Nine Heavens

1162 Miao Miao Lost Night

Chapter 1162 Miao Miao Mi Ye

"Mother, Mrs. Mistress, why are they putting us under house arrest? I think they never want us to go out. See?"

Yaya has always been thoughtful, and always felt that Jinxia and Yinpu's attitude suddenly became unexpectedly cold when they left, and the look in their eyes was full of evil, especially when they saw the way they frequently threw gold and silver whisks in the formation, they were full of evil spirits. What's more, Yaya felt that she could vaguely see the green light shining in the sky beyond the layers of gold and silver rainbows, as if a white and slender figure of a man appeared. Because he couldn't see clearly, he said while watching.

"Yaya is right, our move is foolish and risky, but if we don't do it, I guess your Aunt Cailing won't wake up!" Pa'er shook the Piaoxingyunyun fan, looking at Yaya and Miaoyan , Pa'er said with deep eyes.

"You mean, all of this is controlled by Cai Ling behind the scenes?" Ye Xiang said bluntly.

"Is there any other explanation besides this? The mysterious green rainbow, I am right. Cailing also knew where it came from, and then blamed Liaoyan. The purpose is to trap and kill Qiguangxuan Lao, and wants us to submit to so many forces in the Langyuan Sect, so that we can be imprisoned!"

Miaoyan's beautiful eyes twinkled, looking at Pa'er's slightly frowning long eyelashes, she suddenly realized.

"Hehe, since my sister thought about it, why didn't you say it when she was not imprisoned just now." Pa'er shook her floating star and cracked the cloud fan and nodded and smiled.

"When you say what I do, don't you know that they have sinister intentions, but you still agree, I would like to ask why you agreed to them just now?" Miao Yan asked back.

"It's not easy. People just said that we are in the Wuhen Palace. No matter how powerful we are now, we can't break through the aura seal outside the Wuhen Palace. So, no matter where we are, we can't hide." They are under surveillance. Instead of letting them watch outside, it is better to let them seal us here at ease, at least we can say a few words with confidence, because there is no one watching!"

Knowing that she was imprisoned, Pa'er still didn't take it seriously, holding Yaya in one hand and shaking the fan in the other, and then looking at the rainbow flying behind her, she flew towards the palace with satisfaction, Miao Yan behind her , Yexiang quickly flew to the left and right.

"Hey! You are full of ideas. Now I don't know where Tianling and the others are, and whether Hunzun and the others have found the third sister-in-law. And Tianzun followed halfway, and I don't know if they have been found. It's really worrying!" Yexiang looked at Pa'er is always so free and easy, sighed.

"Yexiang, don't worry, everyone who should come this time will show up slowly. We don't need to do anything now, just go in and have a good sleep, and there will be fun to watch in the middle of the night!"

Pa'er took Yaya, who was also full of doubts, and quickly flew into the guest palace, chose a bedroom, turned around and smiled, and floated in.


Ye Xiang didn't know what Pa'er's words meant just now, she looked at the smiling and silent Miao Yan and said.

Yaya pondered for a moment, and Ye Xiang said something, Ye Xiang showed a relaxed expression, nodded and dragged Yaya, Miaoyan entered another bedroom.

The night was not long, and after a few hours, it was already late at night.

The blue moonlight of the sky shot into the bedroom of a side hall of the main hall of Wuhen Palace. The flowing moonlight waves washed the luxurious furnishings everywhere in the bedroom. In front of a screen facing the palace window, there is a fairy bed carved with spiritual diamonds and filled with spiritual flowers and rare herbs. On the bed, there is a pretty woman lying sideways.

This woman was wearing a yellow and green neon dress, facing the moonlight with a calm expression. On a fairy table not far from the bed was an emerald green fruit basket. The once dark water chestnuts in the fruit basket had now turned into rainbow water chestnuts.

The rainbow water chestnuts in the fruit basket are shining with peaceful rainbow lights, constantly expanding and shrinking, strange and beautiful. In addition, there are fragrant and spiritual flowers everywhere in the bedroom, which are fragrant.


Suddenly there was a beautiful flute sound outside the window, and then the palace windows slowly and automatically parted, and under the bright moon, a man galloped towards him. This man stepped on a giant one-horned python with emerald scales thousands of feet high, dressed in a snow-white brocade fairy costume, with both hands holding a green flute by his mouth and playing it.

His eyes are bright, but he can't see his face, because his face is covered with a faint blue mask. Take a closer look at the small emerald snakes winding around his shoulders.

After a slight fluctuation in the air in the sleeping hall, the man put away the spirit horse and stood firmly in front of the bed. Then he looked at the woman on the bed.

The woman was still sleeping peacefully, but at some point there was a blue moon mask on her beautiful face, and her figure remained unchanged.

"Hehe, Cailing! Snake Hua came here, are you still pretending to sleep?" Snake Hua smiled and said softly.

"Oh! Who, disturbing people's sleep, why did they come to people's bedroom in the middle of the night! Oh, it turned out to be a bug!"

When the woman heard the words, she woke up sleepily, and looked at the chic and straight snake in white clothes, deliberately charming and charming.

"Hehe, I'm a worm. Aren't you also a water chestnut? Worms love water chestnuts, but it's made in heaven, eh? Haha." Seeing Cailing's graceful figure, the man stepped forward happily and smiled.

"Hehe, this world is really interesting. You and I have been husband and wife for so many years that we don't know each other's true identities. Take off your mask, my husband Wu Yazi!"

Cai Ling suddenly smiled tremblingly, and then slowly took off the blue moon mask on her face.

