Nine Heavens

Chapter 1164 Flying Blue Star

Chapter 1164 Flying Blue Star

Not long after, Wu Yazi and Cai Ling with blue masks appeared in the Palace of Honored Guests.

"Why, do you think it's strange? Why don't you tell me that Elder Qiguangxuan wasn't killed by Liaoyan at all, it was us! Never even dreamed of it!"

Cailing slowly took off the blue moon mask provocatively, flicked her hair, and looked at Pa'er, Miaoyan, Yexiang and Yaya with quite complacent eyes.

"Hehe, what didn't I expect, this is Wu Yazi, please take off your mask too! In this world, how many things are actually mysterious. Most of the time, it's just a person who thinks he's smart! There is a saying that if you want people not to know, unless you do nothing, we not only know that you killed Elder Qiguangxuan, but also know your purpose for killing them!"

Pa'er looked at Wu Yazi, who had a rainbow rhombus in her arms and a green ice poisonous snake winding around her shoulders. She didn't show the slightest surprise. Pear Blossom smiled.

"How do you know that I belong to Wu Yazi? You know our purpose, why don't you tell me?" Wu Yazi also took off the blue moon mask and asked with great interest.

"You are all for Qiguang Xuanlao's Heavenly Witch Spirit Scroll, right, and you are also very interested in the soul refining Jiuding of our Langyuan Hunzun. If we guessed correctly, the reason why Sister Shui'er was taken away is all because of it." What you did behind the scenes with mutual help is a trap, to coerce Hun Zun to hand over the Nine Cauldrons of Soul Refinement!" Miao Yan stepped forward and answered for Pa'er.

"Smart enough! It's a pity that everything is too late. Do you know that at this moment, the Sirius Sect, the Lingyao Tianditang and your Langyuanmen's tens of millions of troops are firmly sealed by us, and now the entire Wuhen Palace It is a sea of ​​emerald ice and cold poison, you have nowhere to escape, you are doomed!"

A trace of surprise flashed in Cai Ling's eyes, and he glanced at Wu Yazi and said coldly.

"Hehe, is death that scary? From our point of view, winning or losing a contest is sometimes more important than life and death. Do you really think you have succeeded? I think you seem too naive.

Let me tell you that the elder Qiguangxuan you killed was nothing more than their phantom body, and the so-called heavenly witch spirit scroll you got is also fake. The real Elder Qiguangxuan and the Spirit Scroll of the Heavenly Witch long before you pretended to faint. When Hun Zun pretended to be drunk, he secretly informed Elder Qiguangxuan. The seven seniors had already left the Wuhen Palace ahead of schedule with their fetishes. "

Pa'er sucked on the faint fragrance of pear blossoms a few times, and giggled.

"Bah! You are talking nonsense, Liu Qianlang was poisoned by my Rainbow Ling phantom soul, how could he not be unconscious and drunk? How could he secretly go to the Gong Dao Academy to inform Elder Qiguangxuan. Besides, Elder Qiguangxuan never They have never left Wuhen Palace, and Liu Qianlang has never been here before, so how could they know each other, it is simply nonsense!"

Cai Ling was furious when he heard the words.

"Oh, sister Cailing, you are so smart that you forget yourself. Don't you know who the master of Canfeng Nine Swords is? And Canfeng Nine Swords is a disciple of Langyuanmen? Hunzun's temper is yours! I understand, when you come to Wuhen Palace, there is no reason not to meet the nine senior mentors of Canfeng Nine Swords.

Your Rainbow Ling Phantom Soul Poison is indeed domineering, but you used the wrong person. Your third elder brother is a Celestial Immortal Physique, Amber’s Immortal Heart, Human and Ghost are now two major Soul Sects, and any poison is useless to him use. Maybe it's better if you don't poison, but now that you poison, your third brother knows you thoroughly, and he also completely despairs of you.

Do you know that Hun Zun already had doubts about you being Linghua and Wu Yazi being snake before coming here. The reason why I didn't kill you as soon as we met was because I was concerned about the old friendship and hoped that you would live longer. "

Pa'er was not angry, she looked at the delicate petals of the pear blossoms, and spoke unhurriedly.

"Haha, Cai Lingxiu wants to listen to his nonsense. If it is true what she said, why is Liu Qianlang being tricked to die in Zhuyuan Qiku? The army forces stay, let me wait for the siege and control!"

Wu Yazi muttered in his heart for a while, and then laughed out loud.

"You're right, Master Hun should never have believed too much in the Dao of Pure Heart. Who would have thought that you would do the evil deed of slaughtering all disciples of Dao of Pure Heart in the mountain gate? Who would have thought that the palm of Dao of Pure Heart would Men Wuhen is actually an existence that is allied with you. I don’t think you two know that Wuhen is the Guanghua of your five transformations!”

Pa'er suddenly stared at Cai Ling and Wu Yazi coldly and said.


Hearing this, Cai Ling couldn't help screaming! Wu Yazi's heart trembled too! The two were terrified, and asked falteringly: "How do you know that we, as people in Wuhua, don't know who Guanghua is!"

"Hmph! If Wuhen wasn't Guanghua, as the head of a faction, how could he be so relieved to help Hunzun when countless armies of Langyuanmen, Tianlangjiao, and Lingyao Tianditang existed in Wuhen Palace?" Saving people? If he wasn't Guanghua, how could you have received the mission of sacrificing the lives of all the disciples of Qingxin Dao to create a false image, and then calculated and designed to imprison us, and then took advantage of the situation to seal our three major forces?

