Nine Heavens

Chapter 1117 Misty Light Mountain Stone

Chapter 1117 Misty Light Mountain Stone

Inside Tongyang Cave.

Liu Juan, Song Zhen, Prince Xun An, Princess An Xiang, Yue Lan, Xiao Xing'er, Jie'er, and the two little red dots, have been anxiously waiting for Yang Shi day and night. But Liu Qianlang still didn't come back, nor did the twenty-one Chaos elves report the news, everyone felt uneasy.

"Brother Zhen, your hexagrams about Qishangquan and the astrological ruler are over. Is Liyue Empress, Xingliu Feisheng, and Qianlang safe?" Liu Juan saw Song Zhen floating cross-legged on the blood unicorn, twisting the black and white two. Mei was busy with work and knew she was divination, so she asked.

"Hell Cracking Heavenly Dew!?"

Song Zhen's black and white eyebrows twisted into a rope, and he kept staring at a small black mountain hexagram floating above the Qishang spring, and saw cracks tearing apart like lightning on the black mountain. On the astrological ruler, a strange palace was born. The palace had four gates, east, west, north, south, and the north gate was dilapidated.

Song Zhen's face was full of astonishment, and he was very puzzled and exclaimed, and then said: "Looking at it from the hexagrams, the Tiangong Gate was defeated, so naturally the Empress Liyue and Brother Xingliu were able to enter the sky. The ascension must have succeeded, and the third brother is safe and secure But there is a big leak in the Tianmen Gate, but I don’t know why! As for this black mountain, it is the Chuanjin Mountain where Tongyang Cave is located where we are at the moment, and it is easy to understand the cracks, because there have been cracks in the sun.”

"When will Uncle Guo and the twenty-one Chaos Elf brothers come back?" Xiaohong regretted not going outside Tongyang Cave with Uncle Guo to learn more this time, and wanted to know more about what happened outside.

"It's coming back soon, but this time because of Empress Liyue and Xingliu Feisheng, I'm afraid the third brother caused a big disaster!" Song Zhen looked at the dilapidated north gate of the palace formed by the brilliance on the astrological ruler, his face covered with tears. worry.

"Brother Zhen is saying that the damaged gate was caused by Qianlang and the others?" Liu Juan sensed Song Zhen's meaning.

"I'm afraid it is! If that's the case, this is the second time that the third brother has offended Tianwei except for rejecting Cangshan's whole soul ascension that year. I am afraid that the third brother's journey to immortality will be even more difficult in the future, and he will even be deliberately suppressed by the heavens!" Song Zhen said frankly.

"Hehe, what am I supposed to be? As you said, I'm really proud of my brother's bold move. What about the netherworld and hell, what about the heavens? We are taking the road against the sky, killing ghosts and bead immortals is what we have to do." The immortal journey that I have experienced. Besides, not all the gods and gods in the heavens are good people, some of them deserve to be killed!"

When Liu Juan heard Song Zhen's worries, she didn't care. Instead, her fair face was covered with frost, she smiled all over the city, and then smiled all over the country, with a hint of disdain and arrogance at the corners of her mouth.

At this moment, after the twenty-one Chaos Elves bullied the Thunderbolt God into Beiyun Gate, they were about to enter through the gate and continue to have fun, when they were suddenly stopped by Liu Qianlang.

"Bah! You human cultivators who have been plagued by the plague, no wonder the big ghosts tried to contact the gods to deal with you. You are born to die! It's all because of Nuwa Empress who is meddlesome, what kind of human beings were created! In my opinion, the big ghosts shouldn't let you humans Grow freely, just put it in a cage!"

The Thunderbolt God hid in the Beiyun Gate and cursed. Liu Qianlang always had a mystery in his heart, that is, whether the Nether Hell is connected with the heaven. Now hearing Thunderbolt God's words, his guess was immediately confirmed, and his whole body was instantly filled with anger. With a roar, he stepped on the chaotic cauldron, surrounded by dragon balls outside his body, and entwined with a training mad dragon, and flew to Beiyunmen roaring.

