Nine Heavens

Chapter 1226

Chapter 1226

"Haha, I am really happy to see the formation of the 99,998 Qitianlou, the sky, and the golden rainbow formation is becoming more and more perfect! Alright, you can continue to practice, and I will go look elsewhere."

Duying Canghuang's long shadow laughed, and the goatee on the chin of the shadow's head trembled for a while, then turned his head left and right to look at the army of golden-hearted white-boned ghost demon skeletons on both sides, and laughed wildly away.

"Congratulations to the Duying Canghuang!"

Bing Jinlang was already sweating profusely at this moment, how could he dare to stand up, watching the long figure roaring away, trembling to see him off.

This shadow is too frightening. I have seen with my own eyes that there was once a lord of Xiaoyaojing in Qitianlou who questioned his body. He just straightened his body, and then the lord screamed like crazy, and then collapsed up.

Bing Jinlang didn't dare to get up, until the opponent's long figure was very far away, then got up and practiced his own sky and golden rainbow formation extremely seriously, and didn't dare to be distracted anymore.

Liu Qianlang hides thousands of feet away, and has been paying attention to the changes of the lonely shadow, Canghong. She makes various guesses about this strange shadow in her heart, and is very suspicious of Lingying.

The angle of the opponent's shadow projection is extremely strange, not caused by the sky and moonlight. Because when the moonlight hit his standing shadow standing on the floating building in the void, there was no projection behind him, but his shadow was at another angle. The angle was clearly at his will.

Although it is a shadow, it is quicker and more flexible than a person's physical body. There is also the sideways body, which should be done on purpose, but I don't know the reason for doing so.

He must have a body, and the body should be in the void floating building, Liu Qianlang got such a guess after observing it. He intends to catch up and shoot into the void to take a look, but after thinking about it, something is wrong, besides, the sky and the moon are setting, and it is not far from the bright sky. I should go back as soon as possible, otherwise the flowers on the bed in the Ganlu Pavilion in Jijiugong wake up in the morning and find that I am not there, and it is difficult to explain.

So, with a thought, he quietly controlled the ghost boat and instantly returned to the top space of the Qitian Building where he was. The next moment, he waved his sleeves and released a blue dragonfly, and soon he appeared in the Ganlu Pavilion bedroom without anyone noticing. Among them.

In the dormitory, there is no moonlight outside the window, the space is dark and quiet, with a faint fragrance and warmth, the halo of beautiful jade on the bed is soft, and the inner flowers of the bead curtains are blooming like flowers.

Through the bead curtain, I can see Hua'er's graceful body, slender palms resting her cheeks, sleeping soundly and drunk. Liu Qianlang looked very envious, and really wanted to lie on the gentle bed and have a good sleep.

However, Hua'er and himself are brothers and sisters, so naturally they shouldn't offend her, so they had two fingers in the middle of the index finger, restored the previous phantom body, and lay beside Hua'er. As for himself, he sat cross-legged in the ghost boat, closed his eyes and entered the state of breath adjustment.

In the next few days, the four sisters of Huahaoyueyuan led them to play everywhere during the day, and they were free to enjoy the ninety-nine and eighty-one spiritual realms, walking and living, singing and dancing everywhere, and surrounded by fragrance all the time.

Liu Qianlang knew that there would not be any big moves outside Xiaoyao for the time being, so she was also happy to be intoxicated for a few days. At night, the old way to deal with the four Huahaoyueyuan sisters. Of course, I didn't know what I did, and I always regarded myself as my lover, and Liu Qianlang was very uncomfortable watching him every time.

These days, Liu Qianlang's favorite is the Nine Places of Spiritual Flowers and Wine Springs in the Nine Nine Eighty-One Happy Spiritual Realm. Go every day, drink and laugh. He secretly planned in his heart that sooner or later he would definitely include this Ninety-Nine-Eighty-One Happy Spiritual Realm into his black jade skull. It's just that the time is wrong at this moment, so I have to play temporarily.

On this day, when the sun was setting and the moon was rising, Liu Qianlang was tasting immortal wine and delicacies at Lip Xiangzhai, watching songs and dancing, when he suddenly saw Hua'er with a gorgeous and shy face, poured a glass of immortal wine, gave it to Liu Qianlang, and said, "Congratulations!" Palace Master, I will be very happy at midnight tomorrow!"

