Nine Heavens

Chapter 1139

"Thanks to master and father's blessing, the four junior sisters are finally safe."

Hearing the teacher's question, Yaya's expression suddenly froze, and then she said very frightened.

"Why do you say that?" So far, Song Zhen didn't know what happened to the four children, so he asked. .

Yaya heard the words, roughly told the experiences of the four junior sisters, and clearly pointed out the identities of the mysterious Blue Moon woman and the mysterious man.

"This makes Teacher Wei really unexpected, how could it be them?"

"Yeah, it shouldn't be!"

Liu Qianlang and Song Zhen were very shocked when they heard that the person who changed in Langyuan Palace was the special envoy of August and the elder Yun Cang.

They are characters who existed in the Langyuan Star Palace and even the era of Langyuanmen in Cangshan, and they know everything about Langyuanmen. It would be too terrifying if it was messed up.

However, Liu Qianlang and Song Zhen thought of a question at the same time, that is, for a long time, why didn't the other party attack when the foundation of Langyuanmen was still young, and it was not good for Langyuanmen until now?

"Master and Daddy also find it incredible. In fact, Yaya still doesn't want to believe it. What's more, the eight special envoys were dispatched by Daddy and Daddy a year ago, and they have already left Langyuanmen to carry out their missions. They don't know how they came here. road.

Besides, senior Yuncang, regardless of the gains and losses of each person, even dedicated the entire Cangshan Mountain to the Langyuanmen, why is he trying every means to obtain the Nine Cauldrons of Soul Refining now? "

Seeing the expressions of the master and foster father, Yaya expressed her doubts.

"In it, it's not as simple as they just want to refine the Nine Cauldrons of Soul." Liu Qianlang's eyes flashed deeply, asserting.

"It's really puzzling. Could it be that they can't refine their souls? Hehe, speaking of it, the third brother left behind the phantom body of the Nine Cauldrons of Soul Refining, which was really right. It actually led to spies from the Langyuan Sect."

Song Zhen's black and white eyebrows twitched for a while, then became serious for a while, and then he raised his eyebrows and said happily.

"Yaya immediately contact Forging Bing City, your Immortal Pill King Qihuisheng uncle and the new master of the Pill Hall, Uncle Xiang Tian, ​​to see how the situation is now?"

Liu Qianlang thought for a moment and said.


Yaya listened to the order, and immediately raised her hand and let the canary fly away. Soon after, the canary flew back, chirping and chirping.

Yaya's eyes shot out two lights of divine consciousness, and she cast a shield on Jinque, which was shining golden on her slender palm, and immediately knew the joint return of the city lord of Forging Soldiers, Qi Huisheng, and the master of the new pill hall, Xiang Tian.

"The four junior sisters are still in the nine major hurricanes, but they are not in danger with the protection of the nine infants.

The two uncles have already taken Yingyue and Siyue by using Langyuan's search array. However, there is no news from the Eight Guardians. "

"Yaya sent a letter to your two uncles, immediately find a reason to release Yingyue and Siyue."

Liu Qianlang was not happy about it, Yaya said in surprise.

Yaya's expression was calm, and she looked at her mentor with doubts.

"Hehe, listen to your master and ask them to let them go. Didn't you say that the sixteen special envoys of August participated? It doesn't make much sense for us to only capture Yingyue and Siyue. If they are interrogated, I believe they will not say what.

At present, we only need to know that they have differences. In more cases, we still need them to get active so that we can grasp it. "

Song Zhen smiled and nodded to explain to Liu Qianlang.


Liu Qianlang also nodded with a smile.

"Oh! I understand, let the long-term big fish!"

Yaya's eyes lit up when she heard the explanations from the two respected people, and she said.


The three of them laughed together, and immediately, the Langyuanmen golden bird cocked its tail again and sang in Yaya's palm for a while, blinking its small eyes, nodding non-stop, remembering Yaya's order, and spitting It flew away again.

"Fourth brother, you and Yaya are going to bring out four children, I should go and help the old eight protectors."

Seeing the golden bird under the nine suns in the star palace, the golden light disappeared in a flash, Liu Qianlang said while laughing.

"Well, that's fine. According to what Yaya said, the eight guardian elders must be secretly following him at this time. Although the eight elders have achieved their own cultivation, Yun Cang is even more unpredictable, especially the sky-opening axe. Simply overwhelming!

If he finds out that the eight guardian elders are secretly following him, it may be difficult for the eight guardian elders to compete against him! "

Song Zhen agreed, and Yaya thought about it, although she was reluctant to leave Master for a while, but the overall situation was the top priority, so she had to be careful, and then left with Song Zhen first.

Liu Qianlang didn't delay, just when Song Zhen and Yaya turned around, they had already mobilized the ghost boat, using the method of the soul master's usual contact with the eight guardians, and sensed their existence without much effort .

However, what surprised Liu Qianlang was that the eight elder guardians were also outside the eastern region of Jiuding soul refining place.

Knowing this situation, Liu Qianlang quickly caught up with Song Zhen and Yaya, and let them enter the ghost boat. After a while, the three arrived at the periphery of the nine hurricanes of the Jiuding Soul Refining Ground in the center of Qingcang Peak.

Without further ado, Liu Qianlang carried Song Zhen and Yaya directly into the center of the vortex of the nine hurricanes, trying to save the four children and the nine infants first.

