Ghost Killing Sword, the sword has two blades, one blade pierces the heart, the other blade kills the soul, the double blade flies, and the two shadows move together to kill evil spirits.

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