Nine Heavens

Chapter 1197: Fascinating Soul Veil

Chapter 1197 Fascinating Soul Veil

"you you?"

Granny Yinghua stared blankly at Huafei for a long time, suddenly her body flickered in lavender, and then continued to shatter, from limbs to body, to face, it turned into feather-like fragments and flew away, raising her finger to Moon Soul Killer, smiling Huafei , screaming terribly.

"So I'm your Moon Soul body?" The Moon Soul Killer frowned and Hua Fei saw Granny Yinghua drifting away, his face suddenly turned pale, and he said dreamily, and then flew towards Granny Yinghua like crazy, thinking Then brush the white face on Granny Sakura.

However, it was too late, when she swooped about ten feet away from Granny Yinghua, her body also began to experience the same changes. In the blink of an eye, Moon Soul Killer Yanxiao Huafei and her Youlan sword turned into thousands of fluttering feathers.

"Heck. I never thought that I would do everything possible to avoid myself, but it was still a dream after all! I hate you, why did you appear here?"

The remaining face of Granny Yinghuahua opened her mouth to question with a wry smile.

"Don't you have eyes? I didn't run away when I saw it! You are sincerely looking for death. Pity me, if I accumulate the last seventy golden hearts tonight, I can become a person in the second world independently. It's all Because of you, let me die! I hate you even more!"

Moon Soul Killer smiled and Hua Fei shook Fei Er's head, waved his broken arm, and cried.

"If I could see it, why wouldn't I avoid it? I'm covered by the veil, and I can't tell your face. I wear the veil all day long, and I'm afraid that you will meet your moon soul body one day , causing common annihilation. Therefore, even if you and I meet by chance, as long as the veil of fascination covers you and me, we will be fine.

However, man is not as good as God, and he actually met you, and you actually killed yourself, took off my veil, and caused me to die too! You and I are different souls, you are the moon soul, and I am the sun soul. Since we transformed into separate bodies, we can't become one again until we succeed in cultivating the second golden light body in the human world. Otherwise, if the two bodies meet, both of us will surely perish! "

Granny Sakura's body has completely turned into feathers, and she lamented.

"Ah! Time, fate!"

After a burst of grief, Moon Soul Killer Smiling Hua Fei and Granny Yinghua disappeared, and even those scattered feathers were instantly swallowed up by the dim night sky.

And the countless blue stone flowers, lilac lavender flowers, or simply called love flowers, and light cloud flowers all disappeared with the disappearance of Smiling Huafei and Granny Yinghua.

The blue sky, the bright moon as before, and the dots of cold stars make people feel bleak.

In the middle of the night, with the cold wind blowing, Liu Qianlang looked at the thousand-foot-deep ravine, still in doubt about what happened just now. The two smile and fly, who is real? How did they become two clones of Moon Soul and Sun Soul? How did Yanxiao Huafei become the Moon Soul Killer? How did her sun soul become Granny Yinghua?

Is all this true or false! Liu Qianlang discovered more and more mysteries, the more the more the more chaotic, it seemed that he suddenly understood at times, but the experience at the next moment negated all his reasoning.

Liu Qianlang, with white hair fluttering around, stood silently in the ghost boat, floating above the Qianzhang ravine, with her arms around her shoulders, looking at the bright moon in the sky, thinking hard.

The cold wind was howling at high altitude, and Liu Qianlang's Tianjinchan robe was constantly being torn by the strong wind, making a loud hula, but Liu Qianlang didn't notice it at all, and his thoughts were flying, thinking about his recent experience bit by bit.

Until the bright moon was falling to the west, Liu Qianlang suddenly thought that the big movement before must have disturbed the rest of every household in Youlanqian City, so he couldn't help but bend down to look.

However, to Liu Qianlang's surprise, none of the fairy shops on both sides of the huge ravine below opened their doors, let alone a single figure appeared.