Hearing this, Liu Qianlang knew that Duguying, the owner of Duying Village, was finally going to see her, so she was prepared in her heart, but said with a smile, "Hehe, what do you mean by Huaer's words? Singing songs at night. Isn’t it great joy every night, is there anything more beautiful?”

"Hehe, that's right. Didn't you find that the fairy wine and delicacies of the palace master today are a bit special? On this fairy table, there are all kinds of Jiuquan springs, nine fairyland Yaochi gardens, nine spirit flowers, and nine extreme black pills. Xun Zhai, Nine Absolute Immortals and Gods’ Artifacts, God’s Hongshuo Hall, Nine Absolute Auspicious Birds, Nine Ruixiang Beasts’ Dishes, Nine Wenxiangjing Wanniang Presents Songs and Dances, and Nine Man Mirrors Open.

Such a luxurious fairy banquet is all for the sake of auspiciousness when the lord of the palace at midnight will be named the Lone Shadow Demon Emperor tomorrow. Hee hee, the palace lord doesn't know yet, the palace lord will be blessed with golden light tomorrow night. "

Hua'er smiled, and was about to speak, Yuan'er was on the other side of Liu Qianlang, holding a bunch of fairy fruits in his hand, and spoke first.

"Hehe, congratulations to the Lord of the Ninth Palace, the golden light!"

As soon as Yuan'er finished speaking, all the young women who served Liu Qianlang Lip Xiangzhai were drinking from wine cups with fairy meals, singing and dancing show girls, sweet ladies of fairy music, door attendants, etc., and all the young ladies were laughing and blessing.

"Oh! The Lone Shadow Demon Emperor? Haha, it sounds very domineering. I don't know how you guys know this news, but why doesn't my Palace Master know?" Liu Qianlang asked with a smile.

"It was the news from the Jijiu Xiaoke outside the Xiaoyao Palace this morning. Haoer, Yueer and Yuaner, as the Fenghua seat of the Jijiu Xiaoyao Realm, are the favored people of the Palace Master. We, we are very happy for the palace lord, and we specially prepared a grand feast for the ninety-nine and eighty-one tonight, and wanted to surprise the palace lord. That's why we didn't tell you until now!"

Hua'er's eyes sparkled, she picked up the fairy wine pot, poured wine for Liu Qianlang and replied.

"Haha, thank you all. It's a pity that I can only enjoy the auspicious feast on such a happy day. I pass on the order of the Palace Master, and all the people present will accompany the Palace Master. I will have a long night of drinking and drinking tonight, regardless of the status. How are you?"

Liu Qianlang got up to patrol the cups, and greeted hundreds of waiters with a big smile.


Although Liu Qianlang said so far, the surrounding people were very happy, but they didn't dare to go forward, they all hesitated in surprise, and all looked at the four Huahaoyueyuan sisters.

"Hehe, good sister, I'm happy today, just listen to the Palace Master!" Yuan'er glanced at Liu Qianlang and the surrounding sisters, then floated to Liu Qianlang's sister Hua'er on the other side, begging Hua'er coquettishly.

"Well, alright! But this time only, since the palace lord is kind, all the sisters present should be seated." Hua'er raised her eyes and saw Liu Qianlang nodding her head, looking around at the people around her and said.

"Hehe, wow! So many delicious food, hee hee!"

Qunfang around immediately stepped forward, and after toasting Liu Qianlang several times, they all chatted and laughed with the wind and rain. When they were happy, they danced and sang happily again.

Everyone ate and drank happily, and Liu Qianlang couldn't stop laughing, and everyone laughed happily until after midnight. Gradually, Miao Nv and Rou Sister were flushed with drunkenness, threw themselves on tables and chairs, and fell asleep soundly.

The four sisters were fine, they drank with Liu Qianlang for a while, and then they tilted the tables and chairs one after another, and stopped shouting.

"Ha ha ha ha"

Liu Qianlang drank by himself, not drunk at all, looking at the sky outside the window of Lip Xiangzhai, enjoying himself alone. In the middle of the night, the bright moon is shining brightly, and the stars and clouds are hovering, which is beautiful. Liu Qianlang was in a good mood, smiling heartily

"Hey, Sister Hua'er, the lord of the palace, Jin Guang, has become the solitary shadow demon emperor, and the good day of our Jijiu Xiaoyao Palace is coming soon. The day when the lord of the Jijiu sky, the golden rainbow, will lead us through the golden heart. When the sea of ​​golden light was treed?"

