Nine Heavens

Chapter 1206

Chapter 1206

Hearing this, Liu Qianlang was inexplicable for a while, why the other party would ask such a ridiculous question, and couldn't help laughing deliberately: "Because I like her!"

"Really?" Empress Seventh Charm's eyes shot out with infinite joy, and she actually laughed too, with a smile that overwhelmed the city and the country.

"What does this have to do with you?" Liu Qianlang was a little confused.

"Huh! Of course it doesn't matter. I don't like to fight and kill. You can do whatever you want. But I warn you, the golden heart tree at the exit of the second world will not be easy to break through. There will be countless demon skeletons People are attacking you! Take care of yourself."

Seeing Liu Qianlang's face turned cold, Seventh Charm Queen snorted coldly and disappeared before Liu Qianlang's eyes.

"Brother with white hair, save me! Oh, it hurts me to death!" The next moment, Liu Qianlang heard Suier's cry for help from more than a thousand meters below, and hurriedly mobilized the ghost boat to drop to the bottom of the seven-story rainbow in an instant.

Liu Qianlang looked around and saw that Suier's body was not injured, just lying on the ground, bound by circles of seven-color light locks, so he waved his sleeves and rescued Suier into the ghost boat. The power of the gods has gone to the light lock.

"I'm sorry, Suier! The white-haired brother couldn't get away to save you for a while. Who attacked you before, can you see clearly?" Liu Qianlang asked remembering the inexplicable golden light.

"I'm so pissed off, how would I know! I wanted to see the best golden heart, but before I saw it, I was thrown off the boat in a daze!" Sui Er was so angry that his face was pale, and he frowned and pouted.

"Hehe, it's all right. The white-haired brother got what you wanted. Let's go, we should go back. I'll give it to you when I get back." Liu Qianlang looked at Suier's curved eyebrows and watery eyes, Said full of love.

"Hee hee! The white-haired brother is so kind and amazing! Well, let's go back!" Hearing this, Sui'er was very happy, stepped forward to hug Liu Qianlang's arm, and said while laying his head on his shoulder.

Liu Qianlang smiled slightly, and with a thought, he controlled the ghost boat to gallop up.

During the flight, Suir giggled endlessly. Because after the death of more than a thousand bidders for the heart of golden light just now, countless treasures and universe bags dropped everywhere, and there are also gorgeous and infinite wealth in the sea of ​​treasures under the seven-layered rainbow.

When I saw it, I would not let it go, I begged Liu Qianlang to fly around the seven-layer rainbow for a while, and almost all of it was absorbed into the body sea.

"Hmph! You deserve to be called the Empress Mei, who confused a brat so dizzy, where to run, save your life!"


Just when Liu Qianlang and Sui'er collected all the treasures and were about to pass through the blue mist of the Tianque Collection, an old shout suddenly came from the high and far space. Then I saw streaks of faint blue light swaying in the sky tens of thousands of feet high.

"Run, the sky is fighting again!" Suier urged.

"Hehe, good. Listen to me." Liu Qianlang's expression flickered, he was no stranger to the blue light rainbow in the sky, and he had already guessed the origin of the blue light rainbow in his heart, so he smiled.

Soon after, Liu Qianlang and Suier returned to Lingtian Zhaibao, and when they passed by the Jingquan Fairy and Vegetable Store, Suier shouted in surprise: "Brother with white hair, where did the Jingquan Fairy and Vegetable Store go? Let's go to the collection of Tianque, Uncle Jingquan's fairy shop is gone!"

"Hehe, maybe Senior Jingquan and Mrs. Xianshu suddenly attained enlightenment and got promoted!" Liu Qianlang naturally knew why, but she didn't want to tell Suier, because she couldn't bear the fear and worry of innocent Suier.

"That's right. I've heard about such a thing before, but it's the first time I've experienced it. Oops! Oh no, why don't you go to sleep and pick me the sweet dream fruit?" Suier exclaimed.