Feeling incomprehensible, Liu Qianlang landed on the ghost boat and flew slowly along the fairy store on the edge of the ravine, letting go of his spiritual sense to analyze the situation of every household and inner hall.

The moonlit night was cold, but the breath felt in every fairy shop was warm and sweet, and Liu Qianlang's ears were filled with the sound of sleeping snoring.

"Hiss? It's weird here!" Liu Qianlang murmured to himself. Can't understand the people here, the day and night here, the indoors and outdoors here. It's as if the people in Youlan City inside the gate don't know anything about what happened outside the gate.

Whether they really don't know, or don't want to care, the people here are really good! Liu Qianlang was speechless. I thought so in my heart.

It's bloody and windy outside, but I can sleep peacefully inside! Liu Qianlang also felt a little tired, and then looked back, the only place to go was Lingtian Zhaibao on the edge of the cliff.

Not long after, Liu Qianlang sat alone in the dormitory where he lived, wondering whether Suier, the Golden Soul King and Miss Yinghua were safe? Sui Er Yuehun's sword was thrown over his shoulder, what happened to his injury? And could Miss Yinghua, who is wearing a white veil, be her beloved wife Fang Tianyingfang? If yes, why not recognize yourself?

Tired, really tired. Liu Qianlang just spent so long thinking in the sky, but still couldn't figure out many things, and was worried about the safety of Sui Er and others, so he couldn't fall asleep. Continuing to think, his thoughts returned to the ninth floor of Tumo on the left side of the third floor of Youlanqian City.

Just two hours ago, after Liu Qianlang and the Moon Soul Killer who claimed to be Guxin Dumuzhai shattered the ninth floor of Tumo on the left side of the third floor of Youlanqian City, when the Youlan mist cleared.

Liu Qianlang's white hair was lifted slightly, holding the Nine Heavens Immortal Fate Sword and standing on the spot without moving, while the Moon Soul Killer who was exposed to the moonlight in front of Liu Qianlang at this moment, the blue veil on his face was shining with aura, and the moon in his hand The soul sword was even more shimmering, and his figure did not move.

"Why didn't you kill me just now?" the other party asked Liu Qianlang.

"Why do you have to kill you? Liu Qianlang doesn't want to kill people inexplicably, even though it is to get the Heart of Golden Light! If possible, please tell me what kind of killer organization the Moon Soul Killer in Guxin Dumu Village is. I want to know."

Liu Qianlang nodded slightly, hoping that the other party could give him some useful explanations.

"Even if you say it, I won't thank you for it. There is nothing you can trust in the second world, not only between you and me, but even I can't believe myself. So I have to kill and cut, this month The soul killer is always with you. But if you want to know something about Guxin Dumu village from me, don't even think about it."

The other party's answer made Liu Qianlang extremely disappointed, and the tone of the other party's speech was so cold that it was more uncomfortable than a sharp blade piercing the body. Liu Qianlang murmured in his heart, but fortunately the other party was still a woman, his words were so full of evil spirit.

It's better to have a few beloved wives. In contrast, Liu Qianlang suddenly thought of his warm wives.

"Hmph! It's shameful to look like an upright gentleman, but his heart is full of romantic thoughts!" Liu Qianlang thought of his beloved wives, his face burst into joy, and his eyes couldn't help looking at the blue lover's ring on his left hand. I don't want the other party to be able to see through my thoughts, and sneered coldly.


Liu Qianlang exclaimed.

"No matter what, at least Liu Qianlang dares to think about what's in his heart openly and aboveboard, and show his true face, unlike you who cover one side of the veil, and don't even dare to show your true face to others, pretending to be mysterious, isn't it ridiculous?"

Liu Qianlang retorted.

"Hmph! It's not that this month's soul killer doesn't show his true colors, it's just that you don't deserve to see this month's soul killer! Because only dead people have such qualifications!"

The other party snorted coldly, and glanced at Liu Qianlang with disdain.

