Nine Heavens

Chapter 1168 Acting Appears


"You two idiots, let him die so easily, what about refining the soul of Jiuding!?"

Cai Ling throws rainbow water chestnuts all over the sky, and when Liu Qianlang forms a huge rainbow light cocoon around him, there is a clear and crisp sound from high above, and then a huge thousand-winged goshawk suddenly appears, flapping its wings It stopped a thousand feet away on the other side of Liu Qianlang. Above the Thousand-winged Goshawk, a man wearing a blue moon mask scolded coldly, "Huh? Who told you my identity? Now that you know my identity, it's time for you to die!" Above the Thousand-winged Goshawk The person in the blue moon shot out two icicle-like eyes from under the mask of the blue moon, roaring and asking.

"Excuse me, Guanghua, no one told me, who else in the world has a mount of a thousand-winged goshawk? In the past, Linghua and I have seen Guanghua riding a blue light eagle, but this time it is riding a thousand-winged goshawk. Goshawk, didn't you clearly tell us that you are Wuhen, the head of Qingxin Dao, and our superior Guanghua!"

Wu Yazi was so frightened that his voice trembled a little, he supported Cailing and explained the reason.


Two beams of faint blue light filled with 100,000 formidable strength instantly shot from the head of the thousand-winged goshawk towards Wu Yazi and Cai Ling, the speed was so fast that the two had no time to dodge, nor did they dare to dodge.

After the Youlan Guanghong splashed groups of Youlan light flowers on the two of them, there was a burst of roar, and then Wu Yazi and Cai Ling were pushed tens of thousands of feet away by the huge force.

"Whoa! Whoa!"

Unsteady in shape, Wu Yazi and Cai Ling spurted out a column of blood at the same time, and then the brilliance around them faded instantly, and they fell slumped in the mist.

"Husband! Cough, we're sorry third brother!" Cai Ling took off the blue moon mask, with blood still bubbling from his mouth, struggling to reach out to Wu Yazi, crying with tears streaming down his face.

"Don't talk about it, Cailing. That's fine too. Heck, let's go and accompany third brother, so that he won't be lonely." Wu Yazi still held the emerald green bamboo flute in his hand, shook his head and crawled towards Cailing, Her hair was disheveled, and she no longer had the elegance and chic of the past.

The two stretched out their hands and struggled towards each other. After a long time, they finally clasped their hands together. But at this moment, both of them were out of breath, and they were almost exhausted.


Wuhen snorted coldly, and with a flick of the whisk, the two of them were swept away for more than ten thousand feet, and then they looked at Liu Qianlang with disdain.

"Liu Qianlang, Liu Qianlang! Aren't you smart, don't you pay attention to great goodness and fairy fate? Now, it's good to kill yourself, and even take the initiative to let the Cui Bing Han Poison Ning Ice Transforming Jade Snake King bite!

Pooh! This is all retribution for going against my fifth law! You don't even look at who you are, you think you are a righteous boy and you can change the rules of the netherworld manipulating the human world! What kind of hero are you for something that even the Nine Heavens Emperor can't do anything about?

If you want to go up against the sky, you can do it by yourself, but you are so overwhelmed, you don’t want to give you a chance, and you still want to bring a lot of relatives and friends to rise to the top, it’s wishful thinking. You idiot, do you think that people who ascended from the great road of legend in the world have become gods in the two realms of the sky? How stupid!

snort! Stop talking, what's the point of talking to a dead man! Come on, haha, this is the Chaos Cauldron, Wuhen finally got his wish and got the supreme treasure of the Chaos Universe, the Soul Refining Nine Cauldrons and the God An Neng Tian's number one divine object, the Tian Wu Ling Scroll! "



Wuhen stood on the thousand-winged goshawk, and after the dust fly in his hand chopped out a long rainbow that hit Liu Qianlang, the two layers of light cocoons formed by the rainbow water chestnut and the emerald ice cold poison outside Liu Qianlang's body immediately turned into pieces all over the sky. star. At the same time, Wu Yazi's three emerald ice snake kings who condensed ice into jade also died!

When Liu Qianlang was exposed, his whole body was crystal clear, standing proudly on the chaotic cauldron that was still changing in all colors and vicissitudes, his white hair flying wildly turned into a green rainbow, and the golden cicada robe in the clean day was like a sculpture, sweeping away in the transformation The moment before turning into a green ice zombie, he didn't move.