"Let's go by ourselves, or we can just stay in the sweet dream cave you mentioned, I guess it must be very beautiful there!" Liu Qianlang had already thought about Suier's worries on the way back, and knew that soon Youlan Queshi couldn't stay any longer by himself, so he said this.

"Oh! That's right, why didn't I think of it. There aren't any bad people disturbing me there, so it's settled, let's go back and call Brother Jinhun, let's go now. I can't wait."

Youlan Que City is high in the sky, the blue mist of the previous day has disappeared, and the bright sunlight shines on the market on the floors of the Nine Spiral Ring. The collection of heavenly towers in the sky did not have any impact on Youlanqian City, everything was as usual.

However, after going through Youlan Que City, Liu Qianlang took a few glances at the crowds walking in Jiuluohuanlou Street Market, and happened to see a kind-hearted old man smiling and stabbing an ice sword into his partner, Then he helped his partner and hid in a deserted place at the corner of the street.

The old man immediately changed into another person, showing his fierce face, he raised his palm in an instant and sucked out the soul of his partner, opened his mouth to suck it in, and shot it into the market again with a smile amidst the wailing of his partner

"Hehe, okay, but the white-haired brother is tired today, shall we rest here for the last night?" Liu Qianlang's face was calm, but his heart was deeply motivated, and he silently made a resolution.

So he said this to Suier.

"Hee hee! Alright, by the way, let me sort out the treasures we got. We have so many Golden Hearts at once, and we also got seven or forty-nine Golden Hearts that have been ripened for thousands of years. Wow! Really I dare not even dream about it!"

Hearing this, Suier nodded, remembering that the treasures in the body sea don't care about anything, and agreed.

When Liu Qianlang and Sui'er entered Lingtian Baozhai, the two of them rushed directly to the bedroom of the Golden Soul King. I saw the Golden Soul King lying on the bed with his clothes sprawled all over, with a dozen sweet dream fruits placed in a circle above his head, some of which had been bitten once or twice.

"Hehe, he's still sleeping. Look, he's really slanderous. He even knows how to bite a few sweet dream fruits in his dreams!" Seeing the mouth of the Golden Soul King wriggling in his sleep, Sui Er was so happy that he moved forward and backward.

"Yeah, yum. It's delicious and sweet"


The Golden Soul King tilted his neck and took another bite of the sweet dream fruit next to his mouth, and then kept talking in his sleep.

"Brother White Hair, is he asleep? Isn't he pretending to be asleep?" Sui Er's eyes flickered, a feather appeared in his hand, and he immediately stepped forward to tease the Golden Soul King with a playful smile.

This time, how could the Golden Soul King bear it, he was woken up by Suier after a while, his face was full of embarrassment at first, and then when he heard that the two of them went to Tianquezhiji, he immediately became unhappy and complained for a long time.

It wasn't until Sui Er said that the three of them shared the treasure equally that they all smiled. The next three people closed the door and poured out the Qiankun bag one by one in the lobby, Sui Er and Golden Soul King laughed so hard that they didn't know what to do.

Liu Qianlang helped for a while, and after getting a general idea of ​​the characteristics of the treasures, he said with a smile: "You count them, I'll go back to my room and have a rest."

"Go! Don't worry, Brother Liu, your share will definitely not be lost!" The Golden Soul King immediately supported it, and then smirked and clapped Sui Er with the same expression.

Seeing Liu Qianlang, she just smiled without saying a word, and spread her hands away.

Liu Qianlang sat cross-legged on the bed, first adjusted his breath for more than two hours, and then sorted out his recent thoughts. Now the fake moon soul killer organization is known, and seven or forty-nine fake moon soul killers have been slaughtered by him. Only the Queen of the Seventh Charm, or Mengniang Taoshan, the Seventh Stone Flower Order, the Venerable Flower Awarder, and the three Sun and Moon officials are left.

