Nine Heavens

Chapter 1081: Killing Ghost Lotus Girl

Chapter 1081

The person who recited the Buddha's name did not show up, and neither did Liu Qianlang. The father-in-law and Tan Tianying were terrified, looked at each other, and ran away together.

"Forget it! This is the tomb of Empress Changshui. This junior shouldn't have done anything wrong. Since senior asked so, how can this junior refuse to agree? For the time being, this junior will let the Great Emperor Long Tai go, I don't know if I dare to ask senior's surname and fairy name ?”

When Liu Qianlang heard the other party's invitation, although his heart was infinitely sullen, it wasn't just the Great Emperor Long Tai who wanted to kill, especially the escaped Tan Tianying. However, because Empress Changshui is the elder of his beloved wife Yun Qianmeng, and her reputation spread far and wide, Liu Qianlang agreed after a little hesitation.

"Amitabha, Your Excellency is not a person of this era, so why do you need to know so much? Benny would like to advise you, since you have traveled back to your previous life, you obviously have an important wish to come to an end. As for things that have nothing to do with you, it is better not to interfere. You can control the things of your future life, but the things of the previous life are already the same. No matter how you block or change it, the ending will still be the same!"

Such words came out of the Phoenix Tomb in Shuiling, full of sighs. The speaker did not deliberately hide his position this time. It was probably because the Great Emperor Longtai, Gonggong Zhenren and Tan Tianying all escaped.

"That's it! The junior has written down the teaching of the senior, so don't bother the senior, and leave!"

"Amitabha! Good! Good!"

Although Liu Qianlang couldn't see each other's face, he still bowed deeply to Liaoyan, the flame poisonous witch, and then the two flew towards the Tianhun Temple on Crouching Tiger Mountain.

Behind him, at the air outlet of the Phoenix Tomb in Shuiling, nine figures suddenly appeared, a handsome boy in white clothes in his teens and eight girls in white skirts behind him, each with a white lotus flower on their heads.

They appeared at the Fengkou of the Phoenix Tomb in Shuiling for just a moment, and then disappeared again.

Liu Qianlang controlled the Nine Heavens Immortal Fate Sword, and Liao Yan, the flame poisonous witch, stepped on the flame ghost carpet. Because in the dark night of Cangshan Mountain, the two of them were not worried about disturbing anyone, so they galloped side by side with confidence and boldness.

"Yan'er, I heard half of what you said just now. You said what happened to Tianhun Temple? It seems that you suddenly discovered something." During the march, Liu Qianlang asked the question that had been circling in his mind.

"I know who built the Tianhun Temple, and who is the beautiful senior woman in the temple." Hearing Liu Qianlang's question, Liaoyan, the flame poisonous witch, said with a smile.

"So what if you know?" Liu Qianlang felt that a small Cangya temple was just a place, and it seemed meaningless to know or not to know, so he asked.

Liaoyan, the flame poisonous witch, sensed Liu Qianlang's tone of indifference, and was not surprised, and continued: "The woman in the Tianhun Temple is one of the nine ghost-killing lotus girls. If I guess correctly, the eight heavenly Ni should be another ghost-killing lotus girl who has disappeared. After they disappeared, they have actually stayed in the Tianhun Temple they built.

They did this, one is to hide their tracks on purpose, and the other is to accompany the deceased Binglian, and maybe there are deeper plans. For many years, they stayed in Tianhun Temple, until one day the Queen of Changshui appeared here. From then on, Empress Changshui became the apprentice of eight lotus girls, Qinglian, Yulian, Jielian, Xuelian, Bailian, Chunlian, Yalian and Fanglian. It has been 300 years since I taught Empress Changshui how to kill ghosts every night! It should be done by now! "


Liu Qianlang sighed, and then asked: "How did Yan'er know that the statue is the Binglian among the nine ghost-killing lotus girls you mentioned?"

"Because the nine lotus girls have always been ghosts and witches that I admire very much in my heart. I used to do so when I did many unrighteous things. Later, I became a ghost assassin. In addition to your sister's on-demand broadcast, I was also influenced by them. They They are all my elders. When the God’s dark energy disk fell into the chaotic universe, I was still a child who had just been born. I didn’t see their faces. They left the nether hell and broke into the world to kill ghosts. !

However, their good names and stories have been secretly spread among the nearly 100,000 Guiwu people in Guiwujiang, and they have become beautiful legends. I grew up listening to such legends, and the characteristics of each of them are engraved in my heart. Although they all wore pure white dresses and used ghost-slaying swords in their hands, the swords looked the same. But the color of everyone's Ghost Killing Sword is different.

They are bright red, white, emerald green, blue, purple, orange, blue, gold and silver. And Senior Binglian's ghost-killing and snake-snake sword happens to be bright red, the one we saw in Tianhun Temple.

You should have seen the way I use the flame and poisonous fire to assassinate evil spirits. Every time I condense the flame and poisonous fire into the shape of the snake-wrapping ghost-slaying sword before performing the action of killing evil spirits. Pilgrimage to the Nine Lotus Nudes. "

Liao Yan, the poisonous flame witch, explained the reason with full respect.

"We really want to thank them. If they hadn't entered the mortal world to stop the atrocities of a hundred thousand evil spirits, the world would have been even more unfortunate. In this way, the nine lotus girls are very admirable people. Why did Yan'er and those Why do all the tribesmen with outstanding intelligence have names like ghosts and witches that don't sound good?"

Liu Qianlang has always been curious about the title ghost witch.