However, the Yin Hong Liuxia's Nine Heavens Immortal Fate Sword in his hand was still as red as blood, and the fiery red brilliance flowed endlessly.

"Haha, my Chaos Cauldron, oh! The Nine Heavens Immortal Fate Sword is also mine!"

Seeing the Chaos Chaoding Cauldron and the Nine Heavens Immortal Fate Sword, Wuhen was ecstatic, laughed and reached out to recruit the two gods.

"The Chaos Cauldron is the object of great love, great kindness and great destiny of Empress Nuwa, and the Nine Heavens Immortal Fate Sword is like a brother to me, Liu Qianlang. How can you, a man with a human face and a beast heart, be able to touch it!"

Liu Qianlang, who had become verdant, suddenly trembled all over, and immediately returned to his original white-haired appearance. A moment later, Song Zhen and Cheng Yuanfang also miraculously appeared behind Liu Qianlang.

"You, you?"

Wuhen saw that Liu Qianlang had obviously died under the cold poison of Cui Bing, and Song Zhen and Cheng Yuanfang were also deceived thousands of miles away by himself, but in the blink of an eye, not only Liu Qianlang was resurrected, but was also deceived. The two of them came back. Can't help faltering in horror.

"Huh! What are we doing? When I first came here, I saw that you wanted to attack the third brother suddenly. If I hadn't arrived in time, you would have become a scum without a mouth! Damn it, third brother and I I have always trusted you so much, and left all the members of the Langyuan Sect in Wuhen Palace!

If my brother Yuanfang and I hadn’t met two sister-in-laws and Liao Yan who chased us on a frisbee just now, and Liao Yan used the magical power of the heavenly witch to quickly neutralize the green ice cold poison of the third brother, we would have really suffered from you! "

Song Zhen frowned, his black and white eyebrows moved up and down, and he hummed coldly.

"The sixth brother may not know that Liu Qianlang now has two major soul gates, human soul and ghost. Even without the help of Liaoyan Tianwu's divine power, after a few hours, Liu Qianlang can dissolve the emerald cold poison with his soul power. Even So what if you took away the Chaos Cauldron for a while, Liu Qianlang can still get it back. Besides, the Nine Cauldrons of Soul Refining have recognized me as master, how can you take it away!

Just now Liu Qianlang deliberately endured the cold poison of Cui Bing in order to end the friendship between me and my elder brother Wu Yazi and my seventh younger sister Cailing. Although they also hurt me, they are different from you. No matter what, they still care about the friendship of the seven sons who once gathered together. But you are different, even though I couldn't move just now, I can sense what you did to Big Brother and Seventh Sister!

Let's make a move, today Liu Qianlang will make a break with the fifth law in the world! Don't be merciful, and naturally Liu Qianlang won't either! "

The Nine Heavens Immortal Fate Sword in Liu Qianlang's hand seemed to be unable to hold back for a long time, and let out bursts of whistling. The moment Liu Qianlang thought about it, he had already chopped out ninety-nine and eighty-one roaring dragons.

In an instant, eighty-one roaring dragons rushed towards Wuhen above the thousand-winged goshawk thousands of feet away.

"Haha. Remember! On the third floor at the bottom of Zhuyuan Strange Grotto, your wife Shui'er and my third sister-in-law are here. I'm waiting for you. There is no soul refining Jiuding, hum! Then you come to collect the corpse! Remember Oh, I only wait for you for three hours. After three hours, I will cut off one of the third sister-in-law's fingers every quarter of an hour. Hurry up, the timer will start now, please hurry up, I don't want to do that."

Just when ninety-nine eighty-one howling dragons were about to pounce on Wuhen, Wuhen and the thousand-winged goshawk suddenly turned into a cloud of faint blue light, and then suddenly retracted, condensing into a small dot, Then disappeared.

And Wu Yazi and Cai Ling, who were tens of thousands of feet away, were also taken away by a giant blue hand that stretched out from far away in the sky.


Without attacking Wuhen and the Thousand-Winged Goshawk, ninety-nine or eighty-one mad dragons neighed angrily, flying wildly in the sky, staring at the dragon's eyes thousands of miles away, their rainbow eyes were surging, and they roared endlessly, and immediately shrank back like a whirlwind. The giant blue hand that went back chased after it.