So where is the Guxin Dumu village where the real Moon Soul Killer organization hides? Who is the lonely and lonely admirer? Not long ago, those Youlan Guanghong who chased and killed the Seventh Charm who left the Tianque Collection with Suier were obviously the actions of the real Moon Soul Killer.

The reason why they came late was obviously that they had spent a lot of effort outside Youlanqian City to break the seal of the Tianque Collection before entering, but it is a pity that the Tianque Collection has come to an end.

"Huh! You are worthy of being called the Queen of Charms, who confused a brat so dizzy, where to run, and save your life!" The voice of this sentence was so familiar, and it seemed to be far away. Where had I heard it before?

The old voice of the person who chased and killed the Seventh Charm Empress has been echoing in Liu Qianlang's ears, and there is always a very familiar feeling, but after thinking about it, he can't be sure who this person is. Can't help thinking deeply.

"Heck, the sun is setting and the moon is rising, and the moon soul is on the move! You are the last moon soul killer of Venerable Ben Hua. I know what you are going to do tonight, and I will not stop you. But promise me, I am a woman who loves beauty. Kill me!" For every person with a golden heart, don't forget to give him a blue stone flower token, okay?

Although the murder is cruel, the blue stone flowers are really beautiful. I like the feeling of watching the blue stone flowers dance in the dark red blood mist.

Kill these people of golden light, I am tired of their existence, and let the second world restore its former beauty. But I did this not because I suddenly became kind, but because of you.

Haha, I give you all these blue stone flowers. I made each one myself. I will wait for you at the exit of the second world. I know you will come sooner or later. This time I won't let you walk out of the second room easily.

Truth be told, I like you, and I have for all eternity. So I promise you to let you slaughter all the people with golden hearts in the second world, and I also allow you to defeat the sun and moon god tree, the tree of golden hearts, so that the second world will become an extremely beautiful world, full of new vitality everywhere. Come as your grave after my death!

You probably don't know that the Empress Dowager was once the number one primordial beauty in the heavens. If you talk about good gods, Nuwa is the number one, and if you talk about beauty, who else is better than me! When the queen gave you the seven-color fate soul, I was in the jungle of Yangliu Yiyi by the Tianling River.

When I saw you, I immediately fell in love with you. If the queen hadn't taken the lead, I would have turned you into my confidant, and enjoyed the joys of the world. However, let Empress Nuwa seize the opportunity and give you a persistent mission.

Do you still remember, after Empress Nuwa left, a fairy floated in front of you, stretched out her hands and held you in her palms to admire for a long time, and then said to you: There is no destiny in the heaven, and the nine strands of the soul are also in the world by! That fairy is me, and then the 100,000 fairy gods in the heavens descend to the realm, and all the fairies in the heavens are unwilling to go. And I begged the six younger sisters to go down together for you.

Unfortunately, the six younger sisters died in the next process. Of the current Seven Charms, only I am a real human body, and the other six sisters are all elves cultivated by me, just to commemorate the six lost sisters.

At that time, I didn't know when you descended to the world, so my soul was divided into nine strands of the beautiful soul, and the eight strands stayed in the first human world, turning into a beautiful girl, and reincarnated in this world, just to meet you. And my ninth ray of main soul, which is me now, has been alone in the Lost City of Absolute Sun, controlling the five worlds, waiting for you all the time.

But what I didn't expect was that in order to wait for you, my nine strands of soul took a different path. The eight strands of soul and you are on the same path of righteous spirits, while I fell into the path of evil spirits. Now that I know that you are the person I want to find, I can't do anything about some things! "


The Seventh Charm Empress, at the end of her speech, actually let out a sigh, and then fell silent again.


Liu Qianlang also sighed, because in his soul thoughts, following the narration of the Seventh Charm Empress, he really remembered the beautiful fairy that Tianlinghe once supported him. That's right, that fairy's face is exactly the face of Empress Seventh Charm now.

"The eight beautiful souls in the first world? Could it be that she is talking about his beloved wife Shui'er, Meng'er and the others?" Liu Qianlang murmured to himself.

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