In a sound sleep, Yuan'er smiled dreamily.

After Liu Qianlang heard it, she turned her eyes away, looked at the huge Youlan Immortal Table, and looked at the sleeping girls in various poses. She looked at the beautiful faces of each and every one, and felt a sense of pity in her heart.

Poured a glass of fine wine and said with a soft smile: "Hehe, a group of silly sisters, don't worry, they will. It's just that Liu Qianlang is very strange, but there are only so many women in this Jijiu Xiaoyao Palace, and they are all young and young. , where did you all come from? All the old and young women in the First Human World added together, wouldn’t there be as many as ninety-nine thousand nine hundred and ninety-nine places of happiness?”

Liu Qianlang felt that the origin of the beautiful women in front of him and everywhere in the Extreme Nine Palaces was really strange, so he couldn't help but glanced at their faces one by one.

Different faces, different looks, but Liu Qianlang looked around several times, and couldn't find any woman who could be described as ugly or even unattractive. On the contrary, every face is amazingly beautiful, the more you look at it, the more perfect it is, it is picturesque, and it shakes the soul.

Including Huahaoyueyuan, the four sisters are no strangers to him, and they are also a little strangely beautiful now, looking at the faces of the four sisters, Liu Qianlang always feels the urge to be infinitely seduced, and has been trying to suppress it.

Time is like running water, a night is not long, when Liu Qianlang was drinking alone, the bright moon outside the window was slanting to the west, passing by the eaves, and gradually disappeared.

Hearing the sound of sweet and peaceful breathing in his ears also aroused his drowsiness, so he lowered his head and lay down on the arms raised on the table.

However, at this moment, Liu Qianlang suddenly saw a golden glow from the corner of his eyes, which was not strong, and came from the body of a Yueniang who was more than ten feet away from the fairy table.

Liu Qianlang was startled suddenly, and immediately lost all sleepiness, and then activated the psychic Bright Eyes, raising his vision to the level of hundreds of millions of breaths, and the scene in front of him made him dumbfounded.

All the women in front of me, apart from Huahaoyueyuan's four junior sisters, there is also a charming and beautiful woman. The person who is lying on the table and holding the chair is all a skeleton with a golden heart.

The flesh and blood meridians outside their bodies are all made of inexplicable psychedelic substances, and then they are covered by neon dresses and skirts, and psychedelic techniques are applied to their bodies. Their concealment was perfect, if Liu Qianlang didn't have psychic eyes, he wouldn't be able to see through their true colors no matter what.

Liu Qianlang found out the secrets of these women and kept silent. He stared and pondered for a while, then looked at Hua Haoyueyuan's four junior sisters. It was soon discovered that although the four junior sisters were not golden hearts and golden veins, their hearts and bodies had already been soaked with a large amount of golden light and nether poison.

Next, Liu Qianlang quietly stimulated the seven frightening righteous spirits in his body, and then transformed them into soft and warm floral fragrances, and injected them into Hua Haoyueyuan's body respectively. When seeing the golden mist bubbling from the bodies of the four sisters, and finally no more, Liu Qianlang analyzed their pulses again and found that they were normal, so he was relieved to withdraw his spiritual power.

Huahaoyueyuan and the four sisters were drunk and asleep, Liu Qianlang expelled the poison for them in this way, they didn't know it, and fell asleep all the time. Liu Qianlang didn't wake them up either, he suddenly controlled the ghost boat and flew out of Lip Xiangzhai.

Liu Qianlang stood upright in the ghost boat, and then turned into a thin cloud as a whole, and started the weird instant travel of the Nine Xiaoyao Palace. For about two hours, Liu Qianlang visited every spiritual realm in Jijiu Xiaoyao Palace. Everything I saw was unexpected and imagined. Except for the four Huahaoyueyuan sisters in the entire Jijiu Xiaoyaojing, all the women are transformed by skeletons with white bones and golden hearts.

Such a discovery shocked Liu Qianlang, and he faintly felt that he was caught in a huge conspiracy by the other party, but the conspiracy was not yet known.

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