"Cang lang lang!"

"Aww! Boom—"

After a whistling of the Nine Heavens Immortal Fate Sword and Sword, Liu Qianlang slashed out several Nine Heavens Immortal Fate Sword and Sword Dragon suddenly, and split a huge hole in the North Cloud Gate of Yungong in an instant. Then after chasing him in, he would kill the Thunderbolt God.

When the Thunderbolt God saw him, he was so frightened that he pissed his ass, and ran all the way on the clouds of fire, drawing a fire rainbow to escape wildly. Liu Qianlang chased after him closely, constantly chopping out groups of roaring dragons behind him.

"Master! Stop chasing, the queen mother and the others are still trapped in Tongyang Cave, waiting for us to go back!" Liu Qianlang was chasing excitedly, when he suddenly heard the reminder from the Chaos Elf erratically beside him.

"Well, good! Let go of this hot thing today, and you will never be lenient when you encounter it in the future. Let's go, let's go back first!" After Liu Qianlang chopped out a group of stegosauruses, he stopped and looked at the Thunderbolt God. Gradually fled away with my head in my arms, and I thought it was the same.

When he turned back and passed Beiyunmen, Liu Qianlang was still angry, and slashed out pieces of dark red sword curtains, smashing Beiyunmen again. Poor Yungong's majestic and domineering Beiyunmen turned into ruins!

"Hee hee! Make them laugh! See if they dare to underestimate us in the future, let's go, uncle Guodi!"

"That's right! Uncle Guodi, we can enter Tongyang Cave. But your ghost boat doesn't seem to be able to. The Chuanjin Mountain below is a Misty Stone Mountain. If the time boat enters by force, it will get lost!"

"Hey! You forgot, didn't we snatch the Thunderbolt God's Thunder Hammer and smash it with them! We cracked the Mislight Stone Piercing Golden Mountain, and we can all go in along the crack."

Liu Qianlang breathed a sigh of relief, and when he and the twenty-one Chaos Elves roared towards Chuanjin Mountain tens of millions of meters below, the elves chirped and shouted.

Calling out the ghost boat, Liu Qianlang flew to the top of the cliff in Chuanjin Mountain in an instant, and found that Chuanjin Mountain was just a mountain in Tongyang Cave, and the larger part of the mountain passed through Tongyang Cave to reach the cloud world. At this moment, Liu Qianlang stood upright in the ghost boat and floated in the clouds and mist all over the sky. He didn't dare to go through directly, so he let go of his spiritual sense and carefully analyzed it. It was found that, as the elf god said, the ghost boat and the Miguang Mountain and Stone of Chuanjin Mountain are incompatible with each other, and it is inconvenient to travel through.

"Number One Elf King, can the Heavenly Thunder Hammer really smash this mountain?" Liu Qianlang asked after collecting the training dragon and dragon balls outside him, calling out two Heavenly Thunder Golden Hammers, holding one in each hand.

"Of course, the gold of the golden hammer and the golden drum is different from the gold in the world. They are unrivaled gold crystals. It takes ninety-nine thousand nine hundred and ninety-nine taels of gold in the world to refine such a golden crystal." One tael. Each of the golden hammers is tens of millions of taels, and the golden drum is one billion taels. Except for Yuntian, there are only four people in the world who can handle them without being disturbed by such weight. That is Uncle Guodi and the other three boys, that is, Queen Mother, Uncle Yuanfang and Aunt Shifeng."

The No. 1 Elf Emperor, with bright red eyes, thought about it, and spoke with deep self-confidence.

Go back to the psychic cave.

"Bah bah! You can't say something auspicious when you point my sister. If Tongyang Cave collapsed casually, why would Aunt Liyue and Uncle Xingliu have to wait 30,000 years for the cracked sun to crack! Just smash the cave It’s fine if there’s a hole!” Xiao Hong Dian’er hurriedly said angrily.