These are all planned by Guanghua, or more than ten years ago, he entered Qingxin Dao for this day.

If you guessed right, Guanghua gave you an order recently, the speed is amazingly fast! Why, there is only one reason, no trace is photochemical, photochemical is no trace. In front of the people, he is the head of Qingxin Dao, but behind the people, wearing the blue moon mask is Guanghua, how can the speed be so fast, he is by your side. "

Pa'er's gaze was a bit aggressive, Cai Ling and Wu Yazi felt cold all over, as if they had been shot by Pa'er's gaze.

"Hmph, according to what you said, since our purpose was to kill Liu Qianlang more than ten years ago, why didn't we kill him when he had not yet entered the Xuanling Sect and was so weak that he was as weak as an ant, instead of waiting until today? Doesn't that sound ridiculous!?"

Wu Yazi calmed down, but also retorted with cold eyes.

"That's because you weren't strong enough at the time, and besides, you four-star boys only know that the righteous spirit boy is Hunzun, and you don't even know who the other devil star boys, ghost star boys, and spirit star boys are. So you need Use tricks to appear around Soul Venerable, your superiors are very clear, as long as you firmly control Zhengling boy, you won't have to worry about other three-star boys not being able to find you.

Sure enough, when the omens of the Eight Vaults of Heaven in the northern part of the vast land of Shenzhou were ominous, and the four stars gathered together, you successively confirmed the identity of the four-star boy, and started your step-by-step plan. The eclipse of Ouyang Langlong created the Blood Moon Sect, the Northern Tianjue Gate, the Eastern Promise Gate, etc., constantly threatening the growth and safety of the Four Star Boys, but unfortunately none of you succeeded.

Not only did it fail, but because of your plans to kill each other, the four-star boy became stronger and stronger, especially the Zhengling boy, Hunzun, who also discovered some of your ulterior secrets. So you finally couldn't take it anymore, no longer wore masks, no longer manipulated the middle power, and went into battle by yourself!

According to my husband's brief introduction, they have already destroyed the four powers of the Underworld Emperor in the Nether Hell, and you are another force that destroys the world and wants to kill the Four Spirit Boys, am I right? "

Pa'er lightly shook the Floating Stars and Cracking Cloud Fan, and immediately dotted the faint blue cold stars flying mysteriously around, it was extremely beautiful, and a few of them flew out of the dormitory.

"How do you know so much, how do you know, and who are you?" Cai Ling asked in surprise when she heard Pa'er's words, almost every sentence was true.

"Hey, you know me. I used to be Young Master Wenyang of Wenyang Palace. Later, I was kicked out by Confucius. Later, I became Pa'er, married Hunzun, and became a disciple of Langyuanmen. Don't have useless dreams, Pa'er has no relatives with you evil people!"

Pa'er looked at the turbulent sky outside Zunke Palace, followed the blue arc drawn by her own blue cold star, as if admiring a rare scene, her eyes were full of excitement and hope, as if the scene It is the spring breeze, as long as you take good care of it, the flowers will bloom in spring.

"Hmph! Cai Ling, let's stop talking nonsense with them. They're going to die anyway, so why bother with arguing with each other. This world only judges heroes by hundreds. Now we only need to know that they are going to die soon, and we are the final victory." Or, that's enough!"

"That's right! No matter how nice your words are, and no matter how correct your guesses are, it's too late now!"

"Ha ha."


Wu Yazi and Cai Ling laughed mockingly and coldly, and the Youlan mask suddenly appeared on their faces again, and then disappeared strangely in place. The next moment, the laughter had spread far and wide outside the palace High altitude location.

"Hey! Hey!"

Bursts of hurricanes raged and roared outside the Zunke Palace, filled the sky with emerald green, cold smoke and mist, and rushed towards the Zunke Palace like turbulent waves. The Zunke Palace quickly turned into green ice poison jade under the poisonous green ice cold poison, and then the whole Zunke Palace began to quickly turn green.

Miaoyan, Pa'er, Yexiang and Yaya watched all the window sills covered with cold and smoky green frost, and then the green frost began to spread down the window sills to the ground, and the green frost on the ground quickly approached the four of them like a poisonous snake .

The four of them flew up quickly and stopped in the void of Zunke Palace, but the void also began to freeze continuously, turning green and turning into emerald ice poison jade.

"Heck, damn girl, it's over now. I thought you'd be so eloquent and comfortable, and you'd have some magical tricks to save everyone. Now it's over, we're doomed." Miao Yan looked at Cui Binghan around her. The poison will swallow the dead in an instant, he said with a smile.

"Oh! Sister, I am a perfect person, when did you call me such an ugly name." Until this moment, Pa'er still did not forget to savor her silvery sparkling stars and clouds The pure white pear blossoms on the fan sighed with a smile.

"Hehe, look at the two of you who are about to die, and you are still joking, Yaya, it's better for us mothers, even if you die, you won't be alone." Ye Xiang combed Yaya's beautiful temple hair and smiled calmly.

"Hee hee, Yaya is the happiest, to be able to die in the arms of the two teachers and mothers." Yaya said, hugging the three of them together, looking at them with flashing eyes and smiling.

"Well, this girl is calm enough, I like it! But, Yaya said, she still has to learn from me, how can I die casually, Yaya too. But, I don't care about you old guys. Seeing that Yaya can still smile calmly at this moment, Pa'er nodded and smiled.

"Mom! Yan'er Niang, Pa'er Niang!"


"Hee hee! We are here to save you!"

Just as Pa'er finished speaking, there was a burst of joyful shouts from the four Tianling sisters outside Zunke Palace.

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