"Yes, but we don't need to wear masks to deliver tasks to each other in the future. Think about the endless years, every time I pass tasks to you, standing face to face, I don't even know that you are my beloved wife Cailing!" Wu Yazi also slowly took off the blue moon mask on his face, revealing his handsome face.

Then the two hugged each other tightly, full of vicissitudes of surprise.

"Every time you deliver a mission, you are so terrifying. How many times have you passed, you almost killed me!" Cai Ling blamed!

"I didn't know that Linghua would be you, the cruelty to you is also caused by the brutal oppression of Guanghua above!" Wu Yazi looked at Cailing's flickering eyes regretfully.

"Did it succeed?" Cai Ling leaned on Wu Yazi's shoulder, suddenly raised her eyes and asked her husband, who had been mysteriously turning into a snake.

"Of course it succeeded, otherwise how could Guanghua agree to me and let me know your true identity. I think you are the same! I successfully transformed into the appearance of the flame poison witch Liaoyan in the daytime. Wu Lingjuan, and then lured more than half of the Qingxin Dao forces, and used the emerald ice poison to kill them all! It can be said to kill two birds with one stone.

When I came in just now, I slaughtered all the remaining forces of Qingxin Dao, but I never saw the two sisters Jinxia and Yinpu.

You know, those idiots of Langyuanmen think they are righteous, just as we expected, they are willing to be imprisoned, and now they are sealed by Jinxia Yinpu in the southeast Zunke Palace, foolishly waiting for Jinxia Yinpu to find out more than a thousand disciples of Qingxin Dao The truth of suffering! When they set up their formation and left, I injected the Emerald Ice Cold Poison into their seals. In a few days, all the people from the Langyuan Sect will turn into Emerald Emerald Cold Corpses!

In addition, the strength of the Heavenly Wolf Sect and the Spiritual Demon Heaven and Earth Hall were also tricked by Jinxia Yinpu to find reasons for being imprisoned in the two areas in the northwest of Wuhen Palace. In other words, Qingxindao Wuhen Palace is now their grave. Our task of eradicating the first four-star boy in the human world is finally about to be completed! Haha, our Wuhua is finally about to become the real master of the five worlds, and we no longer need to act secretly! "

Snake, looking at Cai Ling's beautiful face, said happily.

"That's great, but it's a pity that Axe Hua is dead and Yue Hua is all missing. Husband, let me ask you, when we were sworn brothers with Liu Qianlang, Song Zhen, and Huang Qi, we didn't know anything about each other. We just obeyed the orders from above. Do. Have you had any real brotherhood over the years?"

Cai Ling recalled that recently, he and She Hua had plotted secretly many times recently, using Shui'er, the flame poisonous witch Liao Yan to design and frame Liu Qianlang and Lang Yuanmen, and he always felt a little unbearable, and asked.

"Do you have it?" Wu Yazi asked back.

"Yes!" Cai Ling said frankly.

"Why not? Back then we didn't know that we were born from the spirit tree of the Lost Sun City. We thought that we were ordinary people just like the people in the first world. We sworn brothers with the third and fourth brothers, and enjoyed it so much. Unexpectedly, after 15 years, we were told our horrible life experience by the inexplicable photochemical. From then on, we had to live a life of slaughter and cruelty that we never thought of.

But, what's the use of it, we are not the same kind of existence as they are, so let's just treat it as a dream! After waking up from the dream, we are all their enemies, and they will naturally no longer treat us as brothers. We are the fifth incarnation of Nether Hell, slaughtering and manipulating five killers in the world. It was before, it is now, and it will be in the future.

Our task is to monitor any possible powerful people, and kill one when we see one. Now your third brother, my third brother is the number one person we want to kill. If you don't kill him, we have to die!

Big Brother doesn't want to die, because Big Brother can't live without Seventh Sister! Before, I didn't know that I was a snake, and I didn't know that you were a Linghua. We are not only righteous brothers and sisters among the seven sons of Juying, but also a loving couple who the head Wuhen didn't allow us to disclose. Now that our identities are clear, it turns out that we all have strange identities that we have never known, making life and death in the hands of others. We have no choice but to sacrifice Qianlang! "

"Seventh sister's pain is not the same as that of the elder brother. It's just the third brother, the fourth brother, and the second brother. They are really good to us. No matter how Cai Ling finds reasons to comfort herself and hurt them, she is helpless. Cut! When I deceived my third brother and let him enter the place of death in the strange cave of Zhuyuan, Cai Ling is still terrified until now! There are also seven old celestial witches from the dark energy kingdom of Qiguangxuan, they are really innocent. This is innocent Scarred Palace was founded by them, but it is really unbearable to die in the mountain gate that they created for no apparent reason at this moment."

"This is also a helpless thing. Elder Qiguangxuan's heavenly witch magic can be said to be invincible in the fairy world. If I don't use the fire poisonous witch Liaoyan and their fellow clan's induction to trick them out of the kung fu academy, my emerald ice cold poison will have no chance at all. Kill them, let alone complete the task of capturing the Heavenly Witch Spirit Scroll as instructed by the above.

Now that I have the Heavenly Wu Spirit Scroll in my hand, the only thing missing is the Soul Refining Nine Cauldrons in my third brother's hand. I hope that in the future, our actions will be smoother and we will successfully obtain the Nine Cauldrons of Soul Refining! "

After Wu Yazi talked a lot with Cai Ling, his figure suddenly disappeared, turning into a faint blue smoke and disappearing, and the bed that Cai Ling used to lie on had an emerald green color with jade and ice limbs. Ling Bingyu corpse.

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