"Heck, it's delicious!"

"Hey, come on, let's have another drink!"

"Oh! Nine baby brothers, you can eat at ease, the old man outside can't come in, what are you afraid of?"

I saw a white jade fairy table fixed among the four sisters in the hurricane. There were several beautiful jade plates on the table, all of which were filled with sweet fragrant fruit and a kind of golden orange fairy fruit. All are fruity.

There are also several pots of immortal wine on the immortal table, and the table is surrounded by wine glasses.

The four sisters were boozing up and down. Liu Qianlang's nine Nascent Souls were also among them, but they were a little reserved.

The three of them hurriedly controlled the ghost boat and flew to the center of the hurricane. The scene in front of them made the three of them dumbfounded.


There was a clear and pleasant sound of the collision of pure white jade wine glasses, and the four sisters and Jiu Ying raised their heads one after another. After drinking the wine, they were willing to eat the fairy fruit again, and they were full of praise.

"Ha ha!"

Song Zhen watched from a hundred feet away, couldn't help laughing, and said almost breathlessly: "This is really the third brother's good daughter, just like his father, she tastes wine like a wine fairy at such a young age. Ha ha……"

After Song Zhen finished speaking, he couldn't help but continue to laugh.

"Stop, why are you laughing, isn't your daughter among them?"

Seeing the scene in front of him, Liu Qianlang really didn't expect that the four children would have such a show, and couldn't help laughing, but he kept a straight face and didn't laugh.

"Haha, it's all caused by their sister Tianling." Song Zhen laughed again.

"Whoever said that drinking is bad, let alone drinking fairy wine. I think my daughter is very powerful and has my demeanor."

Liu Qianlang still didn't smile, but said.


"Oh my God!"

"Daddy Hunzun, we, we..."

The four sisters and Jiuying suddenly heard laughter coming from a hundred feet away, and then they saw Liu Qianlang, Song Zhen and Yaya standing in the ghost boat and flying quickly, they were dumbfounded.

All of them were full of embarrassment, some were chewing on the fairy fruit, some just bit on the fairy fruit, and some were holding wine glasses...

All the movements were frozen in an instant, and then he looked at his father and senior sister in surprise and joy, each of them froze.

Liu Qianlang stepped forward, looked at Tianling's terrified eyes, picked up half a cup of fairy wine in her hand and drank it up, his stern face suddenly relaxed, and laughed: "My dear daughter, do you know that Daddy and Daddy are the same? Uncle is coming back, let's celebrate with my sisters and brothers, this wine is so sweet, can we join in?"

"Heck! Daddy!" Tianling was terrified at first, but when he heard Liu Qianlang's words, he didn't blame himself for leading his younger sisters to drink, and immediately laughed happily and shouted sweetly.

"Daddy, where have you and Uncle Song been for so long, we miss you so much."

Xiao Ying flew to Liu Qianlang, held Liu Qianlang's skirt and said.

Seeing that the two daughters had grown a little taller, and hearing two soft calls from their father, Liu Qianlang was overwhelmed with emotion, squatted down, and gently stroked the hair strands of the two beloved daughters, his eyes couldn't help but get moist.

Danrou and Liusha also flew into Song Zhen's arms, yelling daddy.

The scene of the reunion of the two fathers and daughters is really touching.

"Hehe, there's still us." Yaya saw Jiuying standing in front of Liu Qianlang, watching the reunion of his father and daughter, somewhat embarrassed, so she said.

"Hehe, all the nine infants have come here. This trip to Nether Hell has made Father En think deeply about many things, including you. Although you are my sub-divine spirits, you have no real body yet, and Father En will not allow you to seize the house.

But Father En decides that one day, when you become a great master, Father En will not take the step of becoming one. The way of cultivating immortals should not be the only way, Father En will find it himself.

Having been together for so many years, Father En has long regarded you as sons like Yun'er. So En's father decided to recognize you as sons now, and don't call you En's father anymore, just call you Daddy. "

In fact, Liu Qianlang didn't need Yaya to smooth things over, but also felt Jiuying's situation, so he said what he had always thought in his heart.


When Jiuying heard the words, she was so moved that her eyes filled with tears, and she knelt down one after another, saying a thousand words, and saying "en papa" represented all her gratitude.

"Haha, you children are still called En Dae, you should be called Da Dae! Don't call me Uncle En in the future, it's so awkward, just call me Uncle!

Also, your big sister will also be your Uncle Song's daughter in the future. You naughty ghosts, don't make my eldest daughter angry! Remember? ! "

Song Zhen smiled around the two little daughters.


The four sisters giggled and looked at Yaya and each made a grimace.


Jiuying respectfully saluted Liu Qianlang, and said in unison.

"Haha, good! I, Liu Qianlang, are truly blessed to have these children.

Fourth brother, Yaya, you said, shouldn't we have a cup of fairy wine from the babies to celebrate. "

"Needless to say, Danrou, Liusha, why don't you go and pour wine with Tianling and sister Xiaoying for daddy, uncle, sister Yaya and the nine baby brothers!"

Song Zhen laughed heartily.

"Hehe, okay!" The four sisters immediately shook their little wings and worked for a while, and then drank a glass of passionate wine under the eyes of everyone with infinite joy...

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