"Hehe, it's because Qianlang doesn't understand some of the cultural heritage of our dark energy country. In fact, the word 'Witch' is the most respected word in our dark energy country, and it means great wisdom. This is different from your chaotic human beings. The meaning is different, it does not mean evil, bad, evil, etc.

And this word can only be used by our clan of Sky Witches. Among the people of the Five Colors, the people with the title of shaman are the most intelligent and leading existences of all tribes. As for the theory of ghosts and witches, that is what the big ghost clan called us after we arrived in Nether Hell. They think that we should be their counselors, their counselors, called Zhanmou. Our name is Tian Wu. "

"Oh! That's right, I thought it was disrespectful to you guys! Yan'er, what do you think of Empress Changshui's sitting?" Liu Qianlang asked, changing the subject.

"You mean the Queen of Changshui is not at all." The white hair of the flame poisonous witch Liaoyan fluttered in the night wind, just like Liu Qianlang's white hair fluttering. The waves stopped.

"Don't say it, this is also my guess. I have a vague feeling that Queen Changshui, Duoluofeng, and even Nalan Langming have designed to kill the Great Emperor Longtai for a long time. There must be many unexpected things in it. Even the water The construction of Lingfeng's tomb is full of secrets."

Liu Qianlang changed it to the sound transmission of his mind and said.

"Well, many of these things are indeed a bit unbelievable and very complicated. Now, the Prime Minister of Nalan is indeed gone. What shall we do next?"

Liu Qianlang and Liaoyan, the poisonous witch, had already arrived in front of the Tianhun Temple on Crouching Tiger Mountain when they were talking. Qianlang's guess is that he has returned to the prime minister's mansion.

"Let's go into the temple again, pay respects to Senior Binglian, and then we will go to the Prime Minister's Mansion."

Liu Qianlang raised his head and took a look. Tianyu half moon was faintly shining, it was already late at night, and he said softly.

After a while, the two entered the Tianhun Temple.

It seems a bit empty space, but at night, the light in the temple is bright and soft, because the jade statue of ice lotus is carved with pure white jade. Without lighting, the light from her jade body is enough to make the temple as bright as day, and there is also a warm smell.

"Senior Binglian is so beautiful!"

Liaoyan, the poisonous flame witch, quietly looked at the graceful face of the ice lotus statue, her graceful figure, and the pure white lotus on her hair, and couldn't help admiring it.

Yin Hong's Ghost Slayer and Snake Slaying Sword was still floating in front of Binglian's eyes, with little red starlight shining like little sparks constantly shooting out. The bright red color is extremely dazzling and beautiful in front of the pure white statue of Binglian.

Liu Qianlang and Liaoyan, the flame poisonous witch, looked at it with respect for a long time, and then they both knelt down and bowed.


The two hadn't raised their heads yet, suddenly the lotus flower from Binglian's head fell to the ground in front of their eyes and shattered immediately. Then the broken jade shavings flashed a rainbow of light. The colorful light condensed in one place, like a tadpole, wrapped around the two of them for a while, and then got into Liu Qianlang's mind.

"Ghost Killing Heavenly Art!"

Liu Qianlang immediately felt a beautiful woman in a white dress appear in her mind, it was Binglian, flying and drifting, performing a sword technique that she had never seen or heard before.

Binglian practiced the Ghost Slaying Sword Jue like lightning, and then said calmly: "I have taught you the Ghost Slaying Jue, in the future I will find a woman who can inherit my ghost killing business, and I will use the Ghost Slaying Jue and this Ghost Slaying Jue Hand over the Yan Sword to her. Binglian can finally rest in peace!"

Then, in Liu Qianlang's mind, Binglian suddenly disappeared.


Afterwards, Liu Qianlang and Liaoyan, the flame poisonous witch, saw that the white jade statue in front of them began to shatter and peel off piece by piece, but with the effort of the teacup, the whole statue was shattered into jade dust, turned into countless white starbursts, and then resembled countless fireflies. In the same way, surrounded by bright red ghost-killing swords, they flew out of the Tianhun Temple and flew towards the Phoenix Tomb of the Fengxian Mountain Shuiling on the opposite side.

Surprised, Liu Qianlang and Liaoyan, the flame poisonous witch, flew out of the Tianhun Temple hand in hand, stood on the top of the dim Tianhun cliff, and watched as Bai Xingmang and Ghost Killing Sword left.

"Qianlang, why did the jade statue break? Could it be that we touched some mechanism when we knelt down just now? Let's go back and check!"

The Flame Poison Witch was not prepared for what happened suddenly, and felt a little inconceivable.

"Well, let's go!"

Liu Qianlang experienced the sudden change in his mind just now, and it was also inexplicable, so he agreed with the proposal of the flame poison witch, so the two turned around and planned to enter the Tianhun Temple again.

However, the scene in front of them made them even more surprised. After shaking in the strong wind on the top of the cliff, the Tianhun Temple quickly collapsed and shattered, and then was blown away by the mountain wind, turning into sand and stones all over the sky.

Not long after, the top of the Cangya cliff in Tianhun Mountain was bare, and there were only huge pieces of Cangya boulders carved all over the place after years of vicissitudes. If there is any evidence of the existence of the Tianhun Temple here, it is only the place where the Tianhun Temple used to be located, which is much smoother and more delicate than the ground on the top of other cliffs.

"Perhaps, it's time to end all of this. Senior Tianhun Temple and Binglian have completed their missions!"

After a long silence, Liu Qianlang said with great emotion.

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