"Well, although this hole will not be damaged casually, it is relatively safe for everyone to enter the dark energy disk. No matter what happens, it is no problem for the dark energy disk to escape from this hole in the end. Everyone should come in! "

When people heard the words, they all nodded in agreement, so Prince Xun An and Liao Mang instantly entered the Shen An Energy Disk, which had become tens of feet in radius. Others floated in one after another.

"Wow! It's so big here!" The two little red birds were surprised.

"Boom! Boom!"

"Bang bang!"

As soon as everyone entered the dark energy disk, the two little red birds had just finished speaking, when they suddenly heard the deafening sound of knocking through the golden mountain from above.

"It's not good, I really let my sister talk, the Chuanjin Mountain is about to collapse. What should we do? Empress mother, should we run away or wait for my uncle?" Xiaohong asked Liu Juan with her head tilted.

"Let's wait for Brother Liu to talk about it. Don't worry, everyone, even if the mountains fall and the ground cracks, they won't be able to harm the God and Darkness." Prince Xun An comforted everyone.

"That's it, sisters of the two little red birds, don't worry, the God's dark energy disk used to soar and fly in countless star explosions, it's fine. As soon as Senior Brother Liu comes back, we will rush out." Little Xing'er floated to Liu Beside Juan, she looked at the two little red birds with wide-eyed eyes and smiled.

"Wow! It hurts my eyes!"

Xiao Hongdian suddenly saw lightning-like cracks appearing on the top of Tongyang Cave, through which glaring golden lights shot into the cave. Little Red Dot quickly covered her eyes with her small wings and yelled.

"Oh! Oh! Hee hee! We're back! Huh? Where's the person?"

At the same time, twenty-one Chaos Elves had descended to the bottom of Tongyang Cave in the golden light. Looking around, there was no one left. As for Shen An Sheng Pan, they didn't see it because of his invisibility just now, so they couldn't help but look at each other in blank dismay. After the joy, they all looked around in a daze.

"Heck! It's the elves! Sister Anxiang, take a look!" Xiao Xing'er called out happily.

"Haha! Welcome back!" Prince Xun An looked at it, and for the first time a happy smile appeared on his depressed face. He clasped his hands together and saluted with a loud smile, and then received the invisibility technique of the dark energy disk.

"The golden hammer hit the mountain just now, didn't it scare everyone! Haha!" With the kung fu of Shen An Neng showing his body, everyone heard a familiar voice from a high place. Looking up, Liu Qianlang was standing on the Nine Heavens Immortal Fate Sword, with flying silver hair and hunting in silver clothes, holding two giant hammers like golden yang in his hands, and they landed steadily in the golden light.

Seeing Liu Qianlang's safe return, everyone breathed a sigh of relief. A moment later, Liu Qianlang and the twenty-one Chaos Elves also entered the Divine Dark Energy Disk. The dark prince controlled the dark energy disk and quickly flew out of Tongyang Cave.

During the march, Liu Qianlang and everyone described the success of Liyue Niangniang and Xingliu Feisheng, as well as their own experiences. Then I asked about what happened in the cave.

"Haha! The third brother will be famous in the heavens now!" Although Song Zhen was worried about Liu Qianlang's immortal journey in the future, but the matter had come to this point, he had no choice but to accompany his buddies to be chic.

"Hehe, the third brother is really reckless this time. I think the fourth brother has already figured it out. Maybe Liu Qianlang is destined not to be welcomed by the two realms of Yuntian, so he did it rashly!" Liu Qianlang was actually cutting down Beiyunmen. , I realized many problems that would be detrimental to my future immortal journey, but how could the Nine Heavens Immortal Fate Sword not go smoothly! ?

"No amount of difficulty can stop Brother Liu, Brother Song, and all the brothers and sisters of Chaos and Space. Now the Nether Hell has finally been leveled by us, and our common wish has been fulfilled. We, the people of the Dark Energy Nation, can finally fly back to ourselves. My hometown is the dark sky!"

Prince Xun An said happily with a happy expression on his face.

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