"Third brother, if you slash the fantasy island of trembling soul with your sword, you can immediately enter the second bottom of the strange cave in Zhuyuan!"

Song Zhen stood on the thousand-foot blood unicorn, holding the Qishang Spring in his left hand, holding the astrological ruler in his right hand, and floating a chaotic Luoxiang Wuji disk on his head. He had already calculated the way to the second floor of the Zhuyuan strange cave.

"Thank you fourth brother!"

Liu Qianlang was anxious in his heart. Hearing this, he turned his head and glanced at Song Zhen and Cheng Yuanfang, as well as the black flying disk hovering above his head. Everyone in Tianditang is safe, and they have also found the poetic style to go back halfway to help Liaoyan.

Liu Qianlang felt relieved, as long as he found Shui'er, all his family, brothers and friends would be safe, so he couldn't help but nodded deeply. Then he raised the Nine Heavens Immortal Fate Sword and slashed down suddenly.

"Cang lang lang!"

There was a shocking sword whistle, the sound waves emptied out, and then the trembling soul fantasy island was filled with thousands of colors and stars flying in the sky, and then a huge magic hole as black as ink was exposed at the bottom of the island.

"You all enter the flying disk. If the fourth brother has new results in his calculations, Wanli Yaoyin will inform me. I will take the ghost boat to quickly find the entrance of the second bottom world into the third bottom world of Zhuyuan Strange Cave. Otherwise, things will change later. I'm afraid that your third sister-in-law Shui'er will be murdered!"

When Liu Qianlang spoke, he had already put away the Chaos Cauldron, summoned the ghost boat, and disappeared in the next second.

Song Zhen and Cheng Yuanfang looked at each other, nodded to each other, and then quickly submerged into the flying disk that swooped down from high altitude, and then the flying disk also roared into the mouth of the dark magic cave.

Inside the flying disk.

"Fourth brother, Brother Yuanfang! Sister Liaoyan, thanks to you this time, otherwise our Tricolor Star Palace will be in great trouble!" Pa'er saw Cheng Yuanfang and Song Zhen enter the flying disk, and Miaoyan, Yexiang , Yaya, the flame poison witch stepped forward to salute.

"Sister-in-law Pa'er, please don't praise me. Song Zhen calculated the change in the Wuhen Palace, and it is true that he left behind the seal and the nine-star kit. If Brother Yuanfang hadn't been thoughtful and reminded me, we only sent Sister Shifeng back to inform me halfway through." It's all about your kits, otherwise, we'd still not be able to survive this catastrophe!"

Song Zhen looked at Shi Feng, twisted his black and white eyebrows and said.

"Perhaps God blesses me. I was lucky enough to survive this time. When I flew back to the southeast area of ​​the Wuhen Palace outside the aura seal, I tried various methods but failed to get in. Even my Lanxing raccoon The cracks created by the silent sword are instantly healed, and I can't enter the Wuhen palace at all.

But at that time, I suddenly sensed the spirit wave of the kit, and then I saw the four sisters of Tianling flying inexplicably outside the Wuhen Palace, and the two kits were shining with a faint golden light in Tianling's arms.

I was very happy and flew towards them immediately. But at this moment, Liaoyan's sister suddenly appeared, and quickly hugged Tianling and the other four sisters and flew into the frisbee. Because I was thousands of feet away, it was too late to catch up with them. I had no choice but to use the Blue Star Huanmo Excalibur Jianhong to strengthen the power of Lingbo in Tianling's bosom, hoping that Tianling could sense the existence of the kit as soon as possible. As long as Tianling finds out, Sister Liaoyan will definitely find out, and everyone in Wuhen Palace will be saved!

Thank God, things were really as I thought. Later, Tianling really felt something strange in his arms, and took out the kit, and then sister Liaoyan broke into the Wuhen Palace with a flying disk, saving a member of the three star palace forces. series of things. Sister Liaoyan, giggling, thank you! "

After Shifeng finished speaking, he walked towards Liaoyan, the poisonous witch, Liaoyan, looked at Liaoyan's sparkling eyes, held her slender hand and smiled.

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