"Do you know that Liu Qianlang is also a Moon Soul Killer, and he joined just this morning, and it was the Seventh Venerable Flower Awarder who was in charge of issuing the Youlan Stone Flower Order to me and two other friends! Brother, why do you have to speak so harshly!"

Liu Qianlang also revealed his identity as the Moon Soul Killer.

"Hehe, what nonsense, what kind of moon soul killer are you? Since you are a moon soul killer, you don't even have a moon soul sword. How dare you believe it!"

As soon as Liu Qianlang said the words, he was immediately mocked and questioned by the other party.

"Could it be that only the Moon Soul Sword is the real Moon Soul Killer?" Liu Qianlang asked in surprise.

"That's right, you are only eligible to get the Moon Soul Sword after slaughtering seven or forty-nine people, otherwise you are not considered a Moon Soul Killer. Moreover, as a new entry-level Moon Soul Killer, if you fail to perform a mission once, you will be killed immediately." They will all be hunted down by other real moon soul killers!"

Moon Soul Killer looked at the blue sword in his hand with admiration.

"Are you telling me that I have to kill you? Can I ask who is your immortal name?" Liu Qianlang felt that the other party was inexplicably familiar, and for some reason, he couldn't bear to kill him.

"What nonsense, if I want to tell you, why should I wear the moon soul veil!" The other party sneered. At the same time, Youlan's Moon Soul Sword absorbed the moonlight shot by Tianyu, and stabbed at Liu Qianlang again like a lightning bolt.

Liu Qianlang was so focused on seeing the high-level executives of Guxin Dumu Village that he finally made up his mind, and let out a clear whistle, and the next second, the Nine Heavens Immortal Fate Sword pierced through the opponent's throat with a roar.


"You are so cruel!"

When the Nine Heavens Immortal Fate Sword was dripping with bright red blood, the Moon Soul Killer behind Liu Qianlang, the Moon Soul Sword suddenly shattered, fell down slowly, covered his throat with his hands, and sobbed.

Without saying a word, Liu Qianlang quickly turned around and shot back, raising his hand to take off the other party's veil.

"Don't take off my moon soul veil, or you will regret it! Get out!" Liu Qianlang had already stretched his hand to the opponent's face, but the opponent shouted hoarsely.

But how could Liu Qianlang listen to it? When he reached his hand and raised his wrist again, an extremely soft and beautiful face appeared in front of his eyes.

"Peak Master Suifeng!?"

Liu Qianlang quickly knelt down and cried out in pain.

"Hmph! You unworthy descendant, this peak lord has reminded you not to take off my moon soul veil, otherwise you will kill me and you won't know who I am. But now that you know, you should recognize who you are. What kind of person is it! You are a rebellious son who killed the elders! You are the traitor of the Xuanling Sect who was the number one human in the past! Traitor. Heck!"

Fairy Suifeng, covered in blood, suddenly flew to a height of thousands of feet, and then exploded into a cloud of bright red light.

"Haha, throw down a Youlan Pear Blossom Token, this is the rule of our Moon Soul Killer, congratulations on completing the first mission. Here are your ten golden hearts, here you are!"

There was no figure to be seen in an inexplicable direction, and the source of the sound could not be discerned, but before Liu Qianlang's astonished gaze, there were ten golden hearts flickering strangely.

"I killed Suifeng Peak Master! Am I a rebellious person?" Liu Qianlang's face was pale, and his heart was in infinite pain. When he saw the ten golden hearts, he suddenly smelled a strange fragrance in his nose.

Then, Liu Qianlang was very obedient, took out a faint blue stone flower from his bosom, and threw it towards the deep red blood mist thousands of feet high. Then he turned around and walked towards the ninth floor of Tumo on the other side of Youlanqian City with a cold face, holding the bright red Nine Heavens Immortal Fate Sword that was drawn in the air.

The night wind swished, and soon after, Liu Qianlang killed another person. He acted extremely quickly, and after lifting the veil of the murdered person, he found that it was another peak master of the Xuanling Sect—the Empress Moqing.

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